public static function getInstance() { if (null === self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
function assignAction() { $user = \bootstrap::getInstance()->getUser(); if (!$user['id'] || $user['type'] != 'admin') { return $this->_redirect('/'); } $staff_id = $this->params('staff'); $staff = $this->userDataMapper()->find(array('id' => $staff_id)); $form = $this->servicesForm(); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->params()->fromPost())) { $this->userDataMapper()->unassignServices($staff_id); $this->userDataMapper()->assignMultiple($form->getValue('services'), $staff_id); $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage('Staff\'s Services Updated'); if (isset($_SESSION['admin_setup'])) { return $this->redirect()->toRoute('staff-availability', ['staff' => $user['id']]); } return $this->redirect()->toRoute('manage-staff'); } $this->viewParams['staff'] = $staff; $this->viewParams['form'] = $form; if (isset($_SESSION['admin_setup'])) { $this->viewParams['admin_setup'] = 1; } return $this->viewParams; }
function indexAction() { $this->init(); $layoutViewModel = $this->layout(); $progress = new ViewModel(['step' => 2]); $progress->setTemplate('application/progress'); $layoutViewModel->addChild($progress, 'progress'); $user = \bootstrap::getInstance()->getUser(); $staffSelector = $this->staffSelector(true, $this->params('service')); if (!is_null($staffSelector->getValue('staff'))) { $this->staff_selection = $staffSelector->getValue('staff'); } else { $this->staff_selection = $this->listStaff($this->params()->fromQuery('service')); } $this->viewParams = $this->viewParams + ['staffSelector' => $staffSelector, 'therapist_id' => $this->params()->fromQuery('staff'), 'service' => $this->params('service')]; $this->renderCalendar($this->viewParams); /** Display controls to toggle between week & calendar views */ $this->viewParams['mode'] = $this->params('mode'); $viewModel = new ViewModel($this->viewParams); $viewModel->setTemplate('application/calendar-mode-chooser'); //return $viewModel; $viewModel = new ViewModel($this->viewParams); if ($this->params('mode') == 'week') { /** Display the week view */ $viewModel->setTemplate('week-choose'); } else { /** Display the calendar */ $viewModel->setTemplate('application/calendar-choose'); } return $viewModel; }
public static function start() { # load config $config = (include __DIR__ . '/settings.php'); self::$config = $config; self::loadClasses(); # bind array $config ke class Connection Connection::setConfig(self::$config['db']); # make a route $router = new Route(self::$config); # match the current request $match = $router->getRoute()->match(); if ($match && is_callable($match['target'])) { call_user_func_array($match['target'], $match['params']); } else { # no route was matched header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 Not Found'); echo "<h3>No Route was matched with</h3>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Method</th>"; echo "<th>Route</th>"; echo "</tr>"; // echo "<td>Controller</td>"; foreach ($router->getRoute()->getRoutes() as $route) { print "<tr>"; print "<td> {$route['0']} </td>"; print "<td> {$route['1']} </td>"; print "<tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } }
function utilisateursController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // Controle d'acces � la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('configuration'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'configuration'; }
function statsController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // Controle d'acces ŕ la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('stats'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'stats'; }
function thickboxController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // On masque les Head, header et footer originaux plus le debug $this->autoFireHeader = false; $this->autoFireHead = false; $this->autoFireFooter = false; $this->autoFireDebug = false; }
/** * 构造函数 */ public function __construct($re) { if (!is_file(Wind::getRealPath('DATA:install.lock', true))) { Wind::getComponent('response')->sendRedirect("install.php"); } parent::__construct($re); //云应用监听sql执行 WindFactory::_getInstance()->loadClassDefinitions(array('sqlStatement' => array('proxy' => 'WIND:filter.proxy.WindEnhancedClassProxy', 'listeners' => array('LIB:compile.acloud.PwAcloudDbListener')))); $this->charset = Wind::getComponent('response')->getCharset(); }
