Ejemplo n.º 1
    case 'phpbb':
        $smilies = $integrationDatabase->select(array("{$forumTablePrefix}smilies" => 'code emoticonText, smiley_url emoticonFile'))->getAsArray(true);
    case 'vanilla':
        // TODO: Convert
        $smilies = $database->select(array($database->sqlPrefix . "emoticons" => 'emoticonText, emoticonFile'))->getAsArray(true);
        $smilies = array();
if (count($smilies)) {
    switch ($loginConfig['method']) {
        case 'phpbb':
            $forumUrlS = $loginConfig['url'] . 'images/smilies/';
        case 'vanilla':
            $forumUrlS = $installUrl;
        case 'vbulletin3':
        case 'vbulletin4':
            $forumUrlS = $loginConfig['url'];
    foreach ($smilies as $smilie) {
        $smilies2[$smilie['emoticonText']] = $forumUrlS . $smilie['emoticonFile'];
    $searchText2 = implode('|', $searchText);
$apiData = new apiData(array('getServerStatus' => array('activeUser' => array('userId' => (int) $user['userId'], 'userName' => $user['userName']), 'errStr' => $errStr, 'errDesc' => $errDesc, 'serverStatus' => array('fim_version' => FIM_VERSION, 'installedPlugins' => array(), 'installUrl' => $installUrl, 'parentalControls' => array('parentalEnabled' => $config['parentalEnabled'], 'parentalForced' => $config['parentalForced'], 'parentalAgeChangeable' => $config['parentalAgeChangeable'], 'parentalRegistrationAge' => $config['parentalRegistrationAge'], 'parentalFlags' => new apiOutputList($config['parentalFlags']), 'parentalAges' => new apiOutputList($config['parentalAges']), 'enableCensor' => $config['censorEnabled']), 'branding' => array('forumType' => $loginConfig['method'], 'forumUrl' => $loginConfig['url']), 'requestMethods' => array('poll' => true, 'serverSentEvents' => (bool) $config['serverSentEvents']), 'registrationPolicies' => array('ageRequired' => (bool) $config['ageRequired'], 'ageMinimum' => (int) $config['ageMinimum'], 'ageMaximum' => (int) $config['ageMaximum'], 'emailRequired' => (bool) $config['emailRequired']), 'fileUploads' => array('enabled' => (bool) $config['enableUploads'], 'generalEnabled' => (bool) $config['enableGeneralUploads'], 'maxAll' => (int) $config['uploadMaxFiles'], 'maxUser' => (int) $config['uploadMaxUserFiles'], 'chunkSize' => (int) $config['fileUploadChunkSize'], 'emptyFiles' => (bool) $config['allowEmptyFiles'], 'orphanFiles' => (bool) $config['allowOrphanFiles'], 'allowedExtensions' => new apiOutputList($config['allowedExtensions']), 'mimes' => new apiOutputList($config['uploadMimes']), 'extensionChanges' => $config['extensionChanges'], 'fileContainers' => $config['fileContainers'], 'mimeProofs' => $config['uploadMimeTypes'], 'sizeLimits' => $config['uploadSizeLimits']), 'rooms' => array('roomLengthMinimum' => (int) $config['roomLengthMinimum'], 'roomLengthMaximum' => (int) $config['roomLengthMaximum'], 'disableTopic' => (bool) $config['disableTopic'], 'officialRooms' => (bool) $config['officialRooms'], 'hiddenRooms' => (bool) $config['hiddenRooms']), 'defaultFormatting' => array('color' => $config['defaultFormattingColor'], 'font' => $config['defaultFormattingFont'], 'highlight' => $config['defaultFormattingHighlight'], 'bold' => $config['defaultFormattingBold'], 'italics' => $config['defaultFormattingItalics'], 'underline' => $config['defaultFormattingUnderline'], 'strikethrough' => $config['defaultFormattingStrikethrough'], 'overline' => $config['defaultFormattingOverline']), 'formatting' => array('fonts' => $config['fonts'], 'emoticons' => $smilies2), 'outputBuffer' => array('comressOutput' => (bool) $config['compressOutput']), 'phpVersion' => (double) phpversion()))));
echo $apiData->output();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    $sessionHash = $database->createSession($user);
} elseif ($loginMethod === 'session') {
    $session = $database->getSessions(array('sessionHashes' => array($request['fim3_sessionHash'])))->getAsArray(false);
    if (!count($session)) {
        new fimError('invalidSession', 'Your session has expired. Please re-login.');
    } elseif ($session['userAgent'] !== $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) {
        // Require the UA match that of the one used to establish the session. Smart clients are encouraged to specify their own with their client name and version.
        new fimError('sessionMismatchBrowser', 'Your client or browser has changed. Please re-login.');
    } elseif ($session['sessionIp'] !== $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
        // This is a tricky one (in some instances, a user's IP may change throughout their session, especially over mobile), but generally the most certain to block any attempted forgeries. That said, IPs can, /theoretically/ be spoofed.
        new fimError('sessionMismatchIp', 'Your IP address has changed. Please re-login.');
    } else {
        $user = new fimUser($session);
        // Mostly identical, though a few additional properties do exist.
        if ($session['sessionTime'] < time() - $config['sessionRefresh']) {
        // If five minutes (or whatever $config[sessionTime is set to) have passed since the session has been generated, update it.
/* API Output */
if ($apiRequest !== true && $streamRequest !== true && $ignoreLogin !== true && $hookLogin === false) {
    $apiData = new apiData();
    $apiData->replaceData(array('login' => array('sessionHash' => $sessionHash, 'anonId' => $user->anonId, 'defaultRoomId' => $user->defaultRoomId, 'userData' => array('userId' => $user->id, 'userName' => $user->name, 'userNameFormat' => $user->nameFormat, 'userGroupId' => $user->mainGroupId, 'socialGroupIds' => new apiOutputList($user->socialGroupIds), 'avatar' => $user->avatar, 'profile' => $user->profile, 'messageFormatting' => $user->messageFormatting, 'parentalFlags' => new apiOutputList($user->parentalFlags), 'parentalAge' => $user->parentalAge), 'permissions' => array('protected' => (bool) ($user->privs & ADMIN_PROTECTED), 'modPrivs' => (bool) ($user->privs & ADMIN_GRANT), 'modRooms' => (bool) ($user->privs & ADMIN_ROOMS), 'modPrivate' => (bool) ($user->privs & ADMIN_VIEW_PRIVATE), 'modUsers' => (bool) ($user->privs & ADMIN_USERS), 'modFiles' => (bool) ($user->privs & ADMIN_FILES), 'modCensor' => (bool) ($user->privs & ADMIN_CENSOR), 'view' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_VIEW), 'post' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_POST), 'changeTopic' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_TOPIC), 'createRooms' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_CREATE_ROOMS), 'privateRoomsFriends' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_PRIVATE_FRIENDS), 'privateRoomsAll' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_PRIVATE_ALL), 'roomsOnline' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_ACTIVE_USERS), 'postCounts' => (bool) ($user->privs & USER_PRIV_POST_COUNTS)))));
define('FIM_LOGINRUN', true);