function indexAction() { // товары $this->catalog_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=59', 'status'); $this->catalog_inctive = dbh::get_count_status_off('catalog'); // заказы $this->order_inctive = dbh::get_count_status_off('order_number'); // отзывы $this->gb_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=8', 'status'); $this->gb_inctive = dbh::get_count_status_off('guestbook'); // новости $this->news_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=1', 'status'); $this->news_inctive = dbh::get_count_status_off('news'); // комментарии к новостям $this->news_gb_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=232', 'status'); $this->news_gb_inctive = dbh::get_count_status_off('news_gb'); // пользователи $this->users_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=26', 'status'); $this->users_inctive = dbh::get_count_status_off('users'); // контентовые разделы $this->content_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=89', 'status'); // галерея $this->gallery_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=3', 'status'); // голосование $this->voting_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=102', 'status'); // настройки $this->config_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=80', 'status'); // CEO $this->ceo_status = mysql::query_findpole('select status from menu where id=11', 'status'); return system::show_tpl((array) $this, 'mainmenu/mainpage.php'); }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; } if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $limit = 1000; } else { $_total_news = dbh::news_get_total_count(); $limit = pager::pager_limit($_total_news, ADMIN_NEWS_AT_PAGE); } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id>0 ' . general::get_status_for_filter($this->tablename) . ' order by created_at desc, sort limit ' . $limit; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 3); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, '_status' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 2, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder, '_total_news' => $_total_news), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
/** * добавляем новый материал */ function addAction() { global $_sklad; if ($_POST) { // проверяем на checkbox forms::check_box(array('status')); //for($i=0; $i<50; $i++) { // записываем в базу forms::multy_insert_form($this->tablename, 0); $this->msg = general::messages(1, v::getI18n('backend_after_save')); //} } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id>0 order by sort desc'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $select = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('city' => dbh::get_city(), 'msg' => $this->msg, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/add.php'); }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { // только для СуперАдмина if (!general::sadmin()) { return general::messages(0, v::getI18n('backend_orror_access')); } if ($_POST) { // проверяем на checkbox forms::check_box(dbh::menu_get_id()); // записываем в базу forms::multy_update_form_all_records($this->tablename, 'status', 0); $this->msg = general::messages(1, v::getI18n('backend_after_save')); } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id_parent=0 order by zindex'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
/** * отображаем весь список материалов */ function indexAction() { if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; } if (isset($_POST['id_parent']) and $_POST['id_parent'] > 0) { $limit = 1000; } else { // get limit // всего в каталоге $_total_gallery = dbh::gallery_get_total_count(); $limit = pager::pager_limit($_total_gallery, ADMIN_GALLERY_AT_PAGE); } // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where id>0 ' . general::get_status_for_filter($this->tablename) . ' ' . general::get_for_filter($this->tablename, 'id_parent') . ' order by sort limit ' . $limit; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); // выбираем фотоальбомы $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM gallery_grupa where status=1 and id_parent=0 order by pole'; $gallery_grupa = mysql::query($_sql, 0); return system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result, 'msg' => $this->msg, '_status' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 2, 'gallery_grupa' => $gallery_grupa, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder, '_total_gallery' => $_total_gallery), $this->tpl_folder . '/index.php'); }
