public function execute() { global $CFG, $DB; $roleid = $this->arguments[0]; $filearg = $this->arguments[1]; if (substr($filearg, 0, 1) == '/') { // Absolute file. $filename = $filearg; } else { // Relative to current directory. $filename = $this->cwd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filearg; } $fh = fopen($filename, 'r'); $roledefinition = fread($fh, filesize($filename)); if ($roledefinition) { $systemcontext = \context_system::instance(); $options = array('shortname' => 1, 'name' => 1, 'description' => 1, 'permissions' => 1, 'archetype' => 1, 'contextlevels' => 1, 'allowassign' => 1, 'allowoverride' => 1, 'allowswitch' => 1, 'permissions' => 1); $definitiontable = new \core_role_define_role_table_advanced($systemcontext, $roleid); // Add all permissions from definition file to $_POST, otherwise, they won't be applied. $info = \core_role_preset::parse_preset($roledefinition); $_POST = $info['permissions']; $definitiontable->read_submitted_permissions(); $definitiontable->force_preset($roledefinition, $options); $definitiontable->save_changes(); } }
/** * Upgrade the calendar_month block * @param int $oldversion * @param object $block */ function xmldb_block_calendar_month_upgrade($oldversion, $block) { global $DB; if ($oldversion < 2014062600) { // Add this block the default blocks on /my. $blockname = 'calendar_month'; // Do not try to add the block if we cannot find the default my_pages entry. // Private => 1 refers to MY_PAGE_PRIVATE. if ($systempage = $DB->get_record('my_pages', array('userid' => null, 'private' => 1))) { $page = new moodle_page(); $page->set_context(context_system::instance()); // Check to see if this block is already on the default /my page. $criteria = array('blockname' => $blockname, 'parentcontextid' => $page->context->id, 'pagetypepattern' => 'my-index', 'subpagepattern' => $systempage->id); if (!$DB->record_exists('block_instances', $criteria)) { // Add the block to the default /my. $page->blocks->add_region(BLOCK_POS_RIGHT); $page->blocks->add_block($blockname, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT, 0, false, 'my-index', $systempage->id); } } upgrade_block_savepoint(true, 2014062600, $blockname); } // Moodle v2.8.0 release upgrade line. // Put any upgrade step following this. // Moodle v2.9.0 release upgrade line. // Put any upgrade step following this. // Moodle v3.0.0 release upgrade line. // Put any upgrade step following this. // Moodle v3.1.0 release upgrade line. // Put any upgrade step following this. return true; }
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // In case settings.php wants to refer to them. $ADMIN = $adminroot; // May be used in settings.php. $plugininfo = $this; // Also can be used inside settings.php. $qtype = $this; // Also can be used inside settings.php. if (!$this->is_installed_and_upgraded()) { return; } $section = $this->get_settings_section_name(); $settings = null; $systemcontext = \context_system::instance(); if ($hassiteconfig && file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) { $settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname, 'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false); include $this->full_path('settings.php'); // This may also set $settings to null. } if ($settings) { $ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings); } }
public function get_csswww() { global $CFG; if (!$this->theme_essential_lte_ie9()) { if (right_to_left()) { $moodlecss = 'essential-rtl.css'; } else { $moodlecss = 'essential.css'; } $syscontext = context_system::instance(); $itemid = theme_get_revision(); $url = moodle_url::make_file_url("{$CFG->wwwroot}/pluginfile.php", "/{$syscontext->id}/theme_essential/style/{$itemid}/{$moodlecss}"); $url = preg_replace('|^https?://|i', '//', $url->out(false)); return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $url . '">'; } else { if (right_to_left()) { $moodlecssone = 'essential-rtl_ie9-blessed1.css'; $moodlecsstwo = 'essential-rtl_ie9.css'; } else { $moodlecssone = 'essential_ie9-blessed1.css'; $moodlecsstwo = 'essential_ie9.css'; } $syscontext = context_system::instance(); $itemid = theme_get_revision(); $urlone = moodle_url::make_file_url("{$CFG->wwwroot}/pluginfile.php", "/{$syscontext->id}/theme_essential/style/{$itemid}/{$moodlecssone}"); $urlone = preg_replace('|^https?://|i', '//', $urlone->out(false)); $urltwo = moodle_url::make_file_url("{$CFG->wwwroot}/pluginfile.php", "/{$syscontext->id}/theme_essential/style/{$itemid}/{$moodlecsstwo}"); $urltwo = preg_replace('|^https?://|i', '//', $urltwo->out(false)); return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $urlone . '"><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $urltwo . '">'; } }
