Ejemplo n.º 1
 function reviews()
     $access = $this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 ? $this->Access->getAccessId() : $this->Access->getAccessLevels();
     $feed_filename = PATH_ROOT . 'cache' . DS . 'jreviewsfeed_' . md5($access . $this->here) . '.xml';
     $this->Feeds->useCached($feed_filename, 'reviews');
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'extension', 'com_content');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'cat');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'section');
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'dir');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $this->encoding = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $feedPage = null;
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     $this->limit = $this->Config->rss_limit;
     $rss = array('title' => $this->Config->rss_title, 'link' => WWW_ROOT, 'description' => $this->Config->rss_description, 'image_url' => WWW_ROOT . "images/stories/" . $this->Config->rss_image, 'image_link' => WWW_ROOT);
     $queryData = array('conditions' => array('Review.published = 1', "Review.mode = '{$extension}'"), 'fields' => array('Review.mode AS `Review.extension`'), 'limit' => $this->limit, 'order' => array('Review.created DESC'));
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.state = 1';
         $queryData['conditions'][] = '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_up <= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" )';
         $queryData['conditions'][] = '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_down >= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" )';
         # Shows only links users can access
         if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
             $access_id = $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $access_id;
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Category.access <= ' . $access_id;
         } else {
             $cat_id > 0 and $cat_id = array_keys($this->Category->getChildren($cat_id));
             $access_id = $this->Access->getAccessLevels();
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.access IN ( ' . $access_id . ')';
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Category.access IN ( ' . $access_id . ')';
     if (!empty($cat_id) && $extension == 'com_content') {
         // Category feeds only supported for core content
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.id IN (' . $this->quote($cat_id) . ')';
         $feedPage = 'category';
     } elseif ($section_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.sectionid= ' . $section_id;
         $feedPage = 'section';
     } elseif ($dir_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid= ' . $dir_id;
         $feedPage = 'directory';
     } elseif ($extension != 'com_content') {
         unset($this->Review->joins['listings'], $this->Review->joins['jreviews_categories'], $this->Review->joins['listings']);
         $feedPage = 'everywhere';
     if ($listing_id > 0) {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Review.pid = ' . $listing_id;
         $feedPage = 'listing';
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     $this->set(array('feedPage' => $feedPage, 'encoding' => $this->encoding, 'rss' => $rss, 'reviews' => $reviews));
     return $this->Feeds->saveFeed($feed_filename, 'reviews');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function startup(&$controller)
     # Check feed cache
     if (Sanitize::getString($controller->params, 'action') == 'xml') {
         $this->useCached(PATH_ROOT . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'jreviewsfeed_' . md5($controller->here) . '.xml');
     $this->encoding = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $this->params =& $controller->params;
     $this->c =& $controller;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function reviews()
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'extension', 'com_content');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'cat');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'section');
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'dir');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $this->encoding = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $feedPage = null;
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     $this->limit = $this->Config->rss_limit;
     $rss = array('title' => $this->Config->rss_title, 'link' => WWW_ROOT, 'description' => $this->Config->rss_description, 'image_url' => WWW_ROOT . "images/stories/" . $this->Config->rss_image, 'image_link' => WWW_ROOT);
     $queryData = array('conditions' => array('Review.published = 1', "Review.mode = '{$extension}'"), 'fields' => array('Review.mode AS `Review.extension`'), 'limit' => $this->limit, 'order' => array('Review.created DESC'));
     if ($cat_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         // Category feeds only supported for core content
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.id= ' . $cat_id;
         //			$queryData['joins'] = $this->Listing->joinsReviews;
         $feedPage = 'category';
     } elseif ($section_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.sectionid= ' . $section_id;
         //            $queryData['joins'] = $this->Listing->joinsReviews;
         $feedPage = 'section';
     } elseif ($dir_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid= ' . $dir_id;
         //            $queryData['joins'] = $this->Listing->joinsReviews;
         $feedPage = 'directory';
     } elseif ($extension != 'com_content') {
         unset($this->Review->joins['listings'], $this->Review->joins['jreviews_categories'], $this->Review->joins['listings']);
         $feedPage = 'everywhere';
     if ($listing_id > 0) {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Review.pid = ' . $listing_id;
         $feedPage = 'listing';
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     $this->set(array('feedPage' => $feedPage, 'encoding' => $this->encoding, 'rss' => $rss, 'reviews' => $reviews));
     return $this->Feeds->saveFeed(PATH_ROOT . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'jreviewsfeed_' . md5($this->here) . '.xml', 'reviews');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function _send()
     $recipient = '';
     $error = array();
     $response = array();
     $this->components = array('security');
     if ($this->invalidToken) {
         $error[] = 'jQuery("#jr_inquiryTokenValidation").show();';
         return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($error)));
     // Required fields
     $fields = array('name', 'email', 'text');
     //        $fields = array('name','email','phone','text');
     foreach ($fields as $id) {
         $input_id = '#jr_inquiry' . Inflector::camelize($id) . 'Validation';
         if ($this->data['Inquiry'][$id] == '') {
             $error[] = 'jQuery("' . $input_id . '").show();';
         } else {
             $reponse[] = 'jQuery("' . $input_id . '").hide();';
     # Validate user's email
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Inquiry']['email'], "email", "email", __t("You must fill in a valid email address.", true), 1);
     # Validate security code
     if ($this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
         if (!isset($this->data['Captcha']['code'])) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true));
         } elseif ($this->data['Captcha']['code'] == '') {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("You must fill in the security code.", true));
         } else {
             if (!$this->Captcha->checkCode($this->data['Captcha']['code'], $this->ipaddress)) {
                 $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true));
     # Process validation errors
     $validation = $this->Listing->validateGetErrorArray();
     $validation = is_array($validation) ? implode("<br />", $validation) : '';
     if (!empty($error) || $validation != '') {
         // Reissue form token
         if (isset($this->Security)) {
             $error[] = "jQuery('#jr_inquiryToken').val('" . $this->Security->reissueToken() . "');";
         if ($this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
             // Replace captcha with new instance
             $captcha = $this->Captcha->displayCode();
             $error[] = "jQuery('#captcha').attr('src','{$captcha['src']}');";
             $error[] = "jQuery('#jr_inquiryCode').val('');";
         if ($validation != '') {
             $error[] = "jQuery('#jr_inquiryCodeValidation').html('{$validation}').show();";
         return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($error)));
     // Now we can send the email
     # Read cms mail config settings
     $configSendmailPath = cmsFramework::getConfig('sendmail');
     $configSmtpAuth = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpauth');
     $configSmtpUser = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpuser');
     $configSmtpPass = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtppass');
     $configSmtpHost = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtphost');
