Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getData()
     global $dbh;
     if (!$this->s_id) {
         // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide
         $this->s_id = 0;
         $this->name = '';
         $this->index = '';
         $this->num_statut = 1;
     } else {
         $requete = "SELECT * FROM series WHERE serie_id='" . $this->s_id . "' ";
         $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die($requete . "<br />" . pmb_mysql_error());
         if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
             $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $this->s_id = $temp->serie_id;
             $this->name = $temp->serie_name;
             $this->index = $temp->serie_index;
             $authority = new authority(0, $this->s_id, AUT_TABLE_SERIES);
             $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
             // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche série si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités
             if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) {
                 //$this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=series&sub=serie_form&id=".$this->s_id."' class='lien_gestion'>".$this->name."</a>";
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=see&sub=serie&id=" . $this->s_id . "' class='lien_gestion'>" . $this->name . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->name;
         } else {
             // pas de titre avec cette clé
             $this->s_id = 0;
             $this->name = '';
             $this->index = '';
             $this->num_statut = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function getData()
     global $dbh;
     if (!$this->indexint_id) {
         // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide
         $this->indexint_id = 0;
         $this->name = '';
         $this->comment = '';
         $this->name_pclass = '';
         //$this->id_pclass	= 	1;
         $this->num_statut = 1;
     } else {
         $requete = "SELECT indexint_id,indexint_name,indexint_comment, num_pclass, id_pclass,name_pclass FROM indexint,pclassement \n\t\t\tWHERE indexint_id='" . $this->indexint_id . "' and id_pclass = num_pclass ";
         $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die($requete . "<br />" . pmb_mysql_error());
         if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
             $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $this->indexint_id = $temp->indexint_id;
             $this->name = $temp->indexint_name;
             $this->comment = $temp->indexint_comment;
             $this->id_pclass = $temp->id_pclass;
             $this->name_pclass = $temp->name_pclass;
             $authority = new authority(0, $this->indexint_id, AUT_TABLE_INDEXINT);
             $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
             if ($this->comment) {
                 $this->display = $this->name . " ({$this->comment})";
             } else {
                 $this->display = $this->name;
             // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche autorité si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités
             if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) {
                 //$this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=indexint&sub=indexint_form&id=".$this->indexint_id."&id_pclass=".$this->id_pclass."' class='lien_gestion'>".$this->display."</a>";
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=see&sub=indexint&id=" . $this->indexint_id . "&id_pclass=" . $this->id_pclass . "' class='lien_gestion'>" . $this->display . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->display;
         } else {
             // pas de titre avec cette clé
             $this->indexint_id = 0;
             $this->name = '';
             $this->comment = '';
             $this->name_pclass = '';
             $this->id_pclass = 1;
             $this->num_statut = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function load()
     global $dbh;
     $q = "select * from noeuds where id_noeud = '" . $this->id_noeud . "' ";
     $r = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh);
     $obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($r);
     $this->id_noeud = $obj->id_noeud;
     $this->autorite = $obj->autorite;
     $this->num_parent = $obj->num_parent;
     $this->num_renvoi_voir = $obj->num_renvoi_voir;
     $this->visible = $obj->visible;
     $this->num_thesaurus = $obj->num_thesaurus;
     $this->path = $obj->path;
     $this->not_use_in_indexation = $obj->not_use_in_indexation;
     $this->authority_import_denied = $obj->authority_import_denied;
     $authority = new authority(0, $this->id_noeud, AUT_TABLE_CATEG);
     $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function get_form($id, $duplicate = false)
     global $msg, $charset, $authperso_form;
     global $user_query, $user_input, $page, $nbr_lignes;
