Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Retrieve menus, check visibility against
  * current user classes and current page url
 public function init()
     global $_E107;
     if (vartrue($_E107['cli'])) {
     $menu_layout_field = THEME_LAYOUT != e107::getPref('sitetheme_deflayout') ? THEME_LAYOUT : "";
     e107::getCache()->CachePageMD5 = md5(e_LANGUAGE . $menu_layout_field);
     //FIXME add a function to the cache class for this.
     // $menu_data = e107::getCache()->retrieve_sys("menus_".USERCLASS_LIST."_".md5(e_LANGUAGE.$menu_layout_field));
     $menu_data = e107::getCache()->retrieve_sys("menus_" . USERCLASS_LIST);
     $menu_data = e107::getArrayStorage()->ReadArray($menu_data);
     $eMenuArea = array();
     // $eMenuList = array();
     //	$eMenuActive	= array();  // DEPRECATED
     if (!is_array($menu_data)) {
         $menu_qry = 'SELECT * FROM #menus WHERE menu_location > 0 AND menu_class IN (' . USERCLASS_LIST . ') AND menu_layout = "' . $menu_layout_field . '" ORDER BY menu_location,menu_order';
         if (e107::getDb()->db_Select_gen($menu_qry)) {
             while ($row = e107::getDb()->db_Fetch()) {
                 $eMenuArea[$row['menu_location']][] = $row;
         $menu_data['menu_area'] = $eMenuArea;
         $menuData = e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($menu_data, false);
         e107::getCache()->set_sys('menus_' . USERCLASS_LIST, $menuData);
         //	e107::getCache()->set_sys('menus_'.USERCLASS_LIST.'_'.md5(e_LANGUAGE.$menu_layout_field), $menuData);
     } else {
         $eMenuArea = $menu_data['menu_area'];
     $total = array();
     foreach ($eMenuArea as $area => $val) {
         foreach ($val as $row) {
             if ($this->isVisible($row)) {
                 $path = str_replace("/", "", $row['menu_path']);
                 if (!isset($total[$area])) {
                     $total[$area] = 0;
                 $this->eMenuActive[$area][] = $row;
     e107::getRender()->eMenuTotal = $total;
Ejemplo n.º 2
require_once e_HANDLER . 'validator_class.php';
$userMethods = e107::getUserSession();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$frm = e107::getForm();
if (isset($_POST['update_settings'])) {
    if ($_POST['ac'] == md5(ADMINPWCHANGE)) {
        $userData = array();
        $userData['data'] = array();
        if ($_POST['a_password'] != '' && $_POST['a_password2'] != '' && $_POST['a_password'] == $_POST['a_password2']) {
            $userData['data']['user_password'] = $sql->escape($userMethods->HashPassword($_POST['a_password'], $currentUser['user_loginname']), FALSE);
            if (vartrue($pref['allowEmailLogin'])) {
                $user_prefs = e107::getArrayStorage()->unserialize($currentUser['user_prefs']);
                $user_prefs['email_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($new_pass, $email);
                $userData['data']['user_prefs'] = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize($user_prefs);
            $userData['data']['user_pwchange'] = time();
            $userData['WHERE'] = 'user_id=' . USERID;
            validatorClass::addFieldTypes($userMethods->userVettingInfo, $userData, $userMethods->otherFieldTypes);
            $check = $sql->update('user', $userData);
            if ($check) {
                e107::getLog()->add('ADMINPW_01', '', E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
                $userMethods->makeUserCookie(array('user_id' => USERID, 'user_password' => $userData['data']['user_password']), FALSE);
                // Can't handle autologin ATM
                $mes->addSuccess(UDALAN_3 . " " . ADMINNAME);
                $eventData = array('user_id' => USERID, 'user_pwchange' => $userData['data']['user_pwchange']);
                e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_password_update', $eventData);
                $ns->tablerender(UDALAN_2, $mes->render());
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Process data values for XML file. If $this->convertFilePaths is TRUE, convert paths
  * @see replaceFilePaths()
  * @param mixed $val
  * @param string $key key for the current value. Used for exception processing.
  * @return mixed
 private function e107ExportValue($val, $key = '')
     if ($key && isset($this->filePathPrepend[$key])) {
         $val = $this->filePathPrepend[$key] . $val;
     if ($this->convertFilePaths) {
         $types = implode("|", $this->convertFileTypes);
         $val = preg_replace_callback("#({e_.*?\\.(" . $types . "))#i", array($this, 'replaceFilePaths'), $val);
     if (is_array($val)) {
         return "<![CDATA[" . e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($val, FALSE) . "]]>";
     if (strpos($val, "<") !== FALSE || strpos($val, ">") !== FALSE || strpos($val, "&") !== FALSE) {
         return "<![CDATA[" . $val . "]]>";
     return $val;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: login.php Proyecto: gitye/e107
  * Checks user password againt preferences set etc
  * Assumes that $this->userData array already set up
  * @param string $username - the user name string as entered (might not relate to the intended user at this stage)
  * @param string $userpass - as entered
  * @param string $response - received string if CHAP used
  * @param boolean $forceLogin - TRUE if login is being forced from clicking signup link; normally FALSE
  * @return TRUE if valid password
  *		   otherwise FALSE
 protected function checkUserPassword($username, $userpass, $response, $forceLogin)
     $pref = e107::getPref();
     if ($forceLogin === 'provider') {
         return true;
     if ($this->lookEmail && vartrue($pref['passwordEncoding'])) {
         $tmp = e107::getArrayStorage()->unserialize($this->userData['user_prefs']);
         if (!$tmp && $this->userData['user_prefs']) {
             $tmp = unserialize($this->userData['user_prefs']);
         // try old storage type
         $requiredPassword = varset($tmp['email_password'], $this->userData['user_password']);
         // Use email-specific password if set. Otherwise, 'normal' one might work
     } else {
         $requiredPassword = $this->userData['user_password'];
     // FIXME - [SecretR] $username is not set and I really can't get the idea.