/** * EditPDF upgrade code * @param int $oldversion * @return bool */ function xmldb_assignfeedback_editpdf_upgrade($oldversion) { global $CFG; if ($oldversion < 2013110800) { // Check that no stamps where uploaded. $fs = get_file_storage(); $stamps = $fs->get_area_files(context_system::instance()->id, 'assignfeedback_editpdf', 'stamps', 0, "filename", false); // Add default stamps. if (empty($stamps)) { // List of default stamps. $defaultstamps = array('smile.png', 'sad.png', 'tick.png', 'cross.png'); // Stamp file object. $filerecord = new stdClass(); $filerecord->component = 'assignfeedback_editpdf'; $filerecord->contextid = context_system::instance()->id; $filerecord->userid = get_admin()->id; $filerecord->filearea = 'stamps'; $filerecord->filepath = '/'; $filerecord->itemid = 0; // Add all default stamps. foreach ($defaultstamps as $stamp) { $filerecord->filename = $stamp; $fs->create_file_from_pathname($filerecord, $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/feedback/editpdf/pix/' . $filerecord->filename); } } upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, 2013110800, 'assignfeedback', 'editpdf'); } // Moodle v2.6.0 release upgrade line. // Put any upgrade step following this. // Moodle v2.7.0 release upgrade line. // Put any upgrade step following this. // Moodle v2.8.0 release upgrade line. // Put any upgrade step following this. return true; }
/** * Constructor * * @param string $elementName (optional) name of the editor * @param string $elementLabel (optional) editor label * @param array $attributes (optional) Either a typical HTML attribute string * or an associative array * @param array $options set of options to initalize filepicker */ function MoodleQuickForm_editor($elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $attributes = null, $options = null) { global $CFG, $PAGE; $options = (array) $options; foreach ($options as $name => $value) { if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_options)) { $this->_options[$name] = $value; } } if (!empty($options['maxbytes'])) { $this->_options['maxbytes'] = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $options['maxbytes']); } if (!$this->_options['context']) { // trying to set context to the current page context to make legacy files show in filepicker (e.g. forum post) if (!empty($PAGE->context->id)) { $this->_options['context'] = $PAGE->context; } else { $this->_options['context'] = context_system::instance(); } } $this->_options['trusted'] = trusttext_trusted($this->_options['context']); parent::HTML_QuickForm_element($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes); // Note: for some reason the code using this setting does not like bools. $this->_options['subdirs'] = (int) ($this->_options['subdirs'] == 1); editors_head_setup(); }
/** * Initialise required event data properties. */ protected function init() { $this->context = \context_system::instance(); $this->data['objecttable'] = 'user'; $this->data['crud'] = 'r'; $this->data['edulevel'] = self::LEVEL_OTHER; }
function get_content() { if ($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } $context = context_system::instance(); $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->footer = ''; $this->content->text = ''; $content = array(); $canview = has_capability('block/enrol_token_manager:viewtokens', $context) === true; $cancreate = has_capability('block/enrol_token_manager:createtokens', $context) === true; $canrevoke = has_capability('block/enrol_token_manager:revoketokens', $context) === true; // view tokens link if ($canview) { $content[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/blocks/enrol_token_manager/viewrevoke_tokens.php'), get_string('linkTextViewTokens', 'block_enrol_token_manager')); } // create tokens link if ($cancreate) { $content[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/blocks/enrol_token_manager/create_tokens.php'), get_string('linkTextCreateTokens', 'block_enrol_token_manager')); } // revoke tokens link if ($canrevoke) { $content[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/blocks/enrol_token_manager/viewrevoke_tokens.php'), get_string('linkTextRevokeTokens', 'block_enrol_token_manager')); } if ($cancreate || $canrevoke || $canview) { $this->content->text = html_writer::alist($content); } return $this->content; }
