  * Copies the extracted(!) package from the temp-folder
  * to the target-folder.
  * In most cases, this is either located at /core or at /templates.
  * The original should be deleted afterwards.
  * @throws class_exception
  * @return void
 public function move2Filesystem()
     $strSource = $this->objMetadata->getStrPath();
     if (!is_dir(_realpath_ . $strSource)) {
         throw new class_exception("current package " . $strSource . " is not a folder.", class_exception::$level_ERROR);
     $objFilesystem = new class_filesystem();
     $objFilesystem->chmod($this->getStrTargetPath(), 0777);
     class_logger::getInstance(class_logger::PACKAGEMANAGEMENT)->addLogRow("moving " . $strSource . " to " . $this->getStrTargetPath(), class_logger::$levelInfo);
     $objFilesystem->folderCopyRecursive($strSource, $this->getStrTargetPath(), true);
     //shift the cache buster
     $objSetting = class_module_system_setting::getConfigByName("_system_browser_cachebuster_");
     if ($objSetting != null) {
         $objSetting->setStrValue((int) $objSetting->getStrValue() + 1);