     global $pmb_type_audit;
     global $thesaurus_concepts_active;
     global $_custom_prefixe_;
     $_custom_prefixe_ = "authperso";
     $id += 0;
     $p_perso = new custom_parametres_perso("authperso", "authperso", $this->id, "./autorites.php?categ=authperso&sub=update&id_authperso=" . $this->id, $option_navigation, $option_visibilite);
     $authperso_fields = $p_perso->show_editable_fields($id);
     $authperso_field_tpl = "\t\n\t\t<div id='!!node_id!!' movable='yes' title=\"" . htmlentities('!!titre!!', ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "\">\n\t\t<div class='row'>\n\t\t\t\t<label class='etiquette'>!!titre!! </label>!!comment!!\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class='row'>\n\t\t\t!!aff!!\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>";
     $tpl = '';
     if (is_array($authperso_fields['FIELDS'])) {
         foreach ($authperso_fields['FIELDS'] as $field) {
             $field_tpl = $authperso_field_tpl;
             $field_tpl = str_replace("!!node_id!!", $field['NAME'], $field_tpl);
             $field_tpl = str_replace("!!titre!!", $field['TITRE'], $field_tpl);
             $field_tpl = str_replace("!!aff!!", $field['AFF'], $field_tpl);
             $field_tpl = str_replace("!!comment!!", $field['COMMENT_DISPLAY'], $field_tpl);
             $tpl .= $field_tpl;
     $button_remplace = "<input type='button' class='bouton' value='{$msg['158']}' onclick='unload_off();document.location=\"./autorites.php?categ=authperso&sub=replace&id_authperso=" . $this->id . "&id={$id}\"'>";
     $button_voir = "<input type='button' class='bouton' value='{$msg['voir_notices_assoc']}' onclick='unload_off();document.location=\"./catalog.php?categ=search&mode=" . ($this->id + 1000) . "&etat=aut_search&aut_type=authperso&aut_id={$id}\"'>";
     if ($pmb_type_audit && $id) {
         $bouton_audit = "&nbsp;<input class='bouton' type='button' onClick=\"openPopUp('./audit.php?type_obj=" . ($this->id + 1000) . "&object_id=" . $id . "', 'audit_popup', 700, 500, -2, -2, 'scrollbars=yes, toolbar=no, dependent=yes, resizable=yes')\" title=\"" . $msg['audit_button'] . "\" value=\"" . $msg['audit_button'] . "\" />&nbsp;";
     if ($id) {
         $authority = new authority(0, $id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHPERSO);
         $statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
     if (!$statut) {
         $statut = 1;
     $aut_link = new aut_link($this->id + 1000, $id);
     $authperso_form = str_replace('<!-- aut_link -->', $aut_link->get_form('saisie_authperso'), $authperso_form);
     // Indexation concept
     if ($thesaurus_concepts_active == 1) {
         $index_concept = new index_concept($id, TYPE_AUTHPERSO);
         $authperso_form = str_replace('<!-- index_concept_form -->', $index_concept->get_form('saisie_authperso'), $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace("!!list_field!!", $tpl, $authperso_form);
     if ($id && !$duplicate) {
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!libelle!!", $msg['authperso_form_titre_edit'], $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!delete!!", "<input type='button' class='bouton' value='{$msg['63']}' onClick=\"confirm_delete();\">", $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!remplace!!", $button_remplace, $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!voir_notices!!", $button_voir, $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!audit_bt!!", $bouton_audit, $authperso_form);
     } else {
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!libelle!!", $msg['authperso_form_titre_new'], $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!delete!!", "", $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!remplace!!", "", $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!voir_notices!!", "", $authperso_form);
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!audit_bt!!", "", $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace('!!auth_statut_selector!!', authorities_statuts::get_form_for(1000 + $this->id, $statut), $authperso_form);
     if (!$duplicate) {
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!action!!", "./autorites.php?categ=authperso&sub=update&id_authperso=" . $this->id . "&id={$id}", $authperso_form);
     } else {
         $authperso_form = str_replace("!!action!!", "./autorites.php?categ=authperso&sub=update&id_authperso=" . $this->id . "&id=0", $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace("!!id_authperso!!", $this->id, $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace("!!id!!", '', $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace("!!page!!", $page, $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace("!!nbr_lignes!!", $nbr_lignes, $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace("!!user_input!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $authperso_form);
     $authperso_form = str_replace('!!user_input_url!!', rawurlencode(stripslashes($user_input)), $authperso_form);
