Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getData()
     // Create connection
     $originalUrl = "http://www.locanto.ph/geo/539918/Houses-for-Rent/307/Cebu-City/?sort=dist&dist=&post_type=1&page=";
     $page = 0;
     $allItem = 1;
     $reference_no = '';
     $original_site = '';
     $site_link_id = '1';
     $original_post_link = '';
     $title = '';
     $description = '';
     $price = '';
     $product_image = '';
     $furnishing = '';
     $location = '';
     $posted_date = '';
     $square_area = '';
     $bedrooms = '';
     $bathrooms = '';
     $floor = '';
     $name_of_posted_person = '';
     $contact_mobile = '';
     $contact_email = '';
     $contact_landline = '';
     $created = '';
     $modified = '';
     $status = '';
     ## Get the data from page 1 to bottom
     do {
         $urls = $originalUrl . $page;
         $variable = parent::exeCurl($urls);
         $xpath = parent::dom($variable);
         #get text header
         $properties = $xpath->query('//div[@class="resultRow"]');
         #loop through each of the row items
         $numberOfItem = 0;
         foreach ($properties as $container) {
             $arr = $container->getElementsByTagName("a");
             // get the anchor tag
             $img = $container->getElementsByTagName("img");
             $url = "";
             $x = 0;
             foreach ($arr as $index => $item) {
                 $href = $item->getAttribute("href");
                 if ($x === 1) {
                     $url = $href;
             ## Open single html
             $variable = parent::exeCurl($url);
             $xpathRow = parent::dom($variable);
             ## Get the ID Number
             $rowID = $xpathRow->query('//div[@id="ad-info-header"]');
             $propID = "";
             foreach ($rowID as $rowItem) {
                 $text = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\nAdID: ]+/", "", $rowItem->nodeValue));
                 $propID = $text;
             $con = parent::connection();
             $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM fdci_web_crawler WHERE reference_no = '{$propID}' AND site_link_id = '{$site_link_id}'");
             if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
             ## Get the title
             $rowTitle = $xpathRow->query('//span[@class="h2"]');
             $propTitle = "";
             foreach ($rowTitle as $rowItem) {
                 $text = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", $rowItem->nodeValue));
                 $propTitle = $text;
             ## Get the price
             $rowPrice = $xpathRow->query('//div[@class="h1gray"]');
             $propPrice = "";
             foreach ($rowPrice as $rowItem) {
                 $text = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n₱,m²BR]+/", "", $rowItem->nodeValue));
                 $propPrice = $text;
                 $explodedPrice = explode(" ", $propPrice);
             ## Get the Advertiser
             $rowAdvertiser = $xpathRow->query('//div[@class="mybox_wrapper"]//div[@class="mybox_title"]');
             $array = array();
             foreach ($rowAdvertiser as $rowItem) {
                 $array[] = $rowItem->nodeValue;
             $arr = $array[1];
             $explodedAdvertiser = explode(" ", $arr);
             ## Get the Street Address
             $rowStreet = $xpathRow->query('//span[@itemprop="streetAddress"]');
             $propStreet = "";
             foreach ($rowStreet as $rowItem) {
                 $text = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "", $rowItem->nodeValue));
                 $propStreet = $text;
             ## Get the Local Address
             $rowLocation = $xpathRow->query('//span[@itemprop="addressLocality"]');
             $propCity = "";
             foreach ($rowLocation as $rowItem) {
                 $text = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "", $rowItem->nodeValue));
                 $propCity = $text;
             ## Get the Country
             $rowCountry = $xpathRow->query('//span[@itemprop="addressCountry"]');
             $propCountry = "";
             foreach ($rowCountry as $rowItem) {
                 $text = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "", $rowItem->nodeValue));
                 $propCountry = $text;
             ## Get the Description
             $rowDesc = $xpathRow->query('//div[@id="js-user_content"]');
             $propDesc = "";
             foreach ($rowDesc as $rowItem) {
                 $text = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "", $rowItem->nodeValue));
                 $propDesc = $text;
             ## Get the front image
             $rowImg = $xpathRow->query('//a[@title="Click to view larger image!"]/@href');
             $img = "";
             foreach ($rowImg as $data) {
                 $prop_front_img = $data->nodeValue;
             ## Get the date