protected function specific_definition($mform) { global $CFG; // Fields for editing HTML block title and contents. $mform->addElement('header', 'configheader', get_string('blocksettings', 'block')); $mform->addElement('text', 'config_title', get_string('configtitle', 'block_tags')); $mform->setType('config_title', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->setDefault('config_title', get_string('pluginname', 'block_tags')); $this->add_collection_selector($mform); $numberoftags = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 200; $i++) { $numberoftags[$i] = $i; } $mform->addElement('select', 'config_numberoftags', get_string('numberoftags', 'blog'), $numberoftags); $mform->setDefault('config_numberoftags', 80); $defaults = array('official' => get_string('officialonly', 'block_tags'), '' => get_string('anytype', 'block_tags')); $mform->addElement('select', 'config_tagtype', get_string('defaultdisplay', 'block_tags'), $defaults); $mform->setDefault('config_tagtype', ''); $defaults = array(0 => context_system::instance()->get_context_name()); $parentcontext = context::instance_by_id($this->block->instance->parentcontextid); if ($parentcontext->contextlevel > CONTEXT_COURSE) { $coursecontext = $parentcontext->get_course_context(); $defaults[$coursecontext->id] = $coursecontext->get_context_name(); } if ($parentcontext->contextlevel != CONTEXT_SYSTEM) { $defaults[$parentcontext->id] = $parentcontext->get_context_name(); } $mform->addElement('select', 'config_ctx', get_string('taggeditemscontext', 'block_tags'), $defaults); $mform->addHelpButton('config_ctx', 'taggeditemscontext', 'block_tags'); $mform->setDefault('config_ctx', 0); $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'config_rec', get_string('recursivecontext', 'block_tags')); $mform->addHelpButton('config_rec', 'recursivecontext', 'block_tags'); $mform->setDefault('config_rec', 1); }
public function definition() { global $CFG, $PAGE, $DB; $context = context_system::instance(); $mform =& $this->_form; $strrequired = get_string('required'); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', $this->classroomid); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'companyid', $this->companyid); $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT); $mform->setType('companyid', PARAM_INT); // Then show the fields about where this block appears. $mform->addElement('header', 'header', get_string('classroom', 'block_iomad_company_admin')); $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('classroom_name', 'block_iomad_company_admin'), 'maxlength="100" size="50"'); $mform->setType('name', PARAM_NOTAGS); $mform->addRule('name', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('text', 'address', get_string('address'), 'maxlength="70" size="50"'); $mform->addRule('address', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->setType('address', PARAM_NOTAGS); $mform->addElement('text', 'city', get_string('city'), 'maxlength="120" size="50"'); $mform->addRule('city', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->setType('city', PARAM_NOTAGS); $mform->addElement('text', 'postcode', get_string('postcode', 'block_iomad_commerce'), 'maxlength="20" size="20"'); $mform->addRule('postcode', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->setType('postcode', PARAM_NOTAGS); $choices = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_countries(); $choices = array('' => get_string('selectacountry') . '...') + $choices; $mform->addElement('select', 'country', get_string('selectacountry'), $choices); $mform->addRule('country', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->addElement('text', 'capacity', get_string('classroom_capacity', 'block_iomad_company_admin')); $mform->addRule('capacity', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client'); $mform->setType('capacity', PARAM_INTEGER); $this->add_action_buttons(); }
