fetchSingle() public static method

Executes SQL query and fetch first column - Monostate for Dibi\Connection::query() & fetchSingle().
public static fetchSingle ( $args ) : string
return string
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Translates the given string.
  * @param  string	translation string
  * @param  int		count (positive number)
  * @return string
 public function translate($message, $count = 1)
     $message = (string) $message;
     //		if (!empty($message) && isset($this->dictionary[$message])) {
     //			$word = $this->dictionary[$message];
     //			if ($count === NULL) $count = 1;
     //			$s = preg_replace('/([a-z]+)/', '$$1', "n=$count;" . $this->meta['Plural-Forms']);
     //			eval($s);
     //			$message = $word->translate($plural);
     //		}
     if (!isset($this->translate[$message]) or $this->translate[$message] == '') {
         $message = $message;
         //			echo $message;exit;
         if (!dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT 1 FROM [lang_translate] WHERE [key] LIKE %s", $message, "AND [id_lang] = %i", $this->id_lang)) {
             //				echo dibi::$sql;
             Lang::insertTranslateKey($message, $this->id_lang);
         $this->translate[$message] = $message;
     } else {
         $message = $this->translate[$message];
     //		$args = func_get_args();
     //		if (count($args) > 1) {
     //			array_shift($args);
     //			$message = vsprintf($message, $args);
     //		}
     return $message;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function search_list($get)
    $out .= '<h1>Search query history</h1>';
    if (empty($get['page'])) {
        $get['page'] = 1;
    $lmt = 10;
    //number of rows per page
    $ofs = $lmt * ($get['page'] - 1);
    $count = dibi::fetchSingle('SELECT count(*) FROM search_history');
    $pagecount = ceil($count / $lmt);
    $searches = dibi::query('SELECT * FROM search_history WHERE f_deleted=0 ORDER BY time DESC %lmt %ofs', $lmt, $ofs);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $pagecount; $i++) {
        $out .= '<a href="index.php?action=searchlist&page=' . $i . '">' . $i . '</a>&nbsp; ';
    $out .= '<table>';
    foreach ($searches as $search) {
        $out .= '<tr>';
        $out .= '<td>' . $search['time'] . '</td>';
        $out .= '<td>' . $search['ip'] . '</td>';
        $out .= '<td>' . $search['query'] . '</td>';
        $out .= '</tr>';
    $out .= '</table>';
    return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Maps HTTP request to a PresenterRequest object.
  * @param  Nette\Web\IHttpRequest
  * @return PresenterRequest|NULL
 public function match(IHttpRequest $context)
     if (!preg_match('#^/([a-z0-9]{1,3})/(.*?)/?$#', $context->getUri()->path, $matches)) {
         return NULL;
     $lang = $matches[1];
     $categories = $matches[2];
     $pom = explode("/", $categories);
     $last = end($pom);
     if (dibi::fetchSingle("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t    COUNT(*)\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t    category\n\t\t\t    JOIN category_lang USING(id_category)\n\t\t\t    JOIN [lang] USING(id_lang)\n\t\t\tWHERE iso=%s", $lang, "AND link_rewrite = %s", $last)) {
         $presenter = 'Front:Eshop';
     } elseif (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM menu_item WHERE lang = %s", $lang, "AND url_identifier=%s", $last)) {
         $presenter = 'Front:List';
     } else {
         return NULL;
     // alternativa: použít jednu tabulku s páry URL -> jméno Presenteru
     // výhoda: jeden lookup místo (až) tří, neměřitelně vyšší rychlost ;)
     // nevýhoda: nutnost ji udržovat :-(
     // alternativa č.2: místo COUNT(*) načíst z DB celý záznam a předat v parametru presenteru
     // výhoda: stejně jej bude potřebovat
     // nevýhoda: nadstandardní závislost mezi routerem a presenterem
     $params = $context->getQuery();
     //                $params['link_rewrite'] = $last;
     $params['lang'] = $lang;
     return new NPresenterRequest($presenter, $context->getMethod(), $params, $context->getPost(), $context->getFiles(), array('secured' => $context->isSecured()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function saveArticle($values, $id_node)
     $tmp = dibi::fetch("SELECT * FROM article WHERE id_node=%i", $id_node);
     //odstranenie premennych ktore niesu v databaze
     $values = Tools::getValuesForTable('article', $values);
     $name = NStrings::webalize($values['url_identifier']);
     $newname = "";
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < 50) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $newname = $name;
         } else {
             $newname = NStrings::webalize($name . $i);
         $s = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(id_node) FROM article WHERE url_identifier=%s", $newname, " AND id_node!=%i", $id_node);
         if ($s == 0) {
         } else {
     $values['url_identifier'] = $newname;
     dibi::query("UPDATE article SET ", $values, " WHERE id_node=%i", $id_node);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function addAnswer($values)
     $id_poll = $values['id_poll'];
     $sequence = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT MAX(sequence)+1 FROM  poll_answer WHERE id_poll=%i", $id_poll);
     $values['sequence'] = $sequence;
     dibi::query("INSERT INTO poll_answer ", $values);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function saveProduct($values, $id_node)
     $collums = Tools::getCollum('module_product');
     foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
         if (!in_array($k, $collums)) {
     $newname = "";
     $name = $values['title'];
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < 50) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $newname = $name;
         } else {
             $newname = NStrings::webalize($name . $i);
         $s = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(id_node) FROM [module_product] WHERE url_identifier=%s", $newname, " AND id_node!=%i", $id_node);
         if ($s == 0) {
         } else {
     $values['url_identifier'] = $newname;
     dibi::query("UPDATE [module_product] SET ", $values, " WHERE id_node=%i", $id_node);
     Log::addLog($this, "Uprava produktu", "Menil:" . NEnvironment::getSession('Authentication')->login_form, $values['title'], $id_node);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Maps HTTP request to a PresenterRequest object.