function protectedController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->autoFireHeader = false; $this->autoFireHead = false; $this->autoFireView = false; $this->autoFireFooter = false; $this->autoFireDebug = false; $this->catchAll = true; }
function ajaxController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); // On place le redirect sur la home $_SESSION['request_url'] = $this->lurl; $this->autoFireHeader = false; $this->autoFireDebug = false; $this->autoFireHead = false; $this->autoFireFooter = false; }
function settingsController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; if (isset($_SESSION['user']['role'])) { if ($_SESSION['user']['role'] == 'tresorier' || $_SESSION['user']['role'] == '') { header("Location: " . $this->url . '/home'); } } }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); bootstrap::init_imap(); bootstrap::purge_mailbox('INBOX'); // import email messages foreach (glob(TESTS_DIR . 'Selenium/data/mail/list_*.eml') as $f) { bootstrap::import_message($f, 'INBOX'); $this->msgcount++; } }
function menusController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // Controle d'acces à la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('edition'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'edition'; // Definition des types d'éléments $this->typesElements = array('L' => 'Lien Interne', 'LX' => 'Lien Externe'); }
function thickboxController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // On masque les Head, header et footer originaux plus le debug $this->autoFireHeader = false; $this->autoFireHead = false; $this->autoFireFooter = false; $this->autoFireDebug = false; // On place le redirect sur la home $_SESSION['request_url'] = $this->url; }
public function __construct($view, $model, $lang, $conf) { \bootstrap::iniControllerParams($this, $view); if (request::isGet() && $model->validateBefore()) { $pages = new pdo\select('page'); $pages->setColumns(array('', 'page.sequence', 'page.uri', 'page.label', 'page.title', 'page.heading', 'page.description', 'page.content', 'page.icon', 'page.dateCreated', 'page.dateUpdated', 'page.isActive', ' AS parentPageId', 'p.uri AS uriParent', 'p.label AS parentPageTitle'))->addJoin('p', 'id', 'parentId', 'LEFT', true, 'page')->addWhere('', '=', request::get('id'))->execute('fetch'); $view->editData = $pages->data; } $page = new pdo\select('page'); $page->setColumns(array('*'))->addWhere('parentId', '=', 0)->addWhere('isActive', '=', 1)->addWhere('uri', '!=', 'about')->orderBy('page.sequence', 'asc')->count()->execute(); $view->navItems = $page->data; $page = new pdo\select('page'); $page->setColumns(array(', page.uri, page.label, page.title, page.description, page.content'))->addJoin('page_role', 'pageId', 'id', 'RIGHT')->addWhere('uri', '=', 'add')->addWhere('page_role.roleId', '=', session::get('roleId'))->execute('fetch'); $view->page = $page->data; $page = new pdo\select('page'); $page->setColumns(array(' id, label'))->orderBy('sequence', 'asc')->execute()->asList('id', 'label'); $view->lookupPageParent = $page->data; if (request::isPost()) { if ($model->validateAfter()) { $data = array('parentId' => request::get('parentId'), 'sequence' => request::get('sequence'), 'uri' => request::get('uri'), 'label' => request::get('label'), 'title' => request::get('title'), 'heading' => request::get('heading'), 'description' => request::get('description'), 'icon' => request::get('icon'), 'content' => request::get('content'), 'dateUpdated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $page = new pdo\insert('page'); $page->setColumns(array_keys($data))->setValues(array_values($data))->execute(); $view->data = $data; } else { $view->errors = $model->getErrors(); } } $navSub = new pdo\select('page'); $navSub->setColumns(array(', page.uri, page.label, page.title, page.icon, page.description, page.content, AS parentPageId, p.uri AS uriParent, p.label AS parentPageTitle'))->addJoin('p', 'id', 'parentId', 'LEFT', true, 'page')->addJoin('page_role', 'pageId', 'id', 'RIGHT')->addWhere('page_role.isNav', '=', 1)->addWhere('page_role.roleId', '=', session::get('roleId'))->orderBy('page.sequence', 'asc')->execute(); // echo '<pre>'; //print_r($navSub->data); //die('kj'); $view->navSub = $navSub->data; }
