Ejemplo n.º 1
  * View Bossprogress page
  * @param viewNavigation $Navigation
 public function buildpage(viewNavigation $Navigation)
     global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user, $template, $config;
     $igame = new \bbdkp\controller\games\Game();
     $igame->game_id = $Navigation->getGameId();
     $Guild = new \bbdkp\controller\guilds\Guilds($Navigation->getGuildId());
     $bp = new \bbdkp\controller\Raids\GuildProgress();
     $data = $bp->GetProgress($Guild);
     $numzones = 0;
     foreach ($data as $zone_id => $zone) {
         $numzones += 1;
     $start = request_var('start', 0);
     $template->assign_vars(array('S_STYLE' => $config['bbdkp_zone_style'], 'S_BPSHOW' => true, 'GAMELOGO' => $phpbb_root_path . 'images/bbdkp/gameworld/' . $Guild->game_id . '/' . $Guild->game_id . '.png', 'F_BP' => \append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}dkp.{$phpEx}", 'page=bossprogress&guild_id=' . $Navigation->getGuildId()), 'GAME_ID' => $Navigation->getGameId(), 'GAME_NAME' => $igame->getName(), 'GUILD_ID' => $Guild->guildid, 'PAGE_NUMBER' => \on_page($numzones, 2, $start), 'PAGINATION' => \generate_pagination(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}dkp.{$phpEx}", "page=bossprogress&guild_id=" . $Guild->guildid), $numzones, 2, $start, true), 'U_BPIMG' => "{$phpbb_root_path}images/bbdkp/gameworld/{$Navigation->getGameId()}/{$Navigation->getGameId()}.png"));
     $i = 0;
     $j = 0;
     //loop the zones
     foreach ($data as $zone_id => $zone) {
         $i += 1;
         if ($i >= $start) {
             $j += 1;
             //show max 2 zones per page
             if ($j <= 2) {
                 $template->assign_block_vars('zone', array('ZONE_NAME' => $zone['zonename'], 'ZONE_ID' => $zone['zoneid'], 'ZONE_PROGRESSIMG' => $zone['zoneimage'], 'ZONE_BACKGROUNDIMG' => $zone['zonebackground'], 'ZONECOMPLETE' => $zone['zonecomplete'], 'ZONESTATS' => $zone['zonestats']));
                 foreach ($zone['bosses'] as $boss_id => $boss) {
                     $killdate = '';
                     if ($boss['bosskilldate'] != '') {
                         $killdate = date($config['bbdkp_date_format'], $boss['bosskilldate']);
                         // convert UNIX timestamp to PHP DateTime
                     if ($boss['bosskilled'] == 0) {
                         $bossimg = "{$phpbb_root_path}images/bbdkp/gameworld/" . $Guild->game_id . '/bosses/' . $boss['imagename'] . '_b.png';
                     } else {
                         $bossimg = "{$phpbb_root_path}images/bbdkp/gameworld/" . $Guild->game_id . '/bosses/' . $boss['imagename'] . '.png';
                     $template->assign_block_vars('zone.boss', array('BOSS_NAME' => $boss['bossname'], 'BOSS_IMAGENAME' => $bossimg, 'BOSS_ID' => $boss['id'], 'BOSS_WEBID' => $boss['webid'], 'BOSS_TYPE' => $boss['type'], 'BOSS_URL' => sprintf($igame->getBossbaseurl(), $boss['webid']), 'BOSS_URLVIEW' => $phpbb_root_path . "images/bbdkp/icons/view.gif", 'BOSS_KILLED' => $boss['bosskilled'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'BOSS_SHOW' => $boss['bossshow'] == 1 ? "checked=checked" : '', 'BOSS_KILLDATE' => $killdate, 'BOSS_COUNTER' => $boss['bosscounter'], 'S_BOSS_KILLED' => $boss['bosskilled']));
Ejemplo n.º 2
function display_bpblock($guild_id)
    global $config, $user, $phpbb_root_path, $template, $phpEx;
    //include the guilds class
    if (!class_exists('\\bbdkp\\controller\\guilds\\Guilds')) {
        require "{$phpbb_root_path}includes/bbdkp/controller/guilds/Guilds.{$phpEx}";
    $Guild = new \bbdkp\controller\guilds\Guilds($guild_id);
    if (!class_exists('\\bbdkp\\controller\\raids\\GuildProgress')) {
        require "{$phpbb_root_path}includes/bbdkp/controller/raids/BossProgress.{$phpEx}";
    $bp = new \bbdkp\controller\Raids\GuildProgress();
    $igame = new \bbdkp\controller\games\Game();
    $igame->game_id = $Guild->game_id;
    $data = $bp->GetProgress($Guild);
    //loop the zones
