Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function get_settings()
     /* Basic Configuration */
     $this->settings['rootdirectory'] = array('title' => 'Set Root Directory', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('install' => 'WP Install Directory', 'siteurl' => 'Site Root Directory'), 'dflt' => 'install');
     $this->settings['strictlogin'] = array('title' => 'Dynamic Usernames', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('false' => 'Force Lowercase', 'true' => 'Strict Matching'), 'dflt' => 'false');
     $this->settings['base1'] = array('title' => 'Base Directory 1', 'type' => 'basedir', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['bs1name'] = array('holder' => 'Display Name', 'class' => 'fileaway-basename fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['base2'] = array('title' => 'Base Directory 2', 'type' => 'basedir', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['bs2name'] = array('holder' => 'Display Name', 'class' => 'fileaway-basename fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['base3'] = array('title' => 'Base Directory 3', 'type' => 'basedir', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['bs3name'] = array('holder' => 'Display Name', 'class' => 'fileaway-basename fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['base4'] = array('title' => 'Base Directory 4', 'type' => 'basedir', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['bs4name'] = array('holder' => 'Display Name', 'class' => 'fileaway-basename fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['base5'] = array('title' => 'Base Directory 5', 'type' => 'basedir', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['bs5name'] = array('holder' => 'Display Name', 'class' => 'fileaway-basename fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['baseurl'] = array('title' => 'Base URL', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => fileaway_utility::urls(), 'dflt' => rtrim(get_home_url(1), '/'));
     $this->settings['redirect'] = array('title' => 'Guest Redirect URL', 'holder' => 'http://yourdomain.com/registration-page/', 'class' => 'fileaway-permexclusions fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['exclusions'] = array('title' => 'Permanent Exclusions', 'holder' => '.avi, My Embarrasing Photograph, .tif, My Rough Draft Essay', 'class' => 'fileaway-permexclusions fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['direxclusions'] = array('title' => 'Exclude Directories', 'holder' => 'My Private Files, Weird_Server_Directory_Name, etc.', 'class' => 'fileaway-permexclusions fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['newwindow'] = array('title' => 'New Window', 'holder' => 'Example: .pdf, .jpg, .png, .gif, .mp3, .mp4', 'class' => 'fileaway-newwindow fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['encryption_key'] = array('title' => 'Encryption Key', 'class' => 'fileaway-encryptionkey fileaway-inline', 'submit' => true);
     $this->settings['banner_directory'] = array('title' => 'Banner Directory', 'type' => 'rootpath', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['download_prefix'] = array('title' => 'Bulk Download File Prefix', 'class' => 'fileaway-download-prefix fileaway-inline', 'dflt' => '');
     /* Feature Options */
     $this->settings['modalaccess'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Modal Access', 'type' => 'select', 'dflt' => 'edit_posts', 'choices' => fileaway_utility::caps());
     $this->settings['tmcerows'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Button Position', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('' => 'First Row', '_2' => 'Second Row', '_3' => 'Third Row', '_4' => 'Fourth Row'), 'dflt' => '_2');
     $this->settings['stylesheet'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Stylesheet Placement', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('footer' => 'Footer when necessary', 'header' => 'Header all the time'), 'dflt' => 'footer');
     $this->settings['javascript'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Javascript Placement', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('footer' => 'Footer when necessary', 'header' => 'Header all the time'), 'dflt' => 'header');
     $this->settings['pathinfo'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Alternative Pathinfo', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('disabled' => 'Disabled', 'enabled' => 'Enabled'), 'dflt' => 'disabled');
     $this->settings['daymonth'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Date Display Format', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('md' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', 'dm' => 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 'dflt' => 'md');
     $this->settings['postidcolumn'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Post ID Column', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('enabled' => 'Enabled', 'disabled' => 'Disabled'), 'dflt' => 'enabled');
     $this->settings['loadusers'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Load Users', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('false' => 'False', 'true' => 'True'), 'dflt' => 'false');
