protected static function _build($is_prod) { $databases = databases::get_databases($is_prod); foreach ($databases as $database => $params) { $conn = mysql_connect($params['host'], $params['user'], $params['password'], $new_link = true); mysql_select_db($database, $conn); $tables = self::get_tables($conn); $tables_info = array(); foreach ($tables as $table) { $tables_info[$table] = self::get_table_info($conn, $table); } if (!empty($tables_info)) { self::add_param($database, $tables_info); } } }
<?php include "../"; //include("../../inc/oauthcheck.php"); $table = new databases(); if ($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) { $obj = json_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); } //print_r($obj); switch ($parts[4]) { case "addschema": $response = $table->createSchema($_POST['schema']); break; case "getschemas": $response = $table->listAllSchemas($_POST['schema']); break; } include_once "../";
<?php include "../conf/main.php"; include "../libs/functions.php"; include "../model/databases.php"; include "../model/dbchecks.php"; include '../model/settings_viewer.php'; $dbList = new databases(); try { $arr = $dbList->listAllDbs(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; die; } $postgisdb = "mygeocloud"; $postgis = new postgis(); $i = 1; foreach ($arr['data'] as $db) { if ($db != "template1" and $db != "template0" and $db != "postgres" and $db != "postgis_template") { $postgisdb = $db; //$dbc = new dbcheck(); $viewer = new Settings_viewer(); $arr = $viewer->get(); $sql = "INSERT INTO users(screenname,pw) VALUES('{$db}','{$arr['data']['pw']}')"; $postgis->execQuery($sql); echo $sql . "\n"; $i++; } //if ($i>10) die(); }
include 'conf/main.php'; session_name($sessionName); session_set_cookie_params($sessionLifeTime, '/', "." . $domain); session_start(); include 'libs/functions.php'; include 'inc/user_name_from_uri.php'; include 'model/users.php'; include 'model/databases.php'; include 'model/classes.php'; include 'model/wmslayers.php'; include 'model/settings_viewer.php'; // we need to get pw for http authentication include 'libs/FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php'; include 'libs/FirePHPCore/fb.php'; if ($parts[1] == "store" || $parts[1] == "editor") { $db = new databases(); if (!$parts[2]) { die("<script>window.location='/?db=false'</script>"); } if ($db->doesDbExist(postgis::toAscii($parts[2], NULL, "_"))) { $postgisdb = $parts[2]; } else { die("<script>window.location='/?db=false'</script>"); } include "inc/oauthcheck.php"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>MapCentia GeoCloud</title>
<?php include "../"; //include("../../inc/oauthcheck.php"); $db = new databases(); if ($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) { $obj = json_decode($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA); } switch ($parts[4]) { case "addschema": $response = $db->createSchema($_POST['schema']); break; case "getschemas": $response = $db->listAllSchemas($_POST['schema']); break; case "doesdbexist": $response = $db->doesDbExist($parts[5]); break; } include_once "../";
// Start HTML doc include "html_header.php"; ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> </head> <body> <div id="outercontainer"> <div id="innercontainer"> <div id='stylized' class="myform"> <?php if (!$_REQUEST['name']) { echo "<h1>Need a name!</h1>"; echo "<p></p>"; } else { $name = postgis::toAscii($_REQUEST['name'], NULL, "_"); $db = new databases(); $dbObj = $db->createdb($name, $databaseTemplate, "LATIN1"); // databaseTemplate is set in conf/main.php if ($dbObj) { echo "<h1>Your geocloud \"{$name}\" was created!</h1>"; echo "<p>When asked type in \"{$name}\" and use \"1234\" for password. Remember to change it!</p>"; echo "<button onclick=\"window.location.href='/store/{$name}'\">Take me to my cloud</button>"; } else { echo "<h1>Sorry, something went wrong. Try again</h1>"; } } ?> <div class="spacer"></div> </div> </div> </div>
// Check if user is logged in - and redirect if this is not the case if (!$_SESSION['auth'] || !$_SESSION['screen_name']) { die("<script>window.location='/user/login'</script>"); } include '../header.html'; include '../../conf/main.php'; include '../../libs/functions.php'; include 'model/databases.php'; //print_r($_SESSION); ?> <!--<p>Hi <?php echo $_SESSION['screen_name']; ?> </p>--> <?php $db = new databases(); if ($db->doesDbExist(postgis::toAscii($_SESSION['screen_name'], NULL, "_"))) { echo "<a style='margin-top:40px' href='/store/{$_SESSION['screen_name']}' class='btn btn-large btn-info'>Start MyGeoCloud</a>"; } else { echo "<a style='margin-top:40px' href='/createstore' class='btn btn-large btn-info'>Create MyGeoCloud</a>"; echo "<p>It will take a minute.</p>"; } ?> </div> <div class="span4" style="border-left:4px solid #F1F1F1;display: block;height: 250px;margin-top: 0px;padding-left: 40px;padding-top: 40px"> <h1></h1> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
</div><!--/.nav-collapse --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="span4"> </div> <div class="span4"> <div class="box"> <?php if (!$_SESSION['screen_name']) { echo "<h2>Need a name!</h2>"; echo "<div class='inner'><a href='/' class='btn btn-danger'>Go back</a></div>"; } else { $name = postgis::toAscii($_SESSION['screen_name'], NULL, "_"); $db = new databases(); echo "<div class='inner'>"; $dbObj = $db->createdb($name, $databaseTemplate, "UTF8"); // databaseTemplate is set in conf/main.php echo "</div>"; if ($dbObj) { echo "<h2>Your geocloud \"{$name}\" was created!</h2>"; echo "<div class='inner'><p> </p>"; echo "<p><button class='btn btn-warning' onclick=\"window.location.href='/store/{$name}'\">Take me to my cloud</button></p></div>"; } else { echo "<h2>Sorry, something went wrong. Try again</h2>"; echo "<div class='inner'><a href='/user/signup' class='btn btn-danger'>Go back</a></div>"; } } ?> </div>
<?php include_once "../model/database.php"; //echo $_GET['date']; $database = new databases(); //get date and trainer id from GET $dateValue = $_GET['date']; //$dateValue = $dateValue.rtrim("0"); $trainerIdValue = $_GET['trainerId']; //read trainer details for the specified day ////echo $trainerIdValue; //echo $dateValue; $result = $database->getTrainerDaySchedule($trainerIdValue, $dateValue); $count = mysqli_num_rows($result); $arrOfRes = array(); $str = ""; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $res = implode(",", $row); $str .= $res . "/"; } echo rtrim($str, "/");