Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Displays a message on the appropriate output (cli or eZDebug)
  * @param string $msg
  * @param string $logType
 public static function writeMessage($msg, $logType = self::NOTICELOG)
     self::$cli = eZCLI::instance();
     $isWebOutput = self::$cli->isWebOutput();
     switch ($logType) {
         case self::ERRORLOG:
             if (!$isWebOutput) {
             } else {
                 eZDebug::writeError($msg, 'SQLIImport');
         case self::WARNINGLOG:
             if (!$isWebOutput) {
             } else {
                 eZDebug::writeWarning($msg, 'SQLIImport');
         case self::NOTICELOG:
             if (!$isWebOutput) {
             } else {
                 eZDebug::writeNotice($msg, 'SQLIImport');
     * @param array $possibleReplies
     * @param array $alreadyChosen
    function showReplies ( $possibleReplies, $alreadyChosen = array() )
        if ( count($possibleReplies) > 0 )
            $this->cli->output( "Expected Reply between [ ]" );

            foreach ( $possibleReplies as $label => $description )
                if ( in_array($label, $alreadyChosen) )
                    $this->cli->warning( " * [$label] : $description" );
                    $this->cli->output( "   [$label] : $description" );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private function internalClear($purge, $cacheEntries, $name, $purgeSleep = null, $purgeMax = null, $purgeExpiry = null)
     $this->cli->output(($purge ? 'Purging ' : 'Clearing ') . $this->cli->stylize('emphasize', $name ? $name : 'All cache') . ': ');
     $warnPaths = array();
     foreach ($cacheEntries as $cacheEntry) {
         $absPath = realpath(eZSys::cacheDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cacheEntry['path']);
         $absPathElementCount = count(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, rtrim($absPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)));
         // Refuse to delete root directory ('/' or 'C:\')
         // 2 => since one path element ('/foo') produces two exploded elements
         if ($absPath && $absPathElementCount < 2) {
             $this->cli->error('Refusing to delete root directory! Please check your cache settings. Path: ' . $absPath);
         // Warn if the cache entry is not function based, and the path is outside ezp root, and the path has less than 2 elements
         if ($absPath && (!$purge || !isset($cacheEntry['purge-function'])) && !isset($cacheEntry['function']) && $absPathElementCount < 3 && strpos(dirname($absPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, realpath(eZSys::rootDir()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false) {
             $warnPaths[] = $absPath;
     if (!empty($warnPaths)) {
         $this->cli->warning('The following cache paths are outside of the eZ Publish root directory, and have less than 2 path elements. ' . 'Are you sure you want to ' . ($purge ? 'purge' : 'clear') . ' them?');
         foreach ($warnPaths as $warnPath) {
         if (function_exists("getUserInput")) {
             $input = getUserInput(($purge ? 'Purge' : 'Clear') . '? yes/no:', array('yes', 'no'));
         } else {
             $validInput = false;
             $readlineExists = function_exists("readline");
             while (!$validInput) {
                 if ($readlineExists) {
                     $input = readline($query);
                 } else {
                     echo $prompt . ' ';
                     $input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
                 if ($acceptValues === false || in_array($input, $acceptValues)) {
                     $validInput = true;
         if ($input === 'no') {
     $firstItem = true;
     foreach ($cacheEntries as $cacheEntry) {
         if ($firstItem) {
             $firstItem = false;
         } else {
             $this->cli->output(', ', false);
         $this->cli->output($this->cli->stylize('emphasize', $cacheEntry['name']), false);
         if ($purge) {
             eZCache::clearItem($cacheEntry, true, array($this, 'reportProgress'), $purgeSleep, $purgeMax, $purgeExpiry);
         } else {
 * @param eZCLI $cli
 * @param eZDBInterface $db
 * @param string $cronPart
 * @param int $maxRetries
 * @return int offset to use or -1 if an error occures
function computeOffsetByFork ( $cli, $db, $cronPart, $maxRetries )
    // Normal case
    if (!preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z_]+(\d)#', $cronPart, $match))
        return 0;

    $ezfindIni   = eZINI::instance('ezfind.ini');
    $maxForks    = $ezfindIni->variable('IndexOptions', 'MaxPendingForkCount');
    $matchOffset = $match[1] - 1;

    if ( $matchOffset > $maxForks )
        $cli->output( "Ini setting states you can't run more than $maxForks forks, you try to run fork #" . ($matchOffset + 1) );
        return -1;

    $countQuery  = "SELECT count(id) as nb_pending FROM ezpending_actions WHERE action = 'index_object' AND ( param_int IS NULL OR param_int <= $maxRetries )";

    $result = $db->arrayQuery($countQuery);
    if ( !$result || !isset($result[0]['nb_pending']))
        $cli->error("Mysql unexpected error. Script will be stopped.");
        return -1;

    $forkInterval = $ezfindIni->variable('IndexOptions', 'MinPendingForkInterval');
    $pendingCount = $result[0]['nb_pending'];
    $forkMinCount = $matchOffset * $forkInterval;

    if ($pendingCount < $forkMinCount)
        $cli->warning( "Trying to run pending fork #$matchOffset but we have less than $forkMinCount pending objects. Script will be stopped.");

        return -1;

    $offset = max($forkMinCount, round($pendingCount/$maxForks) * $matchOffset);

