function bridge_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $title_button = "{add}";
    $nics = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("cmd.php?list-nics=yes")));
    $IP = new networking();
    while (list($key, $value) = each($nics)) {
        $array = $IP->GetNicInfos($value);
        $NICZ[$value] = $value . " [{$array["IPADDR"]}]";
    $boot->set_list("nic_inbound", "{from}", $NICZ, null);
    $boot->set_list("nic_linked", "{to}", $NICZ, null);
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $_GET["ID"]);
    if (!$users->AsSystemAdministrator) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function etchosts_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $title_button = "{add_new_entry}";
    $boot->set_field("hostname", "{hostname}", $ligne["name"]);
    $boot->set_field("ipaddr", "{tcp_address}", $ligne["ipaddr"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("alias", "{alias}", null);
    if (!$users->AsSystemAdministrator) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function rule()
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $tpl = new templates();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $t = time();
    $q = new mysql();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("mailarchives", "artica_backup")) {
    $zmd5 = $_GET["zmd5"];
    $btname = "{apply}";
    if ($zmd5 == null) {
        $btname = "{add}";
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM mailarchives WHERE zmd5='{$zmd5}'";
    $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
    if (!$q->ok) {
        $error = "<p class='text-error'>{$q->mysql_error}.</p>";
    $directions["in"] = "{inbound}";
    $directions["out"] = "{outbound}";
    $directions["all"] = "{all}";
    $boot->set_checkbox("enable", "{enabled_rule}", $ligne["enable"]);
    $boot->set_field("email", "{member}", $ligne["email"], array("MANDATORY" => true, "DISABLED" => true, "BUTTON" => array("JS" => "Loadjs('MembersBrowse.php?field-user=%f&OnlyUsers=1&OnlyGUID=0');", "LABEL" => "{browse}...")));
    $boot->set_list("direction", "{direction}", $directions, $ligne["direction"]);
    if ($users->AsPostfixAdministrator) {
        $ldap = new clladp();
        $hash = $ldap->hash_get_ou(true);
        $boot->set_list("ou", "{organization}", $hash, $ligne["ou"]);
    $boot->set_field("next", "{destination}", $ligne["next"], array("MANDATORY" => true, "BUTTON" => array("JS" => "Loadjs('MembersBrowse.php?field-user=%f&OnlyUsers=1&OnlyGUID=0');", "LABEL" => "{browse}...")));
    $boot->set_hidden("zmd5", $zmd5);
    $params = unserialize(base64_decode($ligne["params"]));
    $boot->set_checkbox("USE_SMTP_SRV", "{external_smtp_server}", $params["USE_SMTP_SRV"], array("LINK" => "SMTP_SRV,USE_AUTH"));
    $boot->set_field("SMTP_SRV", "{smtp_server}", $params["SMTP_SRV"]);
    $boot->set_checkbox("USE_AUTH", "{smtp_authentication}", $params["USE_AUTH"], array("LINK" => "SMTP_USERNAME,SMTP_PASSWORD"));
    $boot->set_field("SMTP_USERNAME", "{username}", $params["SMTP_USERNAME"]);
    $boot->set_fieldpassword("SMTP_PASSWORD", "{password}", $params["SMTP_PASSWORD"]);
    $form = $boot->Compile();
    $title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{archive_rule}");
    $html = $error . "<H2>{$title}</H2><hr>" . $form;
    echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($html);
function group_popup()
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $title = "{new_group}";
    $bt = "{add}";
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("nginx_exploits_groups")) {
        $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nginx_exploits_groups` (\n\t\t\t  `ID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\t\t  `groupname` CHAR(255)  NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t  PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),\n\t\t\t  KEY `groupname` (`groupname`)\n\t\t\t)  ENGINE = MYISAM;";
        if (!$q->QUERY_SQL($sql)) {
            echo $q->mysql_error_html();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM nginx_exploits_groups WHERE ID='{$ID}'"));
        $bt = "{apply}";
        $title = "{$ligne["groupname"]}";
    $boot->set_hidden("editgroupid", $ID);
    $boot->set_hidden("servername", $_GET["servername"]);
    $boot->set_field("groupname", "{groupname}", $ligne["groupname"]);
    if ($ID == 0) {
        $boot->set_checkbox("addef", "{add_defaults}", 0);
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 5
function charter_settings()
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $title = "Acceptable Use Policy";