  * @param  Nette\Web\IHttpRequest
  * @return PresenterRequest|NULL
 public function match(IHttpRequest $context)
     return NULL;
     if (!preg_match('#^/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/?$#', $context->getUri()->path, $matches)) {
         return NULL;
     $id = $matches[1];
     if (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabulka_produktu WHERE nameid=%s", $id)) {
         $presenter = 'Front:Product';
     } elseif (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabulka_kategorie WHERE nameid=%s", $id)) {
         $presenter = 'Front:Category';
     } elseif (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabulka_s_clanky WHERE nameid=%s", $id)) {
         $presenter = 'Front:Article';
     } else {
         return NULL;
     // alternativa: použít jednu tabulku s páry URL -> jméno Presenteru
     // výhoda: jeden lookup místo (až) tří, neměřitelně vyšší rychlost ;)
     // nevýhoda: nutnost ji udržovat :-(
     // alternativa č.2: místo COUNT(*) načíst z DB celý záznam a předat v parametru presenteru
     // výhoda: stejně jej bude potřebovat
     // nevýhoda: nadstandardní závislost mezi routerem a presenterem
     $params = $context->getQuery();
     $params['id'] = $id;
     return new PresenterRequest($presenter, $context->getMethod(), $params, $context->getPost(), $context->getFiles(), array('secured' => $context->isSecured()));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function actionGenerateExcel($id_order)
     $order = OrderModel::get($id_order);
     $order['country_name'] = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT country_name FROM [gui_user_country] WHERE iso = %s", $order['iso']);
     $date = new DateTime($order['add_date']);
     $order['create_date'] = $date->format('d/m/Y');
     require_once LIBS_DIR . '/PHPExcel/PHPExcel.php';
     //cesta k sablone
     $dir = WWW_DIR . "/uploaded/order_excel_template/invoice_template.xlsx";
     $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($dir);
     // Set active sheet
     // Assign data
     $invoice_number = str_pad($order['id_order'], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     //		var_dump($invoice_number);exit;
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('INVOICE_NUMBER', $invoice_number);
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('VARIABLE_SYMBOL', $invoice_number);
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_NAME', $order['name'] . ' ' . $order['surname'] . ' ' . $order['company_name']);
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_STREET', $order['address']);
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_CITY', $order['city']);
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_COUNTRY', $order['country_name']);
     if ($order['ico'] != '') {
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_ICO', $order['ico']);
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_TITLE_ICO', 'IČO:');
     if ($order['dic'] != '') {
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_IC_DPH', $order['dic']);
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_TITLE_IC_DPH', 'IČO:');
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B_IC_DPH', $order['dic']);
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('CREATE_DATE', $order['create_date']);
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('PAYMENTS_METHOD', 'PP');
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('DPH_TITLE', 'DPH ' . NEnvironment::getVariable('vat') . "%");
     $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('DPH', NEnvironment::getVariable('vat'));
     // Add data
     $collum = 18;
     $vat_coef = 1 + NEnvironment::getVariable('vat') / 100;
     foreach ($order['products'] as $p) {
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B' . $collum, $p['ean13']);
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C' . $collum, $p['name']);
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('D' . $collum, $p['count']);
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('E' . $collum, "ks");
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('F' . $collum, $p['price'] / $vat_coef);
         //bez dph
         $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('G' . $collum, $p['count'] * $p['price'] / $vat_coef);
     $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
     // Redirect output to a client’s web browser (Excel2007)
     header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="faktura_' . $invoice_number . '.xlsx"');
     header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function beforeRender()
     $this->template->id_category = $this->id;
     $this->template->category_parents = CategoryModel::getParents($this->template->id_category, $this->id_lang);
     //ak je iba jeden parent zobraz kategorie, inak zobraz produkty
     if (count($this->template->category_parents) == 1) {
         $id_parent = current($this->template->category_parents);
