Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Compiles the string $string from the context $context with $arguments as variables into executable code.
  * This static method translates a string, but inserts special code as
  * replacements for the variables.
  * @param string $string
  * @param string $context
  * @param array(string=>mixed) $arguments
  * @return string
 public static function compile($string, $context, $arguments)
     $ttc = ezcTemplateTranslationConfiguration::getInstance();
     $ctxt = $ttc->manager->getContext($ttc->locale, $context);
     $translation = $ctxt->compileTranslation($string, $arguments);
     return $translation;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testCompileWithWrongContext()
     $ttc = ezcTemplateTranslationConfiguration::getInstance();
     $ttc->manager = new ezcTranslationManager(new ezcTranslationTsBackend(dirname(__FILE__) . '/translations'));
     try {
         ezcTemplateTranslationProvider::compile("Test 3", "test2", array());
         self::fail('Expected exception not thrown.');
     } catch (ezcTranslationContextNotAvailableException $e) {
         self::assertEquals("The context 'test2' does not exist.", $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function testIssetUnknownProperty()
     $t = ezcTemplateTranslationConfiguration::getInstance();
     self::assertEquals(false, isset($t->notHere));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function testRunRegression($directory)
     $template = new ezcTemplate();
     $dir = dirname($directory);
     $base = basename($directory);
     $template->configuration = new ezcTemplateConfiguration($dir, $this->getTempDir());
     $template->configuration->targetCharset = "Latin1";
     $template->configuration->translation = ezcTemplateTranslationConfiguration::getInstance();
     $template->configuration->translation->locale = 'en_us';
     $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend(dirname(__FILE__) . '/translations');
     $backend->setOptions(array('format' => '[LOCALE].xml'));
     $manager = new ezcTranslationManager($backend);
     $template->configuration->translation->manager = $manager;
     // $template->configuration->cachePath = $this->getTempDir() . "/cached";
     // $template->configuration->cachePath = "/tmp/cache";
         if ( !is_dir( $template->configuration->cachePath ) )
             mkdir( $template->configuration->cachePath);
     if (preg_match("#^(\\w+)@(\\w+)\\..*\$#", $base, $match)) {
         $contextClass = "ezcTemplate" . ucfirst(strtolower($match[2])) . "Context";
         $template->configuration->context = new $contextClass();
     } else {
         $template->configuration->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext();
     $send = substr($directory, 0, -3) . ".send";
     if (file_exists($send)) {
         $template->send = (include $send);
     $out = "";
     $exceptionText = "";
     try {
         $out = $template->process($base);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $out = $e->getMessage();
         $exceptionText = get_class($e) . "(" . $e->getCode() . "):\n" . $out;
         // Begin of the error message contains the full path. We replace this with 'mock' so that the
         // tests work on other systems as well.
         if (strncmp($out, $directory, strlen($directory)) == 0) {
             $out = "mock" . substr($out, strlen($directory));
         $exceptionText .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
     $expected = substr($directory, 0, -3) . ".out";
     if (!file_exists($expected)) {
         $help = "The out file: '{$expected}' could not be found.";
         if (!self::$skipMissingTests && $this->interactiveMode) {
             echo "\n", $help, "\n";
             self::interact($template, $directory, false, $out, $expected, $help, $exceptionText);
         } else {
             throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException($help);
     $expectedText = file_get_contents($expected);
     try {
         $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $out, "In:  <{$expected}>\nOut: <{$directory}>");
     } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
         $help = "The evaluated template <" . $this->regressionDir . "/current.tmp> differs ";
         $help .= "from the expected output: <{$expected}>.";
         if ($this->interactiveMode) {
             // Touch the file. It will be run first, next time.
             if (isset($_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT']) && $_ENV['EZC_TEST_TEMPLATE_SORT'] == 'mtime') {
             $exceptionText = get_class($e) . "(" . $e->getCode() . "):\n" . $e->getMessage();
             $exceptionText .= "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
             echo "\n", $help, "\n";
             self::interact($template, $directory, file_get_contents($expected), $out, $expected, $help, $exceptionText);
         // Rethrow with new and more detailed message
         throw new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException($help, $e->getComparisonFailure());
     // check the receive variables.
     $receive = substr($directory, 0, -3) . ".receive";
     if (file_exists($receive)) {
         $expectedVar = (include $receive);
         $foundVar = $template->receive;
         $this->assertEquals($expectedVar, $foundVar, "Received variables does not match");