Ejemplo n.º 1
function search_in_article($article, $find)
    if (!class_exists('articles')) {
        return false;
    $out = array();
    $articles = new articles();
    $categories = $articles->getCategories();
    if (!empty($categories)) {
        foreach ($categories as $catkey => $katval) {
            if (access_chk($katval['accesslevel'])) {
                to_result($katval['description'], $find, '?module=articles&c=' . $article . '&b=' . $katval['id'], $out);
                to_result($katval['title'], $find, '?module=articles&c=' . $article . '&b=' . $katval['id'], $out);
                $articls = $articles->getArticles($katval, true, true, true);
                if (!empty($articls)) {
                    foreach ($articls as $akey => $aval) {
                        $link = '?module=articles&c=' . $article . '&b=' . $aval['catid'] . '&a=' . $aval['id'];
                        to_result($aval['text'], $find, $link, $out);
                        to_result($aval['desc'], $find, $link, $out);
                        to_result($aval['keywords'], $find, $link, $out);
                        to_result($aval['sef_desc'], $find, $link, $out);
                        to_result($aval['title'], $find, $link, $out);
                        to_result($aval['author_nick'], $find, $link, $out);
    return $out;
                messages::messageChangeSaved(MESSAGE_CHANGE_SAVED, false, CONF_ADMIN_FILE . '?' . $qString);
            } else {
                $arrErrors[] = db::$message_error;
    //смещение, всегда 0 (затем берется из $_GET)
    $offset = !empty($_GET['offset']) && strings::ifInt($_GET['offset']) && (int) $_GET['offset'] > 0 ? (int) abs($_GET['offset']) : 0;
    $path = CONF_ADMIN_FILE . '?m=manager&s=articles&action=moderate&';
    //текущий обработанный URL
    $strWhere = "token IN ('moderate')";
    $strLimit = array('strLimit' => $offset . ',' . $retFields['records'], 'calcRows' => true);
    $arrFields = array('id', 'title', 'id_section', 'id_user', 'author', 'comments', 'datetime');
    // массив всех статей
    $arrArticles = $articles->getArticles($strWhere, false, $strLimit, $arrFields);
    // формируем страницы
    $allRecords = $articles->cntArticles();
    // получаем общее количество статей
    $strPages = strings::generatePage($allRecords, $offset, $retFields['records'], $path, true);
    // формируем странциы
    $smarty->assignByRef('arrArticles', $arrArticles);
    //передаем в шаблон общее количество записей
    $smarty->assignByRef('allRecords', $allRecords);
    //передаем в шаблон строку сформированных страниц
    $smarty->assignByRef('strPages', $strPages);
} elseif ($arrActions['archived']) {
    // инициируем "Наименование страницы" отображаемое в форме
    $arrNamePage[] = array('name' => MENU_ACTION_ARCHIVED, 'link' => false);
    /** извлечение из архива и удаление статей **/
    if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
function rcms_parse_dynamik_menu($format)
    global $system;
    function convertArray($ar)
        $var = '{ ';
        foreach ($ar as $key => $val) {
            $var .= '"' . $key . '" : ';
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $var .= convertArray($val) . ', ';
            } else {
                $var .= '"' . $val . '", ';
        if ($var[strlen($var) - 2] == ',') {
            $var[strlen($var) - 2] = ' ';
        return $var . '} ';
    $pic_right = '&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>�</b> ';
    //Commented becouse f*****g IE, Microsoft, Gates and his mother...