     $this->settings['adminstyle'] = array('section' => 'options', 'title' => 'Admin Style', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('classic' => 'Classic', 'minimal' => 'Minimal'), 'dflt' => 'classic', 'submit' => true);
     /* Custom Styles */
     $this->settings['custom_list_classes'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Custom List Classes', 'holder' => 'classname1|Display Name 1, classname2|Display Name 2', 'class' => 'fileaway-custom fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['custom_table_classes'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Custom Table Classes', 'holder' => 'classname1|Display Name 1, classname2|Display Name 2', 'class' => 'fileaway-custom fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['custom_flightbox_classes'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Custom Flightbox Classes', 'holder' => 'classname1|Display Name 1, classname2|Display Name 2', 'class' => 'fileaway-custom fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['custom_color_classes'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Custom Color Classes', 'holder' => 'classname1|Display Name 1, classname2|Display Name 2', 'class' => 'fileaway-custom fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['custom_accent_classes'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Custom Accent Classes', 'holder' => 'classname1|Display Name 1, classname2|Display Name 2', 'class' => 'fileaway-custom fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['custom_stylesheet'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Custom Stylesheet', 'holder' => 'my-custom-stylesheet.css', 'class' => 'fileaway-custom-stylesheet fileaway-inline');
     $this->settings['customcss'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Custom Styles', 'type' => 'customcss', 'class' => 'code fileaway-customcss', 'helplink' => false);
     $this->settings['css_editor'] = array('section' => 'customcss', 'title' => 'Switch Editors', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('syntax' => 'Syntax Highlighted', 'plain' => 'Resizable (Plain Text)'), 'dflt' => 'syntax', 'class' => 'fileaway-custom fileaway-inline', 'helplink' => false, 'submit' => true);
     /*Manager Mode */
     $this->settings['manager_role_access'] = array('section' => 'manager', 'title' => 'Access by Role/Capability', 'type' => 'rolescaps', 'input' => 'hidden');
     $this->settings['manager_user_access'] = array('section' => 'manager', 'title' => 'Access by User', 'type' => 'users', 'input' => 'hidden');
     $this->settings['managerpassword'] = array('section' => 'manager', 'title' => 'Override Password', 'class' => 'fileaway-overridepassword fileaway-inline', 'input' => 'password', 'submit' => true);
     /* Statistics */
     $this->settings['stats'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Download Statistics', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('false' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'), 'dflt' => 'false');
     $this->settings['ignore_roles'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Ignore Roles/Caps', 'type' => 'rolescaps', 'input' => 'hidden');
     $this->settings['ignore_users'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Ignore Users', 'type' => 'users', 'input' => 'hidden');
     $this->settings['recordlimit'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Record Limit', 'holder' => 'e.g., 1000', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline fileaway-integer');
     $this->settings['recordlifespan'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Record Lifespan', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('1 week' => 'One Week', '2 weeks' => 'Two Weeks', '1 month' => 'One Month', '3 months' => 'Three Months', '6 months' => 'Six Months', '1 year' => 'One Year', '2 years' => 'Two Years', 'forever' => 'Eternal Life'), 'dflt' => '3months');
     $this->settings['instant_stats'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Instant Notifications', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('false' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'), 'dflt' => 'false');
     $this->settings['instant_sender_name'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Sender Name', 'dflt' => get_bloginfo('site_name'), 'holder' => 'Your Name');
     $this->settings['instant_sender'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Sender Email', 'dflt' => get_option('admin_email'), 'holder' => '*****@*****.**');
     $this->settings['instant_recipients'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Recipient Emails', 'holder' => 'one@email.com, two@email.com, etc.', 'submit' => true);
     $this->settings['instant_subject'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Email Subject', 'holder' => '%blog% %file% %datetime%', 'dflt' => '%blog% - %file% downloaded at %datetime%', 'submit' => true);
     $this->settings['compiled_stats'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Compiled Notifications', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('false' => 'Disabled', 'daily' => 'Daily', 'weekly' => 'Weekly', 'fortnightly' => 'Fortnightly'), 'dflt' => 'false');