     return $authperso_form;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function getData()
     global $dbh;
     if (!$this->id) {
         // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide
         $this->id = 0;
         $this->name = '';
         $this->parent = 0;
         $this->editeur = '';
         $this->editor_isbd = '';
         $this->display = '';
         $this->issn = '';
         $this->collection_web = '';
         $this->comment = '';
         $this->num_statut = 1;
     } else {
         $requete = "SELECT * FROM collections WHERE collection_id={$this->id} LIMIT 1 ";
         $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
         if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
             $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $this->id = $temp->collection_id;
             $this->name = $temp->collection_name;
             $this->parent = $temp->collection_parent;
             $this->issn = $temp->collection_issn;
             $this->collection_web = $temp->collection_web;
             $this->comment = $temp->collection_comment;
             $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_COLLECTIONS);
             $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
             if ($temp->collection_web) {
                 $this->collection_web_link = " <a href='{$temp->collection_web}' target=_blank><img src='./images/globe.gif' border=0 /></a>";
             } else {
                 $this->collection_web_link = "";
             $editeur = new editeur($temp->collection_parent);
             $this->editor_isbd = $editeur->isbd_entry;
             $this->issn ? $this->isbd_entry = $this->name . ', ISSN ' . $this->issn : ($this->isbd_entry = $this->name);
             $this->editeur = $editeur->name;
             $this->display = $this->name . ' (' . $this->editeur . ')';
             // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche collection si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités
             if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) {
                 //$this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=collections&sub=collection_form&id=".$this->id."' class='lien_gestion'>".$this->name."</a>";
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=see&sub=collection&id=" . $this->id . "' class='lien_gestion'>" . $this->name . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->name;
         } else {
             // pas de collection avec cette clé
             $this->id = 0;
             $this->name = '';
             $this->parent = 0;
             $this->editeur = '';
             $this->editor_isbd = '';
             $this->display = '';
             $this->issn = '';
             $this->collection_web = '';
             $this->collection_web_link = "";
             $this->comment = "";
             $this->num_statut = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function getData()
     global $dbh, $msg;
     global $mc_oeuvre_type, $mc_oeuvre_nature, $mapper;
     $this->name = '';
     $this->tonalite = '';
     $this->tonalite_marclist = '';
     $this->comment = '';
     $this->distrib = array();
     $this->ref = array();
     $this->subdiv = array();
     $this->libelle = "";
     $this->import_denied = 0;
     $this->form = '';
     $this->form_marclist = '';
     $this->date = '';
     $this->date_date = '';
     $this->characteristic = '';
     $this->intended_termination = '';
     $this->intended_audience = '';
     $this->context = '';
     $this->coordinates = '';
     $this->equinox = '';
     $this->subject = '';
     $this->place = '';
     $this->history = '';
     $this->num_author = '';
     $this->display = '';
     $this->oeuvre_nature = '';
     $this->oeuvre_nature_nature = '';
     $this->oeuvre_type = '';
     $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"] = array();
     $this->num_statut = 1;
     if ($this->id) {
         $requete = "SELECT * FROM titres_uniformes WHERE tu_id={$this->id} LIMIT 1 ";
         $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
         if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
             $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $this->id = $temp->tu_id;
             $this->name = $temp->tu_name;
             $this->tonalite = $temp->tu_tonalite;
             $this->tonalite_marclist = $temp->tu_tonalite_marclist;
             $this->comment = $temp->tu_comment;
             $this->import_denied = $temp->tu_import_denied;
             $this->form = $temp->tu_forme;
             $this->form_marclist = $temp->tu_forme_marclist;
             $this->date = $temp->tu_date;
             $this->date_date = $temp->tu_date_date;
             $this->characteristic = $temp->tu_caracteristique;
             $this->intended_termination = $temp->tu_completude;
             $this->intended_audience = $temp->tu_public;
             $this->context = $temp->tu_contexte;