    $btname = "{add}";
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT TextIntro,TextButton,title FROM itcharters WHERE ID='{$ID}'"));
        if (!$q->ok) {
            echo "<p class=text-error>{$q->mysql_error}</p>";
        $title = $ligne["title"];
        $btname = "{apply}";
    if ($ligne["TextIntro"] == null) {
        $ligne["TextIntro"] = "<p style='font-size:18px'>Please read the IT chart before accessing trough Internet</p>";
    if ($ligne["TextButton"] == null) {
        $ligne["TextButton"] = "I accept the terms and conditions of this agreement";
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $ID);
    $boot->set_field("title", "{page_title}", $title);
    $boot->set_textarea("TextIntro", "{introduction_text}", $ligne["TextIntro"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_field("TextButton", "{text_button}", $ligne["TextButton"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    if (!$users->AsDansGuardianAdministrator) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 6
function lang_popup()
    $htmlT = new htmltools_inc();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $lang = $htmlT->LanguageArray();
    $tpl = new templates();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $boot->set_list("lang", "{language}", $lang, $tpl->language, array("COOKIE" => "artica-language"));
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 7
function cache_popup()
    $tpl = new templates();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $servername = $_GET["servername"];
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $title = "{new_cache}";
    $bt = "{add}";
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $NginxProxyStorePath = $sock->GET_INFO("NginxProxyStorePath");
    if ($NginxProxyStorePath == null) {
        $NginxProxyStorePath = "/home/nginx";
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM nginx_caches WHERE ID='{$ID}'"));
        $bt = "{apply}";
        $title = "{$ligne["keys_zone"]}";
    if ($ligne["keys_zone"] == null) {
        $ligne["keys_zone"] = time();
    if (trim($ligne["directory"]) == null) {
        $ligne["directory"] = $NginxProxyStorePath . "/{$ligne["keys_zone"]}";
    if ($ligne["levels"] == null) {
        $ligne["levels"] = "1:2";
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["keys_zone_size"])) {
        $ligne["keys_zone_size"] = 1;
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["max_size"])) {
        $ligne["max_size"] = 2;
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["inactive"])) {
        $ligne["inactive"] = 10;
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["loader_files"])) {
        $ligne["loader_files"] = 100;
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["loader_sleep"])) {
        $ligne["loader_sleep"] = 10;
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["loader_threshold"])) {
        $ligne["loader_threshold"] = 100;
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $ID);
    $boot->set_field("keys_zone", "{name}", $ligne["keys_zone"]);
    $boot->set_field("directory", "{directory}", $ligne["directory"], array("BROWSE" => true, "MANDATORY" => true, "ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_field("levels", "{levels}", $ligne["levels"]);
    $boot->set_field("keys_zone_size", "{memory_size} (MB)", $ligne["keys_zone_size"]);
    $boot->set_field("max_size", "{max_size} (GB)", $ligne["max_size"]);
    $boot->set_field("inactive", "{inactive} ({minutes})", $ligne["inactive"], array("TOOLTIP" => "{nginx_inactive_explain}"));
    $boot->set_field("loader_files", "{loader_files}", $ligne["loader_files"]);
    $boot->set_field("loader_sleep", "{loader_sleep} {milliseconds}", $ligne["loader_sleep"]);
    $boot->set_field("loader_threshold", "{loader_threshold} {milliseconds}", $ligne["loader_threshold"]);
    if ($servername == null) {
    if (!AdminPrivs()) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function member_popup()
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $tpl = new templates();
    $boot->set_field("ipaddr", "{ipaddr}", null, array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("username", "{username}", null, array("MANDATORY" => True));
    $boot->set_fieldpassword("password", "{password}", null, array("MANDATORY" => True));
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 9
function bridge_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $title_button = "{add}";
    $nics = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("cmd.php?list-nics=yes")));