    $cli->output( "Fork #" . ($matchOffset + 1) . " starting at offset #$offset");

    return $offset;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Starts to run the import
  * @param array( SQLIImportItem ) $aImportItems
  * @throws SQLIImportBaseException
  * @throws ezcConfigurationNoConfigException
 public function runImport(array $aImportItems)
     // First check if an import is already running
     if (SQLIImportToken::importIsRunning()) {
         throw new SQLIImportBaseException('Another import is already running. Aborting...', SQLIImportBaseException::IMPORT_ALREADY_RUNNING);
     $this->token = SQLIImportToken::registerNewImport();
     if (empty($aImportItems)) {
         // If no source handler is provided, consider processing all source handlers available
         $aImportItems = $this->importINI->variable('ImportSettings', 'AvailableSourceHandlers');
     // Process import items one by one
     for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($aImportItems); $i < $iMax; ++$i) {
         try {
             if (!$aImportItems[$i] instanceof SQLIImportItem) {
                 throw new SQLIImportRuntimeException('Invalid import item !');
             // Update status for import item
             $aImportItems[$i]->setAttribute('status', SQLIImportItem::STATUS_RUNNING);
             $this->currentImportItem = $aImportItems[$i];
             // First check if this handler has all needed configuration
             $handler = $aImportItems[$i]->attribute('handler');
             $handlerSection = $handler . '-HandlerSettings';
             if (!$this->importINI->hasSection($handlerSection)) {
                 // Check INI Section
                 throw new ezcConfigurationNoConfigException('Error : Handler "' . $handler . '" does not have proper config section in sqliimport.ini !');
             if (!$this->importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'ClassName')) {
                 // Check if ClassName is properly defined
                 throw new ezcConfigurationNoConfigException('Error : ClassName not defined for "' . $handler . '" in sqliimport.ini !');
             // Default values
             $handlerClassName = $this->importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'ClassName');
             $handlerEnabled = true;
             $debug = false;
             $defaultParentNodeID = $this->importINI->variable('ImportSettings', 'DefaultParentNodeID');
             $streamTimeout = $this->importINI->variable('ImportSettings', 'StreamTimeout');
             if ($this->importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'Enabled')) {
                 $handlerEnabled = $this->importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'Enabled') === 'true';
             if ($this->importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'Debug')) {
                 $debug = $this->importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'Debug') === 'enabled';
             if ($this->importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'DefaultParentNodeID')) {
                 $localParentNodeID = $this->importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'DefaultParentNodeID');
                 $defaultParentNodeID = is_int($localParentNodeID) ? (int) $localParentNode : $defaultParentNodeID;
             if ($this->importINI->hasVariable($handlerSection, 'StreamTimeout')) {
                 $streamTimeout = (int) $this->importINI->variable($handlerSection, 'StreamTimeout');
             // Check $defaultParentNodeID and throw an exception if not consistent
             $parentNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($defaultParentNodeID, false, false);
             if (!$parentNode) {
                 throw new SQLIImportRuntimeException('Error : invalid DefaultParentNodeID ( ' . $defaultParentNodeID . ' )');
             // Check handler class validity
             if (!class_exists($handlerClassName)) {
                 throw new SQLIImportRuntimeException('Error : invalid handler class "' . $handlerClassName . '". Did you regenerate autolads ?');
             // ####################################
             // ##### IMPORT HANDLER PROCESSING
             // ####################################
             // Instantiate the handler with appropriate options and process it.
             // Handler must implement ISQLIImportHandler and extend SQLIImportAbstractHandler
             $handlerOptions = $aImportItems[$i]->attribute('options');
             $importHandler = new $handlerClassName($handlerOptions);
             if (!$importHandler instanceof ISQLIImportHandler || !$importHandler instanceof SQLIImportAbstractHandler) {
                 throw new SQLIImportRuntimeException('Error : invalid handler "' . $handlerClassName . '". Must implement ISQLIImportHandler and extend SQLIImportAbstractHandler.');
             $importHandler->handlerConfArray = $this->importINI->group($handlerSection);
             // Get process length to calculate advancement percentage to track advancement
             $processLength = $importHandler->getProcessLength();
             $percentageAdvancementStep = 100 / $processLength;
             $handlerName = $importHandler->getHandlerName();
             $handlerIdentifier = $importHandler->getHandlerIdentifier();
             // Progress bar implementation
             $progressBarOptions = array('emptyChar' => ' ', 'barChar' => '=');
             $progressBar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar($this->output, $processLength, $progressBarOptions);
             $this->cli->warning('Now processing "' . $handlerName . '" handler.');
             $isInterrupted = false;
             while ($row = $importHandler->getNextRow()) {
                 try {
                     $startTime = time();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     SQLIImportLogger::logError('An error occurred during "' . $handlerIdentifier . '" import process : ' . $e->getMessage());
                 $aImportItems[$i]->updateProgress($percentageAdvancementStep, $importHandler->getProgressionNotes());
                 // Now calculate process time for this iteration
                 $endTime = time();
                 $diffTime = $endTime - $startTime;
                 $oldProcessTime = $aImportItems[$i]->attribute('process_time');
                 $aImportItems[$i]->setAttribute('process_time', $oldProcessTime + $diffTime);
                 // Interruption handling
                 if ($aImportItems[$i]->isInterrupted()) {
                     SQLIImportLogger::logNotice('Interruption has been requested for current import ! Cleaning and aborting process...');
                     $isInterrupted = true;
             if (!$isInterrupted) {
                 $aImportItems[$i]->setAttribute('status', SQLIImportItem::STATUS_COMPLETED);
                 $aImportItems[$i]->setAttribute('percentage', 100);
                 // Force percentage to 100%
             // ####################################
             // ####################################
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $aImportItems[$i]->setAttribute('status', SQLIImportItem::STATUS_FAILED);
             if (isset($importHandler)) {
function updateArticleImportStatus($importStatusId, $dryRun = false, eZCLI $cli = null, $statusMddEz = 0)
    $query = "UPDATE import_status SET status_mdd_ez = '%s' WHERE id = '%s'";
    $query = sprintf($query, $statusMddEz, $importStatusId);
    if ($dryRun)