Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getCategoriesByParent($cat_pid = 0, $start = 0, $perPage = 0, $order = 'ASC')
     $criteria = new criteriaCompo(new criteria('cat_pid', $cat_pid));
     if ($start > 0) {
     if ($perPage > 0) {
     $result =& $this->handler->getObjects($criteria);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'yogurt_index.html';
include_once '../../header.php';
include_once 'class/yogurt_friendpetition.php';
include_once 'class/yogurt_friendship.php';
* Factory of petitions created
$friendpetition_factory = new Xoopsyogurt_friendpetitionHandler($xoopsDB);
$friendship_factory = new Xoopsyogurt_friendshipHandler($xoopsDB);
$petition_id = intval($_POST['petition_id']);
$friendship_level = intval($_POST['level']);
$uid = intval($xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) {
    redirect_header($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_TOKENEXPIRED);
$criteria = new criteriaCompo(new criteria('friendpet_id', $petition_id));
$criteria->add(new criteria('petioned_uid', $uid));
if ($friendpetition_factory->getCount($criteria) > 0) {
    if ($friendship_level > 0 && ($petition = $friendpetition_factory->getObjects($criteria))) {
        $friend1_uid = $petition[0]->getVar('petitioner_uid');
        $friend2_uid = $petition[0]->getVar('petioned_uid');
        $newfriendship1 = $friendship_factory->create(true);
        $newfriendship1->setVar('level', 3);
        $newfriendship1->setVar('friend1_uid', $friend1_uid);
        $newfriendship1->setVar('friend2_uid', $friend2_uid);
        $newfriendship2 = $friendship_factory->create(true);
        $newfriendship2->setVar('level', $friendship_level);
        $newfriendship2->setVar('friend1_uid', $friend2_uid);
        $newfriendship2->setVar('friend2_uid', $friend1_uid);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        $nb_petitions = sizeof($newpetition);
        $petitioner_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
        $petitioner =& $petitioner_handler->getUser($newpetition[0]->getVar('petitioner_uid'));
        $petitioner_uid = $petitioner->getVar('uid');
        $petitioner_uname = $petitioner->getVar('uname');
        $petitioner_avatar = $petitioner->getVar('user_avatar');
        $petition_id = $newpetition[0]->getVar('friendpet_id');
        $petition = 1;
 * Criteria for mainvideo
$criteria_uidvideo = new criteria('uid_owner', $controler->uidOwner);
$criteria_mainvideo = new criteria('main_video', "1");
$criteria_video = new criteriaCompo($criteria_mainvideo);
if ($nbSections['nbVideos'] > 0 && ($videos = $controler->videos_factory->getObjects($criteria_video))) {
    $mainvideocode = $videos[0]->getVar('youtube_code');
    $mainvideodesc = $videos[0]->getVar('video_desc');
 * Friends 
$criteria_friends = new criteria('friend1_uid', $controler->uidOwner);
$friends = $controler->friendships_factory->getFriends(9, $criteria_friends);
$evaluation = $controler->friendships_factory->getMoyennes($controler->uidOwner);
 * Tribes 
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Getting the uid of the user which user want to ask to be friend
$petitioned_uid = $_POST['petitioned_uid'];
 * Verify Token
if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) {
    redirect_header($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_TOKENEXPIRED);
//Verify if the user has already asked for friendship or if the user he s asking to be a friend has already asked him
$criteria = new criteriaCompo(new criteria('petioned_uid', $petitioned_uid));
$criteria->add(new criteria('petitioner_uid', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid')));
if ($friendpetition_factory->getCount($criteria) > 0) {
    redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/yogurt/index.php?uid=" . $_POST['petitioned_uid'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_ALREADY_PETITIONED);
} else {
    $criteria2 = new criteriaCompo(new criteria('petitioner_uid', $petitioned_uid));
    $criteria2->add(new criteria('petioned_uid', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid')));
    if ($friendpetition_factory->getCount($criteria2) > 0) {
        redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . "/modules/yogurt/index.php?uid=" . $_POST['petitioned_uid'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_ALREADY_PETITIONED);
 * create the petition in database
$newpetition = $friendpetition_factory->create(true);
$newpetition->setVar('petitioner_uid', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
$newpetition->setVar('petioned_uid', $_POST['petitioned_uid']);
if ($friendpetition_factory->insert($newpetition)) {
    $extra_tags['X_OWNER_NAME'] = $xoopsUser->getVar('uname');
    $extra_tags['X_OWNER_UID'] = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