    foreach ($data as $zone_id => $zone) {
        if ((int) $zone['zonecomplete'] <= 0) {
            $cssclass = 'bpprogress00';
        } elseif ((int) $zone['zonecomplete'] <= 25) {
            $cssclass = 'bpprogress25';
        } elseif ((int) $zone['zonecomplete'] <= 50) {
            $cssclass = 'bpprogress50';
        } elseif ((int) $zone['zonecomplete'] <= 75) {
            $cssclass = 'bpprogress75';
        } elseif ((int) $zone['zonecomplete'] <= 99) {
            $cssclass = 'bpprogress99';
        } elseif ((int) $zone['zonecomplete'] >= 100) {
            $cssclass = 'bpprogress100';
        $template->assign_block_vars('zone', array('ZONE_NAME' => $zone['zonename'], 'ZONE_ID' => $zone['zoneid'], 'ZONECOMPLETE' => $zone['zonecomplete'], 'ZONEKILLS' => $zone['zonekills'], 'BOSSCOUNT' => $zone['zonebosses'], 'ZONE_URL' => sprintf($igame->getZonebaseurl(), $zone['webid']), 'CSSCLASS' => $cssclass));
        foreach ($zone['bosses'] as $boss_id => $boss) {
            $template->assign_block_vars('zone.boss', array('BOSS_NAME' => $boss['bossname'], 'BOSS_URL' => sprintf($igame->getBossbaseurl(), $boss['webid']), 'BOSS_KILLED' => $boss['bosskilled'] == "1" ? "1" : "0"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function main($id, $mode)
     global $cache, $user, $template, $config, $phpEx, $phpbb_admin_path, $phpbb_root_path;
     $user->add_lang(array('mods/dkp_admin', 'mods/dkp_common', 'mods/dkp_gameworld'));
     $template->assign_vars(array('BP_VERS' => $config['bbdkp_gameworld_version']));
     $this->page_title = $user->lang['WORLDPROGRESS'] . ' ' . $config['bbdkp_gameworld_version'];
     $this->game_id = request_var('displaygame', request_var('game_id', ''));
     $this->igame = new games\Game();
     $this->igame->game_id = $this->game_id;
     $this->gmlink = '<br /><a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld") . '"><h3>' . $user->lang['RETURN_DKPINDEX'] . '</h3></a>';
     $this->zonelink = '<br /><a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id) . '"><h3>' . $user->lang['RETURN_DKPINDEX'] . '</h3></a>';
     $this->bosslink = '<br /><a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=bossbase&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id) . '"><h3>' . $user->lang['RETURN_DKPINDEX'] . '</h3></a>';
     foreach ($this->games as $id => $gamename) {
         $template->assign_block_vars('game_row', array('VALUE' => $id, 'SELECTED' => $id == $this->game_id ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'OPTION' => $gamename));
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'gameworldconfig':
             $submit = isset($_POST['submitsettings']) ? true : false;
             if ($submit) {
                 set_config('bbdkp_boss_hidenonkilled', isset($_POST['hidenewboss']) ? 1 : 0);
                 set_config('bbdkp_zone_photo', request_var('headertype', 0), 0);
                 set_config('bbdkp_zone_style', request_var('zonestyle', 0));
                 set_config('bbdkp_zone_progress', request_var('zoneprogress', 0));
                 set_config('bbdkp_boss_hidenewzone', isset($_POST['hidenewzone']) ? 1 : 0);
                 set_config('bbdkp_zone_block_show', isset($_POST['blockprogressbar']) ? 1 : 0);
                 set_config('bbdkp_portal_bossprogress', request_var('show_bosspblock', 0), true);
                 trigger_error($user->lang['ADMIN_UPDATE_GAMEWORLD_SUCCESS'] . $this->gmlink, E_USER_NOTICE);
             // display list of games
             $listgames = new \bbdkp\controller\games\Game();
             $gamelist = $listgames->listgames();
             foreach ($gamelist as $this->game_id => $game) {
                 $template->assign_block_vars('gamerow', array('ID' => $game['id'], 'NAME' => $game['name'], 'GAME_ID' => $game['game_id'], 'U_VIEW_GAME' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_game&amp;mode=editgames&amp;" . URI_GAME . '=' . $game['game_id']), 'U_VIEW_ZONES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;" . URI_GAME . '=' . $game['game_id']), 'U_VIEW_BOSSES' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=bossbase&amp;" . URI_GAME . '=' . $game['game_id']), 'VIEWZONES' => sprintf($user->lang['VIEWZONES'], $game['name']), 'VIEWBOSSES' => sprintf($user->lang['VIEWBOSSES'], $game['name']), 'STATUS' => $game['status']));