     //$username = $this->userData['user_loginname']; // TODO for Steve - temporary fix, where $username comes from?
     // Now check password
     if ($forceLogin) {
         if (md5($this->userData['user_name'] . $this->userData['user_password'] . $this->userData['user_join']) != $userpass) {
             return $this->invalidLogin($username, LOGIN_BAD_PW);
     } else {
         $session = e107::getSession();
         $gotChallenge = $session->is('challenge');
         //$aLogVal = "U: {$username}, P: ******, C: ".$session->get('challenge')." R:{$response} S: {$this->userData['user_password']} Prf: {$pref['password_CHAP']}/{$gotChallenge}";
         if ($pref['password_CHAP'] > 0 && ($response && $gotChallenge) && $response != $session->get('challenge') || $pref['password_CHAP'] == 2) {
             // Verify using CHAP
             //$this->e107->admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","CHAP login",$aLogVal, FALSE, LOG_TO_ROLLING);
             if (($pass_result = $this->userMethods->CheckCHAP($session->get('challenge'), $response, $username, $requiredPassword)) === PASSWORD_INVALID) {
                 return $this->invalidLogin($username, LOGIN_CHAP_FAIL);
         } else {
             // Plaintext password
             //$this->e107->admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","Plaintext login",$aLogVal, FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING);
             if (($pass_result = $this->userMethods->CheckPassword($userpass, $this->lookEmail ? $this->userData['user_loginname'] : $username, $requiredPassword)) === PASSWORD_INVALID) {
                 return $this->invalidLogin($username, LOGIN_BAD_PW);
         $this->passResult = $pass_result;
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Quick Add user submit trigger
 public function AddSubmitTrigger()
     $e107cache = e107::getCache();
     $userMethods = e107::getUserSession();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $e_event = e107::getEvent();
     $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog();
     if (!$_POST['ac'] == md5(ADMINPWCHANGE)) {
     $error = false;
     if (isset($_POST['generateloginname'])) {
         $_POST['loginname'] = $userMethods->generateUserLogin($pref['predefinedLoginName']);
     $_POST['password2'] = $_POST['password1'] = $_POST['password'];
     // Now validate everything
     $allData = validatorClass::validateFields($_POST, $userMethods->userVettingInfo, true);
     // Fix Display and user name
     if (!check_class($pref['displayname_class'], $allData['data']['user_class'])) {
         if ($allData['data']['user_name'] != $allData['data']['user_loginname']) {
             $allData['data']['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_loginname'];
             $mes->addWarning(str_replace('[x]', $allData['data']['user_loginname'], USRLAN_237));
             //$allData['errors']['user_name'] = ERR_FIELDS_DIFFERENT;
     // Do basic validation
     validatorClass::checkMandatory('user_name, user_loginname', $allData);
     // Check for missing fields (email done in userValidation() )
     validatorClass::dbValidateArray($allData, $userMethods->userVettingInfo, 'user', 0);
     // Do basic DB-related checks
     // Do user-specific DB checks
     if (!isset($allData['errors']['user_password'])) {
         // No errors in password - keep it outside the main data array
         $savePassword = $allData['data']['user_password'];
         // Delete the password value in the output array
     // Restrict the scope of this
     unset($_POST['password2'], $_POST['password1']);
     if (count($allData['errors'])) {
         $temp = validatorClass::makeErrorList($allData, 'USER_ERR_', '%n - %x - %t: %v', '<br />', $userMethods->userVettingInfo);
         $error = true;
     // Always save some of the entered data - then we can redisplay on error
     $user_data =& $allData['data'];
     if ($error) {
         $this->setParam('user_data', $user_data);
     if (varset($_POST['perms'])) {
         $allData['data']['user_admin'] = 1;
         $allData['data']['user_perms'] = implode('.', $_POST['perms']);
     $user_data['user_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $user_data['user_login']);
     $user_data['user_join'] = time();
     if ($userMethods->needEmailPassword()) {
         // Save separate password encryption for use with email address
         $user_prefs = e107::getArrayStorage()->unserialize($user_data['user_prefs']);
         $user_prefs['email_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $user_data['user_email']);
         $user_data['user_prefs'] = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize($user_prefs);
     $userMethods->userClassUpdate($allData['data'], 'userall');
     //FIXME - (SecretR) there is a better way to fix this (missing default value, sql error in strict mode - user_realm is to be deleted from DB later)
     $allData['data']['user_realm'] = '';
     // Set any initial classes
     validatorClass::addFieldTypes($userMethods->userVettingInfo, $allData);
     $userid = $sql->insert('user', $allData);
     if ($userid) {
         $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser(false, false);