    $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function getFirstChildren($cat_id)
     $mytree =& $this->getTreeInstance();
     //new XoopsTree($this->db->prefix('_category'), 'cat_id', 'cat_pid');
     $subarr = $mytree->getFirstChildId($cat_id, 'cat_id');
     $criteria = new criteriaCompo(new criteria('cat_id', -1));
     foreach ($subarr as $sub) {
         $criteria->add(new criteria('cat_id', $sub), 'OR');
     $subcat =& $this->getObjects($criteria);
     return $subcat;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function renderFormSubmit($friend)
     global $xoopsUser;
      * criteria fetch friendship to be edited  
     $criteria_friend1 = new criteria('friend1_uid', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
     $criteria_friend2 = new criteria('friend2_uid', $friend->getVar('uid'));
     $criteria_friendship = new criteriaCompo($criteria_friend1);
     $friendships = $this->getObjects($criteria_friendship);
     $friendship = $friendships[0];
     $form = new XoopsThemeForm(_MD_YOGURT_EDITFRIENDSHIP, "form_editfriendship", "editfriendship.php", "post", true);
     //$field_friend_avatar 		= new XoopsFormLabel(_MD_YOGURT_PHOTO, "<img src=../../uploads/".$friend->getVar('user_avatar')." />");
     if ($friend->getVar('user_avatar') == "blank.gif") {
         $field_friend_avatar = new XoopsFormLabel(_MD_YOGURT_PHOTO, "<img src=images/noavatar.gif />");
     } else {
         $field_friend_avatar = new XoopsFormLabel(_MD_YOGURT_PHOTO, "<img src=../../uploads/" . $friend->getVar('user_avatar') . " />");
     $field_friend_name = new XoopsFormLabel(_MD_YOGURT_FRIENDNAME, $friend->getVar('uname'));
     $field_friend_fan = new XoopsFormRadioYN(_MD_YOGURT_FAN, "fan", $friendship->getVar('fan'), '<img src="images/fans.gif" alt="' . _YES . '" title="' . _YES . '" />', '<img src="images/fansbw.gif" alt="' . _NO . '" title="' . _NO . '" />');
     $field_friend_level = new XoopsFormRadio(_MD_YOGURT_LEVEL, "level", $friendship->getVar('level'), "<br />");
     $field_friend_level->addOption("1", _MD_YOGURT_UNKNOWNACCEPTED);
     $field_friend_level->addOption("3", _MD_YOGURT_AQUAITANCE);
     $field_friend_level->addOption("5", _MD_YOGURT_FRIEND);
     $field_friend_level->addOption("7", _MD_YOGURT_BESTFRIEND);
     $field_friend_sexy = new XoopsFormRadio(_MD_YOGURT_SEXY, "hot", $friendship->getVar('hot'));
     $field_friend_sexy->addOption("1", '<img src="images/sexya.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_SEXYNO . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_SEXYNO . '" />');
     $field_friend_sexy->addOption("2", '<img src="images/sexyb.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_SEXYYES . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_SEXYYES . '" />');
     $field_friend_sexy->addOption("3", '<img src="images/sexyc.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_SEXYALOT . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_SEXYALOT . '" />');
     $field_friend_trusty = new XoopsFormRadio(_MD_YOGURT_TRUSTY, "trust", $friendship->getVar('trust'));
     $field_friend_trusty->addOption("1", '<img src="images/trustya.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_TRUSTYNO . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_TRUSTYNO . '" />');
     $field_friend_trusty->addOption("2", '<img src="images/trustyb.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_TRUSTYYES . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_TRUSTYYES . '" />');
     $field_friend_trusty->addOption("3", '<img src="images/trustyc.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_TRUSTYALOT . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_TRUSTYALOT . '" />');
     $field_friend_cool = new XoopsFormRadio(_MD_YOGURT_COOL, "cool", $friendship->getVar('cool'));
     $field_friend_cool->addOption("1", '<img src="images/coola.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_COOLNO . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_COOLNO . '" />');
     $field_friend_cool->addOption("2", '<img src="images/coolb.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_COOLYES . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_COOLYES . '" />');
     $field_friend_cool->addOption("3", '<img src="images/coolc.gif" alt="' . _MD_YOGURT_COOLALOT . '" title="' . _MD_YOGURT_COOLALOT . '" />');
     $button_send = new XoopsFormButton("", "submit_button", _MD_YOGURT_UPDATEFRIEND, "submit");
     $field_friend_friendid = new XoopsFormHidden("friend_uid", $friend->getVar('uid'));
     $field_friend_marker = new XoopsFormHidden("marker", "1");
     $field_friend_friendshio_id = new XoopsFormHidden("friendship_id", $friendship->getVar('friendship_id'));
     //If your server is php 4.4
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Set permissions acording to user is logged or not , is owner or not etc..