function cronController(&$command, $config) { parent::__construct($command, $config, 'default'); $this->autoFireHeader = false; $this->autoFireHead = false; $this->autoFireFooter = false; $this->autoFireView = false; $this->autoFireDebug = false; // Securisation des acces if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && !in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $this->Config['ip_admin'][$this->Config['env']])) { die; } }
function traductionsController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // Controle d'acces ŕ la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('configuration'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'configuration'; if (isset($_SESSION['user']['role'])) { if ($_SESSION['user']['role'] == 'tresorier' || $_SESSION['user']['role'] == '') { header("Location: " . $this->url . '/home'); } } }
function fdpController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // Check de la plateforme if ($this->cms == 'iZinoa') { // Renvoi sur la page de gestion de l'arbo header('Location:' . $this->lurl . '/tree'); die; } // Controle d'acces à la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('boutique'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'boutique'; }
function clientsController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // // Check de la plateforme // if($this->cms == 'iZinoa') // { // // Renvoi sur la page de gestion de l'arbo // header('Location:'.$this->lurl.'/home'); // die; // } // Controle d'acces � la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('clients'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'clients'; }
function temproduitsController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // Check de la plateforme if ($this->cms == 'iZinoa') { // Renvoi sur la page de gestion de l'arbo header('Location:' . $this->lurl . '/tree'); die; } // Controle d'acces ŕ la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('boutique'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'boutique'; // Declaration des datas $this->produits_elements = $this->loadData('produits_elements'); $this->produits = $this->loadData('produits', array('url' => $this->lurl, 'surl' => $this->surl, 'produits_elements' => $this->produits_elements, 'upload' => $this->upload, 'spath' => $this->spath, 'path' => $this->path)); }
function init() { $user = \bootstrap::getInstance()->getUser(); if ($this->requestedCalendarOutOfRange()) { $this->viewParams['limitMonths'] = $this->limitMonths; $viewModel->setTemplate('limited', null, true); $month = date('m'); $year = date('Y'); } else { $month = $this->month(); $year = $this->year(); } $this->number_of_days_in_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year); $this->viewParams['year'] = $year; $this->viewParams['month'] = $month; $this->viewParams['month_name'] = date('F', strtotime('1-' . $month . '-' . $year)); $this->viewParams['number_of_days_in_month'] = $this->number_of_days_in_month; }
public static function signed_in($user, $loginfailures, $mnet, $real, $role_switch, $logout) { $links[] = bootstrap::li_icon_link($user['link'], 'user', 'Profile'); if ($mnet !== null) { $links[] = bootstrap::li_icon_link($mnet['link'], 'globe', $mnet['name']); } if (isset($loginfailures)) { $links[] = bootstrap::li_icon_link($loginfailures['link'], 'warning-sign', $loginfailures['name']); $user['name'] .= ' ' . bootstrap::icon('warning-sign'); } if ($role_switch !== null) { $links[] = bootstrap::li_icon_link($role_switch['link'], 'repeat', $role_switch['name']); } if ($real !== null) { $links[] = bootstrap::li_icon_link($real['link'], 'user', $real['name']); } $links[] = bootstrap::list_divider(); $links[] = bootstrap::li_icon_link($logout['link'], 'off', $logout['name']); return html::ul('nav pull-right', bootstrap::dropdown_menu($user['name'], $links)); }
