Ejemplo n.º 1
function email_notify($check,$check_result,$subscription) {
 global $status_array;
 $user = new User($subscription->getUserId());
 echo 'email plugin!';
 $email = new fEmail();
 // This sets up fSMTP to connect to the gmail SMTP server
 // with a 5 second timeout. Gmail requires a secure connection.
 $smtp = new fSMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 465, TRUE, 5);
 $smtp->authenticate('*****@*****.**', 'example');
 $email->addRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->getUsername());
 // Set who the email is from
 // Set the subject include UTF-8 curly quotes
 $email->setSubject('Tattle : Alert for ' . $check->prepareName());
 // Set the body to include a string containing UTF-8
 $state = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()];
 $email->setHTMLBody("<p>$state Alert for {$check->prepareName()} </p><p>The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}</p><p>Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "</p><p>Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . '</p><p>View Alert Details : <a href="' . $fURL::getDomain() . '/' . CheckResult::makeURL('list',$check_result) . '">'.$check->prepareName()."</a></p>");
$state Alert for {$check->prepareName()}
The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}
Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "
Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . "
 try {  
   $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
 } catch ( fConnectivityException $e) { 
   fCore::debug("email send failed",FALSE);

Ejemplo n.º 2
function email_plugin_notify($check,$check_result,$subscription,$alt_email=false) {
  global $status_array;
  $user = new User($subscription->getUserId());
  $email = new fEmail();
  // This sets up fSMTP to connect to the gmail SMTP server
  // with a 5 second timeout. Gmail requires a secure connection.
  $smtp = new fSMTP(sys_var('smtp_server'), sys_var('smtp_port'), TRUE, 5);
  $smtp->authenticate(sys_var('smtp_user'), sys_var('smtp_pass'));
  if ($alt_email) {
    $email_address = usr_var('alt_email',$user->getUserId());
  } else {
    $email_address = $user->getEmail(); 
  $email->addRecipient($email_address, $user->getUsername());
  // Set who the email is from
  $email->setFromEmail(sys_var('email_from'), sys_var('email_from_display'));
  // Set the subject include UTF-8 curly quotes
  $email->setSubject(str_replace('{check_name}', $check->prepareName(), sys_var('email_subject')));
  // Set the body to include a string containing UTF-8
  $state = $status_array[$check_result->getStatus()];
  $email->setHTMLBody("<p>$state Alert for {$check->prepareName()} </p><p>The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}</p><p>Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "</p><p>Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . '</p><p>View Alert Details : <a href="' . fURL::getDomain() . '/' . CheckResult::makeURL('list',$check_result) . '">'.$check->prepareName()."</a></p>");
  $state Alert for {$check->prepareName()}
The check returned {$check_result->prepareValue()}
Warning Threshold is : ". $check->getWarn() . "
Error Threshold is : ". $check->getError() . "
  try {  
    $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
  } catch ( fConnectivityException $e) { 
    fCore::debug("email send failed",FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 3
function notify_multiple_users($user_from, $recipients, $subject, $body)
    $email = new fEmail();
    // This sets up fSMTP to connect to the gmail SMTP server
    // with a 5 second timeout. Gmail requires a secure connection.