<?php die('<p style="font-size:36px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">404!</p>'); /*************************************************************************************** * определяем title, keywords, description, h1 ***************************************************************************************/ // получаем метатеги для текущего контроллера $_arr = dbh::get_title(); // инициализируем класс $title = new title(); if ($_arr) { // устанавливаем свойства $title->title = NAME_FIRMS . ' - ' . $_arr['title']; $_arr['keywords'] != '' ? $title->keywords = $_arr['keywords'] : ($title->keywords = $_arr['title']); $_arr['description'] != '' ? $title->description = $_arr['description'] : ($title->description = $_arr['title']); $_arr['h1'] != '' ? $title->h1 = $_arr['h1'] : ($title->h1 = $_arr['title']); } /*************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************/ global $_str; // check for crack! if (isset($_GET['page'])) { system::count_parametr(4); system::isset_numeric($_GET['page']); } else { system::count_parametr(3); $_GET['page'] = 1; } // добавление новости if (system::IsPost()) { if (!captcha::check_captcha()) { //выводим сообщение
<?php foreach ($select as $obj) { ?> <?php $children = dbh::gallery_grupa_get_child($obj->id); ?> <?php if (count($children)) { ?> <optgroup label="<?php echo $level . $obj->pole; ?> "> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('select' => $children, 'level' => $level . ' ', 'curent_id_parent' => $curent_id_parent, 'tpl_folder' => $tpl_folder), $tpl_folder . '/select.php'); ?> </optgroup> <?php } else { ?> <option value="<?php echo $obj->id; ?> "<?php echo $obj->id == $curent_id_parent ? ' selected' : ''; ?> ><?php echo $obj->pole; ?> </option>
if (file_exists(HOST . IMG_CATALOG_TREE_PATH . '/' . $obj->id . '.jpg')) { ?> <span class="trigger_thumb"><img src="<?php echo IMG_CATALOG_TREE_PATH . '/' . $obj->id . '.jpg'; ?> "></span> <?php } else { ?> <span style="color:red;">Нет</span> <?php } ?> </td> <td><?php echo general::link_to($tpl_folder . '/new/id/' . $obj->id, 'Редактировать'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::catalog_tree_get_child($obj->id), 'level' => $level . ' ', 'tpl_folder' => $tpl_folder), $tpl_folder . '/menu.php'); ?> <!--</li>--> <?php } ?> <!--</ul>-->
// парсим данные $message = parsing_data($mass_element_for_parsing, $mass_result_for_parsing, nl2br($_arr['text'])); // парсим заголовок письма $subject = replace_data($_arr['zag'], '%site%', ADRESS_SITE); $subject = replace_data($subject, '%number_order%', '' . $_number_order); // отправляем мыло sent_email_new($_user->email, $message, "", $subject, $GLOBALS["mailadmin"]); //---------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------------------------------// // очищаем корзину basket::clear_Basket(); $_str .= v::getI18n('message_after_oformleniya_basket'); echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='5;URL=/index.php'>"; } else { // выводим содержимое корзины if (basket::show_Basket()) { $_str .= system::show_tpl(array('result' => basket::show_Basket()), 'frontend/basket/list.php'); if (basket::show_Basket()) { if (!registration::is_Autorize()) { // новый пользователь $_str .= system::show_tpl(array('city' => dbh::get_city()), '/frontend/basket/new_user.php'); } else { //авторизованный пользователь $_str .= system::show_tpl(array(), '/frontend/basket/autorize_user.php'); } } } else { $_str .= 'Товары в корзине отсутствуют!'; } }
<?php foreach ($select as $obj) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $obj->id; ?> "<?php echo $obj->id == $curent_id_parent ? 'selected' : ''; ?> ><?php echo $level . $obj->pole; ?> </option> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('select' => dbh::gallery_grupa_get_child($obj->id), 'level' => $level . ' ', 'curent_id_parent' => $curent_id_parent, 'tpl_folder' => $tpl_folder), $tpl_folder . '/select.php'); ?> <?php }
<?else:?> <span class="ps_coll"></span> <?endif?> </span> <span class="name"><?php echo $obj->name_ru; ?> <br /> <!--<strong>URL страницы</strong>: <input value="<?php // echo $obj->action; ?> " class="red"></input>--> </span> </span> <?php echo dbh::content_count_child($obj->id) > 0 ? '<ul>' : ''; ?> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::content_get_child($obj->id), 'tpl_folder' => $tpl_folder), $tpl_folder . '/menu.php'); ?> <?php echo dbh::content_count_child($obj->id) > 0 ? '</ul>' : ''; ?> </li> <?php } ?>
$deps = checkForDependencies(); if ($deps !== true) { die((string) $deps); } //Check PHP Version $version = explode(".", phpversion()); //Grab DB First require INC . "/instances/class_db.php"; if (file_exists(INC . "/")) { include INC . "/"; } //Is THT installed? if ($sql['install']) { define("INSTALL", 1); } $dbh = new dbh(); global $dbh; include INC . "/instances/class_instance.php"; $instance = new instance(); global $instance; $folder = INC . "/classes"; if ($handle = opendir($folder)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $base = explode(".", $file); if ($base[1] == "php") { $base2 = explode("_", $base[0]); if ($base2[0] == "class") { require $folder . "/" . $file; new $base2[1](); //Even though these aren't instances being used right now, they do store instance data in class instance.