    if ($_GET["ID"] > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM nics_bridge WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
        $q = new mysql();
        $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
        $title_button = "{apply}";
    $nics_array[null] = "{select}";
    $ous[null] = "{select}";
    $boot->set_field("name", "{name}", $ligne["name"]);
    $boot->set_field("ipaddr", "{tcp_address}", $ligne["ipaddr"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("netmask", "{netmask}", $ligne["netmask"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("cdir", "CDIR", $ligne["cdir"], array("CDIR" => "ipaddr,netmask"));
    $boot->set_field("broadcast", "{broadcast}", $ligne["broadcast"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("gateway", "{gateway}", $ligne["gateway"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $_GET["ID"]);
    if (!$users->AsSystemAdministrator) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function rules_params()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ID = $_GET["rules-params"];
    $title_button = "{add}";
    $title = "{new_authenticator_rule}";
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM authenticator_rules WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql));
        $title_button = "{apply}";
        $title = $ligne["rulename"];
    $boot->set_hidden("ruleid", $ID);
    $boot->set_field("rulename", "{rulename}", $ligne["rulename"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_field("cachetime", "{cachetime} ({minutes})", $ligne["cachetime"], array("TOOLTIP" => "{authenticator_cache_time_explain}"));
    $boot->set_textarea("explain", "{explain}", $ligne["explain"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $AdminPrivs = AdminPrivs();
    if (!$AdminPrivs) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 11
function page_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $title_button = "{add}";
    $title = "{new_error_page}";
    $f = new squid_reverse();
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM nginx_error_pages WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
        if (!$q->ok) {
            echo "<p class=text-error>{$q->mysql_error}</p>";
        $title_button = "{apply}";
        $title = $ligne["pagename"] . "&nbsp;&raquo;&raquo;&nbsp;" . $ligne["error_code"];
    while (list($key, $value) = each($f->errors_page)) {
        $errors_code[$value] = $value;
    $boot->set_hidden("page-save", "yes");
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $ID);
    $boot->set_field("pagename", "{pagename}", $ligne["pagename"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_list("error_code", "{error_code}", $errors_code, $ligne["error_code"]);
    $boot->set_field("title", "{page_title}", $ligne["title"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $AdminPrivs = AdminPrivs();
    if (!$AdminPrivs) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 12
function wizard_certificate_1()
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $tpl = new templates();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $hostname = $sock->GET_INFO("myhostname");
    if ($hostname == null) {
        $hostname = $sock->getFrameWork("system.php?hostname-g=yes");
        $sock->SET_INFO($hostname, "myhostname");
    $title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{new_certificate}");
    $html = "\n\t<div class=text-info style='font-size:18px'>{wizard_certificate_1}<br><i>{CSR_MULTIPLE_EXPLAIN}</i></div>";
    $ENC[1024] = 1024;
    $ENC[2048] = 2048;
    $ENC[4096] = 4096;
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $boot->set_field("wizard-certificate-commonname", "{CommonName}", $hostname);
    $boot->set_list("wizard-certificate-levelenc", "{level_encryption}", $ENC, 1024);
    $boot->set_fieldpassword("wizard-certificate-password", "{password}", "secret");
    echo $boot->Compile();
function tasks_popup()
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $tpl = new templates();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $tasks = new system_tasks();
    $PatternToHuman = null;
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $q = new mysql();
    $no_schedule_set = $tpl->javascript_parse_text("{no_schedule_set}");
    $buttontext = "{add}";
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $t = $_GET["t"];
    $title = "{new_schedule}";
    $task_type = $tasks->tasks_array;
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $buttontext = "{apply}";
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM system_schedules WHERE ID={$ID}", "artica_backup"));
