Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function math2Img($str, $prop)
     $img = "<img";
     $output = array();
     $prop["centerbaseline"] = "false";
     $prop["accessible"] = "true";
     $prop["metrics"] = "true";
     $src = $this->render->createImage($str, $prop, $output);
     $img .= " src=\"" . $src . "\"";
     $alt = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "alt", null);
     $width = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "width", null);
     $height = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "height", null);
     $baseline = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "baseline", null);
     $dpi = Std::parseFloat($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$WIRIS_DPI, "96"));
     if ($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_PARAMS, null) !== null) {
         $json = com_wiris_util_json_JSon::decode($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_PARAMS, null));
         $decodedHash = $json;
         if ($decodedHash->exists("dpi")) {
             $dpi = Std::parseFloat($decodedHash->get("dpi"));
     $mml = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$FILTER_OUTPUT_MATHML, "false") === "true";
     $f = 96 / $dpi;
     $dwidth = $f * Std::parseFloat($width);
     $dheight = $f * Std::parseFloat($height);
     $dbaseline = $f * Std::parseFloat($baseline);
     $alt = $this->html_entity_encode($alt);
     $img .= " class=\"Wirisformula\"";
     $img .= " alt=\"" . $alt . "\"";
     $img .= " width=\"" . _hx_string_rec($dwidth, "") . "\"";
     $img .= " height=\"" . _hx_string_rec($dheight, "") . "\"";
     $d = $dbaseline - $dheight;
     $img .= " style=\"vertical-align:" . _hx_string_rec($d, "") . "px\"";
     if ($mml) {
         $tag = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_MATHML_ATTRIBUTE, "data-mathml");
         $img .= " " . $tag . "=\"" . $this->save_xml_encode($str) . "\"";
     $img .= "/>";
     return $img;
 public function showImage($digest, $mml, $param)
     if ($digest === null && $mml === null) {
         throw new HException("Missing parameters 'formula' or 'mml'.");
     if ($digest !== null && $mml !== null) {
         throw new HException("Only one parameter 'formula' or 'mml' is valid.");
     $atts = false;
     if ($digest === null && $mml !== null) {
         $digest = $this->computeDigest($mml, $param);
     $formula = $this->plugin->getStorageAndCache()->decodeDigest($digest);
     if ($formula === null) {
         throw new HException("Formula associated to digest not found.");
     if (StringTools::startsWith($formula, "<")) {
         throw new HException("Not implemented.");
     $iniFile = com_wiris_util_sys_IniFile::newIniFileFromString($formula);
     $renderParams = $iniFile->getProperties();
     $i = null;
     $ss = $this->getEditorParametersList();
     if ($param !== null) {
         $_g1 = 0;
         $_g = $ss->length;
         while ($_g1 < $_g) {
             $i1 = $_g1++;
             $key = $ss[$i1];
             $value = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($param, $key, null);
             if ($value !== null) {
                 $atts = true;
                 $renderParams->set($key, $value);
             unset($value, $key, $i1);
     if ($atts) {
         if ($mml !== null) {
             $digest = $this->computeDigest($mml, com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::toProperties($renderParams));
         } else {
             $digest = $this->computeDigest($renderParams->get("mml"), com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::toProperties($renderParams));
     $store = $this->plugin->getStorageAndCache();
     $bs = null;
     $bs = $store->retreiveData($digest, $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty("wirisimageformat", "png"));
     if ($bs === null) {
         if ($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_PARAMS, null) !== null) {
             $json = com_wiris_util_json_JSon::decode($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_PARAMS, null));
             $decodedHash = $json;
             $keys = $decodedHash->keys();
             $notAllowedParams = _hx_explode(",", com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_PARAMETERS_NOTRENDER_LIST);
             while ($keys->hasNext()) {
                 $key = $keys->next();
                 if (!com_wiris_system_ArrayEx::contains($notAllowedParams, $key)) {