         $category_list = CategoryModel::getFluent('id_category')->where('id_parent = %i', $id_parent)->fetchAll();
         $this->template->categories = array();
         foreach ($category_list as $l) {
             $_tmp = CategoryModel::get($l->id_category, $this->id_lang);
             $_tmp['product_count'] = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(id_product) FROM [product] JOIN [category_product] USING(id_product) WHERE id_category = %i", $l->id_category);
             $this->template->categories[] = $_tmp;
         $this->template->product_count = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(id_product) FROM [product] JOIN [category_product] USING(id_product) WHERE id_category = %i", $this->id);
     } else {
         $list = dibi::select('id_product')->from('product')->join('category_product')->using('(id_product)')->join('product_param')->using('(id_product)')->where('id_category = ', $this->id, 'AND product.active = 1');
          * Filter
         $orderSession = $this['quickFilter']->getSession();
         //			dde($orderSession['order']);
         //			$orderSession['order'] = 'price';
         if ($orderSession['order']) {
         } else {
             $order_array = $this['quickFilter']->getOrderFilterArray();
         //			dump($order);
         //		print_r($list);
         $count_list = clone $list;
         //			$count = $count_list->removeClause('select')->select('COUNT(id_product)')->fetchSingle();
         $count = count($count_list);
         $vp = new VisualPaginator($this, 'paginator');
         $paginator = $vp->getPaginator();
         $numOnPageSession = $this['quickFilter']->getSession();
         if ($numOnPageSession['num']) {
             $paginator->itemsPerPage = $numOnPageSession['num'];
         } else {
             $num_on_page_array = $this['quickFilter']->getNumOnPageFilterArray();
             $paginator->itemsPerPage = key($num_on_page_array);
         $paginator->itemCount = (int) $count;
         $this->template->product_count = $count;
         $this->template->products = $list->limit($paginator->offset . ',' . $paginator->itemsPerPage)->fetchAll();
         $this->template->paginator = $paginator;
         foreach ($this->template->products as $k => $p) {
             $this->template->products[$k] = ProductModel::getProductWithParams($p['id_product'], $this->id_lang, $this->user);
         //		};
     //		print_r($this->template->products);exit;
 function handleSaveSetting(NForm $form)
     $values = $form->getValues();
     //ak je to "obchodne podmienky" zisti id_page a zapis do konfigu
     $values['CONDITIONS_CMS_PAGE_ID'] = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT id_menu_item FROM [menu_item] JOIN [node] \n\t\t\t\tUSING(id_menu_item) WHERE node.id_node = %i", $values['CONDITIONS_CMS_ID']);
     $setting = $this->getService('Setting');
     foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
         $setting->insert_update($name, array('name' => $name, 'value' => $value));
     $this->flashMessage('Nastavenia boli upravené');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function idToSlug($id)
     $key = 'idToSlug' . $id;
     if (!isset($this->cache[$key])) {
         $name = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT url_identifier FROM [menu_item] WHERE id_menu_item = %i", $id);
         if (!$name) {
             $name = NULL;
         $this->cache[$key] = $name;
     return $this->cache[$key];
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function idToSlug($id)
     $key = 'idToSlug(' . $id . ')';
     //		echo $key;
     //		return $name = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT url_identifier FROM [article] WHERE id_node = %i",$id);
     $slug = $this->loadCache($key);
     if ($slug) {
         return $slug;
     } else {
         $name = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT url_identifier FROM [article] WHERE id_node = %i", $id);
         if (!$name) {
             $name = NULL;
     return $this->saveCache($key, $name);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public function match(IHttpRequest $httpRequest)
        //            print_r($httpRequest);
        $request = parent::match($httpRequest);
        if ($request === NULL) {
            return NULL;
        $params = $request->getParams();
        if (dibi::fetchSingle('SELECT
									%n', $this->table, '
									%n = %s', $this->column, $params['categories']) == 0) {
            return NULL;
        return $request;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Saves extracted data into gettext file
  * @param string $outputFile
  * @param array $data
  * @return GettextExtractor
 public function save()
     $e = new MyExtractor();
     $data = $e->getData();
     $id_lang = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT id_lang FROM [lang] WHERE iso = %s", $this->lang);
     if (!$id_lang) {
         throw new Exception('ISO lang neexistuje');
     foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
         $arr = array('id_lang' => $id_lang, 'key' => $k, 'files' => implode(", ", $d));
         try {
             dibi::query("INSERT INTO lang_translate", $arr);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function action()
     if (isset($_GET['ajax_save_promo']) and $_GET['ajax_save_promo'] == 1) {
         $arr = Tools::getValuesForTable('promo_text', $_POST);
         //zisti ci existuje
         $id_file = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT id_file FROM [promo_text] WHERE id_file = %i", $_POST['id_file']);
         //			$arr = array(
         //				'title'=>$_POST['title'],
         //				'alt'=>$_POST['alt'],
         //				'link'=>$_POST['link'],
         //				'link_name'=>$_POST['link_name'],
         //			);
         if ($id_file) {
             dibi::query("UPDATE promo_text SET ", $arr, "WHERE id_file = %i", $id_file);
         } else {
             $arr['id_file'] = $_POST['id_file'];
             dibi::query("INSERT INTO promo_text ", $arr);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 static function save($key, $values)
     $langs = self::getAll();
     foreach ($langs as $l) {
         if (isset($values[$l['iso']]) and $values[$l['iso']] != '') {
             //ak zaznam neexistuje vytvor ho
             if (!dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT 1 FROM [lang_translate] WHERE id_lang = %i", $l['id_lang'], "AND [key] = %s", $key)) {
                 self::insertTranslateKey($key, $l['id_lang']);
             dibi::query("\n\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t[lang_translate]\n\t\t\t\t\tSET ", array('translate' => $values[$l['iso']]), "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tid_lang = %i", $l['id_lang'], "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND [key] = %s", $key);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function setParameters($name, $source, $type, $handlers, $period, $filter, $active, $overwrite = true)
     if (!$name) {
         return array('status' => 'fail', 'error' => 'ID is missing.');
     $exists = false;
     $result = true;
     $interval = $this->parseDuration($period);
     $arr = array('name' => $name, 'source' => $source, 'type' => $type, 'handlers' => $handlers, 'h_interval' => $interval, 'period' => $period, 'filter' => $filter, 'active' => $active);
     if ($interval < 0) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM harvest WHERE name=%s";
         $arr['action'] = 'delete';
         try {
             $rs = dibi::query($sql, $name);
             $arr['status'] = 'OK';
             return $arr;
         } catch (DibiException $e) {
             $arr['status'] = 'fail';
             $arr['error'] = $e;
             return $arr;
     // vložení
     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM harvest WHERE name=%s";
     $rs = dibi::fetchSingle($sql, $name);
     if ($rs > 0) {
         if (!$overwrite) {
             $arr['status'] = 'fail';
             $arr['error'] = 'duplicate key';
             return $arr;
         $exists = true;
     try {
         if ($exists) {
             dibi::query('UPDATE harvest SET ', $arr, 'WHERE name=%s', $name);
             //$sql = "UPDATE harvest SET name='$name', source='$source', $type='$type', interval='$interval'";
         } else {
             $arr['create_user'] = MICKA_USER;
             dibi::query('INSERT INTO harvest', $arr);
         $arr['status'] = 'OK';
     } catch (DibiException $e) {
         $arr['status'] = 'fail';
         $arr['error'] = $e;
     return $arr;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 function __construct()
     $this->id_type_modul = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT id_type_modul FROM type_modul WHERE dir='gmap'");
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function actionUsers($id)
     $nodes = new RolesModel();
     $this->template->nodes = $nodes;
     $this->template->parents = $nodes->getChildNodes(NULL);
     $this->template->role = dibi::fetchSingle('SELECT name FROM [' . TABLE_ROLES . '] WHERE id=%i;', $id);
     $sql = dibi::query('SELECT u.id, u.username AS name FROM [' . TABLE_USERS . '] AS u
                             LEFT JOIN [' . TABLE_USERS_ROLES . '] AS r ON u.id=r.user_id
                             WHERE r.role_id=%i
                             ORDER BY u.username;', $id);
     $users = $sql->fetchAll();
     $this->template->users = $users;
Ejemplo n.º 20
    function nodeAction()
        $node = NodeModel::init();
        //--------AJAX REQUEST-----------//
        if (@$_GET['ajax_change_modul_position']) {
            if (is_numeric(@$_GET['id_node_ajax']) and is_numeric($_GET['position'])) {
                dibi::query("UPDATE node SET position=%i", $_GET['position'], " WHERE id_node=%i", $_GET['id_node_ajax']);
        if (@$_GET['ajax_change_modul_visible']) {