        $ligne["TimeDescription"] = utf8_encode($ligne["TimeDescription"]);
        $title = $task_type[$ligne["TaskType"]];
        $PatternToHuman = "<br>" . $tasks->PatternToHuman($ligne["TimeText"], true);
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["TaskType"])) {
        $ligne["TaskType"] = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($ID)) {
        $ID = 0;
    if (!$users->KAV4PROXY_INSTALLED) {
    if (!$users->UPDATE_UTILITYV2_INSTALLED) {
    $task_type = $tasks->tasks_array;
    while (list($TaskType, $content) = each($task_type)) {
        $taskz[$TaskType] = "[{$TaskType}] " . $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($content);
    $YahooWinHide = "YahooWin{$_GET["YahooWin"]}";
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $ID);
    if ($ID == 0) {
        if ($_GET["task-section"] > 0) {
            $boot->set_hidden("TaskType", $_GET["task-section"]);
            $boot->set_formdescription($tasks->tasks_explain_array[$_GET["task-section"]] . $PatternToHuman);
            $ligne["TimeDescription"] = $tpl->javascript_parse_text($tasks->tasks_array[$_GET["task-section"]]);
        } else {
            $boot->set_list("TaskType", "{type}", $taskz, null);
        $ligne["enabled"] = 1;
    } else {
        $boot->set_hidden("TaskType", $ligne["TaskType"]);
    $boot->set_checkbox("enabled", "{enabled}", $ligne["enabled"]);
    $boot->set_textarea("TimeDescription", "{description}", $ligne["TimeDescription"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_field("TimeText", "{schedule}", $ligne["TimeText"], array("SCHEDULE" => true, "MANDATORY" => true, "DISABLED" => true));
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function category_settings()
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $dans = new dansguardian_rules();
    $lock = false;
    if ($_GET["cat"] != null) {
        $lock = true;
        $sql = "SELECT category_description,master_category FROM personal_categories WHERE category='{$_GET["cat"]}'";
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql));
    $groups = $dans->LoadBlackListesGroups();
    $groups[null] = "{select}";
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    if (!$lock) {
        $boot->set_field("category-to-add", "{category}", null, array("ENCODE" => true));
    } else {
        $boot->set_hidden("category-to-add", $_GET["cat"]);
    $boot->set_textarea("category_text", "{description}", $ligne["category_description"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_list("group", "{group}", $groups, $ligne["master_category"]);
    $boot->set_field("CatzByGroupA", "{group} ({add})", null);
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 15
function parent_params()
    $tpl = new templates();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $ID = $_GET["parent-params"];
    $array_type["parent"] = "parent";
    $array_type["sibling"] = "sibling";
    $array_type["multicast"] = "multicast";
    $btname = "{add}";
    $q = new mysql();
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM squid_parents WHERE ID={$ID}";
        $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
        $btname = "{apply}";
    $addoptions = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{squid_parent_options}");
    $add = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{add}");
    $t = time();
    if (strlen(trim($ligne["icp_port"])) == 0) {
        $ligne["icp_port"] = 0;
    $options = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{options}");
    $q = new mysql();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    if ($ID == 0) {
        $title = "{add_a_parent_proxy}";
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $button = "{apply}";
        $title = $ligne["servername"];
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["weight"])) {
        $ligne["weight"] = 1;
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["enabled"])) {
        $ligne["enabled"] = 1;
    $boot->set_hidden("parent-id", $ID);
    $boot->set_field("servername", "{hostname}", $ligne["servername"], array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $boot->set_checkbox("enabled", "{enabled}", $ligne["enabled"]);
    $boot->set_field("weight", "{order}", $ligne["weight"], array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $boot->set_field("server_port", "{listen_port}", $ligne["server_port"]);
    $boot->set_field("icp_port", "{icp_port}", $ligne["icp_port"], array("TOOLTIP" => "{icp_port_explain}"));
    $boot->set_list("server_type", "{server_type}", $array_type, $ligne["server_type"], array("TOOLTIP" => "{squid_parent_sibling_how_to}"));