                     $renderParams->set($key, $decodedHash->get($key));
         } else {
             $_g1 = 0;
             $_g = $ss->length;
             while ($_g1 < $_g) {
                 $i1 = $_g1++;
                 $key = $ss[$i1];
                 if (!$renderParams->exists($key)) {
                     $confKey = com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$imageConfigProperties->get($key);
                     if ($confKey !== null) {
                         $value = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty($confKey, null);
                         if ($value !== null) {
                             $renderParams->set($key, $value);
                 unset($key, $i1);
         $prop = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::toProperties($renderParams);
         $iter = $renderParams->keys();
         $mml = $renderParams->get("mml");
         $b = $this->render($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty("wirisimageformat", "png"), $mml, null, $prop, null);
         $store->storeData($digest, $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty("wirisimageformat", "png"), $b->b);
         $bs = $b->b;
     return $bs;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 static function compare($a, $b, $eps)
     if (com_wiris_system_TypeTools::isHash($a)) {
         $isBHash = com_wiris_system_TypeTools::isHash($b);
         if (!$isBHash) {
             return false;
         $ha = $a;
         $hb = $b;
         $it = $ha->keys();
         while ($it->hasNext()) {
             $key = $it->next();
             if (!$hb->exists($key) || !com_wiris_util_json_JSon::compare($ha->get($key), $hb->get($key), $eps)) {
                 return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         if (com_wiris_system_TypeTools::isArray($a)) {
             $isBArray = com_wiris_system_TypeTools::isArray($b);
             if (!$isBArray) {
                 return false;
             $aa = $a;
             $ab = $b;
             if ($aa->length !== $ab->length) {
                 return false;
             $i = null;
             $_g1 = 0;
             $_g = $aa->length;
             while ($_g1 < $_g) {
                 $i1 = $_g1++;
                 if (!com_wiris_util_json_JSon::compare($aa[$i1], $ab[$i1], $eps)) {
                     return false;
             return true;
         } else {
             if (Std::is($a, _hx_qtype("String"))) {
                 if (!Std::is($b, _hx_qtype("String"))) {
                     return false;
                 return _hx_equal($a, $b);
             } else {
                 if (Std::is($a, _hx_qtype("Int"))) {
                     if (!Std::is($b, _hx_qtype("Int"))) {
                         return false;
                     return _hx_equal($a, $b);
                 } else {
                     if (Std::is($a, _hx_qtype("haxe.Int64"))) {
                         $isBLong = Std::is($b, _hx_qtype("haxe.Int64"));
                         if (!$isBLong) {
                             return false;
                         return _hx_equal($a, $b);
                     } else {
                         if (Std::is($a, _hx_qtype("com.wiris.util.json.JSonIntegerFormat"))) {
                             if (!Std::is($b, _hx_qtype("com.wiris.util.json.JSonIntegerFormat"))) {
                                 return false;
                             $ja = $a;
                             $jb = $b;
                             return $ja->toString() === $jb->toString();
                         } else {
                             if (Std::is($a, _hx_qtype("Bool"))) {
                                 if (!Std::is($b, _hx_qtype("Bool"))) {
                                     return false;
                                 return _hx_equal($a, $b);
                             } else {
                                 if (Std::is($a, _hx_qtype("Float"))) {
                                     if (!Std::is($b, _hx_qtype("Float"))) {
                                         return false;
                                     $da = com_wiris_util_json_JSon::getFloat($a);
                                     $db = com_wiris_util_json_JSon::getFloat($b);
                                     return $da >= $db - $eps && $da <= $db + $eps;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 static function getDepth($o)
     if (com_wiris_system_TypeTools::isHash($o)) {
         $h = $o;
         $m = 0;
