$project_link->addRule('required', "Please enter your project link"); $is_active = $form->addElement("checkbox", 'is_active', array('checked' => $channel["is_active"] ? 'checked' : '')); $is_active->setLabel("Active?"); $form->addElement("submit"); if ($form->validate()) { $url = new Net_URL2($project_name->getValue()); try { $req = new HTTP_Request2(); $dir = explode("/", $url->getPath()); if (!empty($dir)) { array_pop($dir); } $dir[] = 'channel.xml'; $url->setPath(implode("/", $dir)); $req->setURL($url->getURL()); channel::validate($req, $chan); channel::edit($channel['name'], $project_label->getValue(), $project_link->getValue(), $contact_name->getValue(), $contact_email->getValue()); if ($is_active->getValue()) { channel::activate($channel['name']); } else { channel::deactivate($channel['name']); } echo "<div class=\"success\">Changes saved</div>\n"; } catch (Exception $exception) { echo '<div class="errors">'; switch ($exception->getMessage()) { case "Invalid channel site": case "Empty channel.xml": echo "The submitted URL does not "; echo "appear to point to a valid channel site. You will "; echo "have to make sure that <tt>/channel.xml</tt> at least ";