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 16
function replace_group_popup()
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $title = "{new_group}";
    $bt = "{add}";
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM nginx_replace_group WHERE ID='{$ID}'"));
        $bt = "{apply}";
        $title = "{$ligne["groupname"]}";
    if ($ligne["groupname"] == null) {
        $ligne["groupname"] = "New Group";
    $boot->set_hidden("editgroupid", $ID);
    $boot->set_field("groupname", "{groupname}", $ligne["groupname"]);
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function remotedomain_add()
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ou = $_SESSION["ou"];
    $btname = "{add}";
    $domain = $_GET["domain"];
    if ($domain != null) {
        $btname = "{apply}";
    if ($ou == null) {
        $ou = $ldap->ou_by_smtp_domain($domain);
    $HashDomains = $ldap->Hash_relay_domains();
    $tools = new DomainsTools();
    $arr = $tools->transport_maps_explode($HashDomains[$domain]);
    $dn = "cn=@{$domain},cn=relay_recipient_maps,ou={$ou},dc=organizations,{$ldap->suffix}";
    $trusted_smtp_domain = 0;
    if ($ldap->ExistsDN($dn)) {
        $trusted_smtp_domain = 1;
    if (!is_numeric($arr[2])) {
        $arr[2] = 25;
    if ($arr[3] == null) {
        $arr[3] = 0;
    } else {
        if ($arr[3] == "no") {
            $arr[3] = 0;
        } else {
            $arr[3] = 1;
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    if ($domain != null) {
        $boot->set_field("remotedomain", "{domain}", $domain, array("MANDATORY" => true, "DISABLED" => true));
    } else {
        $boot->set_field("remotedomain", "{domain}", $domain, array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $users = new usersMenus();
    if ($users->AsPostfixAdministrator) {
        $ous = $ldap->hash_get_ou(true);
        $boot->set_list("ou", "{ou}", $ous, $ou);
    } else {
        $boot->set_hidden("ou", $ou);
    $boot->set_field("destination", "{destination}", $arr[1], null, array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $boot->set_field("destination_port", "{port}", $arr[2], null, array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $boot->set_checkbox("MX", "{MX_lookups}", $arr[3], array('TOOLTIP' => "{mx_look}"));
    $boot->set_checkbox("trusted_smtp_domain", "{trusted_smtp_domain}", $trusted_smtp_domain, array('TOOLTIP' => "{trusted_smtp_domain_text}"));
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 18
function popup()
    $tpl = new templates();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $title = "{new_page}";
    $buttonname = "{add}";
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM reverse_pages_content WHERE ID='{$ID}'"));
        $title = $ligne["subject"];
        $buttonname = "{apply}";
    if ($ligne["content"] == null) {
        $ligne["content"] = "<html>\n<head>\n<title>It's works</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n\t<H1>It works!</H1>\n</body>\n</html>";
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $ID);
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["cachemin"])) {
        $ligne["cachemin"] = 5;
    $boot->set_list("cachemin", "{cache}", $ligne["cachemin"], $q->CACHE_AGES);
    $boot->set_field("subject", "{subject}", $ligne["subject"]);
    $boot->set_textarea("content", "{content}", $ligne["content"], array("ENCODE" => true, "HEIGHT" => 350));
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 19
function subrules_popup()
    $ruleid = $_GET["rule-id"];
    $ID = $_GET["subrule"];
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $tpl = new templates();
    $t = time();
    $buttonname = "{add}";
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $q = new mysql();
        $sql = "SELECT *  FROM iproute_rules WHERE ID={$ID}";
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
        $title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{$ID}::{$ligne["src"]} - {$ligne["destination"]}");
        $buttonname = "{apply}";
    } else {
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["enable"])) {
        $ligne["enable"] = 1;
    $boot->set_hidden("subruleid", $ID);
    $boot->set_hidden("ruleid", $ruleid);
    $boot->set_field("src", "{source}", $ligne["source"]);
    $boot->set_field("destination", "{destination}", $ligne["destination"]);
    $boot->set_field("priority", "{priority}", $ligne["priority"]);
    $boot->set_checkbox("enable", "{enabled}", $ligne["enable"]);
    $users = new usersMenus();