             $this->coordinates = $temp->tu_coordonnees;
             $this->equinox = $temp->tu_equinoxe;
             $this->subject = $temp->tu_sujet;
             $this->place = $temp->tu_lieu;
             $this->history = $temp->tu_histoire;
             $this->num_author = $temp->tu_num_author;
             $this->oeuvre_nature = $temp->tu_oeuvre_nature;
             $this->oeuvre_nature_nature = $temp->tu_oeuvre_nature_nature;
             $this->oeuvre_type = $temp->tu_oeuvre_type;
             $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_TITRES_UNIFORMES);
             $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
             $libelle[] = $this->name;
             $this->oeuvre_type_name = $mc_oeuvre_type->table[$this->oeuvre_type];
             $this->oeuvre_nature_name = $mc_oeuvre_nature->table[$this->oeuvre_nature];
             $this->oeuvre_nature_nature = $temp->tu_oeuvre_nature_nature;
             if ($this->tonalite) {
                 $libelle[] = $this->tonalite;
             $requete = "SELECT * FROM tu_distrib WHERE distrib_num_tu='{$this->id}' order by distrib_ordre";
             $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
             if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                 while ($param = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
                     $this->distrib[]["label"] = $param->distrib_name;
                     $libelle[] = $param->distrib_name;
             $requete = "SELECT *  FROM tu_ref WHERE ref_num_tu='{$this->id}' order by ref_ordre";
             $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
             if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                 while ($param = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
                     $this->ref[]["label"] = $param->ref_name;
                     $libelle[] = $param->ref_name;
             $requete = "SELECT *  FROM tu_subdiv WHERE subdiv_num_tu='{$this->id}' order by subdiv_ordre";
             $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
             if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                 while ($param = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
                     $this->subdiv[]["label"] = $param->subdiv_name;
                     $libelle[] = $param->subdiv_name;
             $this->display = $this->name;
             if ($this->date) {
                 $this->display .= " (" . $this->date . ")";
              * if($this->num_author){
              * $tu_auteur = new auteur($this->num_author);
              * $libelle[] = $tu_auteur->display;
              * $this->display.=" / ".$tu_auteur->rejete." ".$tu_auteur->name;
              * }
             $this->responsabilites = $this->get_authors();
             $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "0");
             if (count($as)) {
                 $this->display .= ", ";
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) {
                 $indice = $as[$i];
                 $auteur_0 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice];
                 $auteur = new auteur($auteur_0["id"]);
                 if ($i > 0) {
                     $this->display .= " / ";
                 // entre auteurs
                 $libelle[] = $auteur->display;
                 $this->display .= $auteur->rejete . " " . $auteur->name;
             $this->libelle = implode("; ", $libelle);
         } else {
             // pas trouvé avec cette clé
             $this->id = 0;
     } else {
         if (isset($mapper)) {
             $this->oeuvre_nature = $mapper['oeuvre_nature'];
             $this->oeuvre_type = $mapper['oeuvre_type'];
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function getData()
     global $dbh;
     if (!$this->id) {
         // pas d'identifiant. on retourne un tableau vide
         $this->id = 0;
         $this->name = '';
         $this->adr1 = '';
         $this->adr2 = '';
         $this->cp = '';
         $this->ville = '';
         $this->pays = '';
         $this->web = '';
         $this->link = '';
         $this->display = '';
         $this->isbd_entry = '';
         $this->ed_comment = '';
         $this->num_statut = 1;
     } else {
         $requete = "SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE ed_id={$this->id} LIMIT 1 ";
         $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
         if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
             $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $this->id = $temp->ed_id;
             $this->name = $temp->ed_name;
             $this->adr1 = $temp->ed_adr1;
             $this->adr2 = $temp->ed_adr2;
             $this->cp = $temp->ed_cp;
             $this->ville = $temp->ed_ville;
             $this->pays = $temp->ed_pays;
             $this->web = $temp->ed_web;
             $this->ed_comment = $temp->ed_comment;
             $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_PUBLISHERS);