    $smtp = new fSMTP(sys_var('smtp_server'), sys_var('smtp_port'), sys_var('require_ssl') === 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE, 5);
    if (sys_var('require_auth') === 'true') {
        $smtp->authenticate(sys_var('smtp_user'), sys_var('smtp_pass'));
    // Add the recipients
    foreach ($recipients as $rec) {
        $email->addRecipient($rec['mail'], $rec['name']);
    // Set who the email is from
    $email->setFromEmail($user_from->getEmail(), $user_from->getUsername());
    // Set the subject
    // Set the body
    try {
        $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
    } catch (fConnectivityException $e) {
        fCore::debug($e, FALSE);
        fCore::debug("email send failed", FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @dataProvider serverProvider
 public function testSendMultipleToCcBcc($server, $port, $secure, $username, $password)
     $token = $this->generateSubjectToken();
     $smtp = new fSMTP($server, $port, $secure, 10);
     if ($username) {
         $smtp->authenticate($username, $password);
     $email = new fEmail();
     $email->setFromEmail($username ? $username : '******');
     $email->addRecipient(EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'Test User');
     $email->addRecipient(str_replace('@', '_2@', EMAIL_ADDRESS), 'Test User 2');
     $email->addCCRecipient(str_replace('@', '_3@', EMAIL_ADDRESS), 'Test User 3');
     $email->addBCCRecipient(str_replace('@', '_4@', EMAIL_ADDRESS), 'Test User 4');
     $email->setSubject($token . ': Testing Multiple Recipients');
     $email->setBody('This is a test of sending multiple recipients');
     $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, EMAIL_USER);
     $this->assertEquals($message_id, $message['headers']['message-id']);
     $this->assertEquals($username ? $username : '******', $message['headers']['from']['mailbox'] . '@' . $message['headers']['from']['host']);
     $this->assertEquals($token . ': Testing Multiple Recipients', $message['headers']['subject']);
     $this->assertEquals('This is a test of sending multiple recipients', trim($message['text']));
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, str_replace('tests', 'tests_2', EMAIL_USER));
     $this->assertEquals(array('personal' => 'Test User', 'mailbox' => 'tests', 'host' => 'flourishlib.com'), $message['headers']['to'][0]);
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, str_replace('tests', 'tests_3', EMAIL_USER));
     $this->assertEquals(array('personal' => 'Test User 3', 'mailbox' => 'tests_3', 'host' => 'flourishlib.com'), $message['headers']['cc'][0]);
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, str_replace('tests', 'tests_4', EMAIL_USER));
     $this->assertEquals(FALSE, isset($message['headers']['bcc']));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @dataProvider serverProvider
 public function testSendMultipleToCcBcc($server, $port, $secure, $username, $password)
     $token = $this->generateSubjectToken();
     $smtp = new fSMTP($server, $port, $secure, 5);
     if ($username) {
         $smtp->authenticate($username, $password);
     $email = new fEmail();
     $email->setFromEmail($username ? $username : '******');
     $email->addRecipient(EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'Test User');
     $email->addRecipient(str_replace('@', '_2@', EMAIL_ADDRESS), 'Test User 2');
     $email->addCCRecipient(str_replace('@', '_3@', EMAIL_ADDRESS), 'Test User 3');
     $email->addBCCRecipient(str_replace('@', '_4@', EMAIL_ADDRESS), 'Test User 4');
     $email->setSubject($token . ': Testing Multiple Recipients');
     $email->setBody('This is a test of sending multiple recipients');
     $message_id = $email->send($smtp);
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, EMAIL_USER);
     $this->assertEquals($message_id, $message['headers']['Message-ID']);
     $this->assertEquals($username ? $username : '******', $message['headers']['From']);
     $this->assertEquals($token . ': Testing Multiple Recipients', $message['headers']['Subject']);
     $this->assertEquals('This is a test of sending multiple recipients', trim($message['plain']));
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, str_replace('tests', 'tests_2', EMAIL_USER));
     // It seems the windows imap extension doesn't support the personal part of an email address
     $is_windows = stripos(php_uname('a'), 'windows') !== FALSE;
     $this->assertEquals($is_windows ? '*****@*****.**' : '"Test User" <*****@*****.**>', $message['headers']['To']);
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, str_replace('tests', 'tests_3', EMAIL_USER));
     $this->assertEquals($is_windows ? '*****@*****.**' : '"Test User 3" <*****@*****.**>', $message['headers']['Cc']);
     $message = $this->findMessage($token, str_replace('tests', 'tests_4', EMAIL_USER));
     $this->assertEquals(FALSE, isset($message['headers']['Bcc']));