    //$pic_right = '&nbsp;<img src = \''.SKIN_PATH.'arrow_right.gif\'>';
    //$pic_down = '<img src = \''.SKIN_PATH.'arrow_down.gif\'>';
    $pic_down = '';
    $navigation = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'navigation.ini', true);
    $dyna = parse_ini_file(CONFIG_PATH . 'dynamik.ini', true);
    $result = array();
    foreach ($navigation as $link) {
        if (substr($link['url'], 0, 9) == 'external:') {
            $target = '_blank';
            $link['url'] = substr($link['url'], 9);
        } else {
            $target = '';
        $tdata = explode(':', $link['url'], 2);
        if (count($tdata) == 2) {
            list($modifier, $value) = $tdata;
        } else {
            $modifier = $tdata[0];
        if (!empty($value) && !empty($system->navmodifiers[$modifier])) {
            if ($clink = call_user_func($system->navmodifiers[$modifier]['m'], $value)) {
                $result[] = array($clink[0], empty($link['name']) ? $clink[1] : __($link['name']), $target);
        } else {
            $result[] = array($link['url'], __($link['name']));
    $menu = ' <script type="text/javascript" src="modules/jsc/navigation.js"></script> <div class="dhtml_menu"> <div class="horz_menu"> ';
    foreach ($result as $item) {
        if (empty($item[2])) {
            $item[2] = '_top';
        if (empty($item[4])) {
            $item[4] = '';
        // Begin of Icons support by Migel
        //$arr = array();
        if ($item[0] == '?module=articles') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_art'])) {
                $articles = new articles();
                $containers = $articles->getContainers();
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($containers)) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    $containers = array_reverse($containers);
                    foreach ($containers as $conkey => $conval) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_article']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '] = '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey;
                            if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                                $art = $articles->getCategories();
                                $count2 = 0;
                                if (is_array($art)) {
                                    unset($arr['ddm_article']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ']);
                                    $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '] = array('-' => '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey);
                                    $art = array_reverse($art);
                                    foreach ($art as $artkey => $artval) {
                                        if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                            $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey . '&b=' . $artval['id'];
                                            $art2 = $articles->getArticles($artval['id']);
                                            $count3 = 0;
                                            if (count($art2) > 0) {
                                                unset($arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ']['&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']);
                                                $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey . '&b=' . $artval['id']);
                                                $art2 = array_reverse($art2);
                                                foreach ($art2 as $art2key => $art2val) {
                                                    if ($count3 != $dyna['max']) {
                                                        $arr['ddm_article'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($conval) . '&nbsp;&nbsp; '][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . cut_text($artval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($art2val['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=articles&c=' . $conkey . '&b=' . $artval['id'] . '&a=' . $art2val['id'];
                $item[4] = 'ddm_article';
            $item[3] = 'articles.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=gallery') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_gal'])) {
                $gallery = new gallery();
                $kw = $gallery->getAvaiableValues('keywords');
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($kw)) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                        foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By keywords') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=gallery&keyword=' . $val);
                                $kw2 = $gallery->getLimitedImagesList('keywords', $val);
                                $kw2 = array_reverse($kw2);
                                $count2 = 0;
                                foreach ($kw2 as $key2 => $val2) {
                                    if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                        $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By keywords') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val2) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val2;
                $kw = $gallery->getAvaiableValues('size');
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($kw)) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                        foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By size') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=gallery&size=' . $val);
                                $kw2 = $gallery->getLimitedImagesList('size', $val);
                                $kw2 = array_reverse($kw2);