         $user_data['user_id'] = $userid;
         // Add to admin log
         e107::getLog()->add('USET_02', "UName: {$user_data['user_name']}; Email: {$user_data['user_email']}", E_LOG_INFORMATIVE);
         // Add to user audit trail
         e107::getLog()->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_ADD_ADMIN, $user_data, 0, $user_data['user_loginname']);
         e107::getEvent()->trigger('userfull', $user_data);
         e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_user_created', $user_data);
         // send everything available for user data - bit sparse compared with user-generated signup
         if (isset($_POST['sendconfemail'])) {
             $check = false;
             // Send confirmation email to user
             switch ((int) $_POST['sendconfemail']) {
                 case 0:
                     // activate, don't notify
                     $check = -1;
                 case 1:
                     // activate and send password
                     $check = $sysuser->email('quickadd', array('user_password' => $savePassword, 'mail_subject' => USRLAN_187 . SITENAME, 'activation_url' => USRLAN_238));
                 case 2:
                     // require activation and send password and activation link
                     $sysuser->set('user_ban', 2)->set('user_sess', e_user_model::randomKey())->save();
                     $check = $sysuser->email('quickadd', array('user_password' => $savePassword, 'mail_subject' => USRLAN_187 . SITENAME, 'activation_url' => SITEURL . "signup.php?activate." . $sysuser->getId() . "." . $sysuser->getValue('sess')));
             if ($check && $check !== -1) {
             } elseif (!$check) {
         //	$message = str_replace('--NAME--', htmlspecialchars($user_data['user_name'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET), USRLAN_174);
         $message = USRLAN_172;
         $mes->addSuccess($message)->addSuccess(USRLAN_128 . ': <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($user_data['user_loginname'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) . '</strong>');
         $mes->addSuccess(LAN_PASSWORD . ': <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($savePassword, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) . '</strong>');
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function storeSysCredentials($credentials = null)
     if (null === $credentials) {
         $credentials = array('consumer_key' => $this->eauthConsumerKey, 'consumer_secret' => $this->eauthConsumerSecret, 'access_token' => $this->eauthAccessToken, 'access_secret' => $this->eauthAccessSecret);
     if (!is_array($credentials)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($credentials as $key => $value) {
         switch ($key) {
             case 'consumer_key':
             case 'consumer_secret':
             case 'access_token':
             case 'access_secret':
                 // OK
     return e107::getArrayStorage()->store($credentials, 'eauth');
Ejemplo n.º 7
// At this point we know the error status.
// $changedUserData has an array of core changed data, except password, which is in $savePassword if changed (or entered as confirmation).
// $eufData has extended user field data
// $changedEUFData has any changes in extended user field data
$dataToSave = !$error && (isset($changedUserData) && count($changedUserData)) || isset($changedEUFData['data']) && count($changedEUFData['data']) || $savePassword;
if ($dataToSave) {
    // Sort out password hashes
    if ($savePassword) {
        $loginname = $changedUserData['user_loginname'] ? $changedUserData['user_loginname'] : $udata['user_loginname'];
        $email = isset($changedUserData['user_email']) && $changedUserData['user_email'] ? $changedUserData['user_email'] : $udata['user_email'];
        $changedUserData['user_password'] = $sql->escape($userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $loginname), false);
        if (varset($pref['allowEmailLogin'], FALSE)) {
            $user_prefs = e107::getArrayStorage()->unserialize($udata['user_prefs']);
            $user_prefs['email_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $email);
            $changedUserData['user_prefs'] = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize($user_prefs);
    } else {
        if (isset($changedUserData['user_loginname']) && $userMethods->isPasswordRequired('user_loginname') || isset($changedUserData['user_email']) && $userMethods->isPasswordRequired('user_email')) {
            if ($_uid && ADMIN) {
                // Admin is changing it
                $error = LAN_USET_20;
            } else {
                // User is changing their own info
                $promptPassword = true;
if ($dataToSave && !$promptPassword) {
    $inp = intval($inp);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Function to retrieve Menu data from tables.
 private function getDataLegacy()
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $menu_layout_field = THEME_LAYOUT != e107::getPref('sitetheme_deflayout') ? THEME_LAYOUT : "";
     //	e107::getCache()->CachePageMD5 = md5(e_LANGUAGE.$menu_layout_field); // Disabled by line 93 of Cache class.
     //FIXME add a function to the cache class for this.
