Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Compile imdb search results html into view/db
  * ready array.
  * @param  string $results
  * @return array
 public function compileSearchResults($results)
     $crawler = new crawler($results);
     //once we have the curl result cleaned, we can loop trough it and filter out all the results
     //matching our query.
     $sections = $crawler->filter('table.results > tr.odd, table.results > tr.even');
     //store title,type,year to check for duplicates
     $check = '';
     $current = '';
     //then we will loop trough every result and extract the information we require(title, plot, cast etc.)
     foreach ($sections as $k => $value) {
         $cr = new crawler($value);
         $title = $cr->filter('td.image > a')->extract('title');
         $poster = $cr->filter('td.image > a > img')->extract('src');
         $rating = $cr->filter('td.title > div.user_rating')->extract('_text');
         $imdbid = $cr->filter('td.image > a')->extract('href');
         $shortTitle = head($cr->filter('td.title > a')->extract('_text'));
         //set current title+year+type so we can spot duplicates
         $current = $shortTitle . $this->typeFromTitle($title) . $this->year($title);
         //if we already have such title+type+year increment year so we dont overwrite previous title
         if (strpos($check, $current) !== false) {
         $compiled[] = array('imdb_id' => $this->imdbid($imdbid), 'title' => $shortTitle, 'original_title' => $shortTitle, 'type' => $this->typeFromTitle($title), 'poster' => $this->posterSize($poster), 'year' => $this->year($title), 'plot' => head($cr->filter('td.title > span.outline')->extract('_text')), 'genre' => head($cr->filter('td.title > span.genre')->extract('_text')), 'imdb_rating' => $this->cleanRating($rating), 'runtime' => trim(head($cr->filter('span.runtime')->extract('_text')), ' mins.'), 'imdb_votes_num' => head($cr->filter('td.sort_col')->extract('_text')));
         if (isset($compiled[$k])) {
             $check .= $compiled[$k]['title'] . $compiled[$k]['type'] . $compiled[$k]['year'];
     return isset($compiled) ? $compiled : array();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Gets titles actor is know for.
  * @return array.
 public function getKnownFor()
     if (!$this->knownFor) {
         //grab all the titles actor is know for
         $known = $this->crawler->filter('div#knownfor > div');
         //extract id, title, poster for each one and make multidim array from it
         foreach ($known as $k => $v) {
             $crawler = new crawler($v);
             $imdbid = $this->id($crawler->filter('a')->extract('href'));
             $title = head($crawler->filter('a > img')->extract('title'));
             $poster = $this->image($crawler->filter('a > img')->extract('src'), $imdbid);
             $year = Helpers::extractYear(head($crawler->filter('a')->eq(1)->extract('_text')));
             $this->knownFor[] = array('imdb_id' => $imdbid, 'title' => $title, 'poster' => $poster, 'year' => $year);
     $this->images->saveMultiple($this->imgUrls, null, 'imdb/posters/');
     return $this->knownFor;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Compiles titles cast.
  * @return array
 private function compileCast()
     //get all the actor/char rows from imdb
     $raw = $this->crawler->filter('table.cast_list > tr.odd, table.cast_list > tr.even');
     //foreach row extract image, id, actor name and actors character(s)
     foreach ($raw as $k => $v) {
         //skip parsing first row since its not actor
         $crawler = new crawler($v);
         //get actor name and image
         $actor = head($crawler->filter('.primary_photo > a > img')->extract(array('loadlate', 'title')));
         //get actor id
         $actorid = Helpers::extract(head($crawler->filter('.primary_photo > a')->extract('href')), 'nm');
         //get char
         $char = head($crawler->filter('.character')->extract('_text'));
         $char = $this->prettify($char);
         //push all data into cast array
         $cast[last($actor)] = array('name' => last($actor), 'image' => head($actor), 'char' => $char, 'imdb_id' => $actorid);
     return isset($cast) ? $cast : array();
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Compile reviews into save ready array.
  * @return void/array
 private function compileReviews()
     $allReviews = $this->crawler->filter('ol.critic_reviews > li');
     foreach ($allReviews as $k => $v) {
         $cr = new crawler($v);
         $compiled[] = array('source' => head($cr->filter('div.source')->extract(array('_text'))), 'author' => head($cr->filter('div.author > a')->extract(array('_text'))), 'body' => trim(head($cr->filter('div.review_body')->extract(array('_text')))), 'link' => head($cr->filter('a.external')->extract(array('href'))), 'score' => trim(head($cr->filter('div.review_grade')->extract(array('_text')))));
     return isset($compiled) ? $compiled : null;