Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getColumnsForExtGridAndStore($createKeyFrom = NULL)
     $fieldconfArr = (array) json_decode($this->getGeometryColumns($this->table, "fieldconf"));
     foreach ($fieldconfArr as $key => $value) {
         if ($value->properties == "*") {
             $table = new \app\models\Table($this->table);
             $distinctValues = $table->getGroupByAsArray($key);
             $fieldconfArr[$key]->properties = json_encode($distinctValues["data"], JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
     if ($this->geomType == "POLYGON" || $this->geomType == "MULTIPOLYGON") {
         $type = "Polygon";
     } elseif ($this->geomType == "POINT" || $this->geomType == "MULTIPOINT") {
         $type = "Point";
     } elseif ($this->geomType == "LINESTRING" || $this->geomType == "MULTILINESTRING" || $this->geomType == "LINE") {
         $type = "Path";
     if (substr($this->geomType, 0, 5) == "MULTI") {
         $multi = true;
     } else {
         $multi = false;
     foreach ($this->metaData as $key => $value) {
         if ($value['type'] != "geometry" && $key != $this->primeryKey['attname']) {
             $fieldsForStore[] = array("name" => $key, "type" => $value['type']);
             $columnsForGrid[] = array("header" => $key, "dataIndex" => $key, "type" => $value['type'], "typeObj" => $value['typeObj'], "properties" => $fieldconfArr[$key]->properties ?: null);
     if ($createKeyFrom) {
         $fieldsForStore[] = array("name" => "_key_", "type" => "string");
         $fieldsForStore[] = array("name" => "pkey", "type" => "string");
     $response["forStore"] = $fieldsForStore;
     $response["forGrid"] = $columnsForGrid;
     $response["type"] = $type;
     $response["multi"] = $multi;
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function getAll($schema = false, $layer = false, $auth, $includeExtent = false, $parse = false, $es = false)
     // TODO use the function settings.getColumns() instead
     $where = $auth ? "(authentication<>'foo' OR authentication is NULL)" : "(authentication='Write' OR authentication='None')";
     $case = "CASE WHEN ((layergroup = '' OR layergroup IS NULL) AND baselayer != true) THEN 9999999 else sort_id END";
     if ($schema) {
         $ids = explode(",", $schema);
         $qMarks = str_repeat('?,', count($ids) - 1) . '?';
         $sql = "SELECT *, ({$case}) as sort FROM settings.geometry_columns_view WHERE {$where} AND f_table_schema in ({$qMarks}) ORDER BY sort";
     } elseif ($layer) {
         $sql = "SELECT *, ({$case}) as sort FROM settings.geometry_columns_view WHERE {$where} AND f_table_schema = :sSchema AND f_table_name = :sName ORDER BY sort";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT *, ({$case}) as sort FROM settings.geometry_columns_view WHERE {$where} ORDER BY sort";
     $sql .= \app\conf\App::$param["reverseLayerOrder"] ? " DESC" : " ASC";
     $res = $this->prepare($sql);
     try {
         if ($schema) {
         } elseif ($layer) {
             $split = explode(".", $layer);
             $res->execute(array("sSchema" => $split[0], "sName" => $split[1]));
         } else {
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $response['success'] = false;
         $response['message'] = $e->getMessage();
         $response['code'] = 401;
         return $response;
     while ($row = $this->fetchRow($res, "assoc")) {
         $arr = array();
         $primeryKey = $this->getPrimeryKey("{$row['f_table_schema']}.{$row['f_table_name']}");
         $resVersioning = $this->doesColumnExist("{$row['f_table_schema']}.{$row['f_table_name']}", "gc2_version_gid");
         $versioning = $resVersioning["exists"];
         if ($row['type'] != "RASTER" && $includeExtent == true) {
             $srsTmp = "900913";
             $sql = "SELECT ST_Xmin(ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $row['f_geometry_column'] . "\",{$srsTmp}))) AS xmin,ST_Xmax(ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $row['f_geometry_column'] . "\",{$srsTmp}))) AS xmax, ST_Ymin(ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $row['f_geometry_column'] . "\",{$srsTmp}))) AS ymin,ST_Ymax(ST_Extent(public.ST_Transform(\"" . $row['f_geometry_column'] . "\",{$srsTmp}))) AS ymax  FROM {$row['f_table_schema']}.{$row['f_table_name']}";
             $resExtent = $this->prepare($sql);
             try {
             } catch (\PDOException $e) {
             $extent = $this->fetchRow($resExtent, "assoc");
         foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
             if ($key == "type" && $value == "GEOMETRY") {
                 $def = json_decode($row['def']);
                 if (isset($def->geotype) && $def->geotype != "Default") {
                     $value = "MULTI" . $def->geotype;
             if ($key == "layergroup" && !$value) {
                 $value = "<font color='red'>[Ungrouped]</font>";
             if ($key == "fieldconf" && $value) {
                 $obj = json_decode($value, true);
                 if (is_array($obj)) {
                     foreach ($obj as $k => $val) {
                         if ($obj[$k]["properties"] == "*") {
                             $table = new \app\models\Table($row['f_table_schema'] . "." . $row['f_table_name']);
                             $distinctValues = $table->getGroupByAsArray($k);
                             $obj[$k]["properties"] = json_encode($distinctValues["data"], JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
                     $value = json_encode($obj);
                 } else {
                     $value = null;
             if ($parse) {
                 if (($key == "fieldconf" || $key == "def" || $key == "class" || $key == "classwizard") && $value) {
                     $value = json_decode($value);
             $arr = $this->array_push_assoc($arr, $key, $value);
         $arr = $this->array_push_assoc($arr, "pkey", $primeryKey['attname']);
         $arr = $this->array_push_assoc($arr, "versioning", $versioning);
         if ($includeExtent == true) {
             $arr = $this->array_push_assoc($arr, "extent", $extent);
         // Is indexed?
         if ($es) {
             $type = $row['f_table_name'];
             if (mb_substr($type, 0, 1, 'utf-8') == "_") {
                 $type = "a" . $type;
             $url = (App::$param['esHost'] ?: "") . ":9200/{$this->postgisdb}_{$row['f_table_schema']}/{$type}/";
             $ch = curl_init($url);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
             // we want headers
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
             // we don't need body
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
             $output = curl_exec($ch);
             $httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
             if ($httpcode == "200") {
                 $arr = $this->array_push_assoc($arr, "indexed_in_es", true);
             } else {
                 $arr = $this->array_push_assoc($arr, "indexed_in_es", false);
         // Session is sub-user we always check privileges
         if (isset($_SESSION) && $_SESSION['subuser']) {
             $privileges = (array) json_decode($row["privileges"]);
             if ($_SESSION['subuser'] == false || $_SESSION['subuser'] != false && $privileges[$_SESSION['usergroup'] ?: $_SESSION['subuser']] != "none" && $privileges[$_SESSION['usergroup'] ?: $_SESSION['subuser']] != false) {
                 $response['data'][] = $arr;
             } elseif ($schema != false && $_SESSION['subuser'] == $schema) {
                 $response['data'][] = $arr;
         } else {
             $response['data'][] = $arr;
     $response['data'] = isset($response['data']) ? $response['data'] : array();
     if (!isset($this->PDOerror)) {
         $response['auth'] = $auth ?: false;
         $response['success'] = true;
         $response['message'] = "geometry_columns_view fetched";
     } else {
         $response['success'] = false;
         $response['message'] = $this->PDOerror[0];
         $response['code'] = 401;
     return $response;