     $configSmtpSecure = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpsecure');
     $configSmtpPort = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpport');
     $configMailFrom = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailfrom');
     $configFromName = cmsFramework::getConfig('fromname');
     $configMailer = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailer');
     # Get the recipient email
     Configure::write('Cache.query', false);
     $listing = $this->Listing->findRow(array('fields' => array('User.email AS `Listing.email`'), 'conditions' => array('Listing.id = ' . (int) $this->data['Inquiry']['listing_id'])));
     $url = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($listing['Listing']['url'], array('sef' => true));
     $link = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $listing['Listing']['title'] . '</a>';
     switch ($this->Config->inquiry_recipient) {
         case 'owner':
             $recipient = Sanitize::getString($listing['Listing'], 'email');
         case 'admin':
             $recipient = $configMailFrom;
         case 'field':
             if (isset($listing['Field']['pairs'][$this->Config->inquiry_field])) {
                 $recipient = $listing['Field']['pairs'][$this->Config->inquiry_field]['value'][0];
     if ($recipient == '') {
         $recipient = $configMailFrom;
     if (!class_exists('PHPMailer')) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'phpmailer' . DS . 'class.phpmailer');
     $mail = new PHPMailer();
     $mail->CharSet = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $mail->SetLanguage('en', S2_VENDORS . 'phpmailer' . DS . 'language' . DS);
     $mail->Mailer = $configMailer;
     // Mailer used mail,sendmail,smtp
     switch ($configMailer) {
         case 'smtp':
             $mail->Host = $configSmtpHost;
             $mail->SMTPAuth = $configSmtpAuth;
             $mail->Username = $configSmtpUser;
             $mail->Password = $configSmtpPass;
             $mail->SMTPSecure = $configSmtpSecure != '' ? $configSmtpSecure : '';
             $mail->Port = $configSmtpPort;
         case 'sendmail':
             $mail->Sendmail = $configSendmailPath;
     $mail->From = $configMailFrom;
     $mail->FromName = $configFromName;
     $mail->Subject = sprintf(__t("New inquiry for: %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']);
     $mail->Body = sprintf(__t("From: %s", true), Sanitize::getString($this->data['Inquiry'], 'name')) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Email: %s", true), Sanitize::getString($this->data['Inquiry'], 'email')) . "<br />";
     //        $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Phone number: %s",true),Sanitize::getString($this->data['Inquiry'],'phone')) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Listing: %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Listing link: %s", true), $link) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= $this->data['Inquiry']['text'];
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         $error[] = 'jQuery("#jr_inquiryTokenValidation").show();';
         return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($error)));
     $bccAdmin = $this->Config->inquiry_bcc;
     if ($bccAdmin != '' && $bccAdmin != $recipient) {
     return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($response), 'html' => true));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Dynamic form creation for custom fields using custom layout - {field tags} in view file
  * @param unknown_type $formFields
  * @param unknown_type $fieldLocation
  * @param unknown_type $search
  * @param unknown_type $selectLabel
  * @return array of form inputs for each field
 function getFormFields(&$formFields, $fieldLocation = 'listing', $search = null, $selectLabel = 'Select')
     if (!is_array($formFields)) {
         return '';
     $groupSet = array();
     $fieldLocation = Inflector::camelize($fieldLocation);
     foreach ($formFields as $group => $fields) {
         $inputs = array();
         foreach ($fields['Fields'] as $key => $value) {
             // Convert radio button to checkbox if multiple search is enabled in the config settings
             if ($search && $this->Config->search_field_conversion && $value['type'] == 'radiobuttons') {
                 $value['type'] = 'checkboxes';
             $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"] = array('id' => $value['name'] . $this->form_id, 'type' => $this->types[$value['type']]);
             //				$inputs["data[Field][$fieldLocation][$key]"]['label'] = $value['title'];
             $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['div'] = array();
             # Add tooltip
             if (!$search && Sanitize::getString($value, 'description', null)) {
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['label']['text'] .= '<span class="jr_infoTip" title="' . htmlspecialchars($value['description'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset()) . '">&nbsp;</span>';
             //  Assign field classes
             switch ($value['type']) {
                 case 'decimal':
                 case 'integer':
                     $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['class'] = 'shortField';
                 case 'website':
                     $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['class'] = 'mediumField';
                 case 'text':
                     $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['class'] = 'mediumField';
             if (in_array($value['type'], $this->multipleTypes)) {
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['multiple'] = 'multiple';
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['size'] = $value['properties']['size'];
             if (isset($value['optionList']) && $value['type'] == 'select') {
                 $value['optionList'] = array('' => $selectLabel) + $value['optionList'];
             if (isset($value['optionList'])) {
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['options'] = $value['optionList'];
             # Add click2add capability for select lists
             if ($fieldLocation == 'Listing' && !$search && $this->types[$value['type']] == 'select' && $value['properties']['click2add']) {
                 $click2AddLink = $this->Html->link($this->Html->image($this->viewImages . 'option_add.png', array('border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left:5px;')), 'javascript:void(0);', array('sef' => false, 'onclick' => "jQuery('#click2Add_{$value['field_id']}').toggle('slow');"));
                 $click2AddInput = $this->Form->text('option' . $value['field_id'], array('id' => 'option' . $value['field_id']));
                 $click2AddButton = $this->Form->button(__t("Submit", true), array('onclick' => "submitOption({$value['field_id']},'{$value['name']}');", 'div' => false, 'id' => 'submitButton' . $value['field_id'], 'class' => 'button'));
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['after'] = $click2AddLink . "<div id='click2Add_{$value['field_id']}' class='jr_fieldDiv jr_newFieldOption'>" . $click2AddInput . ' ' . $click2AddButton . "<span id='spinner" . $value['field_id'] . "' style='display: none;'><img alt='loading' src='" . $this->viewImages . "loading.gif' /></span>" . '</div>';
             # Prefill values when editing
             if (isset($value['selected'])) {
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['value'] = $value['selected'];
             # Add search operator fields for date, decimal and integer fields
             if ($search && in_array($value['type'], $this->operatorTypes)) {
                 $options = array('equal' => '=', 'higher' => '&gt;=', 'lower' => '&lt;=', 'between' => __t("between", true));
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['multiple'] = true;
                 // convert field to array input for range searches
                 $attributes = array('id' => $key . 'high', 'multiple' => true, 'class' => 'shortField');
                 $selected = '';
                 if ($this->types[$value['type']] == 'date') {
                     $attributes['class'] = 'dateField datepicker';
                 // This is the high value input in a range search
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['after'] = '<span id="' . $key . 'highDiv" style="display:none;">&nbsp;' . $this->Form->text("data[Field][Listing][{$key}]", $attributes) . '</span>';
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['between'] = $this->Form->select("data[Field][Listing][{$key}_operator]", $options, $selected, array('class' => 'jr_dateOperator input', 'onchange' => "jreviews.search.showRange(this,'{$key}high');"));
             # Input styling
             if ($this->types[$value['type']] == 'date') {
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['class'] = 'dateField datepicker';
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['readonly'] = 'readonly';
             if (in_array($this->types[$value['type']], $this->legendTypes)) {
                 // Input styling
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['option_class'] = 'jr_fieldOption';
                 $inputs["data[Field][{$fieldLocation}][{$key}]"]['after'] = $this->Html->div('clr', ' ');
