Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function define_execution()
     // Get basepath
     $basepath = $this->get_basepath();
     // Calculate the zip fullpath (in OS temp area it's always backup.imscc)
     $zipfile = $basepath . '/backup.imscc';
     // Perform storage and return it (TODO: shouldn't be array but proper result object)
     // Let's send the file to file storage, everything already defined
     // First of all, get some information from the backup_controller to help us decide
     list($dinfo, $cinfo, $sinfo) = backup_controller_dbops::get_moodle_backup_information($this->get_backupid());
     // Extract useful information to decide
     $file = $sinfo['filename']->value;
     $filename = basename($file, '.' . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) . '.imscc';
     // Backup filename
     $userid = $dinfo[0]->userid;
     // User->id executing the backup
     $id = $dinfo[0]->id;
     // Id of activity/section/course (depends of type)
     $courseid = $dinfo[0]->courseid;
     // Id of the course
     $ctxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $userid)->id;
     $component = 'user';
     $filearea = 'backup';
     $itemid = 0;
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $fr = array('contextid' => $ctxid, 'component' => $component, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename, 'userid' => $userid, 'timecreated' => time(), 'timemodified' => time());
     // If file already exists, delete if before
     // creating it again. This is BC behaviour - copy()
     // overwrites by default
     if ($fs->file_exists($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename'])) {
         $pathnamehash = $fs->get_pathname_hash($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename']);
         $sf = $fs->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
     return array('backup_destination' => $fs->create_file_from_pathname($fr, $zipfile));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Given one backupid and the (FS) final generated file, perform its final storage
  * into Moodle file storage. For stored files it returns the complete file_info object
  * Note: the $filepath is deleted if the backup file is created successfully
  * If you specify the progress monitor, this will start a new progress section
  * to track progress in processing (in case this task takes a long time).
  * @param int $backupid
  * @param string $filepath zip file containing the backup
  * @param \core\progress\base $progress Optional progress monitor
  * @return stored_file if created, null otherwise
  * @throws moodle_exception in case of any problems
 public static function store_backup_file($backupid, $filepath, \core\progress\base $progress = null)
     global $CFG;
     // First of all, get some information from the backup_controller to help us decide
     list($dinfo, $cinfo, $sinfo) = backup_controller_dbops::get_moodle_backup_information($backupid, $progress);
     // Extract useful information to decide
     $hasusers = (bool) $sinfo['users']->value;
     // Backup has users
     $isannon = (bool) $sinfo['anonymize']->value;
     // Backup is anonymised
     $filename = $sinfo['filename']->value;
     // Backup filename
     $backupmode = $dinfo[0]->mode;
     // Backup mode backup::MODE_GENERAL/IMPORT/HUB
     $backuptype = $dinfo[0]->type;
     // Backup type backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY/SECTION/COURSE
     $userid = $dinfo[0]->userid;
     // User->id executing the backup
     $id = $dinfo[0]->id;
     // Id of activity/section/course (depends of type)
     $courseid = $dinfo[0]->courseid;
     // Id of the course
     $format = $dinfo[0]->format;
     // Type of backup file
     // Quick hack. If for any reason, filename is blank, fix it here.
     // TODO: This hack will be out once MDL-22142 - P26 gets fixed
     if (empty($filename)) {
         $filename = backup_plan_dbops::get_default_backup_filename('moodle2', $backuptype, $id, $hasusers, $isannon);
     // Backups of type IMPORT aren't stored ever
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_IMPORT) {
         return null;
     if (!is_readable($filepath)) {
         // we have a problem if zip file does not exist
         throw new coding_exception('backup_helper::store_backup_file() expects valid $filepath parameter');
     // Calculate file storage options of id being backup
     $ctxid = 0;
     $filearea = '';
     $component = '';
     $itemid = 0;
     switch ($backuptype) {
         case backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY:
             $ctxid = context_module::instance($id)->id;
             $component = 'backup';
             $filearea = 'activity';
             $itemid = 0;
         case backup::TYPE_1SECTION:
             $ctxid = context_course::instance($courseid)->id;
             $component = 'backup';
             $filearea = 'section';
             $itemid = $id;
         case backup::TYPE_1COURSE:
             $ctxid = context_course::instance($courseid)->id;
             $component = 'backup';
             $filearea = 'course';
             $itemid = 0;
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_AUTOMATED) {
         // Automated backups have there own special area!