function cancelAction() { $user = \bootstrap::getInstance()->getUser(); if (!$user['id']) { return $this->_redirect('/'); } $db = \Zend_Registry::get('db'); $newValues = array('canceled' => 1); $condition = 'id=' . (int) $this->params('id'); $appointment_date = $db->select()->from('appointments', array('date'))->where('id=?', $this->params('id'))->query()->fetchColumn(); if ($user['type'] == 'client') { $booking = new Booking(array('today' => date('Y-m-d'), 'date' => $appointment_date)); if (!$booking->allowCancelByUser()) { echo 'not allowed to cancel'; exit; } $condition .= ' && user_id = ' . (int) $user['id']; } else { if ($user['type'] == 'staff') { $condition .= ' && staff_userid = ' . (int) $user['id']; } else { if ($user['type'] !== 'admin') { return $this->_redirect('/'); } } } $db->update('appointments', $newValues, $condition); $logMessage = 'Therapist appointment #' . (int) $this->params('id'); $logMessage .= ' cancelled by user #' . $user['id']; $this->cancelsLogger()->log($logMessage, Zend_Log::INFO); $this->viewParams['date'] = $appointment_date; $viewModel = new ViewModel($this->viewParams); $viewModel->setTemplate('appointments/cancel.phtml'); $htmlOutput = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('viewrenderer')->render($viewModel); $mail = new Zend_Mail(); $mail->addTo($user['email']); $mail->setBodyText($htmlOutput); $this->queueMail($mail); echo $htmlOutput; $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); }
function indexAction() { $user = \bootstrap::getInstance()->getUser(); if (!$user['id'] || $user['type'] != 'staff' && $user['type'] != 'admin') { return $this->_redirect('/'); } if ($user['type'] == 'admin' && !$this->params('staff')) { throw new Exception('Admin must have a staff selected'); } $this->viewParams['availability'] = array(); for ($day = 1; $day <= 7; $day++) { $staff = $user['type'] == 'admin' ? $this->params('staff') : $user['id']; $this->viewParams['availability'][$day] = $this->selectAvailability($day, null, $staff); } $db = \Zend_Registry::get('db'); if ($this->params()->fromQuery('remove')) { $db->delete('availability', array('id = ' . (int) $this->params()->fromQuery('remove'))); $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage('Deleted Availability'); return $this->redirect()->toUrl($this->url()->fromRoute('staff-availability', array(), true)); } $form = new \Application\AvailabilityForm(); if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->params()->fromPost())) { $staff_userid = $user['type'] == 'admin' ? $this->params('staff') : $user['id']; $parameters = array('staff_userid' => $staff_userid, 'day_of_week' => $form->getValue('day'), 'start' => $form->getValue('start'), 'end' => $form->getValue('end')); $this->availabilityDataMapper()->insert($parameters); $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage('Added Availability'); if (isset($_SESSION['admin_setup'])) { return $this->redirect()->toRoute('home'); } return $this->redirect()->toUrl($this->url()->fromRoute('staff-availability', array(), true)); } $this->viewParams['form'] = $form; if (isset($_SESSION['admin_setup'])) { $this->viewParams['admin_setup'] = 1; } $viewModel = new ViewModel($this->viewParams); $viewModel->setTemplate('application/availability-manage.phtml'); return $viewModel; }
function mailsController(&$command, $config, $app) { parent::__construct($command, $config, $app); $this->catchAll = true; // Controle d'acces à la rubrique $this->users->checkAccess('configuration'); // Activation du menu $this->menu_admin = 'configuration'; // Init NMP $this->nmpEMV = false; // SI NMP ACTIF if ($this->key_api != '' && $this->login_api != '' && $this->pwd_api != '' && $this->serveur_api != '') { // Connection au serveur NMP $this->location_nmpsoap = 'https://' . $this->serveur_api . '/apitransactional/services/TransactionalService?wsdl'; $this->nmpsoap = new SoapClient($this->location_nmpsoap); // Connexion à l'API NMP $result = $this->nmpsoap->openApiConnection(array('login' => $this->login_api, 'pwd' => $this->pwd_api, 'key' => $this->key_api)); // Recuperation du token de session $this->token_soap = $result->return; // Youpi $this->nmpEMV = true; } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: csibi * Date: 2015.07.13. * Time: 11:24 */ $url = \bootstrap::get("url"); ?> <form method="post" id="client-form" role="form"> <?php echo form::input("id"); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php echo form::input("label"); ?> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php echo form::input("category"); ?> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php