                 // To break the float
         $groupSet[$group] = array('fieldset' => false, 'legend' => false);
         foreach ($inputs as $dataKey => $dataValue) {
             $groupSet[$group][$dataKey] = $dataValue;
     $output = array();
     foreach ($groupSet as $group => $form) {
         $output = array_merge($output, $this->Form->inputs($form, null, null, true));
     return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function compareCheckbox($listing)
     App::import('Helper', 'routes', 'jreviews');
     $Routes = ClassRegistry::getClass('RoutesHelper');
     $listing_title = htmlspecialchars($listing['Listing']['title'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset());
     $listing_id = $listing['Listing']['listing_id'];
     $listing_url = $Routes->content($listing['Listing']['title'], $listing, array('return_url' => true));
     $checkbox = '<input type="checkbox" class="checkListing" name="' . $listing_title . '" id="listing' . $listing_id . '" value="' . $listing_id . '" />&nbsp;<label class="lbCompare" for="listing' . $listing_id . '">' . __t("Compare", true) . '</label>';
     $listing_type = '<span id="listingID' . $listing_id . '" class="listingType' . $listing['Criteria']['criteria_id'] . '" style="display:none;">' . $listing['Criteria']['title'] . '</span>';
     $url = '<span class="listingUrl' . $listing_id . '" style="display:none;">' . $listing_url . '</span>';
     return '<span class="compareListing jrButton">' . $checkbox . $listing_type . $url . '</span>';
 function plgAfterSave(&$model)
     if (!isset($model->data['Email']) || !Sanitize::getInt($model->data['Email'], 'send')) {
         return false;
     # Read cms mail config settings
     $configSendmailPath = cmsFramework::getConfig('sendmail');
     $configSmtpAuth = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpauth');
     $configSmtpUser = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpuser');
     $configSmtpPass = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtppass');
     $configSmtpHost = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtphost');
     $configSmtpSecure = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpsecure');
     $configSmtpPort = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpport');
     $configMailFrom = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailfrom');
     $configFromName = cmsFramework::getConfig('fromname');
     $configMailer = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailer');
     if (!class_exists('PHPMailer')) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'phpmailer' . DS . 'class.phpmailer');
     $mail = new PHPMailer();
     $mail->CharSet = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $mail->SetLanguage('en', S2_VENDORS . 'PHPMailer' . DS . 'language' . DS);
     $mail->Mailer = $configMailer;
     // Mailer used mail,sendmail,smtp
     switch ($configMailer) {
         case 'smtp':
             $mail->Host = $configSmtpHost;
             $mail->SMTPAuth = $configSmtpAuth;
             $mail->Username = $configSmtpUser;
             $mail->Password = $configSmtpPass;
             $mail->SMTPSecure = $configSmtpSecure != '' ? $configSmtpSecure : '';
             $mail->Port = $configSmtpPort;
         case 'sendmail':
             $mail->Sendmail = $configSendmailPath;
     $mail->From = $configMailFrom;
     $mail->FromName = $configFromName;
     $mail->AddReplyTo($configMailFrom, $configFromName);
     //    	$model->data[$this->notifyModel->name]['key'] = $value;
     $model->data['Email']['body'] = urldecode($model->data['__raw']['Email']['body']);
     // Send html email
     # In this observer model we just use the existing data to send the email notification
     switch ($this->notifyModel->name) {
         // Notification for claims moderation
         case 'Claim':
             if ($model->data['Email']['subject'] != '') {
                 $subject = $model->data['Email']['subject'];
                 $subject = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $subject);
                 $subject = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $subject);
             } else {
                 switch ($model->data['Claim']['approved']) {
                     case 1:
                         $subject = __a("Your claim has been approved", true);
                     case -1:
                         $subject = __a("Your claim has been rejected", true);
                     case 0:
                         $subject = __a("Your claim has been reviewed, but still pending moderation", true);
             // Get permalink
             $listing_id = $model->data['Listing']['id'];
             $listing = $this->controller->Listing->findRow(array('conditions' => 'Listing.id = ' . $listing_id), array('afterFind'));
             $permalink = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($listing['Listing']['url'], array('sef' => true));
             $message = $model->data['Email']['body'];
             $message = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $message);
             $message = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $message);
             $message = str_ireplace(array('{link}', '{url}'), $permalink, $message);
             if ($message != '') {
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 // Convert line breaks to br tags if html code not found on the message body
                 $mail->Body = nl2br($message);
                 if (!$mail->Send()) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Admin claim moderation message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             # Notification for discussion post moderation
         # Notification for discussion post moderation
         case 'Discussion':
             if ($model->data['Email']['subject'] != '') {
                 $subject = $model->data['Email']['subject'];
                 $subject = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $subject);
                 $subject = str_ireplace('{review_title}', $model->data['Email']['review_title'], $subject);
             } else {
                 switch ($model->data['Discussion']['approved']) {
                     case 1:
                         $subject = __a("Your comment has been approved", true);
                     case -1:
                         $subject = __a("Your comment has been rejected", true);
             // Get permalink
             $this->controller->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
             $this->controller->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
             $review = $this->controller->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Review.id = ' . $model->data['Discussion']['review_id'])));
             $this->controller->viewVars['review'] = $review;
             // Make it available to other plugins
             App::import('helper', 'routes', 'jreviews');
             $Routes = ClassRegistry::getClass('RoutesHelper');
             $permalink = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', $review, array('listing' => $review, 'return_url' => true));
             $permalink = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($permalink);
             $message = $model->data['Email']['body'];
             $message = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $message);
             $message = str_ireplace(array('{link}', '{url}'), $permalink, $message);
             $message = str_ireplace('{review_title}', $model->data['Email']['review_title'], $message);
             if ($message != '') {
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 // Convert line breaks to br tags if html code not found on the message body
                 $mail->Body = nl2br($message);
                 if (!$mail->Send()) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Admin post discussion moderation message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             // Notification for listing moderation
         // Notification for listing moderation
         case 'Listing':
             if (Sanitize::getInt($model->data, 'moderation')) {
                 if ($model->data['Email']['subject'] != '') {
                     $subject = $model->data['Email']['subject'];
                     $subject = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $subject);
                     $subject = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $subject);
                 } else {
                     switch ($model->data['Listing']['state']) {
                         case 1:
                             $subject = __a("Your listing has been approved", true);
                         case -2:
                             $subject = __a("Your listing has been rejected", true);
                         case 0:
                             $subject = __a("Your listing has been reviewed, but it is still pending moderation", true);
                 // Get permalink
                 $listing_id = $model->data['Listing']['id'];
                 $listing = $this->controller->Listing->findRow(array('conditions' => 'Listing.id = ' . $listing_id), array('afterFind'));