     $menu_data = e107::getCache()->retrieve_sys("menus_" . USERCLASS_LIST . "_" . md5(e_LANGUAGE . $menu_layout_field));
     //	$menu_data = e107::getCache()->retrieve_sys("menus_".USERCLASS_LIST);
     $menu_data = e107::getArrayStorage()->ReadArray($menu_data);
     //	$menu_data = e107::getArrayStorage()->ReadArray($menu_data);
     $eMenuArea = array();
     // $eMenuList = array();
     //	$eMenuActive	= array();  // DEPRECATED
     if (!is_array($menu_data)) {
         $menu_qry = 'SELECT * FROM #menus WHERE menu_location > 0 AND menu_class IN (' . USERCLASS_LIST . ') AND menu_layout = "' . $menu_layout_field . '" ORDER BY menu_location,menu_order';
         if ($sql->gen($menu_qry)) {
             while ($row = $sql->fetch()) {
                 $eMenuArea[$row['menu_location']][] = $row;
         $menu_data['menu_area'] = $eMenuArea;
         $menuData = e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($menu_data, false);
         //	e107::getCache()->set_sys('menus_'.USERCLASS_LIST, $menuData);
         e107::getCache()->set_sys('menus_' . USERCLASS_LIST . '_' . md5(e_LANGUAGE . $menu_layout_field), $menuData);
     } else {
         $eMenuArea = $menu_data['menu_area'];
     return $eMenuArea;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Load data from user preferences string
  * @param boolean $force
  * @return e_user_pref
 public function load($force = false)
     if ($force || !$this->hasData()) {
         $data = $this->_user->get('user_prefs', '');
         if (!empty($data)) {
             // BC
             $data = substr($data, 0, 5) == "array" ? e107::getArrayStorage()->ReadArray($data) : unserialize($data);
             if (!$data) {
                 $data = array();
         } else {
             $data = array();
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Return an Array of core preferences from e107 XML Dump data
  * @param array $XMLData Raw XML e107 Export Data
  * @param string $prefType [optional] the type of core pref: core|emote|ipool|menu etc.
  * @return array preference array equivalent to the old $pref global;
 public function e107ImportPrefs($XMLData, $prefType = 'core')
     if (!vartrue($XMLData['prefs'][$prefType])) {
         return array();
     //$mes = eMessage::getInstance();
     $pref = array();
     foreach ($XMLData['prefs'][$prefType] as $val) {
         $name = $val['@attributes']['name'];
         // if(strpos($val['@value'], 'array (') === 0)
         // {
         // echo '<pre>'.$val['@value'];
         // echo "\n";
         // var_dump(e107::getArrayStorage()->ReadArray($val['@value']));
         // echo $val['@value'].'</pre>';
         // }
         $value = strpos($val['@value'], 'array (') === 0 ? e107::getArrayStorage()->ReadArray($val['@value']) : $val['@value'];
         $pref[$name] = $value;
         // $mes->add("Setting up ".$prefType." Pref [".$name."] => ".$value, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
     return $pref;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Update pref set and cache
  * - @param  string $name -- name of pref row
  * - @param  string $table -- "core" or "user"
  * - @global  $$name
  * - @access  public
  * set()    == core, pref
  * set("rowname")   == core, rowname
  * set("","user")   == user, user_pref for current user
  * set("","user",uid)   == user, user_pref for user uid
  * set("fieldname","user")  == user, fieldname
  * all pref sets other than menu_pref get toDB()
 function setArray($name = '', $table = 'core', $uid = USERID)
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     if (!strlen($name)) {
         switch ($table) {
             case 'core':
                 $name = 'pref';
             case 'user':
                 $name = 'user_pref';
     global ${$name};
     if ($name != 'menu_pref') {
         foreach (${$name} as $key => $prefvalue) {
             ${$name}[$key] = $tp->toDB($prefvalue);
     $tmp = e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray(${$name}, FALSE);
     // $this->set() adds slashes now
     //	$tmp = serialize($$name);
     $this->set($tmp, $name, $table, $uid);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    } else {
        if ($query[1] == 'p') {
            $handler_type = 'plug_handlers';
        } else {
            // Illegal value
    $query[2] = $tp->toDB($query[2]);
    $search_prefs[$handler_type][$query[2]]['class'] = intval($_POST['class']);
    $search_prefs[$handler_type][$query[2]]['chars'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['chars']);
    $search_prefs[$handler_type][$query[2]]['results'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['results']);
    $search_prefs[$handler_type][$query[2]]['pre_title'] = intval($_POST['pre_title']);
    $search_prefs[$handler_type][$query[2]]['pre_title_alt'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['pre_title_alt']);
    //	$tmp = addslashes(serialize($search_prefs));
    $tmp = e107::getArrayStorage()->writeArray($search_prefs, true);
    $check = $sql->db_Update("core", "e107_value='" . $tmp . "' WHERE e107_name='search_prefs'");
    if ($check) {
        e107::getLog()->add('SEARCH_05', $handler_type . ', ' . $query[2], E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, '');
    } elseif (0 === $check) {
    } else {
        $mes->addError(LAN_UPDATED_FAILED, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
        $mes->addError(LAN_ERROR . " " . $sql->getLastErrorNumber() . ': ' . $sql->getLastErrorText());
if (isset($_POST['update_prefs'])) {
    $temp['relevance'] = intval($_POST['relevance']);
    $temp['user_select'] = intval($_POST['user_select']);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function getFeed($feedID, $force = FALSE)
     global $e107, $admin_log;
     $tp = e107::getParser();
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $eArrayStorage = e107::getArrayStorage();
     // Make sure we've got the feed data.