    if (!$users->AsSystemAdministrator) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 20
function add_user_popup()
    $ldap = new clladp();
    if ($_GET["ou"] == null) {
    $hash = $ldap->hash_groups($_GET["ou"], 1);
    $domains = $ldap->hash_get_domains_ou($_GET["ou"]);
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $boot->set_hidden("ou", $_GET["ou"]);
    $boot->set_hidden("encpass", 1);
    $boot->set_field("new_userid", "{name_the_new_account_title}", null, array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $boot->set_field("password", "{password}", null, array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $boot->set_field("email", "{email}", null, array("MANDATORY" => true));
    $boot->set_field("password", "{password}", null, array("MANDATORY" => true, "ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_list("group_id", "{group}", $hash);
    $boot->set_formtitle("{$_GET["ou"]}:: {new_member}");
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 21
function virtip_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $title_button = "{add}";
    $nics = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("cmd.php?list-nics=yes")));
    if ($_GET["ID"] > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM nics_virtuals WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
        $q = new mysql();
        $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
        $title_button = "{apply}";
    $ous = $ldap->hash_get_ou(true);
    $ous["openvpn_service"] = "{APP_OPENVPN}";
    while (list($num, $val) = each($nics)) {
        $nics_array[$val] = $val;
    $nics_array[null] = "{select}";
    $ous[null] = "{select}";
    $boot->set_list("nic", "{nic}", $nics_array, $ligne["nic"]);
    $boot->set_list("org", "{organization}", $ous, $ligne["org"]);
    $boot->set_field("ipaddr", "{tcp_address}", $ligne["ipaddr"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("netmask", "{netmask}", $ligne["netmask"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("cdir", "CDIR", $ligne["cdir"], array("CDIR" => "ipaddr,netmask"));
    $boot->set_field("gateway", "{gateway}", $ligne["gateway"], array("IPV4" => true));
    $boot->set_field("metric", "{metric}", $ligne["metric"]);
    $boot->set_hidden("ID", $_GET["ID"]);
    $boot->set_checkbox("ForceGateway", "{ForceGateway}", $ligne["ForceGateway"]);
    if (!$users->AsSystemAdministrator) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function pools_popup()
    $tpl = new templates();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $poolid = $_GET["pool-id"];
    if (!is_numeric($poolid)) {
        $poolid = 0;
    $title = "{new_pool}";
    $bt = "{add}";
    if ($poolid > 0) {
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM nginx_pools WHERE ID='{$poolid}'"));
        $title = $ligne["poolname"];
        $bt = "{apply}";
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $boot->set_hidden("poolid", $poolid);
    $hashtype[null] = "{default}";
    $hashtype["ip_hash"] = "ip_hash";
    $hashtype["least_conn"] = "least_conn";
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["keepalive"])) {
        $ligne["keepalive"] = 0;
    $boot->set_field("poolname", "{name}", $ligne["poolname"]);
    $boot->set_list("hashtype", "{type}", $hashtype, $ligne["hashtype"]);
    $boot->set_field("keepalive", "{keepalive}", $ligne["keepalive"]);
    if ($poolid == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
function search_database_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $q = new mysql_storelogs();
        $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(filetime,'%Y-%m-%d') as filetime FROM files_info GROUP BY filetime ORDER BY filetime DESC";
        $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql);
        $dayz[null] = "{select}";
        while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
            $time = time_to_date(strtotime($ligne["filetime"] . " 00:00:00"));
            $dayz[$ligne["filetime"]] = $time;
        $_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_HOST_DAY_FIELDY"] = serialize($dayz);
    if (!isset($_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_HOST_FIELDZ"])) {
        $sql = "SELECT hostname FROM files_info GROUP BY hostname ORDER BY hostname ASC";
        $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql);
        $hostz[null] = "{select}";
        while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
            $hostz[$ligne["hostname"]] = $ligne["hostname"];
        $_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_HOST_FIELDZ"] = serialize($hostz);