                                $count2 = 0;
                                foreach ($kw2 as $key2 => $val2) {
                                    if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                        $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By size') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val2) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val2;
                $kw = $gallery->getAvaiableValues('type');
                $count = 0;
                if (is_array($kw)) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                        foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By type') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=gallery&type=' . $val);
                                $kw2 = $gallery->getLimitedImagesList('type', $val);
                                $kw2 = array_reverse($kw2);
                                $count2 = 0;
                                foreach ($kw2 as $key2 => $val2) {
                                    if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                        $arr['ddm_gallery'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('By type') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val2) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val2;
                $kw = $gallery->getFullImagesList();
                $count = 0;
                if (count($kw) > 0) {
                    $kw = array_reverse($kw);
                    foreach ($kw as $key => $val) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_gallery']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($val) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=gallery&id=' . $val;
                $item[4] = 'ddm_gallery';
            $item[3] = 'gallery.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=user.list') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_mem'])) {
                $userlist = $system->getUserList('*', 'nickname');
                $count = 0;
                if (count($userlist) > 0) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    $userlist = array_reverse($userlist);
                    foreach ($userlist as $conkey => $conval) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_users']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['nickname']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=user.list&user='******'username'];
                $item[4] = 'ddm_users';
            $item[3] = 'userlist.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=filesdb') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_fdb'])) {
                $filesdb = new linksdb(DOWNLOADS_DATAFILE);
                $count = 0;
                if (!empty($filesdb->data)) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    $fdb = array_reverse($filesdb->data);
                    foreach ($fdb as $conkey => $conval) {
                        if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                            $arr['ddm_filesdb']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=filesdb&id=' . (sizeof($fdb) - ($count - 1));
                            if (count($conval['files']) > 0) {
                                if (!isset($dyna['min'])) {
                                    unset($arr['ddm_filesdb']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']);
                                    $arr['ddm_filesdb'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = array('-' => '?module=filesdb&id=' . (sizeof($fdb) - ($count - 1)));
                                    $count2 = 0;
                                    $conval['files'] = array_reverse($conval['files']);
                                    foreach ($conval['files'] as $artkey => $artval) {
                                        if ($count2 != $dyna['max']) {
                                            $arr['ddm_filesdb'][$pic_right . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($artval['name']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=filesdb&id=' . (sizeof($fdb) - ($count - 1)) . '&fid=' . (sizeof($conval['files']) - ($count2 - 1));
                $item[4] = 'ddm_filesdb';
            $item[3] = 'files.png';
        } elseif ($item[0] == '?module=forum') {
            if (!isset($dyna['use_for'])) {
                $topics = @unserialize(@file_get_contents(FORUM_PATH . 'topic_index.dat'));
                $count = 0;
                if (count($topics) > 0) {
                    $item[1] .= '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
                    if (is_array($topics)) {
                        $topics = array_reverse($topics);
                        foreach ($topics as $conkey => $conval) {
                            if ($count != $dyna['max']) {
                                $arr['ddm_forum']['&nbsp;&nbsp;' . cut_text($conval['title']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;'] = '?module=forum&id=' . (sizeof($topics) - $count) . '&action=topic';
                $item[4] = 'ddm_forum';
            $item[3] = 'forum.png';
        } elseif ($item[1] == 'CUSTOM1') {
            $item[1] = __(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_title_1.txt')) . '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
            $arr['ddm_custom1'] = arr2ddm(unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_1.dat')));
            $item[4] = 'ddm_custom1';
            $item[3] = 'custom1.png';
        } elseif ($item[1] == 'CUSTOM2') {
            $item[1] = __(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_title_2.txt')) . '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
            $arr['ddm_custom2'] = arr2ddm(unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_2.dat')));