         if ($h->exists("_left_") || $h->exists("_right_")) {
             if ($h->exists("_left_")) {
                 $m = com_wiris_common_WInteger::max(com_wiris_util_json_JSon::getDepth($h->get("_left_")), $m);
             if ($h->exists("_right_")) {
                 $m = com_wiris_common_WInteger::max(com_wiris_util_json_JSon::getDepth($h->get("_right_")), $m);
             return $m;
         $iter = $h->keys();
         while ($iter->hasNext()) {
             $key = $iter->next();
             $m = com_wiris_common_WInteger::max(com_wiris_util_json_JSon::getDepth($h->get($key)), $m);
         return $m + 2;
     } else {
         if (com_wiris_system_TypeTools::isArray($o)) {
             $a = $o;
             $i = null;
             $m = 0;
             $_g1 = 0;
             $_g = $a->length;
             while ($_g1 < $_g) {
                 $i1 = $_g1++;
                 $m = com_wiris_common_WInteger::max(com_wiris_util_json_JSon::getDepth($a[$i1]), $m);
             return $m + 1;
         } else {
             return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function math2Img($str, $prop)
     $img = "<img";
     $output = array();
     $prop["centerbaseline"] = "false";
     $prop["accessible"] = "true";
     $prop["metrics"] = "true";
     $src = null;
     $alt = null;
     $width = null;
     $height = null;
     $baseline = null;
     if ($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty("wirispluginperformance", "false") === "false") {
         $src = $this->render->createImage($str, $prop, $output);
         $img .= " src=\"" . $src . "\"";
         $alt = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "alt", null);
         $width = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "width", null);
         $height = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "height", null);
         $baseline = com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($output, "baseline", null);
     } else {
         $digest = $this->render->computeDigest($str, $prop);
         $json = com_wiris_util_json_JSon::decode($this->render->showImageJson($digest, com_wiris_system_PropertiesTools::getProperty($prop, "alt", null)));
         $hashImage = $json;
         if (_hx_equal($hashImage->get("status"), "warning")) {
             $this->render->showImage(null, $str, $prop);
         $json = com_wiris_util_json_JSon::decode($this->render->showImageJson($digest, "en"));
         $hashImage = $json;
         if (_hx_equal($hashImage->get("status"), "ok")) {
             $result = $hashImage->get("result");
             $base64 = $result->get("pngBase64");
             $img .= " src=\"data:image/png;base64," . $base64 . "\"";
             if ($result->exists("alt")) {
                 $alt = $result->get("alt");
             } else {
                 $alt = $this->service->mathml2accessible($str, null, $prop);
             $width = $result->get("width");
             $height = $result->get("height");
             $baseline = $result->get("baseline");
         } else {
             throw new HException("Image can't be rendererd");
     $dpi = Std::parseFloat($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$WIRIS_DPI, "96"));
     if ($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_PARAMS, null) !== null) {
         $json = com_wiris_util_json_JSon::decode($this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_PARAMS, null));
         $decodedHash = $json;
         if ($decodedHash->exists("dpi")) {
             $dpi = Std::parseFloat($decodedHash->get("dpi"));
     $mml = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$FILTER_OUTPUT_MATHML, "false") === "true";
     $f = 96 / $dpi;
     $dwidth = $f * Std::parseFloat($width);
     $dheight = $f * Std::parseFloat($height);
     $dbaseline = $f * Std::parseFloat($baseline);
     $alt = $this->html_entity_encode($alt);
     $img .= " class=\"Wirisformula\"";
     $img .= " alt=\"" . $alt . "\"";
     $img .= " width=\"" . _hx_string_rec($dwidth, "") . "\"";
     $img .= " height=\"" . _hx_string_rec($dheight, "") . "\"";
     $d = $dbaseline - $dheight;
     $img .= " style=\"vertical-align:" . _hx_string_rec($d, "") . "px\"";
     if ($mml) {
         $tag = $this->plugin->getConfiguration()->getProperty(com_wiris_plugin_api_ConfigurationKeys::$EDITOR_MATHML_ATTRIBUTE, "data-mathml");
         $img .= " " . $tag . "=\"" . $this->save_xml_encode($str) . "\"";
     $img .= "/>";
     return $img;