             $rowDate = $xpathRow->query('//div[@class="indent24"]//span/@title');
             $date = "";
             foreach ($rowDate as $rowItem) {
                 $date = $rowItem->nodeValue;
             ## Get all images
             $rowImg = $xpathRow->query('//a[@class="tn_img js-tn_img"]//@href');
             $prop_imgs = array();
             foreach ($rowImg as $row_item_img) {
                 $prop_imgs[] = $row_item_img->nodeValue;
                 // $imgs = array();
                 $imgs = '';
                 foreach ($prop_imgs as $rowItem) {
                     $imgs = $imgs . ' ' . $rowItem;
             $imgs = $imgs . ' ' . $prop_front_img;
             ## Location condition
             if ($propStreet != '') {
                 $location = $propStreet . ', ' . $propCity . ', ' . $propCountry;
             } else {
                 $location = $propCity . ', ' . $propCountry;
             $image = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $imgs);
             $jsonImage = json_encode($image);
             $reference_no = $propID;
             $original_site = 'http://www.locanto.ph/';
             $site_link_id = '1';
             $original_post_link = $url;
             $title = $propTitle;
             $description = $propDesc;
             $price = $explodedPrice[0];
             $product_image = $jsonImage;
             $furnishing = '';
             $location = $location;
             $posted_date = $date;
             $square_area = '';
             $bedrooms = '';
             $bathrooms = '';
             $floor = '';
             $name_of_posted_person = $explodedAdvertiser[1];
             $contact_mobile = '';
             $contact_email = '';
             $contact_landline = '';
             $created = '';
             $modified = '';
             $status = 1;
             $posted_date = parent::stringToDate($posted_date);
             //edit by karen
             parent::insertData($reference_no, $original_site, $site_link_id, $original_post_link, $title, $description, $price, $product_image, $furnishing, $location, $posted_date, $square_area, $bedrooms, $bathrooms, $floor, $name_of_posted_person, $contact_mobile, $contact_email, $contact_landline, $status);
     } while ($numberOfItem == 25);
     // end of while loop
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function getData()
     // Create connection
     $originalUrl = "http://rentpad.com.ph/ws/search.htm?a=31&cityName=Cebu&propertyTypeIDs=[]&furnishTypeIDs=[3]&placeIDs=[]&statusTypeIDs=[]&amenityIDs=[]&longMonthRateLow=0&longMonthRateHigh=999999&numBedroomsLow=0&numBedroomsHigh=999&itemsPerPage=15&lengthOfStay=&ham=ham&pageNumber=";
     $page = 0;
     $allItem = 1;
     $searchUrl = 'http://rentpad.com.ph/ws/search.htm?a=31&cityName=Cebu&propertyTypeIDs=[]&furnishTypeIDs=[3]&placeIDs=[]&statusTypeIDs=[]&amenityIDs=[]&longMonthRateLow=0&longMonthRateHigh=999999&numBedroomsLow=0&numBedroomsHigh=999&itemsPerPage=15&lengthOfStay=&ham=ham&pageNumber=';
     $c = 1;
     for ($b = 1; $b <= 16; $b++) {
         $base_url = 'http://rentpad.com.ph:80/';
         $json = parent::exeCurl($searchUrl . $b);
         $data = json_decode($json, true);
         for ($a = 0; $a < 15; $a++) {
             $reference_no = '';
             $original_site = '';
             $site_link_id = '2';
             $original_post_link = '';
             $title = '';
             $description = '';
             $price = '';
             $product_image = '';
             $furnishing = '';
             $location = '';
             $posted_date = '';
             $square_area = '';
             $bedrooms = '';
             $bathrooms = '';
             $floor = '';
             $name_of_posted_person = '';
             $contact_mobile = '';
             $contact_email = '';
             $contact_landline = '';
             $created = '';
             $modified = '';
             $status = '';
             $id = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['id'];
             /* $con = parent::connection();
                $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM fdci_web_crawler WHERE reference_no = '$id' AND site_link_id = '$site_link_id'");
             $urlTitle = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['urlTitle'];
             $address = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['address'];
             $city = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['city'];
             $longTerm = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['leaseLongTerm'];
             $shortTerm = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['leaseShortTerm'];
             $Communitydescription = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['community']['description'];
             $longMonthRate = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['longMonthRate'];
             $primaryPhoto = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['primaryPhoto']['filename'];