                 $permalink = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($listing['Listing']['url'], array('sef' => true));
                 $message = $model->data['Email']['body'];
                 $message = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $message);
                 $message = str_ireplace(array('{link}', '{url}'), $permalink, $message);
                 $message = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $message);
                 if ($message != '') {
                     $mail->Subject = $subject;
                     // Convert line breaks to br tags if html code not found on the message body
                     $mail->Body = nl2br($message);
                     if (!$mail->Send()) {
                         appLogMessage(array("Admin listing moderation message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             // Notification for reviews moderation
         // Notification for reviews moderation
         case 'Review':
             if (Sanitize::getInt($model->data, 'moderation')) {
                 if ($model->data['Email']['subject'] != '') {
                     $subject = $model->data['Email']['subject'];
                     $subject = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $subject);
                     $subject = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $subject);
                     $subject = str_ireplace('{review_title}', $model->data['Email']['review_title'], $subject);
                 } else {
                     switch ($model->data['Review']['published']) {
                         case 1:
                             $subject = __a("Your review has been approved", true);
                         case -1:
                             $subject = __a("Your review has been rejected", true);
                         case 0:
                             $subject = __a("Your review has been reviewed, but still pending moderation", true);
                 // Get permalink
                 $this->controller->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
                 $this->controller->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
                 $review_id = $model->data['Review']['id'];
                 $review = $this->controller->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Review.id = ' . $review_id)));
                 $this->controller->viewVars['review'] = $review;
                 // Make it available to other plugins
                 App::import('helper', 'routes', 'jreviews');
                 $Routes = ClassRegistry::getClass('RoutesHelper');
                 $permalink = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', $review, array('listing' => $review, 'return_url' => true));
                 $permalink = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($permalink);
                 $message = $model->data['Email']['body'];
                 $message = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $message);
                 $message = str_ireplace(array('{link}', '{url}'), $permalink, $message);
                 $message = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $message);
                 $message = str_ireplace('{review_title}', $model->data['Email']['review_title'], $message);
                 if ($message != '') {
                     $mail->Subject = $subject;
                     // Convert line breaks to br tags if html code not found on the message body
                     $mail->Body = nl2br($message);
                     if (!$mail->Send()) {
                         appLogMessage(array("Admin review moderation message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             // Notification for owner reply to reviews moderation
         // Notification for owner reply to reviews moderation
         case 'OwnerReply':
             if ($model->data['Email']['subject'] != '') {
                 $subject = $model->data['Email']['subject'];
                 $subject = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $subject);
                 $subject = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $subject);
                 $subject = str_ireplace('{review_title}', $model->data['Email']['review_title'], $subject);
             } else {
                 switch ($model->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_approved']) {
                     case 1:
                         $subject = __a("Your reply has been approved", true);
                     case -1:
                         $subject = __a("Your reply has been rejected", true);
                     case 0:
                         $subject = __a("Your reply has been reviewed, but still pending moderation", true);
             // Get permalink
             $this->controller->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
             $this->controller->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
             $review_id = $model->data['OwnerReply']['id'];
             $review = $this->controller->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Review.id = ' . $review_id)));
             $this->controller->viewVars['review'] = $review;
             // Make it available to other plugins
             App::import('helper', 'routes', 'jreviews');
             $Routes = ClassRegistry::getClass('RoutesHelper');
             $permalink = $Routes->reviewDiscuss('', $review, array('listing' => $review, 'return_url' => true));
             $permalink = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($permalink);
             $message = $model->data['Email']['body'];
             $message = str_ireplace('{name}', $model->data['Email']['name'], $message);
             $message = str_ireplace(array('{link}', '{url}'), $permalink, $message);
             $message = str_ireplace('{listing_title}', $model->data['Email']['listing_title'], $message);
             $message = str_ireplace('{review_title}', $model->data['Email']['review_title'], $message);
             if ($message != '') {
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 // Convert line breaks to br tags if html code not found on the message body
                 $mail->Body = nl2br($message);
                 if (!$mail->Send()) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Admin owner reply moderation message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
     return true;
 function _save()
      * This method is processed inside an iframe
      * To access any of the DOM elements via jQuery it's necessary to prepend
      * all jQuery calls with $parentFrame (i.e. $parentFrame.jQuery)
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     $parentFrame = 'window.parent';
     $validation = '';
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'id', 0);
     $isNew = $this->Listing->isNew = $listing_id == 0 ? true : false;
     $this->data['email'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'email');
     $this->data['name'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name');
     $this->data['categoryid_hidden'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'categoryid_hidden');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getVar($this->data['Listing'], 'catid');
     $this->data['Listing']['catid'] = is_array($cat_id) ? (int) array_pop(array_filter($cat_id)) : (int) $cat_id;
     $this->data['Listing']['title'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'title', '');
     $this->data['Listing']['created_by_alias'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         $this->data['sectionid_hidden'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'sectionid_hidden');
         $this->data['Listing']['sectionid'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Listing'], 'sectionid');
     } else {
         $this->data['Listing']['language'] = '*';
         $this->data['Listing']['access'] = 1;
     $category_id = $this->data['Listing']['catid'] ? $this->data['Listing']['catid'] : $this->data['categoryid_hidden'];
     # Get criteria info
     $criteria = $this->Criteria->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Criteria.id = 
             (SELECT criteriaid FROM #__jreviews_categories WHERE id = ' . (int) $category_id . ' AND `option` = "com_content")
     if (!$criteria) {
         $validation = __t("The category selected is invalid.", true, true);
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     $this->data['Criteria']['id'] = $criteria['Criteria']['criteria_id'];
     # Override global configuration
     isset($criteria['ListingType']) and $this->Config->override($criteria['ListingType']['config']);
     # Perform access checks
     if ($isNew && !$this->Access->canAddListing()) {
         return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . __t("You are not allowed to submit listings in this category.", true, true) . "')");
     } elseif (!$isNew) {
         $query = "SELECT created_by FROM #__content WHERE id = " . $listing_id;
         $listing_owner = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (!$this->Access->canEditListing($listing_owner)) {
             return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . s2Messages::accessDenied() . "')");