    $LIMITS[50] = 50;
    $LIMITS[250] = 250;
    $LIMITS[500] = 250;
    $LIMITS[1000] = 1000;
    $LIMITS[2000] = 2000;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_LIMIT"])) {
        $_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_LIMIT"] = 250;
    if (!is_numeric($_GET["xtime"])) {
        $boot->set_list("QUERY_SYSLOG_DATE", "{date}", unserialize($_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_HOST_DAY_FIELDY"]), $_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_DATE"]);
    $boot->set_list("QUERY_SYSLOG_HOST", "{hostname}", unserialize($_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_HOST_FIELDZ"]), $_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_HOST"]);
    $boot->set_field("QUERY_SYSLOG_FILE", "{filename}", $_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_FILE"]);
    $boot->set_list("QUERY_SYSLOG_LIMIT", "{rows}", $LIMITS, $_SESSION["QUERY_SYSLOG_LIMIT"]);
    echo $boot->Compile();
function sources_add_group_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $ID = $_GET["groupid"];
    $title_button = "{add}";
    $title = "{new_group}";
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM authenticator_auth WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
        if (!$q->ok) {
            echo "<p class=text-error>{$q->mysql_error}</p>";
        $title_button = "{apply}";
        $title = $ligne["groupname"] . "&nbsp;&raquo;&raquo;&nbsp;" . $GLOBALS["TYPES"][$ligne["group_type"]];
    $mainrule = $_GET["mainrule"];
    if (!is_numeric($mainrule)) {
        $mainrule = 0;
    $boot->set_hidden("rules-sources-add-group-save", "yes");
    $boot->set_hidden("mainrule", $mainrule);
    $boot->set_hidden("groupid", $ID);
    $boot->set_field("groupname", "{groupname}", $ligne["groupname"], array("ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_checkbox("enabled", "{enabled}", $ligne["enabled"]);
    if ($ID == 0) {
        $boot->set_list("group_type", "{groupe_type}", $GLOBALS["TYPES"], $ligne["group_type"]);
    } else {
        $boot->set_hidden("group_type", $ligne["group_type"]);
    $AdminPrivs = AdminPrivs();
    if (!$AdminPrivs) {
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 25
function section_blocked_form()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    while (list($tablename, $none) = each($ARRAYTABLES)) {
        $time = $q->TIME_FROM_DAY_TABLE($tablename);
        $days[$time] = time_to_date($time);
    $BLOCKED_CATEGORY_LIMITS[1000] = 1000;
    $BLOCKED_CATEGORY_LIMITS[2000] = 2000;
    $boot->set_list("QUERY_BLOCKED_DATE", "{date}", $days, $_SESSION["QUERY_BLOCKED_DATE"]);
    $boot->set_field("QUERY_BLOCKED_UID", "{member}", $_SESSION["QUERY_BLOCKED_UID"]);
    $boot->set_field("QUERY_BLOCKED_CATEGORY", "{category}", $_SESSION["QUERY_BLOCKED_CATEGORY"]);
    echo $boot->Compile();
function policy2()
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $tpl = new templates();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $t = time();
    $q = new amavisdb();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $policy_id = $_GET["policy-id"];
    $btname = "{apply}";
    if ($policy_id < 1) {
        $btname = "{add}";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM policy WHERE id='{$policy_id}'";
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql));
        if (!$q->ok) {
            $error = "<p class='text-error'>{$q->mysql_error}.</p>";
    $boot->set_hidden("policy_id", $policy_id);
    $boot->set_field("spam_tag_level", "{spam_tag_level}", $ligne["spam_tag_level"]);
    $boot->set_field("spam_tag2_level", "{spam_tag2_level}", $ligne["spam_tag2_level"]);
    $boot->set_field("spam_tag3_level", "{spam_tag3_level}", $ligne["spam_tag3_level"]);
    $boot->set_field("spam_kill_level", "{spam_kill_level}", $ligne["spam_kill_level"]);
    $boot->set_field("spam_dsn_cutoff_level", "{spam_dsn_cutoff_level}", $ligne["spam_dsn_cutoff_level"]);
    $boot->set_field("spam_quarantine_cutoff_level", "{spam_quarantine_cutoff_level}", $ligne["spam_quarantine_cutoff_level"]);
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 27
function websites_popup_webserver_replace_popup()
    $tpl = new templates();
    $page = CurrentPageName();
    $servername = $_GET["servername"];
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $title = "{new_rule}";
    $bt = "{add}";
    $ID = $_GET["replaceid"];
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $servername = $_GET["servername"];
    if ($ID > 0) {
        $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM nginx_replace_www WHERE ID='{$ID}'"));