     if (!isset($this->feedList[$feedID])) {
         if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) {
             echo "Invalid feed number: {$feedID}<br />";
         return FALSE;
     if (strpos($this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data'], 'MagpieRSS')) {
         $force = true;
     if ($force || !isset($this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data']) || !$this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data']) {
         // No data already in memory
         if ($force || !($this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data'] = $e107->ecache->retrieve(NEWSFEED_NEWS_CACHE_TAG . $feedID, $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_updateint'] / 60))) {
             // Need to re-read from source - either no cached data yet, or cache expired
             if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) {
                 $admin_log->e_log_event(10, debug_backtrace(), "DEBUG", "Newsfeed update", "Refresh item: " . $feedID, FALSE, LOG_TO_ROLLING);
             require_once e_HANDLER . 'xml_class.php';
             $xml = new xmlClass();
             require_once e_HANDLER . 'magpie_rss.php';
             $dbData = array();
             // In case we need to update DB
             if ($rawData = $xml->getRemoteFile($this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_url'])) {
                 $rss = new MagpieRSS($rawData);
                 list($newsfeed_image, $newsfeed_showmenu, $newsfeed_showmain) = explode("::", $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_image']);
                 $temp['channel'] = $rss->channel;
                 if ($newsfeed_showmenu == 0 || $newsfeed_showmain == 0) {
                     $temp['items'] = $rss->items;
                     // Unlimited items
                 } else {
                     $temp['items'] = array_slice($rss->items, 0, max($newsfeed_showmenu, $newsfeed_showmain));
                     // Limited items
                 $newsfeed_des = FALSE;
                 if ($this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_description'] == 'default') {
                     $temp['newsfeed_description'] = 'default';
                     // This prevents db writes if no better data found
                     if ($rss->channel['description']) {
                         $newsfeed_des = $tp->toDB($rss->channel['description']);
                         $temp['newsfeed_description'] = $newsfeed_des;
                     } elseif ($rss->channel['tagline']) {
                         $newsfeed_des = $tp->toDB($rss->channel['tagline']);
                         $temp['newsfeed_description'] = $newsfeed_des;
                     if ($temp['newsfeed_description'] != $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_description']) {
                         // Need to write updated feed name to DB
                         $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_description'] = $temp['newsfeed_description'];
                         $dbData['newsfeed_description'] = $temp['newsfeed_description'];
                         if ($this->useCache) {
                             // Clear the newsfeed cache so its re-read next time
                 if ($newsfeed_image == 'default') {
                     $temp['newsfeed_image_link'] = "<a href='" . $rss->image['link'] . "' rel='external'><img src='" . $rss->image['url'] . "' alt='" . $rss->image['title'] . "' style='vertical-align: middle;' /></a>";
                 } else {
                     $temp['newsfeed_image_link'] = "<img src='" . $this->feedList[$feedID]['newsfeed_image'] . "' alt='' />";
                 $serializedArray = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($temp, FALSE);
                 $now = time();
                 $this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data'] = $serializedArray;
                 $this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_timestamp'] = $now;
                 if ($this->useCache) {
                     $e107->ecache->set(NEWSFEED_NEWS_CACHE_TAG . $feedID, $serializedArray);
                 } else {
                     $dbData['newsfeed_data'] = addslashes($serializedArray);
                     $dbData['newsfeed_timestamp'] = $now;
                 if (count($dbData)) {
                     if (FALSE === $sql->db_UpdateArray('newsfeed', $dbData, " WHERE newsfeed_id=" . $feedID)) {
                         if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) {
                             echo NFLAN_48 . "<br /><br />" . var_dump($dbData);
             } else {
                 if (NEWSFEED_DEBUG) {
                     echo $xml->error;
                 return FALSE;
     return e107::unserialize($this->newsList[$feedID]['newsfeed_data']);
Ejemplo n.º 14
                 if (USERID == $row['user_id']) {
                     $cookieChange = $newData['user_password'];
             } else {
         if ($emailGen == 1 && $user_info->canConvert($row['user_password'])) {
             $user_prefs['email_password'] = $user_info->ConvertPassword($row['user_password'], $row['user_email']);
         } elseif ($emailGen == 2) {
         if (count($user_prefs)) {
             $newPrefs = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize($user_prefs);
         } else {
             $newPrefs = '';
         if ($newPrefs != $user_prefs) {
             $newData['user_prefs'] = $newPrefs;
         if (count($newData)) {
             $sql->db_UpdateArray('user', $newData, " WHERE `user_id`={$row['user_id']}");
 echo str_replace('--TOTAL--', $recordCount, LAN_PCONV_22) . '<br />';
 echo str_replace('--TOTAL--', $saltProcess, LAN_PCONV_24) . '<br />';
 echo str_replace('--TOTAL--', $emailProcess, LAN_PCONV_23) . '<br />';
 echo str_replace('--TOTAL--', $cantProcess, LAN_PCONV_25) . '<br />';
Ejemplo n.º 15
     $allData['data']['user_ban'] = USER_REGISTERED_NOT_VALIDATED;
 } else {
     $allData['data']['user_ban'] = USER_VALIDATED;
 // Work out data to be written to user audit trail
 $signup_data = array('user_name', 'user_loginname', 'user_email', 'user_ip');
 //		foreach (array() as $f)
 foreach ($signup_data as $f) {
     $signup_data[$f] = $allData['data'][$f];
     // Just copy across selected fields
 $allData['data']['user_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $allData['data']['user_loginname']);
 if (vartrue($pref['allowEmailLogin'])) {
     // Need to create separate password for email login
     //$allData['data']['user_prefs'] = serialize(array('email_password' => $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $allData['data']['user_email'])));
