function Add() { $this->active = 'Y'; $this->createby = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $this->createon = DCL_NOW; return parent::Add(); }
function Add() { $oStatus = CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses'); if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($this->status) == 2) { if ($this->closedon === null) { $this->closedon = DCL_NOW; } } else { $this->closedby = null; $this->closedon = null; } if ($this->createdon === null) { $this->createdon = DCL_NOW; } if ($this->module_id < 1) { $this->module_id = null; } if ($this->entity_source_id < 1) { $this->entity_source_id = null; } if (parent::Add() == -1) { return -1; } return $this->Load($this->ticketid); }
function Add() { $this->preferences_data = serialize($this->preferences_data); $iRetVal = parent::Add(); $this->preferences_data = unserialize($this->preferences_data); return $iRetVal; }
function Add() { global $dcl_info; $this->status = $dcl_info['DCL_DEFAULT_PROJECT_STATUS']; $this->createdon = $this->GetDateSQL(); return parent::Add(); }
function Add() { if ($this->AdjustSeq($this->seq) == -1) { return; } $this->createon = DCL_NOW; return parent::Add(); }
function Add($action, $actparam = '') { $this->id = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $this->actionon = DCL_NOW; $this->actiontxt = $action; $this->actionparam = $actparam; if (parent::Add() == -1) { return -1; } }
function Add() { global $dcl_info; srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $this->dcl_session_id = md5(uniqid(rand())); $this->create_date = DCL_NOW; $this->update_date = DCL_NOW; $this->session_data = serialize($this->session_data); if (parent::Add() == -1) { trigger_error('Could not start session!', E_USER_ERROR); exit; } $this->session_data = unserialize($this->session_data); $this->m_IsValidSession = true; }
function Add() { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->TableName . " (dcl_entity_type_id, dcl_entity_id, dcl_entity_id2, page_name, page_text, page_date, page_ip) Values ("; $query .= $this->dcl_entity_type_id . ','; if ($this->dcl_entity_type_id == DCL_ENTITY_GLOBAL) { $this->dcl_entity_id = 0; $this->dcl_entity_id2 = 0; } else { if ($this->dcl_entity_type_id != DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER) { $this->dcl_entity_id2 = 0; } } $this->page_date = DCL_NOW; return parent::Add(); }
function Add() { $this->AdjustWeights($this->weight); return parent::Add(); }
function Add() { $this->createon = DCL_NOW; return parent::Add(); }
function Add() { $this->AdjustSeq($this->seq); $this->createon = DCL_NOW; return parent::Add(); }
function Add() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; // Fill in the blanks if this is a stripped down workorder input // by someone who cannot assign it due to insufficient security if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_ASSIGN)) { if ($this->responsible == 0) { $objProduct = CreateObject('dcl.dbProducts'); $objProduct->Load($this->product); $this->responsible = $objProduct->reportto; $this->status = $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_UNASSIGN_WO']; } else { $this->status = $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_ASSIGN_WO']; } $this->esthours = 0.0; $tomorrow = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y')); $this->deadlineon = date($dcl_info['DCL_DATE_FORMAT'], $tomorrow); $this->eststarton = date($dcl_info['DCL_DATE_FORMAT'], $tomorrow); $this->estendon = date($dcl_info['DCL_DATE_FORMAT'], $tomorrow); $this->severity = $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_SEVERITY']; $this->priority = $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_PRIORITY']; } else { $this->status = $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_STATUS_ASSIGN_WO']; } if (isset($this->jcn) && $this->jcn > 0) { $this->seq = $this->NewSequence($this->jcn); } else { $this->jcn = $this->NewID(); $this->seq = 1; } if ($this->module_id < 1) { $this->module_id = null; } if ($this->entity_source_id < 1) { $this->entity_source_id = null; } if ($this->reported_version_id < 1) { $this->reported_version_id = null; } if ($this->targeted_version_id < 1) { $this->targeted_version_id = null; } if ($this->fixed_version_id < 1) { $this->fixed_version_id = null; } $this->createdon = DCL_NOW; $this->statuson = DCL_NOW; parent::Add(); }