         $filearea = 'automated';
         // If we're keeping the backup only in a chosen path, just move it there now
         // this saves copying from filepool to here later and filling trashdir.
         $config = get_config('backup');
         $dir = $config->backup_auto_destination;
         if ($config->backup_auto_storage == 1 and $dir and is_dir($dir) and is_writable($dir)) {
             $filedest = $dir . '/' . backup_plan_dbops::get_default_backup_filename($format, $backuptype, $courseid, $hasusers, $isannon, !$config->backup_shortname);
             // first try to move the file, if it is not possible copy and delete instead
             if (@rename($filepath, $filedest)) {
                 return null;
             if (copy($filepath, $filedest)) {
                 @chmod($filedest, $CFG->filepermissions);
                 // may fail because the permissions may not make sense outside of dataroot
                 return null;
             } else {
                 $bc = backup_controller::load_controller($backupid);
                 $bc->log('Attempt to copy backup file to the specified directory using filesystem failed - ', backup::LOG_WARNING, $dir);
             // bad luck, try to deal with the file the old way - keep backup in file area if we can not copy to ext system
     // Backups of type HUB (by definition never have user info)
     // are sent to user's "user_tohub" file area. The upload process
     // will be responsible for cleaning that filearea once finished
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_HUB) {
         $ctxid = context_user::instance($userid)->id;
         $component = 'user';
         $filearea = 'tohub';
         $itemid = 0;
     // Backups without user info or with the anonymise functionality
     // enabled are sent to user's "user_backup"
     // file area. Maintenance of such area is responsibility of
     // the user via corresponding file manager frontend
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_GENERAL && (!$hasusers || $isannon)) {
         $ctxid = context_user::instance($userid)->id;
         $component = 'user';
         $filearea = 'backup';
         $itemid = 0;
     // Let's send the file to file storage, everything already defined
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $fr = array('contextid' => $ctxid, 'component' => $component, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename, 'userid' => $userid, 'timecreated' => time(), 'timemodified' => time());
     // If file already exists, delete if before
     // creating it again. This is BC behaviour - copy()
     // overwrites by default
     if ($fs->file_exists($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename'])) {
         $pathnamehash = $fs->get_pathname_hash($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename']);
         $sf = $fs->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
     $file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($fr, $filepath);
     return $file;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function define_structure()
     global $CFG;
     $info = array();
     $info['name'] = $this->get_setting_value('filename');
     $info['moodle_version'] = $CFG->version;
     $info['moodle_release'] = $CFG->release;
     $info['backup_version'] = $CFG->backup_version;
     $info['backup_release'] = $CFG->backup_release;
     $info['backup_date'] = time();
     $info['backup_uniqueid'] = $this->get_backupid();
     $info['mnet_remoteusers'] = backup_controller_dbops::backup_includes_mnet_remote_users($this->get_backupid());
     $info['original_wwwroot'] = $CFG->wwwroot;
     $info['original_site_identifier_hash'] = md5(get_site_identifier());
     $info['original_course_id'] = $this->get_courseid();
     $originalcourseinfo = backup_controller_dbops::backup_get_original_course_info($this->get_courseid());
     $info['original_course_fullname'] = $originalcourseinfo->fullname;
     $info['original_course_shortname'] = $originalcourseinfo->shortname;
     $info['original_course_startdate'] = $originalcourseinfo->startdate;
     $info['original_course_contextid'] = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->get_courseid())->id;
     $info['original_system_contextid'] = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)->id;
     // Get more information from controller
     list($dinfo, $cinfo, $sinfo) = backup_controller_dbops::get_moodle_backup_information($this->get_backupid());
     // Define elements
     $moodle_backup = new backup_nested_element('moodle_backup');
     $information = new backup_nested_element('information', null, array('name', 'moodle_version', 'moodle_release', 'backup_version', 'backup_release', 'backup_date', 'mnet_remoteusers', 'original_wwwroot', 'original_site_identifier_hash', 'original_course_id', 'original_course_fullname', 'original_course_shortname', 'original_course_startdate', 'original_course_contextid', 'original_system_contextid'));
     $details = new backup_nested_element('details');
     $detail = new backup_nested_element('detail', array('backup_id'), array('type', 'format', 'interactive', 'mode', 'execution', 'executiontime'));
     $contents = new backup_nested_element('contents');
     $activities = new backup_nested_element('activities');
