Ejemplo n.º 1
     $layoutobj->content1 = "<br><br>" . $bhlang['error:username_invalid'];
 } else {
     # Generate a random new ten-letter password
     $alphabetanumba = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
     $newpass = "";
     $max = strlen($alphabetanumba) - 1;
     $length = 10;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
         $newpass .= substr($alphabetanumba, rand(0, $max), 1);
     $userirows = select_bhdb("userinfo", array("username" => $resetrows[0]['username'], "itemname" => "email"), "");
     $emailaddr = $userirows[0]['itemcontent'];
     # Send the email with the new password
     # Email them about it with the validation link
     $emailobj = new bhemail($emailaddr);
     $emailobj->subject = str_replace("#SITENAME#", $bhconfig['sitename'], $bhlang['emailsubject:passreset_new_password']);
     $emailobj->message = str_replace("#PASSWORD#", $newpass, $bhlang['email:passreset_new_password']);
     $emailaway = $emailobj->send();
     if ($emailaway == false) {
         # Open layout object
         $layoutobj = new bhlayout("generic");
         # Send the file listing to the layout, along with directory name
         $layoutobj->title = $bhlang['title:signup'];
         $layoutobj->content1 = "<br><br>" . $bhlang['error:email_error'];
     } else {
         # Update the database with it.
         bh_auth_set_password($resetrows[0]['username'], $newpass);
         # Open layout object
         $layoutobj = new bhlayout("generic");
Ejemplo n.º 2
function bh_log($message, $type)
    global $bhlang, $bhcurrent, $bhconfig, $bherrors;
    # This is the all-singing, all-dancing logging system.
    # First, retrieve all actions matching this type from the database
    $matchingactions = select_bhdb("logactions", array("type" => $type), "");
    # Then, see if there are some, and go through them if there are.
    if (!empty($matchingactions)) {
        foreach ($matchingactions as $matchingaction) {
            # Try to match the action to the ones we know about.
            switch ($matchingaction['action']) {
                case "fileappend":
                case "logtofile":
                    # Append to a file. Check if we have a filename, or just log to the default one.
                    if (!empty($matchingaction['parameters'])) {
                        $fn = @fopen($bhconfig['bhfilepath'] . "/" . $matchingaction['parameters'], "a");
                        @fputs($fn, time() . ":" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ":" . $message . "\n");
                    } elseif (!empty($bhconfig['logfile'])) {
                        $fn = @fopen($bhconfig['bhfilepath'] . "/" . $bhconfig['logfile'], "a");
                        @fputs($fn, time() . ":" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ":" . $message . "\n");
                    } else {
                        $fn = @fopen($bhconfig['bhfilepath'] . "/log", "a");
                        @fputs($fn, time() . ":" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ":" . $message . "\n");
                case "email":
                    # Email it to someone. Check for a specified email address, or fail.
                    if (!empty($matchingaction['parameters'])) {
                        $emailobj = new bhemail($matchingaction['parameters']);
                        $emailobj->subject = "Notification from ByteHoard @ " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
                        $emailobj->sig = "\n\n\nPowered by ByteHoard " . $bhconfig['version'] . " / Sent at " . date("l dS F Y h:i:s A");
                        $emailobj->message = $message;
                    } else {
                        # Nothing to do. Oh well.
                case "emailtype":
                    # Email it to them. Check for a specified type, or fail.
                    if (!empty($matchingaction['parameters'])) {
                        $emailobj = new bhemail();
                        $emailobj->subject = "Notification from ByteHoard @ " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
                        $emailobj->sig = "\n\n\nPowered by ByteHoard " . $bhconfig['version'] . " / Sent at " . date("l dS F Y h:i:s A");
                        $emailobj->message = $message;
                    } else {
                        # Nothing to do. Oh well.
                case "onscreen":
                    # Set error in template thingmywatsit.
                    $bherrors[] = array('message' => $message, 'type' => $matchingaction['parameters']);
    } else {
        # Set error in template thingmywatsit.
        $bherrors[] = array('message' => $message, 'type' => 'warning');
Ejemplo n.º 3
             if (empty($email)) {
                 if (empty($_POST['filemail']['email'])) {
                     bh_log($bhlang['error:no_emailaddr'], "BH_ERROR");
             } elseif (strpos($email, "@") === FALSE) {
                 bh_log(str_replace("#EMAIL#", $email, $bhlang['error:invalid_email_#EMAIL#']), "BH_ERROR");
             } else {
                 if ($_POST['filemail']['notify'] == "on") {
                     $notify = 1;
                 } else {
                     $notify = 0;
                 $userobj = new bhuser($bhsession['username']);
                 $emailfrom = $userobj->userinfo['email'];
                 $filecode = bh_filelink_add($filepath, $expires, $bhsession['username'], $email, $notify);
                 $emailobj = new bhemail($email);
                 $emailobj->subject = $_POST['filemail']['subject'];
                 $fileobj = new bhfile($filepath);
                 $filesize = bh_humanise_filesize($fileobj->fileinfo['filesize']);
                 $findarr = array("#DATE#", "#LINK#", "#SYSTEMNAME#", "#FILENAME#", "#FILESIZE#", "#MD5#");
                 $replarr = array(date("l dS F Y g:i A", $expires), bh_filelink_uri($filecode), $bhconfig['sitename'], bh_get_filename($filepath), $filesize, $fileobj->md5());
                 $emailobj->message = $_POST['filemail']['message'] . "\n\n" . str_replace($findarr, $replarr, $bhlang['email:filemail_footer']);
                 if (!empty($emailfrom)) {
                     $emailobj->from = $emailfrom;
                 bh_log(str_replace("#EMAIL#", $email, $bhlang['notice:email_sent_to_#EMAIL#']), "BH_NOTICE");
 } else {