/** * Init method. */ protected function init() { $this->data['objecttable'] = 'lti'; $this->data['crud'] = 'r'; $this->data['level'] = self::LEVEL_OTHER; $this->data['context'] = \context_system::instance(); }
function definition() { global $CFG; $mform =& $this->_form; $syscontext = context_system::instance(); $actions = array(0 => get_string('choose') . '...'); if (has_capability('moodle/user:update', $syscontext)) { $actions[1] = get_string('confirm'); } if (has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', $syscontext) && !empty($CFG->messaging)) { $actions[2] = get_string('messageselectadd'); } if (has_capability('moodle/user:delete', $syscontext)) { $actions[3] = get_string('delete'); } $actions[4] = get_string('displayonpage'); if (has_capability('moodle/user:update', $syscontext)) { $actions[5] = get_string('download', 'admin'); } if (has_capability('moodle/role:assign', $syscontext)) { //TODO: MDL-24064 //$actions[6] = get_string('enrolmultipleusers', 'admin'); } if (has_capability('moodle/user:update', $syscontext)) { $actions[7] = get_string('forcepasswordchange'); } if (has_capability('moodle/cohort:assign', $syscontext)) { $actions[8] = get_string('bulkadd', 'core_cohort'); } $objs = array(); $objs[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'action', null, $actions); $objs[] =& $mform->createElement('submit', 'doaction', get_string('go')); $mform->addElement('group', 'actionsgrp', get_string('withselectedusers'), $objs, ' ', false); }
/** * Obtiene el rol del usuario logeado. * @return string Rol {'Alumno', 'Profesor', 'Decano', 'Rector'} */ function get_rol() { global $USER, $DB, $SESSION; if (isset($SESSION->rol)) { return $SESSION->rol; exit; } $context = context_system::instance(); $rolesportada = get_user_roles($context, false); foreach ($rolesportada as $rol) { if ($rol->name == 'Rector') { $SESSION->rol = 'Rector'; return 'Rector'; } } $facultades = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT {course}.category\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {course} INNER JOIN {context} ON ({course}.category = {context}.instanceid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN {role_assignments} ON ({context}.id = {role_assignments}.contextid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN {role} ON ({role_assignments}.roleid = {role}.id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {role}.name = 'Decano' AND {role_assignments}.userid = " . $USER->id); if (!empty($facultades)) { $SESSION->rol = 'Decano'; $SESSION->facultades = array_keys($facultades); return 'Decano'; } $profesores = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT id_profesor FROM {local_toolbox_score}"); if (array_key_exists($USER->id, $profesores)) { $SESSION->rol = 'Profesor'; return 'Profesor'; } $SESSION->rol = 'Alumno'; return 'Alumno'; }
function get_content() { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; if (empty($this->instance)) { $this->content = ''; return $this->content; } $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->items = array(); $this->content->icons = array(); $this->content->footer = ''; // user/index.php expect course context, so get one if page has module context. $currentcontext = $this->page->context->get_course_context(false); if (empty($currentcontext)) { $this->content = ''; return $this->content; } else { if ($this->page->course->id == SITEID) { if (!has_capability('moodle/site:viewparticipants', context_system::instance())) { $this->content = ''; return $this->content; } } else { if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewparticipants', $currentcontext)) { $this->content = ''; return $this->content; } } } $icon = '<img src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/users') . '" class="icon" alt="" /> '; $this->content->items[] = '<a title="' . get_string('listofallpeople') . '" href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/index.php?contextid=' . $currentcontext->id . '">' . $icon . get_string('participants') . '</a>'; return $this->content; }
