public function setRecord(dmDoctrineRecord $record) { if ($record->getDmModule()->getKey() != $this->get('module')) { throw new dmException('Assigning record with wrong module'); } return $this->setCache('record', $record); }
protected function manageInsert(dmDoctrineRecord $record, $actionName, $actionConfig, $app) { $permission = new DmRecordPermission(); $permission->set('secure_module', $record->getDmModule()->getSfName()); $permission->set('secure_action', $actionName); $permission->set('secure_model', get_class($record)); $permission->set('secure_record', $record->get($record->getTable()->getIdentifier())); $permission->set('description', sprintf('Secure access to action %s of module %s for record "%s" of class %s', $actionName, $record->getDmModule()->getKey(), $record->__toString(), get_class($record))); $permission->save(); }
protected function replace(dmDoctrineRecord $record, array $fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $oldValue = $record->get($field); $newValue = strtr($oldValue, $this->getReplacements()); if ($oldValue != $newValue) { $this->log('Correct ' . $record . '->' . $field); $record->set($field, $newValue); $record->save(); } } }
public function getMediaUrl(dmDoctrineRecord $record) { if ($record instanceof DmMediaFolder) { if (null === $this->mediaFolderPathBaseUrl) { $this->mediaFolderPathBaseUrl = $this->generate('dm_media_library_path', array('path' => '__DM_MEDIA_PATH_PLACEHOLDER__')); } return str_replace('__DM_MEDIA_PATH_PLACEHOLDER__', $record->getRelPath(), $this->mediaFolderPathBaseUrl); } elseif ($record instanceof DmMedia) { return 'dmMediaLibrary/file?media_id=' . $record->get('id'); } else { throw new dmException('Can not generate url for ' . $record); } }
public function addModifiedRecord(dmDoctrineRecord $record) { if ($record instanceof DmAutoSeo) { $table = $record->getTargetDmModule()->getTable(); } else { $table = $record->getTable(); } if ($table instanceof dmDoctrineTable) { if (!isset($this->modifiedTables[$table->getComponentName()]) && $table->interactsWithPageTree()) { $this->addModifiedTable($table); } } return $this; }
protected function initialize(array $options = array()) { $this->configure($options); sfConfig::set('sf_logging_enabled', false); $culture = $this->getOption('culture'); sfConfig::set('sf_default_culture', $culture); dmDoctrineRecord::setDefaultCulture($culture); dmConfig::setCulture($culture); }
public function execute($threadClass, array $threadOptions = array()) { if (!isset($threadOptions['culture'])) { $threadOptions['culture'] = dmDoctrineRecord::getDefaultCulture(); } $command = $this->getCommand($threadClass, $threadOptions); if (!$this->filesystem->exec($command)) { throw new dmThreadException(sprintf("Thread %s failed ( app: %s, env: %s )\ncommand : %s\nmessage : %s", $threadClass, $this->options['app'], $this->options['env'], $this->getLastExec('command'), $this->getLastExec('output'))); } }
/** * Will join all relations * @return myDoctrineQuery */ public function joinAll(dmDoctrineQuery $query = null) { if ($query instanceof dmDoctrineQuery) { $rootAlias = $query->getRootAlias(); } else { $query = $this->createQuery($rootAlias = 'q'); } foreach ($this->getRelationHolder()->getAll() as $relation) { if ($relation->getAlias() === 'Version' && $this->isVersionable()) { continue; } elseif ($relation->getAlias() === 'Translation') { $query->withI18n(); } elseif ($relation->getClass() === 'DmMedia') { if ($relation instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association && $this->hasTemplate('DmGallery')) { continue; } $query->withDmMedia($relation->getAlias()); } else { if ($relation instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey) { if ($this->getRelationHolder()->getAssociationByRefClass($relation->getClass())) { continue; } } $joinAlias = dmString::lcfirst($relation->getAlias()); $query->leftJoin(sprintf('%s.%s %s', $rootAlias, $relation->getAlias(), $joinAlias)); if ($relation->getTable()->hasRelation('Translation')) { $joinI18nAlias = $joinAlias . 'Translation'; $query->leftJoin(sprintf('%s.%s %s WITH %s.lang = ?', $joinAlias, 'Translation', $joinI18nAlias, $joinI18nAlias), dmDoctrineRecord::getDefaultCulture()); } } } return $query; }
