Ejemplo n.º 1

// AJAX Build List
// file called by the dataTables Jquery in list.php to load data
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/include/config.php';
$objVariable = new bVariable();
$arrVariable = $objVariable->get();
$module = $_GET['module'];
$output['aaData'] = array();
foreach ($arrVariable as $key => $data) {
    $row = array();
    // O => hidden ID
    $row[] = $data['variable_id'];
    // 1 => Actions (view, update..)
    $action_view = '<a href="view.php?module=' . $module . '&id=' . $data['variable_id'] . '"><img alt="view" title="View" src="theme/img/view.gif" /></a>';
    $action_update = '<a href="form.php?module=' . $module . '&id=' . $data['variable_id'] . '"><img alt="update" title="Update" src="theme/img/update.gif" /></a>';
    $action_delete = '<a href="module/' . $module . '/ajax/delete.php?module=' . $module . '&id=' . $data['variable_id'] . '" class="ajaxDeleteRow" title="delete-row"><img alt="delete" title="Delete" src="theme/img/delete.gif" /></a>';
    $row[] = '<span class="iconAction">' . $action_view . $action_update . $action_delete . '</span>';
    // 2 => Name
    $row[] = $data['variable_name'];
    // 3 => Value
    $row[] = $data['variable_value'];
    $output['aaData'][] = $row;
echo json_encode($output);