            if (is_numeric(@$_GET['id_node_ajax']) and is_numeric($_GET['modul_visible'])) {
                dibi::query("UPDATE node SET visible=%s", $_GET['modul_visible'], " WHERE id_node=%i", $_GET['id_node_ajax']);
            //      	echo dibi::$sql;
        //------SITE MAP pre premiestnenie modulu
        if (isset($_GET['ajax_show_site_map_for_modul'])) {
            $m = new MenuItem();
            $m->doTreeSelectMoveModul(0, 0, $_GET['id_menu_item'], $_GET['id_type_modul']);
            echo '<form action="" method="post">
        		<select name="id_menu_item_for_change">';
            echo $m->doTreeSelectMoveModulText;
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="id_type_modul" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['id_type_modul']) . '" />
		       <input type="hidden" name="id_node" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['id_node']) . '" />
		       <input type="submit" name="changeModulParent" value="Ulož" /> 
        if (isset($_POST['changeModulParent'])) {
            header("Location: ?id_menu_item=" . $_POST['id_menu_item_for_change'] . "&showModulsOnPage=1");
        if (isset($_GET['id_menu_item']) and isset($_GET['id_type_modul']) and isset($_GET['id_modul'])) {
            if (!dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node WHERE id_menu_item=%i", $_GET['id_menu_item'], " AND id_type_modul=%i", $_GET['id_type_modul'], " AND id_node=%i", $_GET['id_modul'])) {
        if (isset($_GET['addnode']) and isset($_GET['id_type_modul']) or isset($_POST['addModulToMenu'])) {
            if (isset($_POST['addModulToMenu'])) {
                $id_type_modul = $_POST['id_type_modul'];
            } else {
                $id_type_modul = $_GET['id_type_modul'];
            $sequence = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT MAX(sequence) FROM node WHERE id_menu_item=%i", $_GET['id_menu_item']) + 1;
            $session = NEnvironment::getSession('Authentication');
            $config = NEnvironment::getConfig();
            $arr = array('id_user' => NEnvironment::getUser()->getIdentity()->id, 'id_menu_item' => $_GET['id_menu_item'], 'sequence' => $sequence, 'id_type_modul' => $id_type_modul, 'visible' => $config['NODE_VISIBLE']);
            dibi::query("INSERT INTO node ", $arr);
            $this->addModul(dibi::insertId(), $id_type_modul);
        //zmenenie poradia
        if (isset($_GET['modul_id_up']) or isset($_GET['modul_id_down'])) {
            header("Location: admin.php?id_menu_item=" . $_GET['id_menu_item'] . "&showModulsOnPage=1");
        //ak je iba jeden modul, hned sa zobrazi ale iba ak nieje setnuta section a showModulsOnPage
        if (isset($_GET['id_menu_item']) and !isset($_GET['id_type_modul']) and !isset($_GET['section']) and !isset($_GET['showModulsOnPage']) and !isset($_GET['changeMenuItem'])) {
            $l = dibi::fetch("SELECT *, COUNT(*) as node_count FROM node WHERE id_menu_item=%i", $_GET['id_menu_item'], " ORDER BY sequence");
            if ($l['node_count'] == 1) {
                header("Location: admin.php?id_menu_item=" . $_GET['id_menu_item'] . "&id_type_modul=" . $l['id_type_modul'] . "&id_modul=" . $l['id_node']);
        //pridanie do premenej activeModul instanciu objektu
        if (isset($_GET['id_type_modul']) and isset($_GET['id_modul'])) {
            $this->activeModul = $this->nodeFactory($_GET['id_type_modul']);
        if (isset($_GET['id_modul_del']) and is_numeric($_GET['id_modul_del'])) {
            $this->deleteNode(NULL, $_GET['id_modul_del']);
            header("Location: admin.php?id_menu_item=" . $_GET['id_menu_item']);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 function add($values)
     //ak produkt nie je, pridaj
     if ($values['Name_sk'] == '') {
         return false;
     //ak je pridany aby ho system nemusel prepisovat
     $is_added = false;
     if (!isset($this->all_product_param_db[$values['Code']]) and $values['Name_sk'] != '') {
         /*		[Code] => 21420011
             [Name_sk] => Ladies polo shirt, S, white/ blue (01)
             [Name_cz] => Dámska poloko?e?a, S, white/ blue (01)
             [Name_en] => Ladies polo shirt, S, white/ blue (01)
             [Name_de] =>
             [Name_hu] =>
             [Package] => 1
             [Price_CZK] => 124.000000
             [Price_EUR] => 4.770000
             [Price_SK] => 143.700000
             [Image] => p990.02.jpg
             [Mark] => Best in Town
             [Stock] => 2
             [Category1_sk] => Textil
             [Category1_cz] => Textil
             [Category1_en] => Textile
             [Category1_de] =>
             [Category1_hu] =>
             [Category2_sk] => Výpredaj
             [Category2_cz] => Výprodej
             [Category2_en] => Discount
             [Category2_de] =>
             [Category2_hu] =>
             [Category3_sk] =>
             [Category3_cz] =>
             [Category3_en] =>
             [Category3_de] =>
             [Category3_hu] =>