public function __DisplayBadges($uid, $callFor, $bid) { global $CFG, $DB; $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); $response = new CliniqueServiceResponce(); $param_total = array('user_id' => $uid); $params = array('user_badge_id' => $bid, 'user_id' => $uid); if ($callFor == 'getBadges') { $badgedetails = array_values($DB->get_records_sql('SELECT id,badge_name,badge_value FROM {badge} ORDER BY badge_value')); // $users_badges = array_values($DB->get_records_sql('SELECT ub.user_badge_id,ub.user_badge_value,b.badge_name FROM {badge_user} ub,{badge} b WHERE ub.user_id=? AND', $param_total)); $users_badges = array_values($DB->get_records_sql('SELECT,ub.user_badge_id,b.badge_value,b.badge_name FROM {badge_user} ub INNER JOIN {badge} b WHERE ub.user_id=? AND;', $param_total)); if (!empty($uid) && !empty($bid)) { //$userbadgecnt = count($badge_userdetails); // if ($userbadgecnt == 0) { $DB->insert_record('badge_user', $params); //} } $badges = @array_merge(array("badges" => $badgedetails, "userbadges" => $users_badges)); if (!empty($badges)) { $response->response(false, 'done', $badges); } else { $response->response(true, 'no_records', $badges); } } }
public function __construct() { // Use this context for filtering. $this->context = context_system::instance(); // Define FORMAT_HTML as only one filtering in DB. set_config('formats', implode(',', array(FORMAT_HTML)), get_class($this)); }
/** * block contents * * @return object */ public function get_content() { global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER, $PAGE; if ($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } if ($COURSE->id == SITEID) { $context = context_system::instance(); } else { $context = context_course::instance($COURSE->id); } $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->text = ''; $this->content->footer = ''; $mymoodle = 0; if (strcmp('my-index', $PAGE->pagetype) == 0) { $mymoodle = 1; } if (has_capability('block/enrolsurvey:edit', $context)) { $editpage = get_string('editpage', 'block_enrolsurvey'); $this->content->text .= "<a\nhref=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/enrolsurvey/edit_survey.php?id={$this->instance->id}&courseid={$COURSE->id}&mymoodle={$mymoodle}\">{$editpage}</a><br\n/>"; } if (has_capability('block/enrolsurvey:take', $context) && cm_get_crlmuserid($USER->id) !== false) { // MUST have ELIS user record to take survey! if (!empty($this->config->force_user) && !is_survey_taken($USER->id, $this->instance->id)) { redirect("{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/enrolsurvey/survey.php?id={$this->instance->id}"); } $takepage = get_string('takepage', 'block_enrolsurvey'); $this->content->text .= "<a\nhref=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/enrolsurvey/survey.php?id={$this->instance->id}&courseid={$COURSE->id}&mymoodle={$mymoodle}\">{$takepage}</a><br\n/>"; } // $this->content->text .= "<br/> crontime = {$this->config->cron_time}"; return $this->content; }
/** * Validate that redirection from My Moodle does not happen for admins */ public function test_mymoodleredirectreturnsfalseforadmin() { global $CFG, $USER, $DB; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php'; // Make sure we're not a guest. set_config('siteguest', ''); // Obtain the system context. $syscontext = context_system::instance(); // Set up the current user global. $user = new stdClass(); $user->username = "******"; $userid = user_create_user($user); $USER = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid)); // Enable functionaltiy. pm_set_config('mymoodle_redirect', 1); elis::$config = new elis_config(); // Give the admin sufficient permissions. $roleid = create_role('adminrole', 'adminrole', 'adminrole'); assign_capability('moodle/site:config', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $syscontext->id); role_assign($roleid, $USER->id, $syscontext->id); // Validate that redirection does not happen for admins. $result = pm_mymoodle_redirect(); // Clear out cached permissions data so we don't affect other tests. accesslib_clear_all_caches(true); $this->assertFalse($result); }