             // display the list of zones
             $bp_styles['0'] = $user->lang['BP_STYLE_BP'];
             $bp_styles['1'] = $user->lang['BP_STYLE_BPS'];
             $bp_styles['2'] = $user->lang['BP_STYLE_RP3R'];
             foreach ($bp_styles as $value => $option) {
                 $template->assign_block_vars('style_row', array('VALUE' => $value, 'SELECTED' => $config['bbdkp_zone_style'] == $value ? ' selected="selected"' : '', 'OPTION' => $option));
             $arrvals = array('GAME_ID' => $this->game_id, 'F_CONFIG' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=gameworldconfig"), 'BP_HIDENONKIBOSS' => $config['bbdkp_boss_hidenonkilled'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'HEADER_SEL_SEPIA' => $config['bbdkp_zone_photo'] == 0 ? 'selected="selected"' : '', 'HEADER_SEL_BLUE' => $config['bbdkp_zone_photo'] == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '', 'HEADER_SEL_NONE' => $config['bbdkp_zone_photo'] == 2 ? 'selected="selected"' : '', 'BP_SHOWSB' => $config['bbdkp_zone_progress'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'BP_HIDENEWZONE' => $config['bbdkp_boss_hidenewzone'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'BP_BLOCKSHOWPROGRESSBAR' => $config['bbdkp_zone_block_show'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'S_BP_SHOW' => true, 'SHOW_BOSS_YES_CHECKED' => $config['bbdkp_portal_bossprogress'] == '1' ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'SHOW_BOSS_NO_CHECKED' => $config['bbdkp_portal_bossprogress'] == '0' ? ' checked="checked"' : '');
             $this->tpl_name = 'dkp/acp_gameworld';
         case 'zonebase':
             if (isset($_GET['move_up'])) {
             if (isset($_GET['move_down'])) {
             if (isset($_POST['bpadd'])) {
             if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
             // user pressed the submit button in the add/edit zone screen
             if (isset($_POST['addnew'])) {
             if (isset($_POST['zoneparam'])) {
             // user pressed the red cross
             if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
             $iZone = new games\Zone($this->game_id);
             $data = $iZone->GetAllZones();
             $numzones = count($data);
             $start = request_var('start', 0);
             $arrvals = array('GAME_ID' => $this->game_id, 'GAMELOGO' => $phpbb_root_path . 'images/bbdkp/gameworld/' . $this->game_id . '/' . $this->game_id . '.png', 'GAMENAME' => $this->igame->getName(), 'ZONEBASEURL' => $this->igame->getZonebaseurl(), 'U_BACK1' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), 'U_BACK2' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=gameworldconfig"), 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination(append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), $numzones, 30, $start, true), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => on_page($numzones, 2, $start));
             $i = 0;
             $j = 0;
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 $i += 1;
                 if ($i >= $start) {
                     $j += 1;
                     //show max 10 zones per page
                     if ($j <= 30) {
