Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns a the contents of a graphviz .dot file.
  * @return boolean
  * @ignore
 public function __toString()
     $dot = 'digraph ' . $this->workflowName . " {\n";
     foreach ($this->nodes as $key => $data) {
         $dot .= sprintf("node%s [label=\"%s\", color=\"%s\"]\n", $key, $data['label'], $data['color']);
     $dot .= "\n";
     foreach ($this->edges as $fromNode => $toNodes) {
         foreach ($toNodes as $toNode) {
             $dot .= sprintf("node%s -> node%s%s\n", $fromNode, $toNode[0], $toNode[1]);
     if (!empty($this->options['workflowVariables'])) {
         $dot .= 'variables [shape=none, label=<<table>';
         foreach ($this->options['workflowVariables'] as $name => $value) {
             $dot .= sprintf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>', $name, htmlspecialchars(ezcWorkflowUtil::variableToString($value)));
         $dot .= "</table>>]\n";
     return $dot . "}\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Generate node configuration from XML representation.
  * @param DOMElement $element
  * @return array
  * @ignore
 public static function configurationFromXML(DOMElement $element)
     $configuration = array('class' => $element->getAttribute('serviceObjectClass'), 'arguments' => array());
     $childNode = ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNode($element);
     if ($childNode->tagName == 'arguments') {
         foreach (ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNodes($childNode) as $argument) {
             $configuration['arguments'][] = ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml::xmlToVariable($argument);
     return $configuration;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Called after a variable has been set.
  * @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
  * @param string               $variableName
  * @param mixed                $value
 public function afterVariableSet(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution, $variableName, $value)
     $this->notifyListeners(sprintf('Set variable "%s" to "%s" for execution #%d of workflow "%s" (version %d).', $variableName, ezcWorkflowUtil::variableToString($value), $execution->getId(), $execution->workflow->name, $execution->workflow->version), ezcWorkflowExecutionListener::DEBUG);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Activates a node and returns true if it was activated, false if not.
  * The node will only be activated if the node is executable.
  * See {@link ezcWorkflowNode::isExecutable()}.
  * @param ezcWorkflowNode $node
  * @param bool            $notifyPlugins
  * @return bool
  * @ignore
 public function activate(ezcWorkflowNode $node, $notifyPlugins = true)
     // Only activate the node when
     //  - the execution of the workflow has not been cancelled,
     //  - the node is ready to be activated,
     //  - and the node is not already activated.
     if ($this->cancelled || !$node->isExecutable() || ezcWorkflowUtil::findObject($this->activatedNodes, $node) !== false) {
         return false;
     $activateNode = true;
     foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
         $activateNode = $plugin->beforeNodeActivated($this, $node);
         if (!$activateNode) {
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     if ($activateNode) {
         // Add node to list of activated nodes.
         $this->activatedNodes[] = $node;
         if ($node instanceof ezcWorkflowNodeEnd) {
         if ($notifyPlugins) {
             foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
                 $plugin->afterNodeActivated($this, $node);
         return true;
     } else {
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
         return false;
         // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: set.php Proyecto: bmdevel/ezc
  * Returns a textual representation of this node.
  * @return string
  * @ignore
 public function __toString()
     $buffer = array();
     foreach ($this->configuration as $variable => $value) {
         $buffer[] = $variable . ' = ' . ezcWorkflowUtil::variableToString($value);
     return implode(', ', $buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Returns true when the $node belongs to an ELSE condition.
  * @param ezcWorkflowNode $node
  * @return bool
  * @ignore
 public function isElse(ezcWorkflowNode $node)
     return isset($this->configuration['else'][ezcWorkflowUtil::findObject($this->outNodes, $node)]);
  * @param  int $workflowId
  * @param  string $workflowName
  * @param  int $workflowVersion
  * @return \ezcWorkflow
 protected function loadWorkflow($workflowId, $workflowName, $workflowVersion)
     $workflowId = (int) $workflowId;
     $sql = "SELECT node_id, node_class, node_configuration FROM " . $this->options->nodeTable() . " WHERE workflow_id = ?";
     $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $workflowId);
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $this->workflowNodeIds[$workflowId] = array();
     // Create node objects.