     # Load the notifications observer model component and initialize it.
     # Done here so it only loads on save and not for all controlller actions.
     $this->components = array('security', 'notifications');
     if ($this->invalidToken == true) {
         return $this->makeJS("{$parentFrame}.s2Alert('" . s2Messages::invalidToken() . "')");
     # Override configuration
     $category = $this->Category->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Category.id = ' . $this->data['Listing']['catid'])));
     if ($this->Access->loadWysiwygEditor()) {
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = Sanitize::stripScripts(Sanitize::stripWhitespace(Sanitize::getVar($this->data['__raw']['Listing'], 'introtext')));
         $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = Sanitize::stripScripts(Sanitize::stripWhitespace(Sanitize::getVar($this->data['__raw']['Listing'], 'fulltext')));
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = html_entity_decode($this->data['Listing']['introtext'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset());
         $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = html_entity_decode($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'], ENT_QUOTES, cmsFramework::getCharset());
     } else {
         $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = Sanitize::stripAll($this->data['Listing'], 'introtext', '');
         if (isset($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'])) {
             $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = Sanitize::stripAll($this->data['Listing'], 'fulltext', '');
         } else {
             $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = '';
     $this->data['Listing']['introtext'] = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $this->data['Listing']['introtext']);
     $this->data['Listing']['fulltext'] = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $this->data['Listing']['fulltext']);
     if ($this->Access->canAddMeta()) {
         $this->data['Listing']['metadesc'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'metadesc');
         $this->data['Listing']['metakey'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'metakey');
     // Title alias handling
     $slug = '';
     $alias = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Listing'], 'alias');
     if ($isNew && $alias == '') {
         $slug = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($this->data['Listing']['title']);
         if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $slug)) == '') {
             $slug = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     } elseif ($alias != '') {
         // Alias filled in so we convert it to a valid alias
         $slug = S2Router::sefUrlEncode($alias);
         if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $slug)) == '') {
             $slug = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s");
     $slug != '' and $this->data['Listing']['alias'] = $slug;
     # Check for duplicates
     switch ($this->Config->content_title_duplicates) {
         case 'category':
             // Checks for duplicates in the same category
             $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                            count(*) \r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__content AS Listing WHERE Listing.title = " . $this->_db->Quote($this->data['Listing']['title']) . "\r\n                            AND Listing.state >= 0 \r\n                            AND Listing.catid = " . $this->data['Listing']['catid'] . (!$isNew ? " AND Listing.id <> " . $listing_id : '');
             $titleExists = $this->_db->loadResult();
         case 'no':
             // Checks for duplicates all over the place
             $query = "\r\n                        SELECT \r\n                            count(*) \r\n                        FROM \r\n                            #__content AS Listing\r\n                        WHERE \r\n                            Listing.title = " . $this->_db->Quote($this->data['Listing']['title']) . "\r\n                           AND Listing.state >= 0\r\n                           " . (!$isNew ? " AND Listing.id <> " . $listing_id : '');
             $titleExists = $this->_db->loadResult();
         case 'yes':
             // Duplicates are allowed, no checking necessary
             $titleExists = false;
     if ($titleExists && $this->data['Listing']['title'] != '') {
         // if listing exists
         $validation = '<span>' . __t("A listing with that title already exists.", true, true) . "</span>";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     // Review form display check logic used several times below
     $revFormSetting = $this->Config->content_show_reviewform;
     if ($revFormSetting == 'noteditors' && !$this->Config->author_review) {
         $revFormSetting = 'all';
     $revFormEnabled = !isset($this->data['review_optional']) && $this->Access->canAddReview() && $isNew && ($revFormSetting == 'all' && ($this->Config->author_review || $this->Config->user_reviews) || $revFormSetting == 'authors' && $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id) || $revFormSetting == 'noteditors' && !$this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id));
     // Validation of content default input fields
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         if (!$this->data['Listing']['catid'] || !$this->data['Listing']['sectionid']) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("sec_cat", __t("You need to select both a section and a category.", true));
     } else {
         !$this->data['Listing']['catid'] and $this->Listing->validateSetError("sec_cat", __t("You need to select a category.", true));
     // Validate only if it's a new listing
     if ($isNew) {
         if (!$this->_user->id) {
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['name'], "name", "text", __t("You must fill in your name.", true), $this->Config->content_name == "required" ? 1 : 0);
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['email'], "email", "email", __t("You must fill in a valid email address.", true), $this->Config->content_email == "required" ? 1 : 0);
             $this->data['name'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
             $this->data['email'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'email', '');
         } else {
             $this->data['name'] = $this->_user->name;
             $this->data['email'] = $this->_user->email;
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['title'], "title", "text", __t("You must fill in a title for the new listing.", true, true), 1);
     # Validate listing custom fields
     $listing_valid_fields =& $this->Field->validate($this->data, 'listing', $this->Access);
     $this->Listing->validateErrors = array_merge($this->Listing->validateErrors, $this->Field->validateErrors);
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['introtext'], "introtext", "text", __t("You must fill in a summary for the new listing.", true, true), $this->Config->content_summary == "required" ? 1 : 0);
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Listing']['fulltext'], "fulltext", "text", __t("You must fill in a description for the new listing.", true, true), $this->Config->content_description == "required" ? 1 : 0);
     # Validate review custom fields
     if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state']) {
         // Review inputs
         $this->data['Review']['userid'] = $this->_user->id;
         $this->data['Review']['email'] = $this->data['email'];
         $this->data['Review']['name'] = $this->data['name'];
         $this->data['Review']['username'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name', '');
         $this->data['Review']['title'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'title');
         $this->data['Review']['location'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'location');
         // deprecated
         $this->data['Review']['comments'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Review'], 'comments');
         // Review standard fields
         $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Review']['title'], "rev_title", "text", __t("You must fill in a title for the review.", true, true), $this->Config->reviewform_title == 'required' ? true : false);
         if ($criteria['Criteria']['state'] == 1) {
             $criteria_qty = $criteria['Criteria']['quantity'];
             $ratingErr = 0;
             if (!isset($this->data['Rating'])) {
                 $ratingErr = $criteria_qty;
             } else {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $criteria_qty; $i++) {
                     if (!isset($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || (empty($this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i]) || $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] == 'undefined' || (double) $this->data['Rating']['ratings'][$i] > $this->Config->rating_scale)) {
             $this->Listing->validateInput('', "rating", "text", sprintf(__t("You are missing a rating in %s criteria.", true, true), $ratingErr), $ratingErr);
         // Review custom fields
         $this->Field->validateErrors = array();
         // Clear any previous validation errors
         $review_valid_fields = $this->Field->validate($this->data, 'review', $this->Access);
         $this->Listing->validateErrors = array_merge($this->Listing->validateErrors, $this->Field->validateErrors);
         $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Review']['comments'], "comments", "text", __t("You must fill in your comment.", true, true), $this->Config->reviewform_comment == 'required' ? true : false);
     // if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state'])
     # Validate image fields
     # Validate Captcha security code
     if ($isNew && $this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
         if (!isset($this->data['Captcha']['code'])) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true, true));
         } elseif ($this->data['Captcha']['code'] == '') {
             $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Captcha']['code'], "code", "text", __t("You must fill in the security code.", true), 1);
         } else {
             if (!$this->Captcha->checkCode($this->data['Captcha']['code'], $this->ipaddress)) {
                 $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true, true));
     # Get all validation messages
     $validation = $this->Listing->validateGetError() . $this->Uploads->getMsg();
     # Validation failed
     if ($validation != '') {
         $response[] = "var parentForm = {$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingForm');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "parentForm.find('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         // Transform textareas into wysiwyg editors
         if ($this->Access->loadWysiwygEditor()) {
             App::import('Helper', 'Editor', 'jreviews');
             $Editor = new EditorHelper();
             $response[] = $parentFrame . '.' . $Editor->transform(true);
         // Replace captcha with new instance
         if ($this->Access->in_groups($this->Config->security_image)) {
             $captcha = $this->Captcha->displayCode();
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#captcha').attr('src','{$captcha['src']}');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_captchaCode').val('');";
         $response[] = "parentForm.find('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