         //zisti ci je v product_temp_parse aby sme zistili group
         $product_temp_parse = dibi::fetch("SELECT * FROM product_temp_parse WHERE code = %s", $values['Code']);
         if (!$product_temp_parse) {
             throw new Exception('Polozka nie je v product_temp_parse. Nemame ako zistit skupinu resp. group_code');
         //zisti ci group_code je v nasej db ak nie je pridaj
         if (!isset($this->all_product_db[$product_temp_parse['group_code']])) {
             $arr = array('mark' => $values['Mark'], 'group_code' => $product_temp_parse['group_code']);
             $id_product = ProductModel::add($arr);
             if (!$id_product) {
                 throw new Exception('Nastala chyba. Nexistuje id_product');
             $arr_lang = array('id_product' => $id_product, 'id_lang' => 1, 'name' => $product_temp_parse['groupnameSK'], 'link_rewrite' => NStrings::webalize($product_temp_parse['groupnameSK']));
             $this->all_product_db[$product_temp_parse['group_code']] = $id_product;
             $this->all_product_param_db[$values['Code']] = $id_product;
         } else {
             $id_product = $this->all_product_db[$product_temp_parse['group_code']];
             $this->all_product_param_db[$values['Code']] = $id_product;
         //pridanie parametru produktu
         $arr = array('id_product' => $id_product, 'code' => trim($values['Code']), 'capacity' => $values['Package'], 'color' => trim($product_temp_parse['color']), 'size' => trim($product_temp_parse['dimension'] != '' ? $product_temp_parse['dimension'] : $product_temp_parse['size']), 'material' => trim($product_temp_parse['material']), 'price' => $values['Price_EUR'], 'stock' => $values['Stock'], 'image' => $values['Image']);
         $is_added = true;
     $id_product = $this->all_product_param_db[$values['Code']];
      * Uprava produktu
     if (!$is_added and $values['Name_sk'] != '') {
         //upravi len co je v xml - nie co je parsovane z CSV
         $arr = array('price' => $values['Price_EUR'], 'stock' => $values['Stock']);
         $id_product_param = $this->all_product_param_db[$values['Code']];
         ProductModel::setProductParamValue($arr, $id_product_param, 1);
     $id_categories = array();
     //echo $values['Category1_sk'];
     if ($id_category = array_search($values['Category1_sk'], $this->category_1)) {
         $id_categories[] = $id_category;
     if ($id_category = array_search($values['Category2_sk'], $this->category_2)) {
         $id_categories[] = $id_category;
     if ($id_category = array_search($values['Category3_sk'], $this->category_3)) {
         $id_categories[] = $id_category;
     //			print_r($id_categories);
     ProductModel::addProductToCategory($id_categories, $id_product);
     $pom = 0;
     //ak nie je kategoria pridaj
     if (!in_array($values['Category1_sk'], $this->category_1) and $values['Category1_sk'] != '') {
         $id_category = CategoryModel::add(array('id_parent' => NULL, 'active' => 1));
         $arr = array('id_category' => $id_category, 'id_lang' => 1, 'name' => $values['Category1_sk']);
         $this->category_1[] = $values['Category1_sk'];
     if (!in_array($values['Category2_sk'], $this->category_2) and $values['Category2_sk'] != '') {
         $cat1 = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT category.id_category FROM [category] JOIN [category_lang] USING(id_category) WHERE name = %s", $values['Category1_sk'], " AND id_lang = 1 AND id_parent IS NULL");
         if (!$cat1) {
             throw new Exception('Rodic pre kategoriu neexistuje : ' . $values['Category1_sk']);
         $id_category = CategoryModel::add(array('id_parent' => $cat1, 'active' => 1));
         $arr = array('id_category' => $id_category, 'id_lang' => 1, 'name' => $values['Category2_sk']);
         //			print_r(array('id_parent'=>$cat1,'active'=>1,'name'=>$values['Category2_sk'] ));
         $this->category_2[] = $values['Category2_sk'];
     if (!in_array($values['Category3_sk'], $this->category_3) and $values['Category3_sk'] != '') {
         $cat2 = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT category.id_category FROM [category] JOIN [category_lang]  USING(id_category) WHERE name = %s", $values['Category2_sk'], " AND id_lang = 1 AND id_parent IS NOT NULL");
         if (!$cat2) {
             throw new Exception('Rodic pre kategoriu neexistuje : ' . $values['Category2_sk']);
         if ($values['Category3_sk'] == 'Pullovers') {
         $id_category = CategoryModel::add(array('id_parent' => $cat2, 'active' => 1));
         if ($values['Category3_sk'] == 'Pullovers') {
         $arr = array('id_category' => $id_category, 'id_lang' => 1, 'name' => $values['Category3_sk']);
         if ($values['Category3_sk'] == 'Pullovers') {
         $this->category_3[] = $values['Category3_sk'];
     if ($pom > 0) {
         //			echo "cat1: ". $values['Category1_sk']." - cat2: ". $values['Category2_sk']." - cat3:". $values['Category3_sk']."