     foreach ($result as $node) {
         $node = array_change_key_case($node, \CASE_LOWER);
         $configuration = $this->options->getSerializer()->unserialize($node['node_configuration'], null);
         if (is_null($configuration)) {
             $configuration = \ezcWorkflowUtil::getDefaultConfiguration($node['node_class']);
         $nodes[$node['node_id']] = $this->options->getWorkflowFactory()->createNode($node['node_class'], $configuration);
         $this->nodeMap[spl_object_hash($nodes[$node['node_id']])] = $node['node_id'];
         $this->workflowNodeIds[$workflowId][] = $node['node_id'];
         if ($nodes[$node['node_id']] instanceof \ezcWorkflowNodeFinally && !isset($finallyNode)) {
             $finallyNode = $nodes[$node['node_id']];
         } else {
             if ($nodes[$node['node_id']] instanceof \ezcWorkflowNodeEnd && !isset($defaultEndNode)) {
                 $defaultEndNode = $nodes[$node['node_id']];
             } else {
                 if ($nodes[$node['node_id']] instanceof \ezcWorkflowNodeStart && !isset($startNode)) {
                     $startNode = $nodes[$node['node_id']];
     if (!isset($startNode) || !isset($defaultEndNode)) {
         throw new \ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException('Could not load workflow definition.');
     $sql = "SELECT nc.outgoing_node_id, nc.incoming_node_id FROM " . $this->options->nodeConnectionTable() . " nc " . "INNER JOIN " . $this->options->nodeTable() . " n ON n.node_id = nc.incoming_node_id WHERE n.workflow_id = ?";
     $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $workflowId);
     $connections = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     foreach ($connections as $connection) {
         $connection = array_change_key_case($connection, \CASE_LOWER);
     if (!isset($finallyNode) || count($finallyNode->getInNodes()) > 0) {
         $finallyNode = null;
     // Create workflow object and add the node objects to it.
     $workflowClassName = $this->options->workflowClassName();
     $workflow = new $workflowClassName($workflowName, $startNode, $defaultEndNode, $finallyNode);
     $workflow->definitionStorage = $this;
     $workflow->id = (int) $workflowId;
     $workflow->version = (int) $workflowVersion;
     $sql = "SELECT variable, class FROM " . $this->options->variableHandlerTable() . " WHERE workflow_id = ?";
     $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(1, $workflowId);
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $nodes = array();
     if ($result !== false) {
         foreach ($result as $variableHandler) {
             $workflow->addVariableHandler($variableHandler['variable'], $variableHandler['class']);
     // Verify the loaded workflow.
     return $workflow;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * "Convert" an DOMElement object into a PHP variable.
  * @param  DOMElement $element
  * @return mixed
 public static function xmlToVariable(DOMElement $element)
     $variable = null;
     switch ($element->tagName) {
         case 'array':
             $variable = array();
             foreach ($element->getElementsByTagName('element') as $element) {
                 $value = self::xmlToVariable(ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNode($element));
                 if ($element->hasAttribute('key')) {
                     $variable[(string) $element->getAttribute('key')] = $value;
                 } else {
                     $variable[] = $value;
         case 'object':
             $className = $element->getAttribute('class');
             if ($element->hasChildNodes()) {
                 $arguments = ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNodes(ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNode($element));
                 $constructorArgs = array();
                 foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
                     if ($argument instanceof DOMElement) {
                         $constructorArgs[] = self::xmlToVariable($argument);
                 $class = new ReflectionClass($className);
                 $variable = $class->newInstanceArgs($constructorArgs);
             } else {
                 $variable = new $className();
         case 'boolean':
             $variable = $element->nodeValue == 'true' ? true : false;
         case 'integer':
         case 'double':
         case 'string':
             $variable = $element->nodeValue;
             settype($variable, $element->tagName);
     return $variable;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: node.php Proyecto: bmdevel/ezc
  * Removes a node from the outgoing nodes of this node.
  * Automatically removes $this as an in node of $node.
  * @param  ezcWorkflowNode $node The node that is to be removed as outgoing node.
  * @throws ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException if the operation violates the constraints of the nodes involved.
  * @return boolean
 public function removeOutNode(ezcWorkflowNode $node)
     $index = ezcWorkflowUtil::findObject($this->outNodes, $node);
     if ($index !== false) {
         // Remove this node as an incoming node from the other node.
         if (!self::$internalCall) {
             self::$internalCall = true;
         } else {
             self::$internalCall = false;
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Generate node configuration from XML representation.
  * @param DOMElement $element
  * @return array
  * @ignore
 public static function configurationFromXML(DOMElement $element)
     $configuration = array();
     foreach ($element->getElementsByTagName('variable') as $variable) {
         $configuration[$variable->getAttribute('name')] = ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml::xmlToCondition(ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNode($variable));
     return $configuration;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Load a workflow definition by ID.