                         $template->assign_block_vars('gamezone', array('ZONE_ID' => $row['id'], 'ZONE_SEQUENCE' => $row['sequence'], 'ZONE_NAME' => $row['name'], 'ZONE_NAME_SHORT' => $row['name_short'], 'ZONE_IMAGENAME' => $row['imagename'], 'ZONE_WEBID' => $row['webid'], 'ZONE_URL' => sprintf($this->igame->getZonebaseurl(), $row['webid']), 'ZONE_SHOW' => $row['showzone'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'U_EDIT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;edit=1&amp;id={$row['id']}&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), 'U_DELETE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;delete=1&amp;id={$row['id']}&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), 'U_MOVE_UP' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;move_up=1&amp;id={$row['id']}&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), 'U_MOVE_DOWN' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=zonebase&amp;move_down=1&amp;id={$row['id']}&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id)));
             $this->page_title = $user->lang['RP_ZONE'];
             $this->tpl_name = 'dkp/acp_gameworld_zonebase';
         case 'bossbase':
             if (isset($_POST['bpadd'])) {
             if (isset($_POST['addnew'])) {
             if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
             if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
             if (isset($_POST['bpsave'])) {
             $izone = new games\Zone($this->game_id);
             $zonelist = $izone->GetAllZones();
             $numzones = count($zonelist);
             $start = request_var('start', 0);
             $arrvals = array('GAME_ID' => $this->game_id, 'GAMELOGO' => $phpbb_root_path . 'images/bbdkp/gameworld/' . $this->game_id . '/' . $this->game_id . '.png', 'GAMENAME' => $this->igame->getName(), 'BOSSBASEURL' => $this->igame->getBossbaseurl(), 'F_CONFIG' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=bossbase"), 'U_BACK1' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=bossbase&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), 'U_BACK2' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=gameworldconfig"), 'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination(append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=bossbase&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), $numzones, 3, $start, true), 'PAGE_NUMBER' => on_page($numzones, 2, $start));
             $iboss = new games\Boss($this->game_id);
             $i = 0;
             $j = 0;
             foreach ($zonelist as $row) {
                 $i += 1;
                 if ($i >= $start) {
                     $j += 1;
                     //show max 3 zones per page
                     if ($j <= 3) {
                         $template->assign_block_vars('zone', array('ZONE_NAME' => $row['name'], 'ZONE_IMAGENAME' => $phpbb_root_path . "images/bbdkp/gameworld/" . $this->game_id . "/zones/normal/" . $row['imagename'] . ".jpg"));
                         $bossdata = $iboss->GetAllBosses($row['id']);
                         foreach ($bossdata as $row2) {
                             $template->assign_block_vars('zone.boss', array('BOSS_ID' => $row2['id'], 'BOSS_NAME' => htmlspecialchars($row2['name']), 'BOSS_NAME_SHORT' => htmlspecialchars($row2['name_short']), 'BOSS_IMAGENAME' => $row2['imagename'], 'GAME_ID' => $this->game_id, 'BOSS_WEBID' => $row2['webid'], 'BOSS_URL' => sprintf($this->igame->getBossbaseurl(), $row2['webid']), 'BOSS_URLVIEW' => $phpbb_root_path . "images/bbdkp/icons/view.gif", 'U_EDIT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=bossbase&amp;edit=1&amp;id={$row2['id']}&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id), 'U_DELETE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_gameworld&amp;mode=bossbase&amp;delete=1&amp;id={$row2['id']}&amp;game_id=" . $this->game_id)));
             $this->page_title = $user->lang['BOSSPROGRESS'];
             $this->tpl_name = 'dkp/acp_gameworld_' . $mode;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * get api info
  * @param $params
  * @return bool
 public function GetApiInfo($params)
     global $user;
     $data = 0;
     if ($this->game_id != 'wow') {
         return false;
     if ($this->guildid == "0") {
         return false;
     $game = new \bbdkp\controller\games\Game();
     $game->game_id = $this->game_id;
     //is both game and guild armory-enabled and has api key and locale ?