/** * Test update question flag */ public function test_core_question_update_flag() { $questiongenerator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_question'); // Create a question category. $cat = $questiongenerator->create_question_category(); $quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('core_question_update_flag', context_system::instance()); $quba->set_preferred_behaviour('deferredfeedback'); $questiondata = $questiongenerator->create_question('numerical', null, array('category' => $cat->id)); $question = question_bank::load_question($questiondata->id); $slot = $quba->add_question($question); $qa = $quba->get_question_attempt($slot); self::setUser($this->student); $quba->start_all_questions(); question_engine::save_questions_usage_by_activity($quba); $qubaid = $quba->get_id(); $questionid = $question->id; $qaid = $qa->get_database_id(); $checksum = md5($qubaid . "_" . $this->student->secret . "_" . $questionid . "_" . $qaid . "_" . $slot); $flag = core_question_external::update_flag($qubaid, $questionid, $qaid, $slot, $checksum, true); $this->assertTrue($flag['status']); // Test invalid checksum. try { // Using random_string to force failing. $checksum = md5($qubaid . "_" . random_string(11) . "_" . $questionid . "_" . $qaid . "_" . $slot); core_question_external::update_flag($qubaid, $questionid, $qaid, $slot, $checksum, true); $this->fail('Exception expected due to invalid checksum.'); } catch (moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('errorsavingflags', $e->errorcode); } }
/** * Set basic event properties. */ protected function init() { $this->context = \context_system::instance(); $this->data['objecttable'] = 'post'; $this->data['crud'] = 'u'; $this->data['edulevel'] = self::LEVEL_PARTICIPATING; }
/** * Export this data so it can be used as the context for a mustache template. * * @param renderer_base $output * @return stdClass */ public function export_for_template(renderer_base $output) { global $CFG; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/externallib.php'; $r = new stdClass(); $r->id = (int) $this->record->id; $r->rawname = clean_param($this->record->rawname, PARAM_TAG); $r->name = clean_param($this->record->name, PARAM_TAG); $format = clean_param($this->record->descriptionformat, PARAM_INT); list($r->description, $r->descriptionformat) = external_format_text($this->record->description, $format, \context_system::instance()->id, 'core', 'tag', $r->id); $r->flag = clean_param($this->record->flag, PARAM_INT); if (isset($this->record->official)) { $r->official = clean_param($this->record->official, PARAM_INT); } else { $r->official = $this->record->tagtype === 'official' ? 1 : 0; } $url = new moodle_url('/tag/index.php', array('id' => $this->record->id)); $r->viewurl = $url->out(false); $manageurl = new moodle_url('/tag/manage.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'tagid' => $this->record->id)); $url = new moodle_url($manageurl); $url->param('action', 'changetype'); $url->param('tagtype', $r->official ? 'default' : 'official'); $r->changetypeurl = $url->out(false); $url = new moodle_url($manageurl); $url->param('action', $this->record->flag ? 'resetflag' : 'setflag'); $r->changeflagurl = $url->out(false); return $r; }
/** * Manage inplace editable saves. * * @param string $itemtype The type of item. * @param int $itemid The ID of the item. * @param mixed $newvalue The new value * @return string */ function tool_usertours_inplace_editable($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue) { $context = \context_system::instance(); external_api::validate_context($context); require_capability('tool/usertours:managetours', $context); if ($itemtype === 'tourname') { $tour = helper::get_tour($itemid); $tour->set_name($newvalue)->persist(); return helper::render_tourname_inplace_editable($tour); } else { if ($itemtype === 'tourdescription') { $tour = helper::get_tour($itemid); $tour->set_description($newvalue)->persist(); return helper::render_tourdescription_inplace_editable($tour); } else { if ($itemtype === 'tourenabled') { $tour = helper::get_tour($itemid); $tour->set_enabled(!!$newvalue)->persist(); return helper::render_tourenabled_inplace_editable($tour); } else { if ($itemtype === 'stepname') { $step = helper::get_step($itemid); $step->set_title($newvalue)->persist(); return helper::render_stepname_inplace_editable($step); } } } } }
