Ejemplo n.º 1
         $order = new objectInfo($_POST);
         $order->post_date = gen_db_date($_POST['post_date']);
         // fix the date to original format
         $order->id = $_POST['id'] != '' ? $_POST['id'] : '';
         // will be null unless opening an existing purchase/receive
 case 'delete':
     validate_security($security_level, 4);
     $id = $_POST['id'] != '' ? $_POST['id'] : '';
     // will be null unless opening an existing purchase/receive
     if ($id) {
         $delOrd = new banking();
         // load the posted record based on the id submitted
         if ($delOrd->delete_payment()) {
             gen_add_audit_log(AUDIT_LOG_DEL_DESC, $order->purchase_invoice_id, $order->total_amount);
             if (DEBUG) {
             gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL'));
     } else {
         $messageStack->add(GL_ERROR_NEVER_POSTED, 'error');
     $messageStack->add(GL_ERROR_NO_DELETE, 'error');
     // if we are here, there was an error, reload page
     $order = new objectInfo($_POST);
     $order->post_date = gen_db_date($_POST['post_date']);
     // fix the date to original format