         // Can't use ajaxResponse b/c we are in an iframe
     # Validation passed, continue...
     if ($isNew) {
         $this->data['Listing']['created'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['publish_up'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['created_by'] = $this->_user->id;
         $this->data['Listing']['publish_down'] = NULL_DATE;
         $this->data['Field']['Listing']['email'] = $this->data['email'];
         // If visitor, assign name field to content Alias
         if (!$this->_user->id) {
             $this->data['Listing']['created_by_alias'] = $this->data['name'];
         // Check moderation settings
         $this->data['Listing']['state'] = (int) (!$this->Access->moderateListing());
         // If listing moderation is enabled, then the review is also moderated
         if (!$this->data['Listing']['state']) {
             $this->Config->moderation_reviews = $this->Config->moderation_editor_reviews = $this->Config->moderation_item;
     } else {
         if ($this->Config->moderation_item_edit) {
             $this->data['Listing']['state'] = (int) (!$this->Access->moderateListing());
         $this->data['Listing']['modified'] = _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME;
         //gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $this->data['Listing']['modified_by'] = $this->_user->id;
         $query = 'SELECT images FROM #__content WHERE id = ' . $this->data['Listing']['id'];
         $this->data['Listing']['images'] = $this->_db->loadResult();
         // Check total number of images
         if (!$this->Uploads->checkImageCount($this->data['Listing']['images'])) {
             $validation .= '<span>' . sprintf(__t("The total number of images is limited to %s", true, true), $this->Config->content_images) . '</span><br />';
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
             $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
             return $this->makeJS($response);
     // Process images and update data array
     if ($this->Uploads->success) {
         $imageUploadPath = PATH_ROOT . _JR_PATH_IMAGES . 'jreviews' . DS;
         $this->Uploads->uploadImages($this->data['Listing']['id'], $imageUploadPath);
         if ($isNew) {
             // New item
             $currImages = $this->Uploads->images;
         } elseif ($this->data['Listing']['images'] != '') {
             // Editing and there are existing images
             $currImages = array_merge(explode("\n", $this->data['Listing']['images']), $this->Uploads->images);
         } else {
             // Editing and there are no existing images
             $currImages = $this->Uploads->images;
         $this->data['Listing']['images'] = implode("\n", $currImages);
     # Save listing
     $savedListing = $this->Listing->store($this->data);
     $listing_id = $this->data['Listing']['id'];
     if (!$savedListing) {
         $validation .= __t("The was a problem saving the listing", true, true);
     // Error on listing save
     if ($validation != '') {
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('#jr_listingFormValidation').html('{$validation}');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.button').removeAttr('disabled');";
         $response[] = "{$parentFrame}.jQuery('.jr_loadingSmall').hide();";
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     # Save listing custom fields
     $this->data['Field']['Listing']['contentid'] = $this->data['Listing']['id'];
     $this->Field->save($this->data, 'listing', $isNew, $listing_valid_fields);
     # Begin insert review in table
     if ($revFormEnabled && $criteria['Criteria']['state']) {
         // Get reviewer type, for now editor reviews don't work in Everywhere components
         $this->data['Review']['author'] = (int) $this->Access->isJreviewsEditor($this->_user->id);
         $this->data['Review']['mode'] = 'com_content';
         $this->data['Review']['pid'] = (int) $this->data['Listing']['id'];
         // Force plugin loading on Review model
         $this->Review->isNew = true;
         $savedReview = $this->Review->save($this->data, $this->Access, $review_valid_fields);
     # Before render callback
     if ($isNew && isset($this->Listing->plgBeforeRenderListingSaveTrigger)) {
         $plgBeforeRenderListingSave = $this->Listing->plgBeforeRenderListingSave();
         switch ($plgBeforeRenderListingSave) {
             case '0':
                 $this->data['Listing']['state'] = 1;
             case '1':
                 $this->data['Listing']['state'] = 0;
             case '':
                 return $plgBeforeRenderListingSave;
     # Moderation disabled
     if (!isset($this->data['Listing']['state']) || $this->data['Listing']['state']) {
         $fields = array('Criteria.criteria AS `Criteria.criteria`', 'Criteria.tooltips AS `Criteria.tooltips`');
         $listing = $this->Listing->findRow(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => array('Listing.id = ' . $listing_id)), array('afterFind'));
         # Facebook wall integration
         $fb_checkbox = Sanitize::getBool($this->data, 'fb_publish');
         $facebook_integration = Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_enable') && Sanitize::getBool($this->Config, 'facebook_listings') && $fb_checkbox;
         $token = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($listing_id);
         $facebook_integration and $response[] = $parentFrame . '.jQuery.get(' . $parentFrame . '.s2AjaxUri+' . $parentFrame . '.jreviews.ajax_params()+\'&url=facebook/_postListing/id:' . $listing_id . '&' . $token . '=1\');
         $url = cmsFramework::route($listing['Listing']['url']);
         $update_text = $isNew ? __t("Thank you for your submission.", true, true) : __t("The listing was successfully saved.", true, true);
         //JOEYG CODE
         //IF WE ONLY WANT TO ADD THE after_submit.thtml if the listing is new then add
         if ($isNew) {
             $query = "SELECT `listing_type` FROM `jos_vpbd_content_criteria` WHERE `jos_vpbd_content_criteria`.`listing_id` = " . $this->data['Listing']['id'];
             $jg_listing_type = $this->_db->loadResult();
             if ($jg_listing_type == 2 || $jg_listing_type == 7) {
                 $update_html = $this->render('listings', 'after_submit');
             } else {
                 $update_html = "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . __t("Click here to view your listing", true) . "</a>";
             //ends if/else
         } else {
             //not new
             $update_html = "<a href=\"{$url}\">" . __t("Click here to view your listing", true) . "</a>";
         //ends if($isNew)
         $jsonObject = json_encode(compact('target_id', 'update_text', 'update_html'));
         $response[] = '
                 var $parentForm = ' . $parentFrame . '.jQuery(\'#jr_listingForm\');
                 $parentForm.s2ShowUpdate(' . $jsonObject . ');                                                       
         return $this->makeJS($response);
     # Moderation enabled
     $update_text = __t("Thank you for your submission. It will be published once it is verified.", true);
     $update_html = '<div id=\\"s2Msgjr_listingForm\\" class=\\"jr_postUpdate\\">' . $update_text . '</div>';
     $response[] = '
         var $parentForm = ' . $parentFrame . '.jQuery(\'#jr_listingForm\');
             $parentForm.fadeOut(250,function(){$parentForm.html("' . $update_html . '").show();});
     return $this->makeJS($response);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function plgAfterSave(&$model)
     appLogMessage('**** BEGIN Notifications Plugin AfterSave', 'database');
     # Read cms mail config settings
     $configSendmailPath = cmsFramework::getConfig('sendmail');
     $configSmtpAuth = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpauth');
     $configSmtpUser = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpuser');
     $configSmtpPass = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtppass');
     $configSmtpHost = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtphost');
     $configSmtpSecure = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpsecure');
     $configSmtpPort = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpport');
     $configMailFrom = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailfrom');
     $configFromName = cmsFramework::getConfig('fromname');
     $configMailer = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailer');
     if (!class_exists('PHPMailer')) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'phpmailer' . DS . 'class.phpmailer');
     $mail = new PHPMailer();