/** * Test send_instant_messages */ public function test_send_instant_messages() { global $DB, $USER, $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(true); // Transactions used in tests, tell phpunit use alternative reset method. $this->preventResetByRollback(); // Turn off all message processors (so nothing is really sent) require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/message/lib.php'; $messageprocessors = get_message_processors(); foreach ($messageprocessors as $messageprocessor) { $messageprocessor->enabled = 0; $DB->update_record('message_processors', $messageprocessor); } // Set the required capabilities by the external function $contextid = context_system::instance()->id; $roleid = $this->assignUserCapability('moodle/site:sendmessage', $contextid); $user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); // Create test message data. $message1 = array(); $message1['touserid'] = $user1->id; $message1['text'] = 'the message.'; $message1['clientmsgid'] = 4; $messages = array($message1); $sentmessages = core_message_external::send_instant_messages($messages); // We need to execute the return values cleaning process to simulate the web service server. $sentmessages = external_api::clean_returnvalue(core_message_external::send_instant_messages_returns(), $sentmessages); $themessage = $DB->get_record('message', array('id' => $sentmessages[0]['msgid'])); // Confirm that the message was inserted correctly. $this->assertEquals($themessage->useridfrom, $USER->id); $this->assertEquals($themessage->useridto, $message1['touserid']); $this->assertEquals($themessage->smallmessage, $message1['text']); $this->assertEquals($sentmessages[0]['clientmsgid'], $message1['clientmsgid']); }
/** * @package block * @subpackage demostudent * @author Dominik Royko */ function xmldb_block_demostudent_install() { global $DB; $result = true; $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); // Create DemoStudent role. $contextlevels = array(CONTEXT_COURSE, CONTEXT_MODULE); if (!($demostudentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'demostudent')))) { if ($roleid = create_role(get_string('roledemostudentname', 'block_demostudent'), 'demostudent', get_string('roledemostudentdescription', 'block_demostudent'), 'student')) { $newrole = new stdClass(); $newrole->id = $roleid; // Set the capabilities to the archetype (student). // Caution: new capabilities un/set here can get clobbered by 'clonepermissionsfrom', // defined in access.php. reset_role_capabilities($roleid); // DemoStudent needs to see the DemoStudent block. $result = $result && assign_capability('block/demostudent:seedemostudentblock', CAP_ALLOW, $newrole->id, $systemcontext->id); // DemoStudent should be able to see hidden courses to facilitate testing. $result = $result && assign_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', CAP_ALLOW, $newrole->id, $systemcontext->id); // DemoStudent should NOT be able to add more demostudents! $result = $result && unassign_capability('block/demostudent:addinstance', $newrole->id); $systemcontext->mark_dirty(); set_role_contextlevels($newrole->id, $contextlevels); } else { $result = false; } } return $result; }
/** * Fill in record defaults * @param stdClass $record * @return stdClass */ protected function prepare_record(stdClass $record) { $record->blockname = $this->get_blockname(); if (!isset($record->parentcontextid)) { $record->parentcontextid = context_system::instance()->id; } if (!isset($record->showinsubcontexts)) { $record->showinsubcontexts = 1; } if (!isset($record->pagetypepattern)) { $record->pagetypepattern = ''; } if (!isset($record->subpagepattern)) { $record->subpagepattern = null; } if (!isset($record->defaultregion)) { $record->defaultregion = ''; } if (!isset($record->defaultweight)) { $record->defaultweight = ''; } if (!isset($record->configdata)) { $record->configdata = null; } return $record; }
/** * Returns an array of the shared presets (in moodledata) the user is allowed to access * @param in $presetarea PRESET_COURSEAREA/PRESET_SITEAREA */ public function get_user_presets($presetarea) { global $USER, $PAGE; $presets = array(); $fs = get_file_storage(); if ($presetarea == self::PRESET_COURSEAREA) { $df = mod_dataform_dataform::instance($this->_dataformid); $context = context_course::instance($df->course->id); $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_dataform', $presetarea); } else { if ($presetarea == self::PRESET_SITEAREA) { $context = context_system::instance(); $files = $fs->get_area_files(SYSCONTEXTID, 'mod_dataform', $presetarea); } } $canviewall = has_capability('mod/dataform:presetsviewall', $context); if (!empty($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file->is_directory() || ($file->get_userid() != $USER->id and !$canviewall)) { continue; } $preset = new stdClass(); $preset->contextid = $file->get_contextid(); $preset->path = $file->get_filepath(); $preset->name = $file->get_filename(); $preset->shortname = pathinfo($preset->name, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $preset->userid = $file->get_userid(); $preset->itemid = $file->get_itemid(); $preset->id = $file->get_id(); $preset->area = $presetarea; $presets[] = $preset; } } return $presets; }
