
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php';
$helper = new dmUnitTestHelper();
$t = new lime_test(33);
$v = new dmValidatorCssIdAndClasses();
foreach (array('a', 'a_b', 'a-c', 'qieurgfbqoiuzbfvoqiuzZFZGPSOZDNZKFjflzkh986875OoihzyfvbxoquyfvxqozufyxqzUEFV', '9', '_', ' bla rebla  ', '- _ 8', '.class', '.a b.c.d', '#myid.a b.c.d', '#myid class1 class2', 'class1 class2 #myid', '.a b#myid.c.d', '.a b#myid.c.d#myid', '.a b#myid.c.d  #myid', '#my_id', '#my-id', ' #my-id  ') as $classes) {
    try {
        $t->comment('"' . $classes . '" -> "' . $v->clean($classes) . '"');
        $t->pass('->clean() checks that the value is a valid css class name + id');
    } catch (sfValidatorError $e) {
        $t->fail('->clean() checks that the value is a valid css class name + id');
foreach (array('.zegze$g.zegf', '/', 'a/f', 'a^', 'a # @', 'é', '-{') as $nonClass) {
    try {
        $t->fail('->clean() throws an sfValidatorError if the value is not a valid css class name + id');
        $t->skip('', 1);
    } catch (sfValidatorError $e) {
        $t->pass('->clean() throws an sfValidatorError if the value is not a valid css class name + id');
        $t->is($e->getCode(), 'invalid', '->clean() throws a sfValidatorError');
Ejemplo n.º 2

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php';
$helper = new dmUnitTestHelper();
$isSqlite = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getConnection('doctrine') instanceof Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite;
$t = new lime_test(16 + ($isSqlite ? 0 : 1) + 3 * count($helper->get('i18n')->getCultures()));
$user = $helper->get('user');
try {
    $index = $helper->get('search_index');
    $t->fail('Can\'t create index without dir');
} catch (dmSearchIndexException $e) {
    $t->pass('Can\'t create index without dir');
$engine = $helper->get('search_engine');
$t->isa_ok($engine, 'dmSearchEngine', 'Got a dmSearchEngine instance');
$expected = dmProject::rootify(dmArray::get($helper->get('service_container')->getParameter('search_engine.options'), 'dir'));
$t->is($engine->getFullPath(), $expected, 'Current engine full path is ' . $expected);
$t->ok(!file_exists(dmProject::rootify('segments.gen')), 'There is no segments.gen in project root dir');
foreach ($helper->get('i18n')->getCultures() as $culture) {
    $currentIndex = $engine->getCurrentIndex();
    $t->is($currentIndex->getName(), 'dm_page_' . $culture, 'Current index name is ' . $currentIndex->getName());
    $t->is($currentIndex->getCulture(), $culture, 'Current index culture is ' . $culture);
    $t->is($currentIndex->getFullPath(), dmProject::rootify('cache/testIndex/' . $currentIndex->getName()), 'Current index full path is ' . $currentIndex->getFullPath());
$currentIndex = $engine->getCurrentIndex();
$t->isa_ok($currentIndex->getLuceneIndex(), 'Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy', 'The current index is instanceof Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy');
Ejemplo n.º 3

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper/dmUnitTestHelper.php';
$helper = new dmUnitTestHelper();
$t = new lime_test(2);
$t->comment('Check config files order');
$configPath = 'config/dm/modules.yml';
$paths = $helper->getConfiguration()->getConfigPaths($configPath);
$t->is($paths[0], dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('dm_core_dir'), $configPath), 'dmCore is first');
$t->is($paths[1], dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('dm_admin_dir'), $configPath), 'dmAdmin is second');