            $item[4] = 'ddm_custom2';
            $item[3] = 'custom2.png';
        } elseif ($item[1] == 'CUSTOM3') {
            $item[1] = __(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_title_3.txt')) . '&nbsp;' . $pic_down;
            $arr['ddm_custom3'] = arr2ddm(unserialize(file_get_contents(CONFIG_PATH . 'custom_menu_3.dat')));
            $item[4] = 'ddm_custom3';
            $item[3] = 'custom3.png';
        } else {
            $item[3] = 'default.png';
        if (isset($dyna['ico'])) {
            $item[3] = '<img src="skins/icons/' . $item[3] . '">';
        } else {
            $item[3] = '';
        $menu .= str_replace('{link}', $item[0], str_replace('{title}', $item[1], str_replace('{target}', @$item[2], str_replace('{icon}', $item[3], str_replace('{id}', $item[4], $format)))));
        // End of Icons support by Migel
    $menu .= ' <br clear="both" /> </div>';
    $result = $menu . ' <script type="text/javascript"> dhtmlmenu_build(' . convertArray($arr, 'arr') . ');</script></div>';
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        $frm->addrow(__('Add link to file'), $frm->select_tag('files', $files, -1, 'onChange="selChange(this.form)">\\n
	<option value="-1">' . __('Select file') . '</option') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . __('You entered filename of file uploaded through upload interface'), 'top');
    //End Insert list uploaded files
    if ($system->checkForRight('GENERAL')) {
        $arr_modes = array('html' => __('HTML'), 'text' => __('Text'), 'htmlbb' => __('bbCodes') . '+' . __('HTML'), 'php' => __('PHP'));
    } else {
        $arr_modes = array('html' => __('HTML'), 'text' => __('Text'), 'htmlbb' => __('bbCodes') . '+' . __('HTML'));
    $frm->addrow(__('Mode'), $frm->select_tag('mode', $arr_modes, $article['mode']), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Date') . ' (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)', $frm->text_box('time', gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", $article['time'])), 'top');
    $frm->addrow(__('Allow comments'), $frm->radio_button('comments', array('yes' => __('Allow'), 'no' => __('Disallow')), $article['comments']), 'top');
} elseif (!empty($b) || $c == '#hidden' || $c == '#root') {
    if ($articles->setWorkContainer($c)) {
        $frm = new InputForm('', 'post', __('Submit'), __('Reset'));
        $frm->addbreak(__('List of articles'));
        $frm->hidden('c', $c);
        $frm->hidden('b', $b);
        if (($list = $articles->getArticles($b, false, false, false)) !== false) {
            foreach (array_reverse($list, true) as $id => $article) {
                $frm->addrow('<a href="' . RCMS_ROOT_PATH . '?module=articles&c=' . $c . '&b=' . $b . '&a=' . $article['id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $article['title'] . '</a>' . ' [' . user_create_link($article['author_name'], $article['author_nick'], '_blank') . '] [' . rcms_format_time('d F Y H:i:s', $article['time']) . ']', $frm->checkbox('delete[' . $article['id'] . ']', '1', __('Delete')) . $frm->radio_button('a', array($article['id'] => __('Edit'))) . $frm->radio_button('move', array($article['id'] => __('Move'))));
        } else {
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 5
                     $arrErrors[] = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS;
             } else {
                 $arrErrors[] = ERROR_SELECTED_ARTICLE;
         } else {
             $arrErrors[] = ERROR_TO_PERFORM_ACTION_SPECIFY_ALIAS;
     } else {
         $arrErrors[] = ERROR_SELECTED_ARTICLE;
 } elseif ($arrActions['moderate']) {
     // инициируем "Наименование страницы" отображаемое в заголовке формы
     $arrNamePage[] = array('name' => constant('MENU_ACTION_MODERATE'), 'link' => false);
     $strWhere = "id_user IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrUser['id']) . ") AND token IN ('moderate')";
     $arrArticles = $articles->getArticles($strWhere, false, false, array('id', 'title', 'datetime', 'id_section'));
     $smarty->assignByRef('arrArticles', $arrArticles);
 } elseif ($arrActions['correction']) {
     /** ДЕЙСТВИЯ **/
     if (!empty($_POST['action'])) {
         // удаление
         if ('delete' === $_POST['action'] && !empty($_SESSION['sd_' . DB_PREFIX . 'codex']['rights']['del_articles']) && !empty($_POST['articles'])) {
             $strWhere = "id_user IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrUser['id']) . ")";
             !$articles->deleteArticles(array_keys($_POST['articles']), $strWhere) ? $arrErrors[] = db::$message_error : messages::messageChangeSaved(MESSAGE_CHANGE_SAVED, false, chpu::createChpuUrl(CONF_SCRIPT_URL . 'index.php?ut=' . $_SESSION['sd_user'][DB_PREFIX . 'conf']['user_type'] . '&amp;do=user.articles&amp;action=archived'));
     // инициируем "Наименование страницы" отображаемое в заголовке формы
     $arrNamePage[] = array('name' => constant('MENU_ACTION_CORRECTION'), 'link' => false);
     $strWhere = "id_user IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrUser['id']) . ") AND token IN ('correction')";
     $arrArticles = $articles->getArticles($strWhere, false, false, false);
     $smarty->assignByRef('arrArticles', $arrArticles);
Ejemplo n.º 6
         $result['success'] = true;
         $result['data'] = $comment;
         $result['attaches'] = $attaches;
     echo json_encode($result);
     $content = 'content_index.php';
     //        $page = __paramInit('int', 'p');
     //        if (!$page) $page = 1;
     if (isset($_GET['tag'])) {
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/kwords.php';
         $tag_name = kwords::getKeyById(intval($_GET['tag']));
     $articles = articles::getArticles($page, $msgs_on_page, $uid, $_GET['tag'], true, null, $ord);