/** * Init method. * * @return void */ protected function init() { $this->context = \context_system::instance(); $this->data['crud'] = 'u'; $this->data['level'] = self::LEVEL_OTHER; $this->data['objecttable'] = 'external_services'; }
/** * Convenience to take a fixture test file and create a stored_file. * * @param string $filepath * @return stored_file */ protected function create_stored_file_from_path($filepath) { $syscontext = context_system::instance(); $filerecord = array('contextid' => $syscontext->id, 'component' => 'mod_scorm', 'filearea' => 'unittest', 'itemid' => 0, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => basename($filepath)); $fs = get_file_storage(); return $fs->create_file_from_pathname($filerecord, $filepath); }
/** * Constructor * * @param array $tagset array of core_tag or stdClass elements, each of them must have attributes: * name, rawname, tagcollid * preferrably also have attributes: * tagtype, count, flag * @param int $totalcount total count of tags (for example to indicate that there are more tags than the count of tagset) * leave 0 if count of tagset is the actual count of tags * @param int $fromctx context id where this tag cloud is displayed * @param int $ctx context id for tag view link * @param int $rec recursive argument for tag view link */ public function __construct($tagset, $totalcount = 0, $fromctx = 0, $ctx = 0, $rec = 1) { $canmanagetags = has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', \context_system::instance()); $maxcount = 1; foreach ($tagset as $tag) { if (isset($tag->count) && $tag->count > $maxcount) { $maxcount = $tag->count; } } $this->tagset = array(); foreach ($tagset as $idx => $tag) { $this->tagset[$idx] = new stdClass(); $this->tagset[$idx]->name = core_tag_tag::make_display_name($tag, false); if ($canmanagetags && !empty($tag->flag)) { $this->tagset[$idx]->flag = 1; } $viewurl = core_tag_tag::make_url($tag->tagcollid, $tag->rawname, 0, $fromctx, $ctx, $rec); $this->tagset[$idx]->viewurl = $viewurl->out(false); if (!empty($tag->tagtype)) { $this->tagset[$idx]->tagtype = $tag->tagtype; } if (!empty($tag->count)) { $this->tagset[$idx]->count = $tag->count; $this->tagset[$idx]->size = (int) ($tag->count / $maxcount * 20); } } $this->totalcount = $totalcount ? $totalcount : count($this->tagset); }
public function get_content() { global $CFG, $OUTPUT, $USER, $PAGE, $DB; if ($this->content !== null) { return $this->content; } $config = turnitintooltwo_admin_config(); $output = ''; // Show link to Helpdesk wizard if enabled and the logged in user is an instrutor. if (!empty($USER->id) && $config->helpdeskwizard && has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', context_system::instance())) { $output = $OUTPUT->box(html_writer::tag('p', html_writer::link($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/turnitintooltwo/extras.php?cmd=supportwizard', get_string('helpdesklink', 'block_turnitin')))); } if (!empty($USER->id) && has_capability('moodle/course:create', context_system::instance())) { $PAGE->requires->jquery(); $PAGE->requires->jquery_plugin('block-turnitin', 'block_turnitin'); $cssurl = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/turnitintooltwo/css/styles_block.css'); $PAGE->requires->css($cssurl); $output .= $OUTPUT->box($OUTPUT->pix_icon('loader', '', 'mod_turnitintooltwo'), 'centered_cell', 'block_loading'); $output .= html_writer::link($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/turnitintooltwo/extras.php?cmd=courses', html_writer::tag('noscript', get_string('coursestomigrate', 'block_turnitin', '')), array('id' => 'block_migrate_content')); } $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->text = $output; $this->content->footer = ''; return $this->content; }