?> "> <td><input type="checkbox" name="kt_where[]" value="<?php echo $obj->id; ?> " /></td> <td><?php echo general::link_to($tpl_folder . '/delete/id/' . $obj->id, 'Удалить?', 'onclick="return confirm(\'Вы уверены?\')"'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo strip_tags($obj->name); ?> </td> <td><?php echo dbh::catalog_tree_name($obj->id_parent); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $obj->cost; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $obj->kolvoview; ?> </td> <td><?php echo system::show_data($obj->created_at); ?> </td> <td><a href="#" data-id="<?php
/** * get count of news */ static function count_gallery() { // получаем группу галереи $_id_gallery_grupa = dbh::get_gallery_grupa_id($_GET['url']); if ($_id_gallery_grupa) { $_sql = 'SELECT count(*) as count FROM gallery where status=1 and id_parent=' . $_id_gallery_grupa; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос return mysql::query_findpole($_sql, 'count', 0); } }
echo dbh::voting_count_child($obj->id) == 0 || $obj->id_parent != 0 ? general::link_to($tpl_folder . '/delete/id/' . $obj->id, 'Удалить?', 'onclick="return confirm(\'Вы уверены?\')"') : '<a href=""></a>'; ?> </span> </span> <span class="name"><?php echo $obj->text; ?> <br /> <!--<strong>URL страницы</strong>: <input value="<?php // echo $obj->action; ?> " class="red"></input>--> </span> </span> <?php echo dbh::voting_count_child($obj->id) > 0 ? '<ul>' : ''; ?> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::voting_get_child($obj->id), 'tpl_folder' => $tpl_folder), $tpl_folder . '/menu.php'); ?> <?php echo dbh::voting_count_child($obj->id) > 0 ? '</ul>' : ''; ?> </li> <?php } ?>
$mass_result_for_parsing = array($_user->login, $_user->pasword, ADRESS_SITE, $_user->name, 'http://' . ADRESS_SITE . '/registration/formregistration/enter/id/' . $_user->hash); // парсим данные $message = parsing_data($mass_element_for_parsing, $mass_result_for_parsing, $_arr['text']); // парсим заголовок письма $subject = replace_data($_arr['zag'], '%site%', ADRESS_SITE); // отправляем мыло sent_email_new($_user->email, nl2br($message), "", $subject, $GLOBALS["mailadmin"]); //---------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------------------------------// // выводим мообщение Message::GetMessage(1, v::getI18n('message_after_edit_data')); // форма регистрации $_str = system::show_tpl(array('text' => v::getI18n('message_text_after_edit_data')), "frontend/registration/welcome.php"); // очищаем POST unset($_POST); echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='5;URL=/registration/formregistration/edit'>"; } } else { // проверка на авторизованного юзера if (!registration::is_Autorize()) { system::error(404); } // получаем данные пользователя $_user = registration::get_User($_SESSION['log']); // форма регистрации $_str = system::show_tpl(array('obj' => $_user, 'city' => dbh::get_city()), "frontend/registration/edit.php"); } break; } }
} ?> </select> <?php } ?> </span> </div> </form> </div> <?php echo $msg ? $msg : ''; ?> <table class="table1" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <thead> <tr> <th>Название</th> <?php if (TYPE_BANNER == 1) { ?> <th>Позиция</th> <?php } ?> <th>Хиты</th> <th>Диаграмма</th> <th>Опубликован?</th>
<?php foreach ($result as $obj) { ?> <?php if ($obj->id_parent) { ?> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::catalog_tree_get_parent($obj->id_parent)), '/frontend/catalog/bread.php'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo isset($ls) ? $obj->pole : general::link_to('catalog/grupa/' . $obj->id, ' ' . $obj->pole); ?> <?php }