     $articles_count = articles::ArticlesCount(true, null, $_GET['tag']);
     $order = intval($_COOKIE['bmOrderType']);
     switch ($order) {
         case 0:
             $order = 'time';
         case 1:
             $order = 'priority';
         case 2:
             $order = 'title';
             $order = 'time';
Ejemplo n.º 7

//   Copyright (C) ReloadCMS Development Team                                 //
//   http://reloadcms.com                                                     //
//   This product released under GNU General Public License v2                //
$name_module = __('Articles');
$articles = new articles();
$containers = $articles->getContainers();
if (!empty($containers) && is_array($containers)) {
    foreach (array_keys($containers) as $c) {
        if ($c != '#hidden') {
            if ($articles->setWorkContainer($c)) {
                if (is_array($articles->getCategories())) {
                    foreach ($articles->getCategories() as $b) {
                        foreach ($articles->getArticles($b['id'], true) as $article) {
                            $loc = $directory . '?module=articles&c=' . str_replace('#', '%23', $c) . '&b=' . $b['id'] . '&a=' . $article['id'];
                            $sitemap->addUrl($loc, rcms_format_time('Y-m-d', $article['time']), $chfr, $prio);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    } else {
        //Poster une modification d'articles
        $_POST['title'] = trim(htmlentities($_POST['title']));
        $_POST['author'] = trim(htmlentities($_POST['author']));
        $_POST['content'] = trim(htmlentities($_POST['content']));
        $articles->updateArticles($pdo, $date);
        header("Location: index.php?pages=listArticles");
if (isset($_GET['deleteArticles'])) {
    //Supprimer un article
    $articles->deleteArticles($pdo, $date);
    if (isset($_SESSION['userId'])) {
        header("Location: index.php?pages=articles");
    } else {
        header("Location: index.php?pages=listArticles");
if (isset($_GET['updateArticles'])) {
    $result = $articles->getArticles($pdo, $date);
} else {
    $result['title'] = '';
    $result['author'] = '';
    $result['content'] = '';
    $result['idCat'] = 1;
    $result['id'] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
$frm->addbreak(__('Additional information'));
$frm->addrow(__('News') . ', ' . __('Articles'), format_size(get_dir_size(DATA_PATH . 'a/')));
$frm->addrow(__('Various datafiles'), format_size(get_dir_size(DF_PATH)));
$frm->addrow(__('Users profiles') . ' (' . get_user_count() . ')', format_size(get_dir_size(USERS_PATH) + get_dir_size(DATA_PATH . 'avatars/') + get_dir_size(DATA_PATH . 'pm/')));
$frm->addrow(__('Uploads'), format_size(get_dir_size(FILES_PATH)));
if (defined('GALLERY_PATH')) {
    $frm->addrow(__('Gallery'), format_size(get_dir_size(GALLERY_PATH)));
if (defined('FORUM_PATH')) {
    $frm->addrow(__('Forum'), format_size(get_dir_size(FORUM_PATH)));
$frm->addrow(__('Logs'), format_size(get_dir_size(LOGS_PATH)));
$frm->addrow(__('Config'), format_size(get_dir_size(CONFIG_PATH)));
$frm->addrow(__('Backups'), format_size(get_dir_size(BACKUP_PATH)));
$frm->addrow(__('Skins'), format_size(get_dir_size(SKIN_PATH)));
$frm->addrow(__('Images'), format_size(get_dir_size(IMAGES_PATH)));
$frm->addrow(__('All'), format_size(get_dir_size(RCMS_ROOT_PATH)));
if (class_exists('articles') && $system->checkForRight('ARTICLES-EDITOR')) {
    $frm->addbreak(__('Information from users'));
    $articles = new articles();
    $count = sizeof($articles->getArticles(0, false, false, false));
    $frm->addrow($count . ' ' . __('article(s) awaits moderation'));
if ($system->checkForRight('SUPPORT')) {
    $count = sizeof(get_messages(null, true, false, DF_PATH . 'support.dat'));
    $frm->addrow($count . ' ' . __('feedback requests in database'));
$frm->addbreak(__('Here you can leave message for other administrators'));
$frm->addrow($frm->textarea('remarks', file_get_contents(DATA_PATH . 'admin_remarks.txt'), 60, 10), '', 'middle', 'center');
Ejemplo n.º 10
            foreach ($articles_list as $id => $time) {
                $id = explode('.', $id);
                if ((!$from || $time >= $from) && (!$until || $time <= $until)) {
                    if ((($cat_data = $articles->getCategory($id[0], false)) !== false || $c == '#root') && ($article = $articles->getArticle($id[0], $id[1], true, true, false, false)) !== false) {
                        $result .= rcms_parse_module_template('art-article.tpl', $article + array('showtitle' => true, 'linktext' => $articles->linktextArticle($article['text_nonempty'], $article['comcnt'], $article['views']), 'linkurl' => '?module=' . $module . '&amp;c=' . str_replace('#', '%23', $c) . '&amp;b=' . $article['catid'] . '&amp;a=' . $article['id'], 'cat_data' => @$cat_data));
    $title = '<a class="winheader" href="?module=' . $module . '">' . __('Sections') . '</a> &rarr; ' . __('Search results');
    show_window($title, $result);
} elseif (!empty($c) && (!empty($b) || $c == '#root')) {
    if (!$articles->setWorkContainer($c)) {
    } elseif (($contents = $articles->getArticles($b, true, true, false)) === false) {
    } elseif ($c !== '#root' && !($category = $articles->getCategory($b, false))) {
    } else {
        $containers = $articles->getContainers();
        $result = '';
        if ($c !== '#root') {
            $system->config['pagename'] = mb_strlen($category['title']) > $articles->config['category'] ? mb_substr($category['title'], 0, $articles->config['category']) . '...' : $category['title'];
        } else {
            $system->config['pagename'] = $containers[$c];
        foreach ($contents as $tmp_article) {
            $arr_art[$tmp_article['time']] = $tmp_article;