     $this->settings['compiled_sender_name'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Sender Name', 'dflt' => get_bloginfo('site_name'), 'holder' => 'Your Name');
     $this->settings['compiled_sender'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Sender Email', 'holder' => '*****@*****.**', 'dflt' => get_option('admin_email'));
     $this->settings['compiled_recipients'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Recipient Emails', 'holder' => 'one@email.com, two@email.com, etc.', 'submit' => true);
     $this->settings['compiled_subject'] = array('section' => 'stats', 'title' => 'Email Subject', 'holder' => '%blog% %dates%', 'dflt' => '%blog% - Download Stats for %dates%', 'submit' => true);
     /* RSS Feeds */
     $this->settings['feeds'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Feed Storage Directory', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-feeds fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'rootpath');
     $this->settings['basefeeds'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Monitored Directories', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-feeds fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'basefeed');
     $this->settings['excluded_feeds'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Excluded Sub-Directories', 'class' => 'fileaway-basedir fileaway-feeds fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'basefeed');
     $this->settings['feed_excluded_exts'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Excluded File Extensions', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'text', 'holder' => 'ini, html, etc.');
     $this->settings['feed_excluded_files'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Excluded Strings', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'text', 'holder' => 'example, test, draft');
     $this->settings['feedlimit'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Feed Limit', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline fileaway-integer', 'type' => 'text', 'holder' => 'e.g., 50');
     $this->settings['feeddates'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Show Dates Modified', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('true' => 'Enabled', 'false' => 'Disabled'), 'dflt' => 'true');
     $this->settings['feedsize'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Show File Size', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('true' => 'Enabled', 'false' => 'Disabled'), 'dflt' => 'true');
     $this->settings['feedlinks'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Direct File Links', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('true' => 'Enabled', 'false' => 'Disabled'), 'dflt' => 'true');
     $this->settings['recursivefeeds'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Feeds within Feeds', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('true' => 'Enabled', 'false' => 'Disabled'), 'dflt' => 'true');
     $this->settings['feedinterval'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Auto Feed Updates', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('fifteenminutes' => 'Every 15 Minutes', 'thirtyminutes' => 'Every 30 Minutes', 'fortyfiveminutes' => 'Every 45 Minutes', 'hourly' => 'Every Hour', 'sixhours' => 'Every 6 Hours', 'twicedaily' => 'Every 12 Hours', 'daily' => 'Once a Day', 'weekly' => 'Once a Week'), 'dflt' => 'hourly', 'submit' => true);
     $this->settings['updatefeeds'] = array('section' => 'feeds', 'title' => 'Manual Feed Updates', 'class' => 'fileaway-inline', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('true' => 'Update Feeds on Save', 'false' => 'Disable Manual Updates'), 'dflt' => 'true', 'submit' => true);
     /* Database Options */
     $this->settings['reset_options'] = array('section' => 'database', 'title' => 'Reset to Defaults', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('' => '', 'reset' => 'Reset on Save'), 'dflt' => '');
     $this->settings['preserve_options'] = array('section' => 'database', 'title' => 'On Uninstall', 'type' => 'select', 'choices' => array('preserve' => 'Preserve Settings', 'delete' => 'Delete Settings'), 'dflt' => 'preserve', 'submit' => true);
 public function handle($handler = false)
     $base = $this->base();
     $upbase = $this->base();
     $csvbase = $this->base();
     $liststyles = $this->styles('lists');
     $tablestyles = $this->styles('tables');
     $flightboxstyles = $this->styles('flightboxes');
     $random = $this->colors('random');
     $matched = $this->colors('matched');
     $classic = $this->colors('classic');
     $filegroups = $this->filegroups();
     $roles = fileaway_utility::caps();
     $all = $handler && in_array($handler, $this->shortcodes) ? false : true;
     if ($all || $handler == 'fileaway') {