     if ($game->getArmoryEnabled() == 1 && $this->armory_enabled == 1 && trim($game->getApikey()) != '' && trim($game->getApilocale()) != '') {
         //available extra fields : 'members', 'achievements','news'
         $api = new \bbdkp\controller\wowapi\BattleNet('guild', $this->region, $game->getApikey(), $game->getApilocale(), $game->getPrivkey());
         $data = $api->Guild->getGuild($this->name, $this->realm, $params);
         $data = $data['response'];
         if (!isset($data)) {
             $this->armoryresult = 'KO';
             $log_action = array('header' => 'L_ERROR_ARMORY_DOWN', 'L_UPDATED_BY' => $user->data['username'], 'L_GUILD' => $this->name . '-' . $this->realm);
             $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => $log_action['header'], 'log_action' => $log_action, 'log_result' => 'L_ERROR'));
             return false;
         //if we get error code
         if (isset($data['code'])) {
             if ($data['code'] == '403') {
                 // even if we have active API account, it may be that Blizzard account is inactive
                 $this->armoryresult = 'KO';
                 $log_action = array('header' => 'L_ERROR_BATTLENET_ACCOUNT_INACTIVE', 'L_UPDATED_BY' => $user->data['username'], 'L_GUILD' => $this->name . '-' . $this->realm);
                 $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => $log_action['header'], 'log_action' => $log_action, 'log_result' => 'L_ERROR'));
                 return false;
         $this->armoryresult = 'OK';
     } else {
         $this->armoryresult = 'KO';
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * fetch info from Armory
  * @return integer
 public function Armory_getmember()
     global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $user;
     $game = new \bbdkp\controller\games\Game();
     $game->game_id = $this->game_id;
     if ($this->game_id != 'wow') {
         $this->member_portrait_url = '';
         $this->deactivate_reason = '';
         return -1;
     if ($game->getArmoryEnabled() == 0) {
         return -1;
     //Initialising the class
     if (!class_exists('\\bbdkp\\controller\\wowapi\\BattleNet')) {
         require $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbdkp/controller/wowapi/BattleNet.' . $phpEx;
      * available extra fields :
      * 'guild','stats','talents','items','reputation','titles','professions','appearance',
      * 'companions','mounts','pets','achievements','progression','pvp','quests'
     $api = new \bbdkp\controller\wowapi\BattleNet('character', $this->member_region, $game->getApikey(), $game->getApilocale(), $game->getPrivkey());
     $params = array('guild', 'titles', 'talents');
     $data = $api->Character->getCharacter($this->member_name, $this->member_realm, $params);
     // if $data == false then there is no character data, so
     if (!isset($data) || !isset($data['response'])) {
         $this->armoryresult = 'KO';
         $log_action = array('header' => 'L_ERROR_ARMORY_DOWN', 'L_UPDATED_BY' => $user->data['username'], 'L_GUILD' => $this->name . '-' . $this->realm);
         $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => $log_action['header'], 'log_action' => $log_action, 'log_result' => 'L_ERROR'));
         return -1;
     $data = $data['response'];
     //if we get error code
     if (isset($data['code'])) {
         if ($data['code'] == '403') {
             // even if we have active API account, it may be that Blizzard account is inactive
             $this->armoryresult = 'KO';
             $log_action = array('header' => 'L_ERROR_BATTLENET_ACCOUNT_INACTIVE', 'L_UPDATED_BY' => $user->data['username'], 'L_GUILD' => $this->name . '-' . $this->realm);