     $allData['data']['user_prefs'] = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize(array('email_password' => $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $allData['data']['user_email'])));
 $allData['data']['user_join'] = time();
 $allData['data']['user_ip'] = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE);
 if (!vartrue($allData['data']['user_name'])) {
     $allData['data']['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_loginname'];
     $signup_data['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_loginname'];
 // The user_class, user_perms, user_prefs, user_realm fields don't have default value,
 //   so we put apropriate ones, otherwise - broken DB Insert
 $allData['data']['user_class'] = '';
 $allData['data']['user_perms'] = '';
 $allData['data']['user_prefs'] = '';
 $allData['data']['user_realm'] = '';
 if (empty($allData['data']['user_signature'])) {
     $allData['data']['user_signature'] = '';
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Convert object data to a string
  * @param boolean $AddSlashes
  * @param string $node_id optional, if set method will return corresponding value as a string
  * @param boolean $total include total results property
  * @return string
 public function toString($AddSlashes = true, $node_id = null, $total = false)
     if (null !== $node_id && $this->isNode($node_id)) {
         return $this->getNode($node_id)->toString($AddSlashes);
     return (string) e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($this->toArray($total), $AddSlashes);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function installCheck($do_one = FALSE)
     global $e107;
     $sql = e107::getDb();
     $fl = e107::getFile();
     $ns = e107::getRender();
     $mes = e107::getMessage();
     // Pick up a list of emote packs from the database
     $pack_local = array();
     if ($sql->db_Select("core", "*", "`e107_name` LIKE 'emote_%'")) {
         while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) {
             $pack_local[substr($row['e107_name'], 6)] = TRUE;
     foreach ($this->packArray as $value) {
         if (strpos($value, ' ') !== FALSE) {
             // Highlight any directory names containing spaces - not allowed
             $msg = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>" . EMOLAN_17 . "</strong> " . EMOLAN_18 . ":\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div>" . LAN_NAME . ": {$value}</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div>" . EMOLAN_20 . ": " . e_IMAGE_ABS . "emotes/</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t";
             $ns->tablerender(EMOLAN_PAGE_TITLE . ' - ' . EMOLAN_21, $mes->render());
             return FALSE;
         if (array_key_exists($value, $pack_local)) {
         if ($do_one == $value || !$do_one && !$sql->db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='emote_" . $value . "' ")) {
             // Pack info not in DB, or to be re-scanned
             $no_error = TRUE;
             $File_type = EMOLAN_32 . ":";
             // Array of all files in the directory of the selected emote pack
             $fileArray = $fl->get_files(e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value);
             // We actually want all the files in the directory
             $confFile = '';
             foreach ($fileArray as $k => $file) {
                 if (strstr($file['fname'], ".xml")) {
                     $confFile = array('file' => $file['fname'], 'type' => "xml");
                 } else {
                     if (strstr($file['fname'], ".pak")) {
                         $confFile = array('file' => $file['fname'], 'type' => "pak");
                     } else {
                         if (strstr($file['fname'], ".php")) {
                             $confFile = array('file' => $file['fname'], 'type' => "php");
                 if ($confFile) {
             /* .pak file */
             if ($confFile['type'] == "pak") {
                 $filename = e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value . "/" . $confFile['file'];
                 $pakconf = file($filename);
                 $contentArray = array();
                 foreach ($pakconf as $line) {
                     if (trim($line) && strstr($line, "=+") && !strstr($line, ".txt") && !strstr($line, ".html") && !strstr($line, "cvs")) {
                         $contentArray[] = $line;
                 $confArray = array();
                 foreach ($contentArray as $pakline) {
                     $tmp = explode("=+:", $pakline);
                     $confIC = str_replace(".", "!", $tmp[0]);
                     $confArray[$confIC] = trim($tmp[2]);
                 // $tmp = addslashes(serialize($confArray));
                 $tmp = e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($confArray);
                 $File_type = EMOLAN_22 . ":";
             /* end  */
             /* .xml file  */
             if ($confFile['type'] == "xml") {
                 $filename = e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value . "/" . $confFile['file'];
                 $contents = file_get_contents($filename);
                 $confArray = array();
                 $xml_type = 0;
                 if (strpos($contents, "<icon>") !== FALSE && strpos($contents, "<icondef>") !== FALSE) {
                     // xep-0038 format
                     /* Example:
                     			<object mime="image/png">happy.png</object>
                     			<object mime="audio/x-wav">choir.wav</object>
                     preg_match_all("#\\<icon>(.*?)\\<\\/icon\\>#si", $contents, $match);
                     $xml_type = 1;
                     // $match[0] - complete emoticon entry
                     // $match[1] - match string and object specification
                     $item_index = 1;
                 } elseif (strpos($contents, "<emoticon") !== FALSE) {
                     //  "Original" E107 format (as used on KDE, although they may be changing to XEP-0038)
                     //echo "Decoding standard XML file<br />";
                     preg_match_all("#\\<emoticon file=\"(.*?)\"\\>(.*?)\\<\\/emoticon\\>#si", $contents, $match);
                     $xml_type = 2;
                     // $match[0] - complete emoticon entry
                     // $match[1] - filename (may or may not not have file extension/suffix)
                     // $match[2] - match string(s) representing emote
                     $item_index = 2;
                 if ($xml_type) {
                     for ($a = 0; $a < count($match[0]); $a++) {
                         $e_file = '';