             $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
             if ($temp->ed_web) {
                 $this->link = "<a href='{$temp->ed_web}' target='_new'>{$temp->ed_web}</a>";
             } else {
                 $this->link = '';
             // Determine le lieu de publication
             $l = '';
             if ($this->adr1) {
                 $l = $this->adr1;
             if ($this->adr2) {
                 $l = $l == '' ? $this->adr2 : $l . ', ' . $this->adr2;
             if ($this->cp) {
                 $l = $l == '' ? $this->cp : $l . ', ' . $this->cp;
             if ($this->pays) {
                 $l = $l == '' ? $this->pays : $l . ', ' . $this->pays;
             if ($this->ville) {
                 $l = $l == '' ? $this->ville : $this->ville . ' (' . $l . ')';
             if ($l == '') {
                 $l = '[S.l.]';
             // Determine le nom de l'editeur
             if ($this->name) {
                 $n = $this->name;
             } else {
                 $n = '[S.n.]';
             // Constitue l'ISBD pour le coupe lieu/editeur
             if ($l == '[S.l.]' and $n == '[S.n.]') {
                 $this->isbd_entry = '[S.l.&nbsp;: s.n.]';
             } else {
                 $this->isbd_entry = $l . '&nbsp;: ' . $n;
             if ($this->ville) {
                 if ($this->pays) {
                     $this->display = "{$this->ville} [{$this->pays}] : {$this->name}";
                 } else {
                     $this->display = "{$this->ville} : {$this->name}";
             } else {
                 if ($this->pays) {
                     $this->display = "[{$this->pays}] : {$this->name}";
                 } else {
                     $this->display = $this->name;
             // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche editeur si l'utilisateur a acces aux autorites
             //if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=editeurs&sub=editeur_form&id=".$this->id."' class='lien_gestion'>".$this->display."</a>";
             if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) {
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=see&sub=publisher&id=" . $this->id . "' class='lien_gestion'>" . $this->display . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->display;
         } else {
             // pas d'editeur avec cette cle
             $this->id = 0;
             $this->name = '';
             $this->adr1 = '';
             $this->adr2 = '';
             $this->cp = '';
             $this->ville = '';
             $this->pays = '';
             $this->web = '';
             $this->link = '';
             $this->display = '';
             $this->isbd_entry = '';
             $this->ed_comment = '';
             $this->num_statut = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function getData()
     global $dbh, $msg;
     if (!$this->id) {
         // pas d'identifiant.
         $this->id = 0;
         $this->type = '';
         $this->name = '';
         $this->rejete = '';
         $this->date = '';
         $this->author_web = '';
         $this->see = '';
         $this->see_libelle = '';
         $this->display = '';
         $this->isbd_entry = '';
         $this->author_comment = '';
         $this->subdivision = '';
         $this->lieu = '';
         $this->ville = '';
         $this->pays = '';
         $this->numero = '';
         $this->import_denied = 0;
         $this->num_statut = 1;
     } else {
         $requete = "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_id={$this->id} LIMIT 1 ";
         $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
         if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) {
             $temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result);
             $this->id = $temp->author_id;
             $this->type = $temp->author_type;
             $this->name = $temp->author_name;
             $this->rejete = $temp->author_rejete;
             $this->date = $temp->author_date;
             $this->author_web = $temp->author_web;
             $this->see = $temp->author_see;
             $this->author_comment = $temp->author_comment;
             // Ajout pour les congrès
             $this->subdivision = $temp->author_subdivision;
             $this->lieu = $temp->author_lieu;
             $this->ville = $temp->author_ville;
             $this->pays = $temp->author_pays;
             $this->numero = $temp->author_numero;
             $this->import_denied = $temp->author_import_denied;
             $authority = new authority(0, $this->id, AUT_TABLE_AUTHORS);
             $this->num_statut = $authority->get_num_statut();
             if ($this->type == 71) {
                 // C'est une collectivité
                 $this->isbd_entry = $temp->author_name;
                 $this->display = $temp->author_name;
                 if ($temp->author_subdivision) {