     $activity = new backup_nested_element('activity', null, array('moduleid', 'sectionid', 'modulename', 'title', 'directory'));
     $sections = new backup_nested_element('sections');
     $section = new backup_nested_element('section', null, array('sectionid', 'title', 'directory'));
     $course = new backup_nested_element('course', null, array('courseid', 'title', 'directory'));
     $settings = new backup_nested_element('settings');
     $setting = new backup_nested_element('setting', null, array('level', 'section', 'activity', 'name', 'value'));
     // Build the tree
     if (!empty($cinfo['activities'])) {
     if (!empty($cinfo['sections'])) {
     if (!empty($cinfo['course'])) {
     // Set the sources
     $information->set_source_array(array((object) $info));
     // Prepare some information to be sent to main moodle_backup.xml file
     return $moodle_backup;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Given one backupid and the (FS) final generated file, perform its final storage
  * into Moodle file storage. For stored files it returns the complete file_info object
 public static function store_backup_file($backupid, $filepath)
     // First of all, get some information from the backup_controller to help us decide
     list($dinfo, $cinfo, $sinfo) = backup_controller_dbops::get_moodle_backup_information($backupid);
     // Extract useful information to decide
     $hasusers = (bool) $sinfo['users']->value;
     // Backup has users
     $isannon = (bool) $sinfo['anonymize']->value;
     // Backup is anonymised
     $filename = $sinfo['filename']->value;
     // Backup filename
     $backupmode = $dinfo[0]->mode;
     // Backup mode backup::MODE_GENERAL/IMPORT/HUB
     $backuptype = $dinfo[0]->type;
     // Backup type backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY/SECTION/COURSE
     $userid = $dinfo[0]->userid;
     // User->id executing the backup
     $id = $dinfo[0]->id;
     // Id of activity/section/course (depends of type)
     $courseid = $dinfo[0]->courseid;
     // Id of the course
     // Quick hack. If for any reason, filename is blank, fix it here.
     // TODO: This hack will be out once MDL-22142 - P26 gets fixed
     if (empty($filename)) {
         $filename = backup_plan_dbops::get_default_backup_filename('moodle2', $backuptype, $id, $hasusers, $isannon);
     // Backups of type IMPORT aren't stored ever
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_IMPORT) {
         return false;
     // Calculate file storage options of id being backup
     $ctxid = 0;
     $filearea = '';
     $component = '';
     $itemid = 0;
     switch ($backuptype) {
         case backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY:
             $ctxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $id)->id;
             $component = 'backup';
             $filearea = 'activity';
             $itemid = 0;
         case backup::TYPE_1SECTION:
             $ctxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid)->id;
             $component = 'backup';
             $filearea = 'section';
             $itemid = $id;
         case backup::TYPE_1COURSE:
             $ctxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid)->id;
             $component = 'backup';
             $filearea = 'course';
             $itemid = 0;
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_AUTOMATED) {
         // Automated backups have there own special area!
         $filearea = 'automated';
     // Backups of type HUB (by definition never have user info)
     // are sent to user's "user_tohub" file area. The upload process
     // will be responsible for cleaning that filearea once finished
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_HUB) {
         $ctxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $userid)->id;
         $component = 'user';
         $filearea = 'tohub';
         $itemid = 0;
     // Backups without user info or with the anonymise functionality
     // enabled are sent to user's "user_backup"
     // file area. Maintenance of such area is responsibility of
     // the user via corresponding file manager frontend
     if ($backupmode == backup::MODE_GENERAL && (!$hasusers || $isannon)) {
         $ctxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $userid)->id;
         $component = 'user';
         $filearea = 'backup';
         $itemid = 0;
     // Let's send the file to file storage, everything already defined
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     $fr = array('contextid' => $ctxid, 'component' => $component, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'itemid' => $itemid, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $filename, 'userid' => $userid, 'timecreated' => time(), 'timemodified' => time());
     // If file already exists, delete if before
     // creating it again. This is BC behaviour - copy()
     // overwrites by default
     if ($fs->file_exists($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename'])) {
         $pathnamehash = $fs->get_pathname_hash($fr['contextid'], $fr['component'], $fr['filearea'], $fr['itemid'], $fr['filepath'], $fr['filename']);
         $sf = $fs->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
     return $fs->create_file_from_pathname($fr, $filepath);