public function getReplacementsForPatterns(dmProjectModule $module, array $patterns, dmDoctrineRecord $record) { $moduleKey = $module->getKey(); $replacements = array(); foreach ($this->getPatternsPlaceholders($patterns) as $placeholder) { if ('culture' === $placeholder || 'user.culture' === $placeholder) { $replacements[$this->wrap($placeholder)] = $this->culture; continue; } /* * Extract model and field from 'model.field' or 'model' */ if (strpos($placeholder, '.')) { list($usedModuleKey, $field) = explode('.', $placeholder); } else { $usedModuleKey = $placeholder; $field = '__toString'; } $usedModuleKey = dmString::modulize($usedModuleKey); $usedRecord = null; /* * Retrieve used record */ if ($usedModuleKey === $moduleKey) { $usedRecord = $record; } elseif ($module->hasAncestor($usedModuleKey)) { $usedRecord = $record->getAncestorRecord($module->getAncestor($usedModuleKey)->getModel()); } else { $usedRecord = $record->getRelatedRecord($this->moduleManager->getModule($usedModuleKey)->getModel()); } if ($usedRecord instanceof dmDoctrineRecord) { /* * get record value for field */ if ($field === '__toString') { $usedValue = $usedRecord->__toString(); $processMarkdown = true; } else { try { $usedValue = $usedRecord->get($field); } catch (Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException $e) { $usedValue = $usedRecord->{'get' . dmString::camelize($field)}(); } $processMarkdown = $this->shouldProcessMarkdown($usedRecord->getTable(), $field); } unset($usedRecord); } else { $usedValue = $moduleKey . '-' . $usedModuleKey . ' not found'; $processMarkdown = false; } $usedValue = trim($usedValue); if ($processMarkdown) { $usedValue = dmMarkdown::brutalToText($usedValue); } $replacements[$this->wrap($placeholder)] = $usedValue; } return $replacements; }
/** * Create current i18n form */ protected function createI18nForm($culture = null) { if (!$this->isI18n()) { throw new dmException(sprintf('The model "%s" is not internationalized.', $this->getModelName())); } $i18nFormClass = $this->getI18nFormClass(); $culture = null === $culture ? dmDoctrineRecord::getDefaultCulture() : $culture; // translation already set, use it if ($this->object->get('Translation')->contains($culture)) { $translation = $this->object->get('Translation')->get($culture); } else { $translation = $this->object->get('Translation')->get($culture); // populate new translation with fallback values if (!$translation->exists()) { if ($fallback = $this->object->getI18nFallBack()) { $fallBackData = $fallback->toArray(); unset($fallBackData['id'], $fallBackData['lang']); $translation->fromArray($fallBackData); } } } $i18nForm = new $i18nFormClass($translation); unset($i18nForm['id'], $i18nForm['lang']); return $i18nForm; }
public function findOneByRecordWithI18n(dmDoctrineRecord $record) { $module = $record->getDmModule()->getKey(); if (isset($this->recordPageCache[$module][$record->get('id')])) { return $this->recordPageCache[$module][$record->get('id')]; } return $this->createQuery('p')->where('p.module = ?', $module)->andWhere('p.action = ?', 'show')->andWhere('p.record_id = ?', $record->get('id'))->withI18n(null, null, 'p')->fetchOne(); }
protected function getRandomLink() { if (mt_rand(0, 1)) { return sprintf('http://' . dmString::random() . ''); } if (!class_exists('DmPageTranslation', false)) { new DmPage(); } $page = dmDb::query('DmPageTranslation p')->select(',, p.lang, RANDOM() AS rand')->where('p.lang = ?', dmDoctrineRecord::getDefaultCulture())->orderBy('rand')->limit(1)->fetchPDO(); return sprintf('page:%d %s', $page[0][0], $page[0][1]); }
public function clearClassCache($cacheKey = null) { if (null === $cacheKey) { self::$classCache = array(); } elseif (isset(self::$classCache[$cacheKey])) { unset(self::$classCache[$cacheKey]); } return $this; }
protected function getDefaultConfig() { return array_merge(array('language' => dmDoctrineRecord::getDefaultCulture()), sfConfig::get('dm_ckeditor_config')); }