UPDATE `{PREFIX}model_metas` SET `keywords` = :keywords WHERE `reference` = :reference SQL; $params_meta = array(":reference" => $model->reference, ":keywords" => strip_tags($keywords)); \db::query($SQL_meta, $params_meta); } } // save description if (isset($field_context["is_description"]) && $field_context["is_description"]) { $SQL_meta = 'SELECT model_meta_id, description '; $SQL_meta .= 'FROM `{PREFIX}model_metas` '; $SQL_meta .= 'WHERE `reference` = :reference'; $params_meta = array(":reference" => $model->reference); $result_meta = \db::query($SQL_meta, $params_meta); $description = ''; $prefixes = \bootstrap::get("pageproperties_prefix"); if ($prefixes && isset($prefixes["description"])) { $description .= $prefixes["description"]; } $description .= $value; if (!$result_meta) { $SQL_meta = <<<SQL INSERT INTO `{PREFIX}model_metas` (`reference`, `description`) VALUES (:reference, :description) SQL; $params_meta = array(":reference" => $model->reference, ":description" => preg_replace("/\\t/im", "", preg_replace("/\\n\\n/im", "\n", strip_tags($description)))); \db::insert($SQL_meta, $params_meta); } elseif (is_null($result_meta[0]["description"]) || isset($field_context["force_description"]) && $field_context["force_description"]) { $SQL_meta = <<<SQL UPDATE `{PREFIX}model_metas` SET `description` = :description WHERE `reference` = :reference
} else { $where = array('id IN (' . implode(",", $children) . ')' => null); } \runner::route($page, $where); } } elseif ($resource_uri == "unsubscribe/success") { echo ' <div class="row">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <div class="col-md-12">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <h1>Ön sikeresen leiratkozott leveleinkről!<br> Elnézését kérjük a zavarásért, ' . 'a jövőben erre a címre nem fog tőlünk kapni e-mailt!</h1>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } elseif ($resource_uri == "unsubscribe/error" || strpos($resource_uri, "unsubscribe/") !== false) { echo ' <div class="row">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <div class="col-md-12">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <h1><h1>Hiba történt a leiratkozás során!<br>Kérjük írjon a ' . '<a href="" target="_blank"></a> címre' . ' és kollégánk rögtön törölni fogja e-mail címét!<br>Elnézését kérjük a zavarásért!</h1>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } elseif ($current && isset($current["menu"]) && $current["menu"] === "1") { \runner::route("home"); } elseif (isset($current) && is_array($current) && count($current) === 0 && !\bootstrap::get("url")) { \runner::route("home"); } else { echo ' <div class="row">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <div class="col-md-12">' . PHP_EOL; \runner::route("error404"); echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } ?> </div>
<div class="col-lg-12"> ' . lang::get('idea_text') . ' <hr /> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <textarea class="form-control"></textarea> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <p><button class="btn btn-default">' . lang::get('send') . '</button></p> <div id="ajax-content"></div> </div> </div> ', ['id' => 'idea', 'col' => 'lg-6']); ?> </div> <div class="expand"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i> </div> </section> <div class="row"> <?php $button = '<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">' . lang::get('all_addons') . '</a>'; echo bootstrap::panel(lang::get('addons'), [$button], dyn::getAddons(), ['table' => true, 'col' => 'lg-6']); $button = '<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">' . lang::get('all_modules') . '</a>'; echo bootstrap::panel(lang::get('modules'), [$button], dyn::getModules(), ['table' => true, 'col' => 'lg-6']); ?> </div> <?php echo extension::get('DASHBOARD_OVERVIEW', '');
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: csibi * Date: 2015.07.13. * Time: 11:11 */ $bootstrap = \bootstrap::get(); $params = $bootstrap->params; $search = isset($_GET["search"]) ? $_GET["search"] : ""; \runner::route("/backend/pages/user/memberform", array("profile" => \user::me()));