         //			";
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static function idToSlug($id)
     $cache = self::getCache();
     $key = 'idToSlug(' . $id . ')';
     if (isset($cache[$key])) {
         return $cache[$key];
     } else {
         $name = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT link_rewrite FROM [category_lang] WHERE id_category = %i", $id);
         if (!$name) {
             $name = null;
         //			$cache->save( $key, $name);
         self::setCache($key, $name);
         return $name;
Ejemplo n.º 23
TABLE products
product_id | title
	1      | Chair
	2      | Table
	3      | Computer
// fetch a single row
echo "<h2>fetch()</h2>\n";
$row = dibi::fetch('SELECT title FROM products');
// Chair
// fetch a single value
echo "<h2>fetchSingle()</h2>\n";
$value = dibi::fetchSingle('SELECT title FROM products');
// Chair
// fetch complete result set
echo "<h2>fetchAll()</h2>\n";
$all = dibi::fetchAll('SELECT * FROM products');
// fetch complete result set like association array
echo "<h2>fetchAssoc('title')</h2>\n";
$res = dibi::query('SELECT * FROM products');
$assoc = $res->fetchAssoc('title');
// key
// fetch complete result set like pairs key => value
echo "<h2>fetchPairs('product_id', 'title')</h2>\n";
$pairs = $res->fetchPairs('product_id', 'title');
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function render($id_product = NULL, $show = true, $sale = false)
     $params = NEnvironment::getApplication()->getPresenter()->getParam();
     if (isset($params['material'])) {
         $this->material = $params['material'];
     if (isset($params['size'])) {
         $this->size = $params['size'];
     if (isset($params['color'])) {
         $this->color = $params['color'];
     if (isset($params['id_product'])) {
         $this->id_product = $params['id_product'];
     if (isset($params['count'])) {
         $this->count = (int) $params['count'];
     if ($id_product != NULL) {
         $this->id_product = $id_product;
     $id_lang = $this->getPresenter()->id_lang;
     $template = $this->template;
     $template->setFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Product.phtml');
     $template->l = ProductModel::get($this->id_product, $id_lang);
     $lowest_price_product_param = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT id_product_param FROM [product_param] WHERE id_product = %i", $this->id_product, "ORDER BY price LIMIT 1");
     $template->l['price_array'] = ProductModel::getPrice($lowest_price_product_param);
     if ($show) {
         $template->images = ProductModel::getImages($this->id_product);
         $template->files = ProductModel::getFiles($this->id_product);
         $template->product_alternative = ProductModel::getProductAlternative($this->id_product);
         // prepocitavanie
         $this->template->id_product = $this->id_product;
         $product_params = ProductModel::getProductParamFluent($this->id_product)->orderBy('price')->fetchAll();
         //		print_r($this->template->product_params);exit;
         //zisti ktore sltpce su vyplnene
         $this->template->param = array();
         //zisti pre moznosti pre material ak neni zisti pre velkost ak neni zisti pre farbu
         foreach ($product_params as $k => $p) {
             if ($p['material'] != '') {
                 $this->template->param['material'][$p['material']] = $p['material'];
             if ($p['size'] != '') {
                 $this->template->param['size'][$p['size']] = $p['size'];
             if ($p['color'] != '') {
                 $this->template->param['color'][$p['color']] = $p['color'];
         if (isset($this->template->param['material'])) {
             if ($this->material == NULL or !isset($this->template->param['material'][$this->material])) {
                 $this->material = key($this->template->param['material']);
         if (isset($this->template->param['size'])) {
             $this->template->param['size'] = dibi::query("SELECT size FROM [product_param] WHERE %if", $this->material != NULL, "material = %s", $this->material, "AND %end id_product = %i", $this->id_product, "AND size != ''")->fetchPairs('size', 'size');
             if ($this->size == NULL or !isset($this->template->param['size'][$this->size])) {
                 $this->size = key($this->template->param['size']);
             usort($this->template->param['size'], 'EshopProductControl::cmp');
             //				print_r($this->template->param['size']);
         if (isset($this->template->param['color'])) {
             $this->template->param['color'] = dibi::query("SELECT color FROM [product_param] WHERE %if", $this->material != NULL, "material = %s", $this->material, "AND %end %if", $this->size != NULL, "size = %s", $this->size, "AND %end id_product = %i", $this->id_product, "AND color!=''")->fetchPairs('color', 'color');
             if ($this->color == NULL or !isset($this->template->param['color'][$this->color])) {
                 $this->color = key($this->template->param['color']);
         //			zisti id_product_param
         $product = dibi::fetch("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t*, COUNT(*) as c\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t[product_param]\n\t\t\t\tWHERE 1=1 %if", $this->material != NULL, "AND material = %s", $this->material, "%end\n\t\t\t\t\t%if", $this->size != NULL, "AND size = %s", $this->size, "%end\n\t\t\t\t\t%if", $this->color != NULL, "AND color = %s", $this->color, "%end\n\t\t\t\t\tAND id_product = %i", $this->id_product, "LIMIT 1");
         $this->template->id_product_param = $product['id_product_param'];
         $this->template->price = ProductModel::getPrice($product['id_product_param']);
         $this->template->sql = dibi::$sql;
         $this->template->pictograms = PictogramModel::get($this->id_product);
         //FEATURES - zobrazenie pre sekciu MATRACE link na potahove latky
         $categories = ProductModel::getProductCategories($this->id_product);
         $pom = array();
         foreach ($categories as $c) {
             $pom[] = $c['id_category'];
         if (in_array('2', $pom) or in_array('3', $pom)) {
             $this->template->show_link_potahove_latky = 1;