<table class="table1" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th>Удаление</th> <th>Наименование</th> <th>Опубликован?</th> <th>Операции</th> </tR> <?php foreach ($result as $obj) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo dbh::content_count_child($obj->id) == 0 ? general::link_to($tpl_folder . '/delete/id/' . $obj->id . '/tablename/' . $_GET['tablename'], 'Удалить?', 'onclick="return confirm(\'Вы уверены?\')"') : ''; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $obj->pole; ?> </td> <td><a href="#" data-id="<?php echo $obj->id; ?> " class="setStatus"><?php echo $obj->status == 1 ? '<span style="color:#39C;">Да</span>' : '<span style="color:red;">Нет</span>'; ?> </a></td> <td><?php echo general::link_to($tpl_folder . '/new/id/' . $obj->id . '/tablename/' . $_GET['tablename'], 'Редактировать');
<tr> <td><b style="color:red"><?php echo $obj->name_menu; ?> <b></td> <td><?php echo $obj->link_menu; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $obj->status == 1 ? 'Да' : '<span style="color:red;">Нет</span>'; ?> </td> <td><input name="FORM[<?php echo $obj->id; ?> ]" type="checkbox" <?php echo $obj->status == 1 ? checked : ''; ?> id="<?php echo $obj->id; ?> "></td> </tr> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::menu_get_child($obj->id)), 'adm/menu.php'); ?> <?php }
function get_navigator() { // если каталог!!! if ($_GET['action'] == 'catalog') { return get_navigator_catalog(); } global $zag_radel; global $dbname; $_res = ''; if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] != 'index') { $_res = '<a href="/">Главная</a> '; } if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == 'news' and isset($_GET['url'])) { if (TYPE_NEWS) { $curr_type = isset($_GET['type']) ? (int) $_GET['type'] : 0; $_res .= ' <a href="/news/type/' . $curr_type . '">' . $_type_news[$curr_type] . '</a> '; } else { $_res .= ' <a href="/news">Новости</a> '; } } if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == 'gallery') { if (isset($_GET['url'])) { $_res .= ' <a href="/gallery">Галерея</a> '; $_id_gallery_grupa = dbh::get_gallery_grupa_id_parent($_GET['url']); // строим запрос $_sql = 'SELECT * FROM gallery_grupa where id=' . $_id_gallery_grupa . ' and status=1 order by sort'; $result = mysql::query($_sql, 0); if ($result) { // выводим группы товаров $_res .= system::show_tpl(array('result' => $result), 'frontend/gallery/bread.php'); } } } if ($_GET['action'] == 'voting') { if (isset($_GET['arhiv'])) { $_res .= ' <a href="/voting">Голосование</a> '; } } /* * проверяем на разделы * если они есть, то выводим родительский раздел */ // проверяем на наличие подразделов данного раздела $_sql = "select id_parent, name\n\t\t\t\t from content\n\t\t\t\t where action='" . $_GET['action'] . "' and id_parent!=0"; //echo $_sql."<br>"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbname, $_sql); $_res_n = array(); if (mysql_numrows($result) > 0) { // это дочерний раздел, т.е. у него есть родитель, ищем его имя и ссылку $find = mysql_fetch_array($result); //findpole_universal_full($poisk,$table,$name_field,$nomerpole,$whatdoing) $_id_parent_name = findpole_universal_full($find['id_parent'], "content", "id", 1, "return"); $_id_parent_action = findpole_universal_full($find['id_parent'], "content", "id", 2, "return"); //$_res='<a href="'.MAIN_PATH.'/'.$_id_parent_action.'.php">'.$_id_parent_name.'</a> / '.