public function edit($list_id) { $ObjQuery = new queryModel(); $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $loggin_user = $ObjContacts->get_loggin_user_info(); $data = $ObjQuery->array_to_data(array(), $loggin_user); if ($loggin_user == FALSE) { return Redirect::to('login'); } if ($list_id) { $ObjQuery = new queryModel(); $ObjList = new listingsModel(); $ObjListClassify = new listingsClassificationsModel(); $ObjListImage = new listingsImagesModel(); $ObjClassify = new classificationsModel(); $ObjTrades = new tradesModel(); $ObjPreQualify = new preQualifyModel(); $details_list = $ObjList->get_record_join(array('`j`.`' . $ObjList->tblid . '`=' => $list_id)); $data = $ObjQuery->array_to_data($data, $details_list); $data['listclassify_rows'] = $ObjClassify->get_records(); $records_listclassify = $ObjListClassify->get_records_join(array('`j`.`' . $ObjList->tblid . '`=' => $list_id)); $data['records_listclassify'] = $ObjQuery->array_to_data_select_key('classify_id', $records_listclassify); $data['classifications_array'] = $details_list->list_classifications ? unserialize($details_list->list_classifications) : array(); //$data['records_listvend'] = $ObjListVend->get_records( array('`'.$ObjList->tblid.'`='=>$list_id) ); $data['show_uploaded_image_slider'] = $ObjListImage->show_uploaded_image_slider($list_id); $data['trades_rows'] = $ObjTrades->get_records(); $data['trades_array'] = $details_list->list_trades ? unserialize($details_list->list_trades) : array(); $prequalify = $ObjPreQualify->get_record(array('`list_id`=' => $list_id), array('ASC' => '`lpq_id`')); $data['lpq_id'] = $prequalify->lpq_id; return View::make('listings_edit', $data); } else { return Redirect::to('listings'); } }
public function extract_delete() { $ObjCFDT = new contactsFileDataTempModel(); $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $loggin_user = $ObjContacts->get_loggin_user_info(); $ObjCFDT->delete_data(array('`contact_id`=' => $loggin_user->contact_id)); return Redirect::to('upload_contacts'); }
public function update_profile() { $ObjContactsTemp = new contactsTempModel(); $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $loggin_user = $ObjContacts->get_loggin_user_info(); $contact_id = $loggin_user->contact_id; $status = isset($loggin_user->cont_status) ? $loggin_user->cont_status : ''; $company_id = Input::get('company_id'); $firstname = Input::get('firstname'); $lastname = Input::get('lastname'); $midini = Input::get('midini'); $email = Input::get('email'); $address1 = Input::get('address1'); $address2 = Input::get('address2'); $city = Input::get('city'); $zipcode = Input::get('zipcode'); $secret_question = Input::get('secret_question'); $secret_answer = Input::get('secret_answer'); $phone = Input::get('phone'); $use_company_address = Input::get('use_company_address'); $password = Input::get('password'); $password_confirm = Input::get('password_confirm'); $data = array('first_name' => $firstname, 'last_name' => $lastname, 'midini' => $midini, 'address1' => $address1, 'address2' => $address2, 'city' => $city, 'zipcode' => $zipcode, 'secret_question' => $secret_question, 'secret_answer' => $secret_answer, 'office_phone' => $phone, 'use_company_address' => $use_company_address); if ($password && $password_confirm) { if ($password != $password_confirm) { $error_msg = 'Confirm password must equal to Password'; } else { $data['password'] = $password; } } //$contact_status = Session::get('contact_status'); //if( $contact_status == 'Contact Temp' ){ if ($status == 'Contact Temp') { $result = $ObjContactsTemp->update_data($data, $contact_id); } else { $result = $ObjContacts->update_data($data, $contact_id); } if ($result) { $message = 'Update Contact profile successful.'; } else { $message = 'Update Contact profile not successful.'; } //if( $contact_status == 'Contact Temp' && $company_id != ''&& $firstname != '' && $lastname != '' && $email != '' && $city != '' && $zipcode != '' && $phone != '' ){ if ($status == 'Contact Temp' && $company_id != '' && $firstname != '' && $lastname != '' && $email != '' && $city != '' && $zipcode != '' && $phone != '') { $contcol = $ObjContactsTemp->get_record_by_id($contact_id); $data = array('paskr_company_id' => $contcol->company_id, 'company_id' => $contcol->company_id, 'email_address' => $contcol->email_address, 'first_name' => $contcol->first_name, 'last_name' => $contcol->last_name, 'midini' => $contcol->midini, 'address1' => $contcol->address1, 'address2' => $contcol->address2, 'city' => $contcol->city, 'zipcode' => $contcol->zipcode, 'secret_question' => $contcol->secret_question, 'secret_answer' => $contcol->secret_answer, 'office_phone' => $contcol->office_phone, 'use_company_address' => $contcol->use_company_address); $new_contact_id = $ObjContacts->insert_data($data); if ($new_contact_id) { $result = $ObjContactsTemp->delete_data(array('`contact_id`=' => $contact_id)); Session::put('contact_id', $new_contact_id); //Session::put('contact_status','Contact Final'); $message = 'Update Contact profile successful.'; return Redirect::to('upload_contacts')->with('message', $message); } } return Redirect::to('profile')->with('message', $message); }