  * Providing the name of the workflow that is to be loaded as the
  * optional second parameter saves a database query.
  * @param  int $workflowId
  * @param  string  $workflowName
  * @param  int $workflowVersion
  * @return ezcWorkflow
  * @throws ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException
  * @throws ezcDbException
 public function loadById($workflowId, $workflowName = '', $workflowVersion = 0)
     // Query the database for the name and version of the workflow.
     if (empty($workflowName) || $workflowVersion == 0) {
         $query = $this->db->createSelectQuery();
         $query->select($this->db->quoteIdentifier('workflow_name'))->select($this->db->quoteIdentifier('workflow_version'))->from($this->db->quoteIdentifier($this->options['prefix'] . 'workflow'))->where($query->expr->eq($this->db->quoteIdentifier('workflow_id'), $query->bindValue((int) $workflowId)));
         $stmt = $query->prepare();
         $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         if ($result !== false && isset($result[0])) {
             $workflowName = $result[0]['workflow_name'];
             $workflowVersion = $result[0]['workflow_version'];
         } else {
             throw new ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException('Could not load workflow definition.');
     // Query the database for the nodes of the workflow to be loaded.
     $query = $this->db->createSelectQuery();
     $query->select($this->db->quoteIdentifier('node_id'))->select($this->db->quoteIdentifier('node_class'))->select($this->db->quoteIdentifier('node_configuration'))->from($this->db->quoteIdentifier($this->options['prefix'] . 'node'))->where($query->expr->eq($this->db->quoteIdentifier('workflow_id'), $query->bindValue((int) $workflowId)));
     $stmt = $query->prepare();
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $nodes = array();
     // Create node objects.
     foreach ($result as $node) {
         $configuration = ezcWorkflowDatabaseUtil::unserialize($node['node_configuration'], null);
         if (is_null($configuration)) {
             $configuration = ezcWorkflowUtil::getDefaultConfiguration($node['node_class']);
         $nodes[$node['node_id']] = new $node['node_class']($configuration);
         if ($nodes[$node['node_id']] instanceof ezcWorkflowNodeFinally && !isset($finallyNode)) {
             $finallyNode = $nodes[$node['node_id']];
         } else {
             if ($nodes[$node['node_id']] instanceof ezcWorkflowNodeEnd && !isset($defaultEndNode)) {
                 $defaultEndNode = $nodes[$node['node_id']];
             } else {
                 if ($nodes[$node['node_id']] instanceof ezcWorkflowNodeStart && !isset($startNode)) {
                     $startNode = $nodes[$node['node_id']];
     if (!isset($startNode) || !isset($defaultEndNode)) {
         throw new ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException('Could not load workflow definition.');
     // Connect node objects.
     $query = $this->db->createSelectQuery();
     $query->select($query->alias('node_connection.incoming_node_id', $this->db->quoteIdentifier('incoming_node_id')))->select($query->alias('node_connection.outgoing_node_id', $this->db->quoteIdentifier('outgoing_node_id')))->from($query->innerJoin($this->db->quoteIdentifier($this->options['prefix'] . 'node_connection'), $this->db->quoteIdentifier($this->options['prefix'] . 'node'), 'node_connection.incoming_node_id', 'node.node_id'))->where($query->expr->eq('node.workflow_id', $query->bindValue((int) $workflowId)))->orderBy($this->db->quoteIdentifier('node_connection_id'));
     $stmt = $query->prepare();
     $connections = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     foreach ($connections as $connection) {
     if (!isset($finallyNode) || count($finallyNode->getInNodes()) > 0) {
         $finallyNode = null;
     // Create workflow object and add the node objects to it.
     $workflow = new ezcWorkflow($workflowName, $startNode, $defaultEndNode, $finallyNode);
     $workflow->definitionStorage = $this;
     $workflow->id = (int) $workflowId;
     $workflow->version = (int) $workflowVersion;
     // Query the database for the variable handlers.
     $query = $this->db->createSelectQuery();
     $query->select($this->db->quoteIdentifier('variable'))->select($this->db->quoteIdentifier('class'))->from($this->db->quoteIdentifier($this->options['prefix'] . 'variable_handler'))->where($query->expr->eq($this->db->quoteIdentifier('workflow_id'), $query->bindValue((int) $workflowId)));
     $stmt = $query->prepare();
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $nodes = array();
     if ($result !== false) {
         foreach ($result as $variableHandler) {
             $workflow->addVariableHandler($variableHandler['variable'], $variableHandler['class']);
     // Verify the loaded workflow.
     return $workflow;