  * @return void
 function getPermissions()
     global $_GET, $xoopsUser;
      * @desc Check if the user uid exists if not redirect back to where he was
     if (!empty($_GET['uid'])) {
         $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
         $user =& $member_handler->getUser(intval($_GET['uid']));
         if (!is_object($user)) {
             redirect_header("index.php", 3, _MD_YOGURT_USERDOESNTEXIST);
      * If anonym and uid not set then redirect to admins profile
      * Else redirects to own profile
     if (empty($this->user)) {
         $this->isAnonym = 1;
         $this->isUser = 0;
         if (!empty($_GET['uid'])) {
             $this->uidOwner = intval($_GET['uid']);
         } else {
             $this->uidOwner = 1;
             $this->isOwner = 0;
     } else {
         $this->isAnonym = 0;
         $this->isUser = 1;
         if (!empty($_GET['uid'])) {
             $this->uidOwner = intval($_GET['uid']);
             $this->isOwner = $this->user->getVar('uid') == intval($_GET['uid']) ? 1 : 0;
         } else {
             $this->uidOwner = $this->user->getVar('uid');
             $this->isOwner = 1;
     $this->owner = new XoopsUser($this->uidOwner);
     $criteria_suspended = new Criteria("uid", $this->uidOwner);
     $this->isSuspended = $this->suspensions_factory->getCount($criteria_suspended) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
     if ($this->owner->getVar('name') == "") {
         $this->nameOwner = $this->owner->getVar('uname');
     } else {
         $this->nameOwner = $this->owner->getVar('name');
     $criteria_friends = new criteria('friend1_uid', $this->uidOwner);
     if (!$xoopsUser) {
         $controler->isFriend = 0;
     } else {
         $criteria_isfriend = new criteriaCompo(new criteria('friend2_uid', $this->user->getVar('uid')));
         $this->isFriend = $this->friendships_factory->getCount($criteria_isfriend);
     $this->privilegeLevel = 0;
     if ($this->isAnonym == 1) {
         $this->privilegeLevel = 0;
     if ($this->isUser == 1) {
         $this->privilegeLevel = 1;
     if ($this->isFriend == 1) {
         $this->privilegeLevel = 2;
     if ($this->isOwner == 1) {
         $this->privilegeLevel = 3;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * get entries of categories specified in array sorted order by cat_id, created for index.php
 * @author hodaka <*****@*****.**>
 function getEntriesByCategoryArray($currentuid, $cid_array = array(), $user_id = 0, $start = 0, $perPage = 0, $order = 'DESC')
     $criteria = new criteriaCompo(new criteria('user_id', $currentuid));
     $criteria->add(new criteria('private', 'N'), 'OR');
     $criteria = new criteriaCompo($criteria);
     $criteria->add(new Criteria('cat_id', "(" . implode(',', $cid_array) . ")", 'IN'));
     if ($user_id > 0) {
         $criteria->add(new criteria('user_id', $user_id));
     $criteria->setSort('cat_id, created');
     if ($start > 0) {
     if ($perPage > 0) {
     $result =& $this->handler->getObjects($criteria);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
$nbSections = $controler->getNumbersSections();
* This variable define the beggining of the navigation must b
* setted here so all calls to database will take this into account
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? intval($_GET['start']) : 0;
* Filter for search pictures in database
if ($controler->isOwner == 1) {
    $criteria_uid = new criteria('uid_owner', $controler->uidOwner);
} else {
    $criteria_private = new criteria('private', 0);
    $criteria_uid2 = new criteria('uid_owner', intval($controler->uidOwner));
    $criteria_uid = new criteriaCompo($criteria_uid2);
if ($xoopsModuleConfig['images_order'] == 1) {
* Fetch pictures from factory
$pictures_object_array = $controler->album_factory->getObjects($criteria_uid);
Ejemplo n.º 10
$uid_voter = intval($xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
if (!$GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->check()) {
    redirect_header($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_TOKENEXPIRED);
* Verify if user is trying to vote for himself
if ($uid_voter == $uid_voted) {
    redirect_header($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_CANTVOTEOWN);
* Verify that this user hasn't voted or added this user yet
$criteria_uidvoter = new criteria('uid_voter', $uid_voter);
$criteria_uidvoted = new criteria('uid_voted', $uid_voted);
$criteria = new criteriaCompo($criteria_uidvoter);
if ($ishot_factory->getCount($criteria) == 0) {
    $vote = $ishot_factory->create(true);
    $vote->setVar('uid_voted', $uid_voted);
    $vote->setVar('uid_voter', $uid_voter);
    if ($ishot == 1) {
        $vote->setVar('ishot', 1);
    } else {
        $vote->setVar('ishot', 0);
    redirect_header($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_VOTED);
} else {
    redirect_header($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 3, _MD_YOGURT_ALREADYVOTED);