Ejemplo n.º 1
 static function info_block_get_metadata($block, $item)
     $link = ORM::factory("bitly_link")->where("item_id", "=", $item->id)->find();
     if ($link->loaded()) {
         $info = $block->content->metadata;
         $info["bitly_url"] = array("label" => t("bit.ly url:"), "value" => bitly::url($link->hash));
         $block->content->metadata = $info;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * bit.ly module's settings
  * @todo Create/get and display the shortened value for this Gallery's root album (home page)
 public function index()
     $form = bitly::get_configure_form();
     $login = module::get_var("bitly", "login");
     $api_key = module::get_var("bitly", "api_key");
     $domain = module::get_var("bitly", "domain");
     $valid_config = false;
     if (request::method() == "post") {
         if ($form->validate()) {
             $new_login = $form->configure_bitly->login->value;
             $new_key = $form->configure_bitly->api_key->value;
             $new_domain = $form->configure_bitly->domain->value;
             module::set_var("bitly", "login", $new_login);
             module::set_var("bitly", "api_key", $new_key);
             module::set_var("bitly", "domain", $new_domain);
             if (!bitly::check_config()) {
             } else {
                 if ($login && !$new_login) {
                     message::success(t("Your bit.ly login has been cleared."));
                 } else {
                     if ($login && $new_login && $login != $new_login) {
                         message::success(t("Your bit.ly login has been changed."));
                     } else {
                         if (!$login && $new_login) {
                             message::success(t("Your bit.ly login has been saved."));
                 if ($api_key && !$new_key) {
                     message::success(t("Your bit.ly API key has been cleared."));
                 } else {
                     if ($api_key && $new_key && $api_key != $new_key) {
                         message::success(t("Your bit.ly API key has been changed."));
                     } else {
                         if (!$api_key && $new_key) {
                             message::success(t("Your bit.ly API key has been saved."));
                 if ($domain && $new_domain && $domain != $new_domain) {
                     message::success(t("Your preferrend bit.ly domain has been changed."));
                 } else {
                     if (!$domain && $new_domain) {
                         message::success(t("Your preferred bit.ly domain has been saved."));
                 log::success("bitly", t("bit.ly login changed to %new_login", array("new_login" => $new_login)));
                 log::success("bitly", t("bit.ly API key changed to %new_key", array("new_key" => $new_key)));
                 !$new_login || !$new_key ? $valid_config = false : ($valid_config = true);
     $view = new Admin_View("admin.html");
     $view->page_title = t("bit.ly url shortner");
     $view->content = new View("admin_bitly.html");
     $view->content->login = $form->configure_bitly->login->value;
     $view->content->api_key = $form->configure_bitly->api_key->value;
     $view->content->domain = $form->configure_bitly->domain->value;
     $view->content->form = $form;
     $link = ORM::factory("bitly_link")->where("item_id", "=", 1)->find();
     if ($link->loaded()) {
         $view->content->g3_url = bitly::url($link->hash);
     } else {
         if ($valid_config && !empty($login) && !empty($api_key) && !empty($domain)) {
             $view->content->g3_url = bitly::shorten_url(1);
     print $view;