$_res; $_res_n[0] = '<a href="' . MAIN_PATH . '/' . $_id_parent_action . '">' . $_id_parent_name . '</a> '; for ($i = 1; $i < 20; $i++) { // ищем следующий уровень $_sql = "select id_parent, name\n\t\t\t\t\t from content\n\t\t\t\t\t where action='" . $_id_parent_action . "' and id_parent!=0"; //echo $_sql."<br>"; $result = mysql_db_query($dbname, $_sql); if (mysql_numrows($result) > 0) { // это дочерний раздел, т.е. у него есть родитель, ищем его имя и ссылку $find = mysql_fetch_array($result); //findpole_universal_full($poisk,$table,$name_field,$nomerpole,$whatdoing) $_id_parent_name = findpole_universal_full($find['id_parent'], "content", "id", 1, "return"); $_id_parent_action = findpole_universal_full($find['id_parent'], "content", "id", 2, "return"); //$_res='<a href="'.MAIN_PATH.'/'.$_id_parent_action.'.php">'.$_id_parent_name.'</a> / '.$_res; $_res_n[$i] = '<a href="' . MAIN_PATH . '/' . $_id_parent_action . '">' . $_id_parent_name . '</a> '; } else { break; } } } // строим в нужном порядке и выводим $_res_n = array_reverse($_res_n); for ($i = 0; $i < count($_res_n); $i++) { $_res .= $_res_n[$i]; } if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] != 'index') { return $_res . ' ' . get_h1(); } }
<?php die('<p style="font-size:36px;color:black;font-weight:bold;">404!</p>'); global $_str; // check for crack! if (isset($_GET['page'])) { system::count_parametr(5); system::isset_numeric($_GET['page']); } else { system::count_parametr(3); $_GET['page'] = 1; } if (isset($_GET['url'])) { // получаем группу галереи $_id_gallery_grupa = dbh::get_gallery_grupa_id($_GET['url']); // проверяеим есть ли дети $children = dbh::gallery_grupa_get_child($_id_gallery_grupa); if (count($children)) { // выводим группы $_str .= gallery::get_group_gallery('/frontend/gallery/list.php'); } else { // check for count gallery at page gallery::count_gallery_at_page(); // get limit $limit = pager::pager_limit(gallery::count_gallery(), GALLERY_AT_PAGE); // выводим фото $_str .= gallery::get_gallery($limit, '/frontend/gallery/show.php'); } } else { $_str .= gallery::get_group_gallery('/frontend/gallery/list.php'); }
<?php echo general::link_to($tpl_folder . '/delete/id/' . $obj->id, 'Удалить?', 'onclick="return confirm(\'Вы уверены?\')"'); ?> <?php } ?> </span> </span> <span class="name"><?php echo $level . $obj->pole; ?> </span> </span> <?php echo dbh::catalog_tree_count_child($obj->id) > 0 ? '<ul>' : ''; ?> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::catalog_tree_get_child($obj->id), 'tpl_folder' => $tpl_folder), $tpl_folder . '/menu.php'); ?> <?php echo dbh::catalog_tree_count_child($obj->id) > 0 ? '</ul>' : ''; ?> </li> <?php } ?>
<div class="thumbnails"> <?php foreach ($gallery_grupa as $gallery_grupa) { ?> <div align="center"><?php echo $gallery_grupa->pole; ?> </div> <?php // получаем потомков галереи $gallery = dbh::get_gallery($gallery_grupa->id_gallerygrupa); ?> <?php foreach ($gallery as $gallery) { ?> <ins class="thumbnail"> <div class="r"> <?php if (file_exists(HOST . IMG_GALLERY_PATH . '/' . $gallery->id . '.jpg')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo IMG_GALLERY_PATH; ?>
<?php foreach ($result as $obj) { ?> <?php if ($obj->id_parent) { ?> <?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::gallery_grupa_get_parent($obj->id_parent)), '/frontend/gallery/bread.php'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo general::link_to('gallery/' . $obj->url, ' ' . $obj->pole); ?> <?php }