public function index() { $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $loggin_user = $ObjContacts->get_loggin_user_info(); if ($loggin_user == FALSE) { return View::make('login'); } else { return Redirect::to($this->default_login_page); } }
public function index() { $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $loggin_user = $ObjContacts->get_loggin_user_info(); if ($loggin_user == FALSE) { return Redirect::to('login'); } else { $ObjList = new listingsModel(); $data = array(); return View::make('contact_profile', $data); } }
public function index($list_id) { $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $loggin_user = $ObjContacts->get_loggin_user_info(); if ($loggin_user == FALSE) { return Redirect::to('login'); } else { $ObjList = new listingsModel(); $data['record_rows'] = $ObjList->get_records_join(); return View::make('listings', $data); } }
public function delete_uploaded_contacts_by_id($record_id) { $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $where_params = array('`contact_id`=' => $record_id); $ObjContacts->delete_data($where_params); return Redirect::to('upload_contacts'); }
public function update_uploaded_contacts_value($fields, $cut_id) { $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $ObjCompanies = new companiesModel(); $error_message = ''; $result = TRUE; $email_address = ''; $last_name = ''; $first_name = ''; $address1 = ''; $city = ''; $state_code = ''; $zipcode = ''; $company = ''; foreach ($fields as $col) { $column = $col->cuff_column; $fieldname = $col->cuff_fieldname; $status = $col->cuff_status; $col = Input::get($column); $value = $col[$cut_id]; if ($status == 'close' && $fieldname != '') { ${$fieldname} = $value; } } $company_exist = $ObjCompanies->get_company_id_check_if_company_exist($company, $address1, $city, $state_code, $zipcode); if ($email_address == '') { $error_message = 'Email Address required'; $result = FALSE; } elseif ($company == '') { $error_message = 'Company Name required'; $result = FALSE; } elseif ($email_address) { $where_params = array('`j`.`email_address`=' => $email_address, '`j1`.`company_name`=' => $company, '`j1`.`address1`=' => $address1, '`j1`.`city`=' => $city, '`j1`.`state_code`=' => $state_code, '`j1`.`zipcode`=' => $zipcode); $check_email = $ObjContacts->get_record_join($where_params); if ($check_email) { $error_message = 'Email Address already exist.'; $result = FALSE; } } elseif ($last_name && $first_name) { $where_params = array('`last_name`=' => $last_name, '`first_name`=' => $first_name); $check_contact = $ObjContacts->get_record($where_params); if ($check_contact) { $error_message = 'Contact Name already exist.'; $result = FALSE; } } elseif ($company_exist != '') { $error_message = 'Contact Joe Smith and ask him to add you to to your companies account.'; $result = FALSE; } foreach ($fields as $col) { $column = $col->cuff_column; $fieldname = $col->cuff_fieldname; $status = $col->cuff_status; $col = Input::get($column); $value = $col[$cut_id]; if ($status == 'close' && $fieldname != '') { $data[$column] = $value; } } $data[$this->tblpref . 'error_message'] = $error_message; $this->update_data($data, $cut_id); return $result; }
public function retrieve_password() { $ObjContacts = new contactsModel(); $email = Input::get('email'); $contcol = $ObjContacts->get_contact_info_by_email($email); if ($contcol) { $body_message = 'Password: <b>' . $contcol->password . '</b>, <br /><br /><a href="' . URL::to('login') . '" target="_blank">Click here to Login</a>'; $data = array('email' => $email, 'first_name' => $contcol->first_name, 'last_name' => $contcol->last_name, 'subject' => 'Retrieve Password at Paskr Account.', 'body_message' => $body_message); Mail::send('emails.basic_format', $data, function ($mail) use($data) { $mail->to($data['email'], $data['first_name'] . ' ' . $data['last_name'])->subject($data['subject']); }); $message = 'Please check your email to view your password.'; } else { $message = 'Email do not exist.'; } return Redirect::to('forgot_password')->with('message', $message); }