     $mail->CharSet = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $mail->SetLanguage('en', S2_VENDORS . 'PHPMailer' . DS . 'language' . DS);
     $mail->Mailer = $configMailer;
     // Mailer used mail,sendmail,smtp
     switch ($configMailer) {
         case 'smtp':
             $mail->Host = $configSmtpHost;
             $mail->SMTPAuth = $configSmtpAuth;
             $mail->Username = $configSmtpUser;
             $mail->Password = $configSmtpPass;
             $mail->SMTPSecure = $configSmtpSecure != '' ? $configSmtpSecure : '';
             $mail->Port = $configSmtpPort;
         case 'sendmail':
             $mail->Sendmail = $configSendmailPath;
     $mail->From = $configMailFrom;
     $mail->FromName = $configFromName;
     # In this observer model we just use the existing data to send the email notification
     switch ($this->notifyModel->name) {
         # Notification for new/edited listings
         case 'Listing':
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_content || $this->c->Config->notify_user_listing) {
                 $this->c->autoRender = false;
                 $listing = $this->_getListing($model);
                 $this->c->set(array('isNew' => isset($model->data['insertid']), 'User' => $this->c->_user, 'listing' => $listing));
             } else {
             // Admin listing email
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_content) {
                 # Process configuration emails
                 if ($this->c->Config->notify_content_emails == '') {
                 } else {
                     $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_content_emails);
                     foreach ($recipient as $to) {
                         if (trim($to) != '') {
                 $subject = isset($model->data['insertid']) ? __t("New listing", true) . ": {$listing['Listing']['title']}" : __t("Edited listing", true) . ": {$listing['Listing']['title']}";
                 $guest = !$this->c->_user->id ? ' (Guest)' : " ({$this->c->_user->id})";
                 $author = $this->c->_user->id ? $this->c->_user->name : 'Guest';
                 $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'admin_listing_notification');
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $message;
                 if (!$mail->Send()) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Admin listing message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             // End admin listing email
             // User listing email - to user submitting the listing as long as he is also the owner of the listing
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_user_listing) {
                 //Check if submitter and owner are the same or else email is not sent
                 // This is to prevent the email from going out if admins are doing the editing
                 if ($this->c->_user->id == $listing['User']['user_id']) {
                     // Process configuration emails
                     if ($this->c->Config->notify_user_listing_emails != '') {
                         $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_user_listing_emails);
                         foreach ($recipient as $bcc) {
                             if (trim($bcc) != '') {
                     $subject = isset($model->data['insertid']) ? sprintf(__t("New listing: %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']) : sprintf(__t("Edited listing: %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']);
                     $guest = !$this->c->_user->id ? ' (Guest)' : " ({$this->c->_user->id})";
                     $author = $this->c->_user->id ? $this->c->_user->name : 'Guest';
                     $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'user_listing_notification');
                     $mail->Subject = $subject;
                     $mail->Body = $message;
                     if (!$mail->Send()) {
                         appLogMessage(array("User listing message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             // End user listing email
             # Notification for new/edited reviews
         # Notification for new/edited reviews
         case 'Review':
             // Perform common actions for all review notifications
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_review || $this->c->Config->notify_user_review || $this->c->Config->notify_owner_review) {
                 $extension = $model->data['Review']['mode'];
                 $review = $this->_getReview($model);
                 $listing = $review;
                 $entry_title = $listing['Listing']['title'];
                 $this->c->autoRender = false;
                 $this->c->set(array('isNew' => isset($model->data['insertid']), 'extension' => $extension, 'listing' => $listing, 'User' => $this->c->_user, 'review' => $review));
             } else {
             // Admin review email
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_review) {
                 # Process configuration emails
                 if ($this->c->Config->notify_review_emails == '') {
                 } else {
                     $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_review_emails);
                     foreach ($recipient as $to) {
                         if (trim($to) != '') {
                 $subject = isset($model->data['insertid']) ? sprintf(__t("New review: %s", true), $entry_title) : sprintf(__t("Edited review: %s", true), $entry_title);
                 $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'admin_review_notification');
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $message;
                 if (!$mail->Send()) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Admin review message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             // User review email - sent to review submitter
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_user_review && $this->c->_user->id == $review['User']['user_id'] && !empty($review['User']['email'])) {
                 //Check if submitter and owner are the same or else email is not sent
                 // This is to prevent the email from going out if admins are doing the editing
                 if ($this->c->_user->id == $review['User']['user_id']) {
                     // Process configuration emails
                     if ($this->c->Config->notify_user_review_emails != '') {
                         $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_user_review_emails);
                         foreach ($recipient as $bcc) {
                             if (trim($bcc) != '') {
                     $subject = isset($model->data['insertid']) ? sprintf(__t("New review: %s", true), $entry_title) : sprintf(__t("Edited review: %s", true), $entry_title);
                     $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'user_review_notification');
                     $mail->Subject = $subject;
                     $mail->Body = $message;
                     if (!$mail->Send()) {
                         appLogMessage(array("User review message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             // Listing owner review email
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_owner_review && isset($listing['ListingUser']['email'])) {
                 // Process configuration emails
                 if ($this->c->Config->notify_owner_review_emails != '') {
                     $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_owner_review_emails);
                     foreach ($recipient as $bcc) {
                         if (trim($bcc) != '') {
                 $subject = isset($model->data['insertid']) ? sprintf(__t("New review: %s", true), $entry_title) : sprintf(__t("Edited review: %s", true), $entry_title);
                 $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'owner_review_notification');
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $message;
                 if (!$mail->Send()) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Listing owner review message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             # Notification for new owner replies to user reviews
         # Notification for new owner replies to user reviews
         case 'OwnerReply':
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_owner_reply) {
                 # Process configuration emails
                 if ($this->c->Config->notify_owner_reply_emails == '') {
                 } else {
                     $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_owner_reply_emails);
                     foreach ($recipient as $to) {
                         if (trim($to) != '') {