/** * добавляем новый материал */ function addAction() { if ($_POST) { // проверяем на существование такого action, если есть - добавляем несколько символов $_sql = 'SELECT count(*) as count FROM ' . $this->tablename . ' where url="' . $_POST['FORM']['url'] . '"'; // выполняем запрос + при необходимости выводим сам запрос if (mysql::query_findpole($_sql, 'count', 0) > 0) { $_POST['FORM']['url'] .= '_' . rand(0, 99999); } $this->_width = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=21', 'zna'); $this->_height = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=22', 'zna'); $this->_width_b = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=21', 'zna'); $this->_height_b = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=22', 'zna'); // проверяем на checkbox forms::check_box(array('status')); // записываем в базу forms::multy_insert_form($this->tablename, 0); $this->msg = general::messages(1, v::getI18n('backend_after_save')); // загружаем фото forms::multy_update_photo(HOST . IMG_GALLERY_GRUPA_PATH, 1, mysql_insert_id(), $this->_width, $this->_height, $this->_width_b, $this->_height_b); header('Location: /backend/' . $this->tpl_folder . '/index'); } return system::show_tpl(array('select' => dbh::get_gallery_grupa_tree(), 'msg' => $this->msg, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/add.php'); }
function SetSetting($name, $value) { $link = dbh::connect(); $sql = "UPDATE `settings` SET value='" . $value . "' WHERE setting='" . $name . "' limit 1"; mysql_query($sql); dbh::disconnect($link); }
/** * добавляем новый материал */ function addAction() { if ($_POST) { $this->_width = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=27', 'zna'); $this->_height = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=28', 'zna'); $this->_width_b = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=27', 'zna'); $this->_height_b = mysql::query_findpole('select zna from config where id=28', 'zna'); // проверяем на checkbox forms::check_box(array('status')); // записываем в базу forms::multy_insert_form($this->tablename, 0); $this->msg = general::messages(1, v::getI18n('backend_after_save')); // загружаем фото forms::multy_update_photo(HOST . IMG_CATALOG_TREE_PATH, 1, mysql_insert_id(), $this->_width, $this->_height, $this->_width_b, $this->_height_b); } return system::show_tpl(array('select' => dbh::get_catolog_tree(), 'msg' => $this->msg, 'tpl_folder' => $this->tpl_folder), $this->tpl_folder . '/add.php'); }
<li> <?php if (isset($_GET['grupa']) and $obj->id == intval($_GET['grupa'])) { $_cur = 'class="cur"'; } ?> <?php echo general::link_to('catalog/grupa/' . $obj->id . '/brand/0', $level . $obj->pole, $_cur); ?> <?php $children = dbh::catalog_tree_get_child($obj->id); ?> <?php if (count($children)) { ?> <ul><?php echo system::show_tpl(array('result' => dbh::catalog_tree_get_child($obj->id), 'level' => $level . ''), '/frontend/catalog/menu_ind.php'); ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </li> <?php }
?> <tr id="listItem_<?php echo $obj->id; ?> "> <td><input type="checkbox" name="kt_where[]" value="<?php echo $obj->id; ?> " /></td> <td><?php echo general::link_to($tpl_folder . '/delete/id/' . $obj->id, 'Удалить?', 'onclick="return confirm(\'Вы уверены?\')"'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo dbh::gallery_gb_parent_name($obj->id_parent); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $obj->pole; ?> </td> <td> <?php if (file_exists(HOST . IMG_GALLERY_PATH . '/' . $obj->id . '.jpg')) { ?> <span class="trigger_thumb"><img src="<?php echo IMG_GALLERY_PATH . '/_' . $obj->id . '.jpg'; ?> "></span> <?php