                         switch ($xml_type) {
                             case 1:
                                 // xep-0038
                                 // Pull out a file name (only support first image type) - its in $fmatch[1]
                                 if (preg_match("#\\<object\\s*?mime\\=[\"\\']image\\/.*?\\>(.*?)\\<\\/object\\>#si", $match[1][$a], $fmatch)) {
                                     $e_file = $fmatch[1];
                                     //							  echo "xep-0038 file: ".$e_file."<br />";
                                     // Pull out all match strings - need to pick out any language definitions for posterity
                                     // but currently accept all language strings
                                     preg_match_all("#\\<text(?:\\s*?\\>|\\s*?xml\\:lang\\=\"(.*?)\"\\>)(.*?)\\<\\/text\\>#si", $match[1][$a], $match2);
                                     // $match2[1] is the languages
                                     // $match2[2] is the match strings
                                     $codet = implode(" ", $match2[2]);
                             case 2:
                                 $e_file = $match[1][$a];
                                 // Now pull out all the 'match' strings
                                 preg_match_all("#\\<string\\>(.*?)\\<\\/string\\>#si", $match[2][$a], $match2);
                                 $codet = implode(" ", $match2[1]);
                         // $e_file has the emote file name
                         // $match2 has an array of substitution strings
                         $file = '';
                         foreach ($fileArray as $emote) {
                             // Check that the file exists
                             if (strpos($e_file, ".") === FALSE) {
                                 // File extension not specified - accept any file extension for match
                                 if (strpos($emote['fname'], $e_file . ".") === 0) {
                                     $file = str_replace(".", "!", $emote['fname']);
                             } else {
                                 // File extension specified - do simple match
                                 if ($emote['fname'] == $e_file) {
                                     $file = str_replace(".", "!", $emote['fname']);
                         // Only add if the file exists. OK if no definition - might want to be added
                         if ($file) {
                             $confArray[$file] = $codet;
                 } else {
                     //echo "Unsupported XML File Format<br /><br />";
                     $no_error = FALSE;
                 // Save pack info in the database
                 //	$tmp = addslashes(serialize($confArray));
                 $tmp = e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($confArray);
                 $File_type = EMOLAN_23 . ":";
             if ($confFile['type'] == "php") {
                 include_once e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value . "/" . $confFile['file'];
                 $File_type = EMOLAN_24 . ":";
                 $tmp = $_emoteconf;
                 // Use consistent name
             if ($no_error) {
                 if ($do_one) {
                     // Assume existing pack
                     $sql->db_Update("core", "`e107_value`='{$tmp}' WHERE `e107_name`='emote_" . $value . "'");
                 } else {
                     // Assume new pack
                     $sql->db_Insert("core", "'emote_" . $value . "', '{$tmp}' ");
                 $mes->addInfo("<strong>{$File_type}</strong> '{$value}'");
             } else {
                 // Error occurred
                 $mes->addError(EMOLAN_27 . ": '{$value}'");
     if (count($pack_local)) {
         foreach ($pack_local as $p => $d) {
             $mes->addInfo(EMOLAN_34 . ":" . $p . EMOLAN_35);
             $sql->db_Delete("core", "`e107_name` = 'emote_{$p}'");
     return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function __get($name)
     switch ($name) {
         case 'tp':
             $ret = e107::getParser();
         case 'sql':
             $ret = e107::getDb();
         case 'ecache':
             $ret = e107::getCache();
         case 'arrayStorage':
             $ret = e107::getArrayStorage();
         case 'e_event':
             $ret = e107::getEvent();
         case 'ns':
             $ret = e107::getRender();
         case 'url':
             $ret = e107::getUrl();
         case 'admin_log':
             $ret = e107::getAdminLog();
         case 'override':
             $ret = e107::getSingleton('override', e_HANDLER . 'override_class.php');
         case 'notify':
             $ret = e107::getNotify();
         case 'e_online':
             $ret = e107::getOnline();
         case 'eIPHandler':
             $ret = e107::getIPHandler();
         case 'user_class':
             $ret = e107::getUserClass();
             trigger_error('$e107->$' . $name . ' not defined', E_USER_WARNING);
             return null;
     $this->{$name} = $ret;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  *	Creates a field type definition from the structure of the table in the DB
  *	Generate and save a cache file in the e_CACHE_DB directory,
  *	Also update $this->dbFieldDefs[$tableName] - FALSE if error, data if found
  *	@param	string $tableName - name of table sought
  *	@return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on not found (some errors intentionally ignored)
 protected function makeTableDef($tableName)
     require_once e_HANDLER . 'db_table_admin_class.php';
     $dbAdm = new db_table_admin();
     $baseStruct = $dbAdm->get_current_table($tableName);
     $fieldDefs = $dbAdm->parse_field_defs($baseStruct[0][2]);
     // Required definitions
     $outDefs = array();
     foreach ($fieldDefs as $k => $v) {
         switch ($v['type']) {
             case 'field':
                 if (vartrue($v['autoinc'])) {
                     //break;		Probably include autoinc fields in array
                 $baseType = preg_replace('#\\(\\d+?\\)#', '', $v['fieldtype']);
                 // Should strip any length
                 switch ($baseType) {
                     case 'int':
                     case 'shortint':
                     case 'tinyint':
                         $outDefs['_FIELD_TYPES'][$v['name']] = 'int';
                     case 'char':
                     case 'text':
                     case 'varchar':
                         $outDefs['_FIELD_TYPES'][$v['name']] = 'escape';
                         //XXX toDB() causes serious BC issues.