        $bt = "{apply}";
        $title = "{$ligne["rulename"]}";
        $ligne["stringtosearch"] = stripslashes($ligne["stringtosearch"]);
        $ligne["replaceby"] = stripslashes($ligne["replaceby"]);
        $servername = $ligne["servername"];
    if ($ligne["tokens"] == null) {
        $ligne["tokens"] = "g";
    if ($ligne["rulename"] == null) {
        $ligne["rulename"] = time();
    $boot->set_hidden("replaceid", $ID);
    $boot->set_hidden("servername", $servername);
    $boot->set_field("rulename", "{name}", $ligne["rulename"]);
    $boot->set_field("zorder", "{order}", $ligne["zorder"]);
    $boot->set_textarea("stringtosearch", "{search}", $ligne["stringtosearch"], array("MANDATORY" => true, "ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_checkbox("AsRegex", "{regex}", $ligne["AsRegex"], array("TOOLTIP" => "{replace_regex_explain}"));
    $boot->set_textarea("replaceby", "{replace}", $ligne["replaceby"], array("MANDATORY" => true, "ENCODE" => true));
    $boot->set_field("tokens", "{flags}", $ligne["tokens"], array("MANDATORY" => true));
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 28
function firewall_popup()
    $ID = $_GET["ID"];
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $bt = "{apply}";
    $servername = $_GET["servername"];
    if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("nginx_exploits_fw")) {
        $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `nginx_exploits_fw` (\n\t\t`servername` CHAR(255) NOT NULL  PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t`maxaccess` smallint(1)  NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n\t\t`sendlogs` smallint(1)  NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n\t\tKEY `maxaccess` (`maxaccess`),\n\t\tKEY `sendlogs` (`sendlogs`)\n\t\t)  ENGINE = MYISAM;";
        if (!$q->QUERY_SQL($sql)) {
            echo $q->mysql_error_html();
    $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM nginx_exploits_fw WHERE servername='{$servername}'"));
    if (!is_numeric($ligne["maxaccess"])) {
        $ligne["maxaccess"] = 0;
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $boot->set_hidden("servername", $_GET["servername"]);
    $boot->set_hidden("firewall", $_GET["servername"]);
    $boot->set_field("maxaccess", "{MAX_EVENTS}", $ligne["maxaccess"], array("TOOLTIP" => "{NGINX_MAXACCESS_FW_EXPLAIN}"));
    $boot->set_checkbox("sendlogs", "{write_logs}", $ligne["sendlogs"]);
    if ($ID == 0) {
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 29
function table_all_videos_search_popup()
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    if (isset($_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_CATZ"])) {
        $testCatz = unserialize($_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_CATZ"]);
        if (!is_array($testCatz)) {
    if (!isset($_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_CATZ"])) {
        $sql = "SELECT category  FROM youtube_objects GROUP BY category";
        $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql);
        $dayz[null] = "{select}";
        while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
            $time = time_to_date(strtotime($ligne["filetime"] . " 00:00:00"));
            $dayz[$ligne["category"]] = $ligne["category"];
        $_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_CATZ"] = serialize($dayz);
    $LIMITS[50] = 50;
    $LIMITS[250] = 250;
    $LIMITS[500] = 250;
    $LIMITS[1000] = 1000;
    $LIMITS[2000] = 2000;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_LIMIT"])) {
    $boot->set_list("QUERY_YOUTUBE_CATE", "{category}", unserialize($_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_CATZ"]), $_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_CATE"]);
    $boot->set_list("QUERY_YOUTUBE_LIMIT", "{rows}", $LIMITS, $_SESSION["QUERY_YOUTUBE_LIMIT"]);
    echo $boot->Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 30
function rule_id()
    $ID = $_GET["pattern-id"];
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $boot = new boostrap_form();
    if ($ID == 0) {
        $title = "{new_rule}";
        $btname = "{add}";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM haarp_redirpats WHERE ID='{$ID}'";
        $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"));
        if (!$q->ok) {
            $error = "<p class='text-error'>{$q->mysql_error}.</p>";
        $title = "{rule}::{$ID}";
        $btname = "{apply}";
    $boot->set_hidden("pattern-id", $ID);
    $boot->set_textarea("pattern", "{pattern}", $ligne["pattern"]);
    echo $boot->Compile();