                     $this->isbd_entry .= ". " . $temp->author_subdivision;
                     $this->display .= ". " . $temp->author_subdivision;
                 if ($temp->author_rejete) {
                     $this->isbd_entry .= ", " . $temp->author_rejete;
                     $this->display .= ", " . $temp->author_rejete;
                     // $this->info_bulle=$temp->author_rejete;
                 $liste_field = $liste_lieu = array();
                 if ($temp->author_numero) {
                     $liste_field[] = $temp->author_numero;
                 if ($temp->author_date) {
                     $liste_field[] = $temp->author_date;
                 if ($temp->author_lieu) {
                     $liste_lieu[] = $temp->author_lieu;
                 if ($temp->author_ville) {
                     $liste_lieu[] = $temp->author_ville;
                 if ($temp->author_pays) {
                     $liste_lieu[] = $temp->author_pays;
                 if (count($liste_lieu)) {
                     $liste_field[] = implode(", ", $liste_lieu);
                 if (count($liste_field)) {
                     $liste_field = implode("; ", $liste_field);
                     $this->isbd_entry .= ' (' . $liste_field . ')';
                     $this->display .= ' (' . $liste_field . ')';
             } elseif ($this->type == 72) {
                 // C'est un congrès
                 $libelle = $msg["congres_libelle"] . ": ";
                 if ($temp->author_rejete) {
                     $this->isbd_entry = $temp->author_name . ", " . $temp->author_rejete;
                     $this->display = $libelle . $temp->author_name . ", " . $temp->author_rejete;
                 } else {
                     $this->isbd_entry = $temp->author_name;
                     $this->display = $libelle . $temp->author_name;
                 $liste_field = $liste_lieu = array();
                 if ($temp->author_subdivision) {
                     $liste_field[] = $temp->author_subdivision;
                 if ($temp->author_numero) {
                     $liste_field[] = $temp->author_numero;
                 if ($temp->author_date) {
                     $liste_field[] = $temp->author_date;
                 if ($temp->author_lieu) {
                     $liste_lieu[] = $temp->author_lieu;
                 if ($temp->author_ville) {
                     $liste_lieu[] = $temp->author_ville;
                 if ($temp->author_pays) {
                     $liste_lieu[] = $temp->author_pays;
                 if (count($liste_lieu)) {
                     $liste_field[] = implode(", ", $liste_lieu);
                 if (count($liste_field)) {
                     $liste_field = implode("; ", $liste_field);
                     $this->isbd_entry .= ' (' . $liste_field . ')';
                     $this->display .= ' (' . $liste_field . ')';
             } else {
                 // auteur physique
                 if ($temp->author_rejete) {
                     $this->isbd_entry = "{$temp->author_name}, {$temp->author_rejete}";
                     $this->display = "{$temp->author_name}, {$temp->author_rejete}";
                 } else {
                     $this->isbd_entry = $temp->author_name;
                     $this->display = $temp->author_name;
                 if ($temp->author_date) {
                     $this->isbd_entry .= ' (' . $temp->author_date . ')';
             // Ajoute un lien sur la fiche auteur si l'utilisateur à accès aux autorités
             if (SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH) {
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=see&sub=author&id=" . $this->id . "' class='lien_gestion' title='" . $this->info_bulle . "'>" . $this->display . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $this->isbd_entry_lien_gestion = $this->display;
             if ($temp->author_web) {
                 $this->author_web_link = " <a href='{$temp->author_web}' target=_blank><img src='./images/globe.gif' border=0 /></a>";
             } else {
                 $this->author_web_link = "";
             if ($temp->author_see && !$this->recursif) {
                 $see = new auteur($temp->author_see, 1);
                 $this->see_libelle = $see->display;
             } else {
                 $this->see_libelle = '';
         } else {
             // pas d'auteur avec cette clé
             $this->id = 0;
             $this->type = '';
             $this->name = '';
             $this->rejete = '';
             $this->date = '';
             $this->author_web = '';
             $this->see = '';
             $this->see_libelle = '';
             $this->display = '';
             $this->isbd_entry = '';
             $this->author_web_link = "";
             $this->author_comment = '';
             $this->subdivision = '';
             $this->lieu = '';
             $this->ville = '';
             $this->pays = '';
             $this->numero = '';
             $this->import_denied = 0;
             $this->num_statut = 1;