Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Connects to POG SOAP server defined in configuration.php and
 * generates new versions of all objects detected in /objects/ dir.
 * All upgraded objects are then zipped and presented to user.
 * @param string $path
function UpdateAllObjects($path)
    $dir = opendir($path);
    $objects = array();
    while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
        if (strlen($file) > 4 && substr(strtolower($file), strlen($file) - 4) === '.php' && !is_dir($file) && $file != "class.database.php" && $file != "configuration.php" && $file != "setup.php" && $file != "class.pog_base.php") {
            $objects[] = $file;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
        $content = file_get_contents($path . "/" . $object);
        $contentParts = split("<b>", $content);
        if (isset($contentParts[1])) {
            $contentParts2 = split("</b>", $contentParts[1]);
        if (isset($contentParts2[0])) {
            $className = trim($contentParts2[0]);
        if (isset($className)) {
            eval('include_once("../../objects/class.' . strtolower($className) . '.php");');
            $instance = new $className();
            if (!TestIsMapping($instance)) {
                $objectNameList[] = $className;
                $linkParts1 = split("\\*\\/", $contentParts[1]);
                $linkParts2 = split("\\@link", $linkParts1[0]);
                $link = $linkParts2[1];
                $options = false;
                if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_host'] != false && $GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_port'] != false && $GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_username'] != false && $GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_password'] != false) {
                    $options = array('proxy_host' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_host'], 'proxy_port' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_port'], 'proxy_login' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_username'], 'proxy_password' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['proxy_password']);
                $client = new SoapClient($GLOBALS['configuration']['soap'], $options);
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $package = unserialize($client->GeneratePackageFromLink($link));
                } else {
                    $objectString = $client->GenerateObjectFromLink($link);
                    $package["objects"]["class." . strtolower($className) . ".php"] = $objectString;
    //upgrade mapping classes if any
    foreach ($objectNameList as $objectName) {
        $instance = new $objectName();
        foreach ($instance->pog_attribute_type as $key => $attribute_type) {
            if ($attribute_type['db_attributes'][1] == "JOIN") {
                $mappingString = $client->GenerateMapping($objectName, $key, isset($GLOBALS['configuration']['pdoDriver']) ? 'php5.1' : 'php5', isset($GLOBALS['configuration']['pdoDriver']) ? 'pdo' : 'pog', isset($GLOBALS['configuration']['pdoDriver']) ? 'mysql' : '');
                $package["objects"]['class.' . strtolower(MappingName($objectName, $key)) . '.php'] = $mappingString;
    $zipfile = new createZip();
    $zipfile->forceDownload("pog." . time() . ".zip");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Connects to POG SOAP server defined in configuration.php and
 * generates new versions of all objects detected in /objects/ dir.
 * All upgraded objects are then zipped and presented to user.
 * @param string $path
function UpdateAllObjects($path)
    $dir = opendir($path);
    $objects = array();
    while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
        if (strlen($file) > 4 && substr(strtolower($file), strlen($file) - 4) === '.php' && !is_dir($file) && $file != "class.database.php" && $file != "configuration.php" && $file != "setup.php") {
            $objects[] = $file;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
        $content = file_get_contents($path . "/" . $object);
        $contentParts = split("<b>", $content);
        if (isset($contentParts[1])) {
            $contentParts2 = split("</b>", $contentParts[1]);
        if (isset($contentParts2[0])) {
            $className = trim($contentParts2[0]);
        if (isset($className)) {
            $objectNameList[] = $className;
            $linkParts1 = split("\\*\\/", $contentParts[1]);
            $linkParts2 = split("\\@link", $linkParts1[0]);
            $link = $linkParts2[1];
            $client = new SoapClient($GLOBALS['configuration']['soap']);
            if ($i == 0) {
                $package = unserialize($client->GeneratePackageFromLink($link));
            } else {
                $objectString = $client->GenerateObjectFromLink($link);
                $package["objects"]["class." . strtolower($className) . ".php"] = $objectString;
    $zipfile = new createZip();
    $zipfile->forceDownload("pog." . time() . ".zip");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['soapEngine'] == "nusoap") {
        $client = new soapclient($GLOBALS['configuration']['soap'], true);
        $attributeList = unserialize($_SESSION['attributeList']);
        $typeList = unserialize($_SESSION['typeList']);
        $params = array('objectName' => $_SESSION['objectName'], 'attributeList' => $attributeList, 'typeList' => $typeList, 'language' => $_SESSION['language'], 'wrapper' => $_SESSION['wrapper'], 'pdoDriver' => $_SESSION['pdoDriver'], 'db_encoding' => "0");
        $package = unserialize($client->call('GeneratePackage', $params));
    } else {
        if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['soapEngine'] == "phpsoap") {
            $client = new SoapClient('services/pog.wsdl', array('cache_wsdl' => 0));
            $attributeList = unserialize($_SESSION['attributeList']);
            $typeList = unserialize($_SESSION['typeList']);
            $objectName = $_SESSION['objectName'];
            $language = $_SESSION['language'];
            $wrapper = $_SESSION['wrapper'];
            $pdoDriver = $_SESSION['pdoDriver'];
            $classList = unserialize($_SESSION['classList']);
            $dbEncoding = "0";
            try {
                $package = unserialize($client->GeneratePackage($objectName, $attributeList, $typeList, $language, $wrapper, $pdoDriver, $dbEncoding, $classList));
            } catch (SoapFault $e) {
                echo "Error: {$e->faultstring}";
    $zipfile = new createZip();
    $zipfile->forceDownload("pog." . time() . ".zip");
    $_POST = null;
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
    file_put_contents( "temp/$base/{$table['delete_page']}", $s->deleterow() );
    $createZip = new createZip;
    $createZip -> addFile($s->listtable(), $table['list_page'] ); 
    $createZip -> addFile($s->newrow(), $table['new_page'] );
    $createZip -> addFile($s->editrow(), $table['edit_page'] );
    $createZip -> addFile($s->deleterow(), $table['delete_page'] );  
    $fileName = "temp/$base.zip"; 
    $fd = fopen ($fileName, "wb"); 
    $out = fwrite ($fd, $createZip -> getZippedfile() ); 
    fclose ($fd); 
    $createZip -> forceDownload($fileName); 