             $sqArea = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['sqArea'];
             $title = $data['model']['searchResult']['listings'][$a]['title'];
             if ($longTerm == 1) {
                 $termUrl = 'long-term-rentals';
                 $siteUrl = 'http://rentpad.com.ph/' . $termUrl . '/cebu/' . $urlTitle . '/' . $id;
                 $variable = parent::exeCurl($siteUrl);
                 $xpath = parent::dom($variable);
                 $descriptions = '';
                 $des = $xpath->query('//span[@style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px;"]');
                 foreach ($des as $desItem) {
                     $descriptions = trim(preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "", $desItem->nodeValue));
                 $table = $xpath->query('//table[@id="table-listing-details"]//tr');
                 // start edited by jacob
                 $tr_array = array();
                 foreach ($table as $tr) {
                     $tr_array[] = trim(preg_replace("/\\s+/", "", $tr->nodeValue));
                 $data = count($tr_array);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $data; $i++) {
                     $date = $tr_array[$i];
                     @(list($t, $v) = split('[:.-]', $date));
                     $mystring = $t;
                     // get location
                     $findme = 'Location';
                     $pos = strpos($mystring, $findme);
                     if ($pos == true) {
                         $location = $v;
                     // get bedroom
                     $findBedroom = 'Bedrooms';
                     $pos1 = strpos($mystring, $findBedroom);
                     if ($pos1 == true) {
                         $bedroom = $v;
                     // get bathroom
                     $findBathroom = 'Bathrooms';
                     $pos2 = strpos($mystring, $findBathroom);
                     if ($pos2 == true) {
                         $bathroom = $v;
                     // get furnishing
                     $findFurnishing = 'Furnishing';
                     $pos3 = strpos($mystring, $findFurnishing);
                     if ($pos3 == true) {
                         $furnishing = $v;
                     // get date
                     $findDate = 'Updated';
                     $pos4 = strpos($mystring, $findDate);
                     if ($pos4 == true) {
                         $date = $v;
                     // get floor
                     $findFloor = 'Floor';
                     $pos5 = strpos($mystring, $findFloor);
                     if ($pos5 == true) {
                         $floor = $v;
                 // get images
                 $images = array();
                 foreach ($xpath->query('//div[@id="content-photo"]//img[starts-with(@data-src,"http")]') as $image) {
                     $images[] = $image->getAttribute('data-src');
                 $allImages = '';
                 $cImage = count($images);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $cImage; $i++) {
                     $allImages = $allImages . ' ' . $images[$i];
                 $image = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $allImages);
                 $jsonImage = json_encode($image);
                 // get contact person
                 // $person = $xpath->query('//div[@id="contact-name"]')->nodeValue;
                 // $contact_person = trim($person);
             if ($shortTerm == 1) {
                 $termUrl = 'short-term-rentals';
                 $siteUrl = 'http://rentpad.com.ph/' . $termUrl . '/cebu/' . $urlTitle . '/' . $id;
                 $siteUrl = 'http://rentpad.com.ph/' . $termUrl . '/cebu/' . $urlTitle . '/' . $id;
             $reference_no = $id;
             $original_site = 'http://rentpad.com.ph';
             $site_link_id = '2';
             $original_post_link = $siteUrl;
             $title = $title;
             $description = $descriptions;
             $price = $longMonthRate;
             $product_image = $jsonImage;
             $furnishing = $furnishing;
             $location = $address . ', ' . $city;
             $posted_date = $date;
             $square_area = $sqArea;
             $bedrooms = $bedroom;
             $bathrooms = $bathroom;
             $floors = $floor;
             $name_of_posted_person = '';
             $contact_mobile = '';
             $contact_email = '';
             $contact_landline = '';
             $created = '';
             $modified = '';
             $status = 1;
             $posted_date = parent::stringToDate($posted_date);
             //edit by karen
             parent::insertData($reference_no, $original_site, $site_link_id, $original_post_link, $title, $description, $price, $product_image, $furnishing, $location, $posted_date, $square_area, $bedrooms, $bathrooms, $floors, $name_of_posted_person, $contact_mobile, $contact_email, $contact_landline, $status);