function updateClass($classId, $scheduledScript)
    $cli = eZCLI::instance();
    // If the class is not stored yet, store it now
    $class = eZContentClass::fetch( $classId, true, eZContentClass::VERSION_STATUS_TEMPORARY );
    if ( $class )
        $cli->output( "Storing class" );
        $class->storeDefined( $class->fetchAttributes() );
    // Fetch the stored class
    $class = eZContentClass::fetch($classId, true, eZContentClass::VERSION_STATUS_MODIFIED);
    if (!$class) {
        $cli->error('No class in a modified version status with ID: ' . $classId);
    // Fetch attributes and definitions
    $attributes = $class->fetchAttributes($classId, true, eZContentClass::VERSION_STATUS_MODIFIED);
    $oldClassAttributes = $class->fetchAttributes($classId, true, eZContentClass::VERSION_STATUS_DEFINED);
    // Delete object attributes which have been removed.
    foreach ($oldClassAttributes as $oldClassAttribute) {
        $attributeExist = false;
        $oldClassAttributeID = $oldClassAttribute->attribute('id');
        foreach ($attributes as $newClassAttribute) {
            if ($oldClassAttributeID == $newClassAttribute->attribute('id')) {
                $attributeExist = true;
        if (!$attributeExist) {
            $ezscriptmonitorINI = eZINI::instance('ezscriptmonitor.ini');
            $objectLimit = $ezscriptmonitorINI->variable('GeneralSettings', 'ObjectLimit');
            $limit = array('offset' => 0, 'length' => $objectLimit);
            do {
                $objectAttributes = eZContentObjectAttribute::fetchSameClassAttributeIDList($oldClassAttributeID, false, false, false, $limit);
                $objectAttributeCount = count($objectAttributes);
                $conditions = array("contentclassattribute_id" => $oldClassAttributeID);
                $totalObjectAttributeCount = eZContentObjectAttribute::count(eZContentObjectAttribute::definition(), array("contentclassattribute_id" => $oldClassAttributeID));
                if (is_array($objectAttributes) && $objectAttributeCount > 0) {
                    $db = eZDB::instance();
                    foreach ($objectAttributes as $objectAttribute) {
                        $objectAttribute = new eZContentObjectAttribute($objectAttribute);
                    $limit['offset'] += $objectAttributeCount;
                    $percentage = round(100 * $limit['offset'] / $totalObjectAttributeCount, 2);
                    // for ezscriptmonitor 100 means the script is all the way done
                    if ($percentage < 100 && $scheduledScript !== false) {
                    $cli->output("Removing attributes - Progress: " . $percentage . " %");
            } while ($objectAttributeCount == $objectLimit);
    $class->storeVersioned($attributes, eZContentClass::VERSION_STATUS_DEFINED);
    // Add object attributes which have been added.
    foreach ($attributes as $newClassAttribute) {
        $attributeExist = false;
        foreach ($oldClassAttributes as $oldClassAttribute) {
            if ($oldClassAttribute->attribute('id') == $newClassAttribute->attribute('id')) {
                $attributeExist = true;
        if (!$attributeExist) {
            $objects = null;
            $cli->output("Adding attribute : " . $newClassAttribute->attribute('name'));
    if ($scheduledScript !== false) {