else {

	header("Location: index.php");

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function home()
     $dim = array(900, 600);
     $dim = array(800, 533);
     $dim = array(600, 400);
     if (_button()) {
         $v = $this->__(array('start' => 0, 'folder' => '', 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0));
         $images = $types = w();
         $dim = array($v['width'], $v['height']);
         $original = PCK . $v['folder'] . '/';
         $gallery = $original . 'gallery/';
         if (!@file_exists($original)) {
         if (!@file_exists($gallery)) {
             @mkdir($gallery, 0777);
             @chmod($gallery, 0777);
         require_once XFS . XCOR . 'upload.php';
         require_once XFS . XCOR . 'zip.php';
         if (!is_writable($original) || !is_writable($gallery)) {
         $upload = new upload();
         $zip = new createZip();
         $fp = @opendir(PCK . $v['folder']);
         while ($row = @readdir($fp)) {
             if (preg_match('#^(.*?)\\.(jpg|JPG)$#is', $row, $s) && @is_readable($original . $row)) {
                 $images[] = $row;
                 $type = preg_match('#^(\\d+)$#is', $s[1]) ? 'numeric' : 'string';
                 $types[$type] = true;
         if (!count($images)) {
             exit('No hay archivos para convertir.');
         $multisort = array(&$images, SORT_ASC);
         if (!isset($types['string'])) {
             $multisort[] = SORT_NUMERIC;
         hook('array_multisort', $multisort);
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $row = $upload->_row($gallery, $image);
             $xa = $upload->resize($row, $original, $gallery, $start, $dim, false, false, false, $original . $image);
             $zip->addFile(file_get_contents($gallery . $xa['filename']), $xa['filename']);
         $zipfile = PCK . $folder . '.zip';
         $fd = @fopen($zipfile, 'wb');
         $out = @fwrite($fd, $zip->getZippedfile());
     $options = w();
     $fp = @opendir(PCK);
     while ($file = @readdir($fp)) {
         if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir(PCK . $file)) {
             $options[] = $file;
     foreach ($options as $row) {
         echo '<option value="' . $row . '">' . $row . '</option>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
    $multisort = array(&$images, SORT_ASC);
    if (!isset($types['string'])) {
        $multisort[] = SORT_NUMERIC;
    hook('array_multisort', $multisort);
    foreach ($images as $image) {
        $row = $upload->_row($gallery, $image);
        $xa = $upload->resize($row, $original, $gallery, $start, $dim, false, false, false, $original . $image);
        $zip->addFile(file_get_contents($gallery . $xa['filename']), $xa['filename']);
    $zipfile = PCK . $folder . '.zip';
    if ($fd = @fopen($zipfile, 'wb')) {
        $out = @fwrite($fd, $zip->getZippedfile());
$options = w();
$fp = @opendir(PCK);
while ($file = @readdir($fp)) {
    if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && is_dir(PCK . $file)) {
        $options[] = $file;
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