Ejemplo n.º 1
protected static function conf_initialize ()
		throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Config file is not set.");

	self::$conf_document = new DOMDocument(self::conf_xml_version, self::conf_xml_encoding);
	$old_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
	$loaded = self::$conf_document->load(COREN_CONFIGURATION_FILE, LIBXML_COMPACT | LIBXML_XINCLUDE);
	if (!$loaded)
		$error = libxml_get_last_error();
		if (is_null($error))
			throw new coren_exception_configuration_file("Failed to load configuration file with unknown error.");
			throw new coren_exception_configuration_file("Failed to load configuration file: " . $error->message);

	self::$conf_xpath = new DOMXPath(self::$conf_document);
	self::$conf_xpath->registerNamespace("coren", self::conf_xml_ns_uri);

	//!!!todo: 2. make node selectable for script via constants (maybe some special 'id/name' attribute?).
	//!!!todo: 3. make required(!) attribute coren:target, which must have value 'php'?
	$query = "//coren:configuration";//NB: it can be non-root.(???)
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query);
/*xcc*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_configuration_element("Only one top-level element allowed, but there is {$nodes->length}.");
	if ($nodes->length < 1) throw new coren_exception_configuration_element("At least one top-level element required, but there are none.");
	self::$conf_element = $nodes->item(0);