Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function sendToServer($type, $subject, $number, $message, $file, $line)
     //		$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Executing...');
     //        $this->_logVerbose('Executing...');
     if ($this->_isTraceDefined()) {
         $trace = anvilFuseTrace::render();
         //			$this->_firePHP->_log('Trace Defined');
         if ($this->echoTrace && $type > self::TRACE_TYPE_DEBUG) {
             echo nl2br($message);
             echo anvilFuseTrace::renderHTML();
             echo '<hr />';
     if ($this->isFireBugEnabled()) {
         //			$this->_firePHP->_log(array($type, $subject, $number, $message, $file, $line, $trace));
     if ($this->isServerEnabled()) {
         //			$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Opening Connection to anvilFuseTrap Server...');
         $this->_logVerbose('Opening Connection to anvilFuseTrap Server...');
         try {
             $anvilFuseWS = new SoapClient($this->serverURL);
             //				$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Adding new event...');
             //                $this->_logVerbose('Adding new event...');
             $return = $anvilFuseWS->newEvent($type, $this->applicationID, $this->applicationVersion, $this->_remoteIP, $subject, $number, $message, $file, $line, $trace);
             return $return;
         } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
             $this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Server communications failure! (' . $fault->faultcode . ' - ' . $fault->faultstring . ')');
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             $this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Server communications failure! (' . $exception->getCode() . ' - ' . $exception->getMessage() . ')');
     } elseif ($this->isDatabaseEnabled()) {
         //			$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Opening Connection to Database...');
         $this->_logVerbose('Opening Connection to Database...');
         try {
             //				$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'starting...');
             //                $this->_logVerbose('starting...');
             if ($this->tableVersion === 1) {
                 $objEvent = new anvilFuseEvent($this->dataConnection, $this->tableName);
                 $objEvent->eventTypeID = $type;
                 $objEvent->applicationID = $this->applicationID;
             } else {
                 $objEvent = new anvilFuseEvent2($this->dataConnection, $this->tableName);
                 $objEvent->fuseEventTypeID = $type;
                 $objEvent->fuseApplicationID = $this->applicationID;
             $objEvent->version = $this->applicationVersion;
             $objEvent->userIP = $this->_remoteIP;
             $objEvent->userID = $this->userID;
             $objEvent->name = substr($subject, 0, 255);
             $objEvent->number = $number;
             $objEvent->details = $message;
             $objEvent->file = $file;
             $objEvent->line = $line;
             $objEvent->trace = $trace;
             //				$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Save SQL = ' . $objEvent->buildSaveSQL());
             $return = array('result' => '1', 'junk' => 'junk');
             //				$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, '$return=' . var_export($return, true));
             return $return;
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             //				$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Server communications failure! (' . $exception->getCode() . ' - ' . $exception->getMessage . ")\n[" . $exception->getTraceAsString() . ']');
             $this->_logError('Server communications failure! (' . $exception->getCode() . ' - ' . $exception->getMessage() . ')');
     } elseif (!empty($this->_logPath)) {
         $types = array(0 => 'Other', 10 => 'Test', 20 => 'Info', 30 => 'Debug', 40 => 'Warning', 50 => 'Error', 60 => 'Critical');
         try {
             $log = fopen($this->_logPath, 'ab');
             $logAppend = "-------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'DTS: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'Type: ' . $types[$type] . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'Application ID: ' . $this->applicationID . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'Application version: ' . $this->applicationVersion . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'User IP: ' . $this->_remoteIP . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'Number: ' . $number . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'Name: ' . $subject . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'Details: ' . $message . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'File: ' . $file . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= 'Line: ' . $line . "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= "\r\n";
             $logAppend .= $trace;
             $logAppend .= "-------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n";
             fwrite($log, $logAppend);
             $return = array('result' => '1', 'junk' => 'junk');
             return $return;
         } catch (Exception $exception) {
             //				$this->_addTraceInfo(__FILE__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Server communications failure! (' . $exception->code . ' - ' . $exception->message . ')');
             $this->_logError('Server communications failure! (' . $exception->getCode() . ' - ' . $exception->getMessage() . ')');
     } else {
         return false;