         $this->shortcodes['fileaway'] = array('type' => array('default' => 'list', 'options' => array('' => 'Sorted List', 'table' => 'Sortable Data Table')), 'base' => array('list' => array('default' => '1', 'options' => $base), 'table' => array('default' => '1', 'options' => $base)), 'sub' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'makedir' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'))), 'name' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'paginate' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'true')), 'pagesize' => array('table' => array('default' => '15', 'options' => false)), 'search' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Enabled', 'no' => 'Disabled'))), 'searchlabel' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'filenamelabel' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'datelabel' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'customdata' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'metadata' => array('table' => array('default' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'In File Name', 'database' => 'In Database'), 'binary' => 'database')), 'sortfirst' => array('table' => array('default' => 'filename', 'options' => array('' => 'Filename ASC', 'filename-desc' => 'Filename DSC', 'type' => 'Filetype ASC', 'type-desc' => 'Filetype DSC', 'custom' => 'Custom Column ASC', 'custom-desc' => 'Custom Column DSC', 'mod' => 'Date Modified ASC', 'mod-desc' => 'Date Modified DSC', 'size' => 'Filesize ASC', 'size-desc' => 'Filesize DSC', 'disabled' => 'Disable Sorting'))), 'mod' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Hide', 'yes' => 'Show')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Show', 'no' => 'Hide'))), 'size' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Show', 'no' => 'Hide')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Show', 'no' => 'Hide'))), 'nolinks' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'False', 'yes' => 'True'), 'binary' => 'yes'), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'False', 'yes' => 'True'), 'binary' => 'yes')), 'redirect' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'true'), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'true')), 'showrss' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'False', 'true' => 'True'), 'binary' => 'true')), 'fadein' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'opacity' => 'Opacity Fade', 'display' => 'Display Fade')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'opacity' => 'Opacity Fade', 'display' => 'Display Fade'))), 'fadetime' => array('list' => array('default' => '1000', 'options' => array('500' => '500', '' => '1000', '1500' => '1500', '2000' => '2000')), 'table' => array('default' => '1000', 'options' => array('500' => '500', '' => '1000', '1500' => '1500', '2000' => '2000'))), 'class' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'debug' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'))), 's2skipconfirm' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Confirmations On', 'true' => 'Confirmations Off')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Confirmations On', 'true' => 'Confirmations Off'))), 'stats' => array('list' => array('default' => 'true', 'options' => array('' => 'Enabled', 'false' => 'Disabled')), 'table' => array('default' => 'true', 'options' => array('' => 'Enabled', 'false' => 'Disabled'))), 'bulkdownload' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'on')), 'playback' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'compact' => 'Compact', 'extended' => 'Extended'), 'binary' => 'compact')), 'playbackpath' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'playbacklabel' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'onlyaudio' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'true')), 'loopaudio' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'true' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'true')), 'flightbox' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'images' => 'Images', 'videos' => 'Videos', 'pdfs' => 'PDFs', 'multi' => 'Multi-Media')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'images' => 'Images', 'videos' => 'Videos', 'pdfs' => 'PDFs', 'multi' => 'Multi-Media'))), 'boxtheme' => array('list' => array('default' => 'minimalist', 'options' => $flightboxstyles), 'table' => array('default' => 'minimalist', 'options' => $flightboxstyles)), 'nolinksbox' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Enable Downloads', 'true' => 'Disable Downloads'), 'binary' => 'true'), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Enable Downloads', 'true' => 'Disable Downloads'), 'binary' => 'true')), 'maximgwidth' => array('list' => array('default' => '1920', 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => '1920', 'options' => false)), 'maximgheight' => array('list' => array('default' => '1080', 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => '1080', 'options' => false)), 'videowidth' => array('list' => array('default' => '1920', 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => '1920', 'options' => false)), 'encryption' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'on'), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'on')), 'recursive' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'on'), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'on')), 'directories' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'on')), 'manager' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'on' => 'Enabled'), 'binary' => 'on')), 