         //FEATURES - zobrazenie pre sekciu POSTELE
         $pom = array();
         foreach ($categories as $c) {
             $pom[] = $c['id_category'];
         if (in_array('45', $pom)) {
             $this->template->show_different_name_for_postele = 1;
     } else {
         $template->setFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ProductAnnotation.phtml');
         $template->image = self::getImage($this->id_product);
         //			$categories = $this->getPresenter()->getParam('categories');
         //			if($categories=='' OR $categories=='novinky'){
         //				$pom = ProductModel::getProductCategories($id_product);
         //				$pom = current($pom);
         //				$categories = CategoryModel::getUrl($pom['id_category']);
         //			}
         $pom = ProductModel::getProductCategories($id_product);
         //			print_r($pom);
         $pom = end($pom);
         $categories = CategoryModel::getUrl($pom['id_category']);
         $template->l['url'] = $this->getPresenter()->link('Eshop:current', array('categories' => $categories, 'url_identifier' => $template->l['link_rewrite']));
     //		var_dump();
     if ($sale) {
         $params = dibi::fetch("SELECT *  FROM [product_param] WHERE id_product = %i", $this->id_product);
         $template->l['size'] = $params->size;
         $template->l['material'] = $params->material;
         $template->l['color'] = $params->color;
         $template->l['stock'] = $params->stock;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 function save(NFORM $form)
     $values = $form->getValues();
     $langs = Setting::getLangs();
     $id_product = $values['id_product'];
     $table_product_cols = Tools::getCollum('product');
     $table_product_lang_cols = Tools::getCollum('product_lang');
     //ulozenie jazuka
     foreach ($langs as $l) {
         $save_val = array();
         foreach ($table_product_lang_cols as $k => $c) {
             if (isset($values[$c . CategoryFormControl::$_separator . $l['iso']])) {
                 $save_val[$c] = $values[$c . CategoryFormControl::$_separator . $l['iso']];
         //pridanie linky rewrite
         if ($save_val['link_rewrite'] == '') {
             $save_val['link_rewrite'] = NStrings::webalize($values['name' . CategoryFormControl::$_separator . $l['iso']]);
         } else {
             $save_val['link_rewrite'] = NStrings::webalize($save_val['link_rewrite']);
         ProductModel::save($save_val, $id_product, $l['id_lang']);
     //ulozenie zakladnych hodnot
     $save_val = array();
     foreach ($table_product_cols as $p) {
         if (isset($values[$p])) {
             $save_val[$p] = $values[$p];
     ProductModel::save($save_val, $id_product, $l['id_lang']);
     //ulozit param
      * Iba ak je product bez parametrov
     $val_product_param = Tools::getValuesForTable('product_param', $values);
     //prvy parameter
     $id_product_param = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT id_product_param FROM [product_param] WHERE id_product = %i", $id_product, "ORDER BY sequence");
     ProductModel::setProductParamValue($val_product_param, $id_product_param);
     ProductModel::saveProductAlternative($id_product, $values['product_alternative']);
     ProductModel::addProductToCategory($values['id_categories'], $id_product);
     $this->flashMessage(_('Produkt bol uložený'));
     if ($form['btn_save']->isSubmittedBy()) {
         $s = NEnvironment::getSession("Admin_Eshop");
         $back_url = $s['back_url'];
         if ($back_url != '') {
         } else {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function addMeta($key, $val)
     if (empty($key)) {
     $data = array('id_page' => $this->id, 'key' => $key, 'value' => $val, 'ord' => 1 + dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT max(ord) FROM pages_meta"));
     dibi::query('REPLACE INTO pages_meta', $data);
     $this->meta[$key] = $val;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function changeUser($form)
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         $values = $form->getValues();
         if (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT 1 FROM auth_user WHERE login=%s", $values['login'], "AND login!=%s", $this->session['form_login']) == 1) {
             throw new Exception("Dané prihlasovacie meno už existuje. Zadajte iné prosím.");
         $arr = array('login' => $values['login'], 'name' => $values['name'], 'surname' => $values['surname'], 'email' => $values['email']);
         if ($values['password'] != '') {
             $arr['password'] = UserModel::getHash($values['password']);
         dibi::query("UPDATE auth_user SET", $arr, "WHERE id_auth_user=%i", $_GET['id_auth_user']);
         dibi::query("UPDATE auth_user_role SET ", array('id_auth_role' => $values['id_auth_role']), "WHERE id_auth_user = %i", $_GET['id_auth_user']);
         Log::addLog($this, 'Pridanie noveho uzivatela');
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Nespavne vyplneny formular');
     Log::addLog($this, "Zmena uzivatelskych udajov.", "Menil:" . $this->session["login_form"]);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function renderDefault($id, $id_menu_item)
     $this->template->id_menu_item = dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT id_menu_item FROM [node] WHERE id_node = %i", $id);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function duplicate($form)
     $values = $form->getValues();
     try {
         if ($values['sourceLang'] == $values['destLang']) {
             throw new DuplicateException('Nemôžete kopírovať do toho istého jazyku.');
         if (dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT 1 FROM [menu_item] WHERE lang = %s", $values['destLang']) == 1) {
             throw new DuplicateException('V jazyku "' . $values['destLang'] . '" sa už nachádzajú položky.');
         self::recursionAddMenuItem(0, $values, 0);
     } catch (DuplicateException $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 30
 static function getPrice($weight)
     return dibi::fetchSingle("SELECT weight_price FROM [product_weight] WHERE weight_to <= %s", $weight, "ORDER BY weight_to DESC LIMIT 1");