Ejemplo n.º 1
     * validateInput
     * Validates and parses input using {@link eZOEInputParser::process}
     * and saves data if valid.
     * @param eZHTTPTool $http
     * @param string $base
     * @param eZContentObjectAttribute $contentObjectAttribute
     * @return int signals if status is valid or not
    function validateInput( $http, $base, $contentObjectAttribute )
        if ( !$this->isEditorEnabled() )
            $aliasedHandler = $this->attribute( 'aliased_handler' );
            return $aliasedHandler->validateInput( $http, $base, $contentObjectAttribute );
        if ( $http->hasPostVariable( $base . '_data_text_' . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'id' ) ) )
            $text = $http->postVariable( $base . '_data_text_' . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'id' ) );

            if ( self::browserSupportsDHTMLType() === 'Trident' ) // IE
                $text = str_replace( "\t", '', $text);

            eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-datatype-ezxmltext-ezoe',
                                        __METHOD__ . ' html from client' );

            $parser = new eZOEInputParser();
            $document = $parser->process( $text );

            // Remove last empty paragraph (added in the output part)
            $parent = $document->documentElement;
            $lastChild = $parent->lastChild;
            while( $lastChild && $lastChild->nodeName !== 'paragraph' )
                $parent = $lastChild;
                $lastChild = $parent->lastChild;

            if ( $lastChild && $lastChild->nodeName === 'paragraph' )
                $textChild = $lastChild->lastChild;
                // $textChild->textContent == " " : string(2) whitespace in Opera
                if ( !$textChild ||
                     ( $lastChild->childNodes->length == 1 &&
                       $textChild->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE &&
                       ( $textChild->textContent == " " || $textChild->textContent == ' ' || $textChild->textContent == '' || $textChild->textContent == ' ' ) ) )
                    $parent->removeChild( $lastChild );

            $oeini = eZINI::instance( 'ezoe.ini' );
            $validationParameters = $contentObjectAttribute->validationParameters();
            if ( !( isset( $validationParameters['skip-isRequired'] ) && $validationParameters['skip-isRequired'] === true )
              && $parser->getDeletedEmbedIDArray( $oeini->variable('EditorSettings', 'ValidateEmbedObjects' ) === 'enabled' ) )
                self::$showEmbedValidationErrors = true;
                $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError( ezpI18n::tr( 'design/standard/ezoe/handler',
                                         'Some objects used in embed(-inline) tags have been deleted and are no longer available.' ) );
                return eZInputValidator::STATE_INVALID;

            if ( $contentObjectAttribute->validateIsRequired() )
                $root = $document->documentElement;
                if ( $root->childNodes->length == 0 )
                    $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError( ezpI18n::tr( 'kernel/classes/datatypes',
                                                                         'Content required' ) );
                    return eZInputValidator::STATE_INVALID;

            // Update URL-object links
            $urlIDArray = $parser->getUrlIDArray();
            if ( !empty( $urlIDArray ) )
                self::updateUrlObjectLinks( $contentObjectAttribute, $urlIDArray );

            $contentObject = $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'object' );
            $contentObject->appendInputRelationList( $parser->getEmbeddedObjectIDArray(),
                                                     eZContentObject::RELATION_EMBED );
            $contentObject->appendInputRelationList( $parser->getLinkedObjectIDArray(),
                                                     eZContentObject::RELATION_LINK );

            $xmlString = eZXMLTextType::domString( $document );

            eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-datatype-ezxmltext-ezoe',
                                        __METHOD__ . ' generated xml' );

            $contentObjectAttribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $xmlString );
            $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationLog( $parser->Messages );

            return eZInputValidator::STATE_ACCEPTED;
            return eZInputValidator::STATE_ACCEPTED;