                 //	if($v['name'])
                 if (isset($v['nulltype']) && !isset($v['default'])) {
                     $outDefs['_NOTNULL'][$v['name']] = '';
             case 'pkey':
             case 'ukey':
             case 'key':
             case 'ftkey':
                 // Do nothing with keys for now
             // Do nothing with keys for now
                 echo "Unexpected field type: {$k} => {$v['type']}<br />";
     $array = e107::getArrayStorage();
     $this->dbFieldDefs[$tableName] = $outDefs;
     $toSave = $array->WriteArray($outDefs, FALSE);
     // 2nd parameter to TRUE if needs to be written to DB
     if (FALSE === file_put_contents(e_CACHE_DB . $tableName . '.php', $toSave)) {
         // Could do something with error - but mustn't return FALSE - would trigger auto-generated structure
         $mes = e107::getMessage();
         $mes->addDebug("Error writing file: " . e_CACHE_DB . $tableName . '.php');
         //Fix for during v1.x -> 2.x upgrade.
         // echo "Error writing file: ".e_CACHE_DB.$tableName.'.php'.'<br />';
Ejemplo n.º 20
  *	Ensure the tree of userclass data is stored in our object ($this->class_tree).
  *	Only read if its either not present, or the $force flag is set.
  *	Data is cached if enabled
  *	@param boolean $force - set to TRUE to force a re-read of the info regardless.
  *	@return none
 public function readTree($force = FALSE)
     if (isset($this->class_tree) && count($this->class_tree) && !$force) {
     $e107 = e107::getInstance();
     $this->class_tree = array();
     $this->class_parents = array();
     if ($temp = $e107->ecache->retrieve_sys(UC_CACHE_TAG)) {
         $this->class_tree = e107::getArrayStorage()->read($temp);
     } else {
         $this->sql_r->db_Select('userclass_classes', '*', 'ORDER BY userclass_parent', 'nowhere');
         // The order statement should give a consistent return
         while ($row = $this->sql_r->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
             $this->class_tree[$row['userclass_id']] = $row;
             $this->class_tree[$row['userclass_id']]['class_children'] = array();
             // Create the child array in case needed
         // Add in any fixed classes that aren't already defined (they historically didn't have a DB entry, although now its facilitated (and necessary for tree structure)
         foreach ($this->fixed_classes as $c => $d) {
             if (!isset($this->class_tree[$c])) {
                 switch ($c) {
                     case e_UC_ADMIN:
                     case e_UC_MAINADMIN:
                         $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_NOBODY;
                     case e_UC_NEWUSER:
                         $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_MEMBER;
                         $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_id'] = $c;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_name'] = $d;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_description'] = 'Fixed class';
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_visibility'] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_editclass'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_accum'] = $c;
                 $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_type'] = UC_TYPE_STD;
         $userCache = e107::serialize($this->class_tree, FALSE);
         $e107->ecache->set_sys(UC_CACHE_TAG, $userCache);
     // Now build the tree.
     // There are just two top-level classes - 'Everybody' and 'Nobody'
     $this->class_parents[e_UC_PUBLIC] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
     $this->class_parents[e_UC_NOBODY] = e_UC_NOBODY;
     foreach ($this->class_tree as $uc) {
         if ($uc['userclass_id'] != e_UC_PUBLIC && $uc['userclass_id'] != e_UC_NOBODY) {
             if (!isset($this->class_tree[$uc['userclass_parent']])) {
                 echo "Orphaned class record: ID=" . $uc['userclass_id'] . " Name=" . $uc['userclass_name'] . "  Parent=" . $uc['userclass_parent'] . "<br />";
             } else {
                 // Add to array
                 $this->class_tree[$uc['userclass_parent']]['class_children'][] = $uc['userclass_id'];
Ejemplo n.º 21
|     $Revision: 11678 $
|     $Id: links.php 11678 2010-08-22 00:43:45Z e107coders $
|     $Author: e107coders $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) {
    require_once '../../class2.php';
if (!e107::isInstalled('links_page')) {
$link_shortcodes = e107::getScBatch('links_page', TRUE);
require_once e_PLUGIN . 'links_page/link_defines.php';
require_once e_HANDLER . "userclass_class.php";
$eArrayStorage = e107::getArrayStorage();
$db = e107::getDb();
$mes = e107::getMessage();
require_once e_HANDLER . "form_handler.php";
$rs = new form();
require_once e_HANDLER . "file_class.php";
$fl = new e_file();
$cobj = e107::getComment();
require_once e_PLUGIN . 'links_page/link_class.php';
$lc = new linkclass();
global $tp;
$linkspage_pref = e107::pref('links_page');
$deltest = array_flip($_POST);
$from = "0";
if (e_QUERY) {
    $qs = explode(".", e_QUERY);
Ejemplo n.º 22
function convert_serialized($serializedData)
    $arrayData = unserialize($serializedData);
    return e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($arrayData, FALSE);