Ejemplo n.º 1

	<title>Edit Data</title>

// including the database connection file
include "mysql.php";
$connection = new createCon();
//getting id from url
if (isset($_GET['nid'])) {
    $nid = $_GET['nid'];
} else {
    echo "nid nicht gesetzt";
$abfrage = "SELECT * FROM nahrung WHERE n_id='{$nid}'";
//selecting data associated with this particular id
$result = mysqli_query($connection->myconn, $abfrage);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $bez = $row['bez'];
    $menge = $row['menge'];
    $kalorien = $row['kalorien'] / $menge;
    $eiweiss = $row['eiweiss'] / $menge;
    $kohlenhydrate = $row['kohlenhydrate'] / $menge;
    $fett = $row['fett'] / $menge;
Ejemplo n.º 2

include 'connect.php';
// Database Connection
//$database = "imoucfor_mrs";
$conn = new createCon();
//echo $conn->host;
$link = $conn->conn;
//echo mysql_error();
//or die("Database Connection Failed");
$selectdb = mysqli_select_db($link, $conn->db) or die("Database could not be selected");
$result = mysqli_select_db($link, $conn->db) or die("database cannot be selected <br>");
$output = "";
$table = "SUM15";
$sql = mysqli_query($link, "select * from {$table}");
$columns_total = mysqli_num_fields($sql);
// Get fields
for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_total; $i++) {
    $heading = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($sql, $i);
    $output .= '"' . $heading->name . '",';
$output .= "\n";
// Get records
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_total; $i++) {
        $output .= '"' . $row["{$i}"] . '",';