             $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => $log_action['header'], 'log_action' => $log_action, 'log_result' => 'L_ERROR'));
             return -1;
     if (isset($data['reason'])) {
         //not found in armory
         $this->member_status = 0;
         $this->deactivate_reason = 'DEACTIVATED_BY_API';
         return -1;
     $this->member_level = isset($data['level']) ? $data['level'] : $this->member_level;
     $this->member_race_id = isset($data['race']) ? $data['race'] : $this->member_race_id;
     $this->member_class_id = isset($data['class']) ? $data['class'] : $this->member_class_id;
      * select the build
     $buildid = 0;
     if (isset($data['talents'][0]) && isset($data['talents'][1])) {
         if (isset($data['talents'][0]['selected'])) {
             $buildid = 0;
         } elseif (isset($data['talents'][1]['selected'])) {
             $buildid = 1;
     } elseif (isset($data['talents'][0])) {
         $buildid = 0;
     } elseif (isset($data['talents'][1])) {
         $buildid = 1;
     $conversion_array = array('DPS' => 0, 'HEALING' => 1, 'TANK' => 2);
     $role = isset($data['talents'][$buildid]['spec']['role']) ? $data['talents'][$buildid]['spec']['role'] : 'DPS';
     if (isset($role) && in_array($role, $conversion_array)) {
         $this->member_role = $conversion_array[$role];
     $this->member_gender_id = isset($data['gender']) ? $data['gender'] : $this->member_gender_id;
     $this->member_achiev = isset($data['achievementPoints']) ? $data['achievementPoints'] : $this->member_achiev;
     if (isset($data['name'])) {
         $this->member_armory_url = sprintf('http://%s.battle.net/wow/en/', $this->member_region) . 'character/' . $this->member_realm . '/' . $data['name'] . '/simple';
     if (isset($data['thumbnail'])) {
         $this->member_portrait_url = sprintf('http://%s.battle.net/static-render/%s/', $this->member_region, $this->member_region) . $data['thumbnail'];
     if (isset($data['realm'])) {
         $this->member_realm = $data['realm'];
     if (isset($data['guild'])) {
         $found = false;
         foreach ($this->guildlist as $guild) {
             if (strtolower($guild['name']) == strtolower($data['guild']['name'])) {
                 $this->member_guild_id = $guild['id'];
                 $this->member_guild_name = $guild['name'];
                 $found = true;
         if ($found == false) {
             $this->member_guild_id = 0;
             $this->member_rank_id = 99;
     } else {
         $this->member_guild_id = 0;
         $this->member_rank_id = 99;
     if (isset($data['titles'])) {
         foreach ($data['titles'] as $key => $title) {
             if (isset($title['selected'])) {
                 $this->member_title = $title['name'];
     //if the last logged-in date is > 3 months ago then disable the account
     if (isset($data['lastModified'])) {
         $latest = $data['lastModified'];
         $diff = \round(\abs(\time() - $latest / 1000) / 60 / 60 / 24, 2);
         if ($diff > 90 && $this->member_status == 1) {
             $this->member_status = 0;
             $this->deactivate_reason = 'DEACTIVATED_BY_API';
         if ($diff < 90 && $this->member_status == 0 && $this->deactivate_reason == 'DEACTIVATED_BY_API') {
             $this->member_status = 1;
             $this->deactivate_reason = '';
     return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Delete Game from bbDKP
  * @param \bbdkp\controller\games\Game $editgame
 private function DeleteGame(\bbdkp\controller\games\Game $editgame)
     global $user;