'drawerid' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'excludedirs' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'onlydirs' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'drawericon' => array('table' => array('default' => 'drawer', 'options' => array('' => 'Drawer', 'drawer-2' => 'Drawer Alt', 'book' => 'Book', 'cabinet' => 'Cabinet', 'console' => 'Console'))), 'drawerlabel' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'password' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'user_override' => array('table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'role_override' => array('table' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles)), 'dirman_access' => array('table' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles)), 'exclude' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'include' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'only' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'images' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Include', 'only' => 'Only', 'none' => 'Exclude')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Include', 'only' => 'Only', 'none' => 'Exclude'))), 'code' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Exclude', 'yes' => 'Include')), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Exclude', 'yes' => 'Include'))), 'devices' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'All Devices', 'desktop' => 'Desktops/Notebooks', 'mobile' => 'Mobiles/Tablets')), 'table' => array('options' => array('' => 'All Devices', 'desktop' => 'Desktops/Notebooks', 'mobile' => 'Mobiles/Tablets'))), 'limit' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'limitby' => array('list' => array('default' => 'random', 'options' => array('' => 'Random', 'oldest' => 'Oldest', 'mostrecent' => 'Most Recent', 'alpha' => 'Alpha Asc', 'alpha-desc' => 'Alpha Desc')), 'table' => array('default' => 'random', 'options' => array('' => 'Random', 'mostrecent' => 'Most Recent', 'oldest' => 'Oldest', 'alpha' => 'Alpha Asc', 'alpha-desc' => 'Alpha Desc'))), 'showto' => array('list' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles), 'table' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles)), 'hidefrom' => array('list' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles), 'table' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles)), 'theme' => array('list' => array('default' => 'minimal-list', 'options' => $liststyles), 'table' => array('default' => 'minimalist', 'options' => $tablestyles)), 'heading' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'width' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => '100', 'options' => false)), 'perpx' => array('list' => array('default' => '%', 'options' => array('' => 'Percent', 'px' => 'Pixels')), 'table' => array('default' => '%', 'options' => array('' => 'Percent', 'px' => 'Pixels'))), 'align' => array('list' => array('default' => 'left', 'options' => array('' => 'Left', 'right' => 'Right', 'none' => 'None')), 'table' => array('default' => 'left', 'options' => array('' => 'Left', 'right' => 'Right', 'none' => 'None'))), 'textalign' => array('table' => array('default' => 'center', 'options' => array('' => 'Center', 'left' => 'Left', 'right' 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array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles), 'table' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles)), 'hidefrom' => array('list' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles), 'table' => array('default' => 'skip', 'options' => $roles)), 'theme' => array('list' => array('default' => 'minimal-list', 'options' => $liststyles), 'table' => array('default' => 'minimalist', 'options' => $tablestyles)), 'heading' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false)), 'width' => array('list' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'table' => array('default' => '100', 'options' => false)), 'perpx' => array('list' => array('default' => '%', 'options' => array('' => 'Percent', 'px' => 'Pixels')), 'table' => array('default' => '%', 'options' => array('' => 'Percent', 'px' => 'Pixels'))), 'align' => array('list' => array('default' => 'left', 'options' => array('' => 'Left', 'right' => 'Right', 'none' => 'None')), 'table' => array('default' => 'left', 'options' => 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=> 'Vertical', 'inline' => 'Side-by-Side', '2col' => 'Two Columns'))));
     if ($all || $handler == 'stataway_user') {
         $this->shortcodes['stataway_user'] = array('output' => array('default' => 'total', 'options' => array('' => 'Total Downloads', 'ol' => 'Ordered List', 'ul' => 'Unordered List')), 'scope' => array('default' => 'week', 'options' => array('24hrs' => 'Past 24 Hours', '' => 'Past Week', 'twoweeks' => 'Past Two Weeks', 'month' => 'Past Month', 'year' => 'Past Year', 'all' => 'All Time')), 'user' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false), 'timestamp' => array('default' => false, 'options' => array('' => 'Hide', 'yes' => 'Show')), 'class' => array('default' => false, 'options' => false));
     if ($all || $handler == 'fileaway_tutorials') {
         $this->shortcodes['fileaway_tutorials'] = array('showto' => array('default' => false, 'options' => $roles), 'hidefrom' => array('default' => false, 'options' => $roles));