Ejemplo n.º 1
function dk_speakout_addnew_page()
    // check security: ensure user has authority
    if (!current_user_can('publish_posts')) {
        wp_die('Insufficient privileges: You need to be an editor to do that.');
    include_once 'class.petition.php';
    include_once 'class.wpml.php';
    $petition = new dk_speakout_Petition();
    $wpml = new dk_speakout_WPML();
    $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '';
    $petition->id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? absint($_REQUEST['id']) : '';
    switch ($action) {
        // add a new petition to database
        // then display form for editing the new petition
        case 'create':
            // security: ensure user has intention
            // set up page display variables
            $page_title = __('Edit Email Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            $nonce = 'dk_speakout-update_petition' . $petition->id;
            $action = 'update';
            $x_date = $petition->get_expiration_date_components();
            $button_text = __('Update Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            // construct update message box content
            $emailpetition_shortcode = '[emailpetition id="' . $petition->id . '"]';
            $signaturelist_shortcode = '[signaturelist id="' . $petition->id . '"]';
            $start_tag = '<strong>';
            $end_tag = '</strong>';
            $message_text = __('Petition created. Use %1$s %2$s %3$s to display in a page or post. Use %1$s %4$s %3$s to display the signatures list.', 'dk_speakout');
            $message_update = sprintf($message_text, $start_tag, $emailpetition_shortcode, $end_tag, $signaturelist_shortcode);
            // 'edit' is only called from text links on the Email Petitions page
            // displays existing petition for alteration and submits with 'update' action
        // 'edit' is only called from text links on the Email Petitions page
        // displays existing petition for alteration and submits with 'update' action
        case 'edit':
            // security: ensure user has intention
            check_admin_referer('dk_speakout-edit_petition' . $petition->id);
            // set up page display variables
            $page_title = __('Edit Email Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            $nonce = 'dk_speakout-update_petition' . $petition->id;
            $action = 'update';
            $x_date = $petition->get_expiration_date_components();
            $button_text = __('Update Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            $message_update = '';
            // alter an existing petition
        // alter an existing petition
        case 'update':
            // security: ensure user has intention
            check_admin_referer('dk_speakout-update_petition' . $petition->id);
            // set up page display variables
            $page_title = __('Edit New Email Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            $nonce = 'dk_speakout-update_petition' . $petition->id;
            $action = 'update';
            $x_date = $petition->get_expiration_date_components();
            $button_text = __('Update Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            $message_update = __('Petition updated.');
            // show blank form for adding a new petition
        // show blank form for adding a new petition
            // set up page display variables
            $page_title = __('Add New Email Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            $nonce = 'dk_speakout-create_petition';
            $action = 'create';
            $x_date = $petition->get_expiration_date_components();
            $button_text = __('Create Petition', 'dk_speakout');
            $message_update = '';
            $petition->optin_label = __('Add me to your mailing list', 'dk_speakout');
    if ($petition->return_url == '') {
        $petition->return_url = home_url();
    // display the form
    include_once 'addnew.view.php';