                 # Get review data
                 $this->c->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
                 $review = $this->c->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Review.id = ' . (int) $model->data['OwnerReply']['id'])));
                 $extension = $review['Review']['extension'];
                 # Load jReviewsEverywhere extension model
                 $name = 'everywhere_' . $extension;
                 App::import('Model', $name, 'jreviews');
                 $class_name = inflector::camelize('everywhere_' . $extension) . 'Model';
                 $EverywhereListingModel = new $class_name();
                 # Get the listing title based on the extension being reviewed
                 $listing = $EverywhereListingModel->findRow(array('conditions' => array("Listing.{$EverywhereListingModel->realKey} = " . $review['Review']['listing_id'])));
                 $subject = sprintf(__t("Owner review reply submitted for listing %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']);
                 $this->c->autoRender = false;
                 $this->c->set(array('User' => $this->c->_user, 'reply' => $model->data, 'review' => $review, 'listing' => $listing));
                 $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'admin_owner_reply_notification');
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $message;
                 if (!$mail->Send() && _MVC_DEBUG_ERR) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Owner reply message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
             # Notification for new review reports
         # Notification for new review reports
         case 'Report':
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_report) {
                 # Process configuration emails
                 if ($this->c->Config->notify_review_emails == '') {
                 } else {
                     $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_review_emails);
                     foreach ($recipient as $to) {
                         if (trim($to) != '') {
                 # Get review data
                 $this->c->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
                 $review = $this->c->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Review.id = ' . (int) $model->data['Report']['review_id'])), array());
                 $extension = $review['Review']['extension'];
                 # Load jReviewsEverywhere extension model
                 $name = 'everywhere_' . $extension;
                 App::import('Model', $name, 'jreviews');
                 $class_name = inflector::camelize('everywhere_' . $extension) . 'Model';
                 $EverywhereListingModel = new $class_name();
                 # Get the listing title based on the extension being reviewed
                 $listing = $EverywhereListingModel->findRow(array('conditions' => array("Listing.{$EverywhereListingModel->realKey} = " . $review['Review']['listing_id'])));
                 $subject = __t("A new report has been submitted", true);
                 $this->c->autoRender = false;
                 $this->c->set(array('User' => $this->c->_user, 'report' => $model->data, 'review' => $review, 'listing' => $listing));
                 $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'admin_report_notification');
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $message;
                 if (!$mail->Send() && _MVC_DEBUG_ERR) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Review report message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
         case 'Discussion':
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_review_post) {
                 # Process configuration emails
                 if ($this->c->Config->notify_review_post_emails == '') {
                 } else {
                     $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_review_post_emails);
                     foreach ($recipient as $to) {
                         if (trim($to) != '') {
                 # Get review data
                 $this->c->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
                 $review = $this->c->Review->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Review.id = ' . (int) $model->data['Discussion']['review_id'])));
                 $extension = $review['Review']['extension'];
                 # Load jReviewsEverywhere extension model
                 $name = 'everywhere_' . $extension;
                 App::import('Model', $name, 'jreviews');
                 $class_name = inflector::camelize('everywhere_' . $extension) . 'Model';
                 $EverywhereListingModel = new $class_name();
                 # Get the listing title based on the extension being reviewed
                 $listing = $EverywhereListingModel->findRow(array('conditions' => array("Listing.{$EverywhereListingModel->realKey} = " . $review['Review']['listing_id'])));
                 $subject = isset($model->data['insertid']) ? sprintf(__t("New comment for review: %s", true), $review['Review']['title']) : sprintf(__t("Edited comment for review: %s", true), $review['Review']['title']);
                 $this->c->autoRender = false;
                 $this->c->set(array('User' => $this->c->_user, 'post' => $model->data, 'review' => $review, 'listing' => $listing));
                 $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'admin_review_discussion_post');
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $message;
                 if (!$mail->Send() && _MVC_DEBUG_ERR) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Review comment message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
         case 'Claim':
             if ($this->c->Config->notify_claim) {
                 # Process configuration emails
                 if ($this->c->Config->notify_claim_emails == '') {
                 } else {
                     $recipient = explode("\n", $this->c->Config->notify_claim_emails);
                     foreach ($recipient as $to) {
                         if (trim($to) != '') {
                 # Get claim data
                 $callbacks = array();
                 $listing = $this->c->Listing->findRow(array('conditions' => array('Listing.id = ' . (int) $model->data['Claim']['listing_id'])), $callbacks);
                 $subject = sprintf(__t("Listing claim submitted for %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']);
                 $this->c->autoRender = false;
                 $this->c->set(array('User' => $this->c->_user, 'claim' => $model->data['Claim'], 'listing' => $listing));
                 $message = $this->c->render('email_templates', 'admin_listing_claim');
                 $mail->Subject = $subject;
                 $mail->Body = $message;
                 if (!$mail->Send() && _MVC_DEBUG_ERR) {
                     appLogMessage(array("Listing claim message was not sent.", "Mailer error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo), 'notifications');
     $this->published = false;
     // Run once. With paid listings it is possible for a plugin to run a 2nd time when the order is processed together with the listing (free)
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function loadXajax()
     // Prevents xajax from loading twice if already loaded by jReviews or BlueFlame Platform
     if (!class_exists('xajax') && !defined('XAJAX_LOADED') && !defined('XAJAX_VER')) {
         define('XAJAX_LOADED', 1);
         App::import('Vendor', 'xajax_05final' . DS . 'xajax_core' . DS . 'xajax.inc');
         if (defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN')) {
             $xajax = new xajax('index2.php?option=' . S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP') . '&task=xajax&no_html=1');
         } else {
             $xajax = new xajax();
         if (strtolower(cmsFramework::getCharset()) == 'utf-8') {
             $decodeUTF8 = false;
         } else {
             $decodeUTF8 = true;
         /* Set defaults from params */
         $this->xajax_statusMessage ? $xajax->setFlag('statusMessages', true) : $xajax->setFlag('statusMessages', false);
         $this->xajax_waitCursor ? $xajax->setFlag('waitCursor', true) : $xajax->setFlag('waitCursor', false);
         $this->xajax_debug ? $xajax->setFlag('debug', true) : $xajax->setFlag('debug', false);
         $decodeUTF8 ? $xajax->setFlag('decodeUTF8Input', true) : $xajax->setFlag('decodeUTF8Input', false);
         //			ob_start('ob_gzhandler');		// Results in wrong encoding error ni certain servers
         $js = $xajax->getJavascript(S2_VENDORS_URL . 'xajax_05final' . _DS);