     if (confirm_box(true)) {
         $deletegame = new \bbdkp\controller\games\Game();
         $deletegame->game_id = request_var('hidden_game_id', '');
         $log_action = array('header' => 'L_ACTION_GAME_DELETED', 'L_GAME' => $deletegame->game_id);
         $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => 'L_ACTION_GAME_DELETED', 'log_action' => $log_action));
         //meta_refresh(1, append_sid ( "{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", "i=dkp_game&amp;mode=listgames") );
         trigger_error(sprintf($user->lang['ADMIN_DELETE_GAME_SUCCESS'], $deletegame->getName()), E_USER_WARNING);
     } else {
         // get field content
         $s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array('gamedelete' => true, 'hidden_game_id' => $editgame->game_id));
         confirm_box(false, sprintf($user->lang['CONFIRM_DELETE_GAME'], $editgame->getName()), $s_hidden_fields);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * list the ranks for this guild
  * @param $updateguild
 private function BuildTemplateEditGuildRanks($updateguild)
     global $phpEx, $template, $db, $phpbb_admin_path, $user;
     // everything from rank 90 is readonly
     $listranks = new \bbdkp\controller\guilds\Ranks($updateguild->guildid);
     $listranks->game_id = $updateguild->game_id;
     $result = $listranks->listranks();
     while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
         $prefix = $row['rank_prefix'];
         $suffix = $row['rank_suffix'];
         $template->assign_block_vars('ranks_row', array('RANK_ID' => $row['rank_id'], 'RANK_NAME' => $row['rank_name'], 'RANK_PREFIX' => $prefix, 'RANK_SUFFIX' => $suffix, 'HIDE_CHECKED' => $row['rank_hide'] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'S_READONLY' => $row['rank_id'] >= 90 ? true : false, 'U_DELETE_RANK' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_guild&amp;mode=editguild&amp;deleterank=1&amp;ranktodelete=" . $row['rank_id'] . "&amp;" . URI_GUILD . "=" . $updateguild->guildid)));
     $game = new \bbdkp\controller\games\Game();
     $game->game_id = $updateguild->game_id;
     $template->assign_vars(array('S_GUILDLESS' => $updateguild->guildid == 0 ? true : false, 'F_ENABLGAMEEARMORY' => $game->getArmoryEnabled(), 'F_ENABLEARMORY' => $updateguild->armory_enabled, 'GAME_ID' => $updateguild->game_id, 'GUILDID' => $updateguild->guildid, 'GUILD_NAME' => $updateguild->name, 'U_ADD_RANK' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_guild&amp;mode=editguild&amp;addrank=1&amp;guild=" . $updateguild->guildid), 'L_TITLE' => $this->url_id < 0 ? $user->lang['ACP_ADDGUILD'] : $user->lang['ACP_EDITGUILD'], 'L_EXPLAIN' => $this->url_id < 0 ? $user->lang['ACP_ADDGUILD_EXPLAIN'] : $user->lang['ACP_EDITGUILD_EXPLAIN'], 'L_ADD_GUILD_TITLE' => $this->url_id < 0 ? $user->lang['ADD_GUILD'] : $user->lang['EDIT_GUILD'], 'MSG_NAME_EMPTY' => $user->lang['FV_REQUIRED_NAME'], 'EMBLEM' => $updateguild->emblempath, 'EMBLEMFILE' => basename($updateguild->emblempath), 'S_ADD' => $this->url_id < 0 ? true : false, 'U_EDIT_GUILD' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_guild&amp;mode=editguild&amp;action=editguild&amp;" . URI_GUILD . '=' . $updateguild->guildid), 'U_EDIT_GUILDRANKS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_guild&amp;mode=editguild&amp;action=guildranks&amp;" . URI_GUILD . '=' . $updateguild->guildid), 'U_EDIT_GUILDRECRUITMENT' => append_sid("{$phpbb_admin_path}index.{$phpEx}", "i=dkp_guild&amp;mode=editguild&amp;action=guildrecruitment&amp;" . URI_GUILD . '=' . $updateguild->guildid)));
     $form_key = 'editguildranks';
     $this->page_title = $user->lang['ACP_EDITGUILD'];