Ejemplo n.º 1

global $DSN;
// FIXME: hay una variable DSN? o esto es para algun backward-compatibility?
if ($DSN) {
    $this->database = almdata::connect($DSN);
} else {
    $this->database = almdata::connect(DSN);
$this->num = 0;
$this->cols = 0;
$this->max = MAXROWS;
$this->current_pg = isset($_REQUEST['pg']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['pg'] : '1';
Ejemplo n.º 2
function performTests()
    global $failed, $test_output, $action, $admin_db_failed, $public_db_failed, $admin_dsn, $public_dsn, $smarty, $global_dd, $alm_connect;
    $failed = false;
    $red = '<font color="red">FALL&Oacute;</font>';
    $green = '<font color="green">PAS&Oacute;</font>';
    # Old versions don't use admin_dsn public_dsn but simply a DSN constant
    if (!isset($admin_dsn)) {
        $admin_dsn = DSN;
    if (!isset($public_dsn)) {
        $public_dsn = DSN;
    $test_output .= "Probando conexion a base de datos (public)... ";
    $db = almdata::connect($public_dsn);
    if (almdata::basicError($db, $public_dsn) || !$alm_connect[$public_dsn]) {
        $error_msg = almdata::basicError($db, $public_dsn);
        $test_output .= "{$red} <i>{$error_msg}</i><br/>";
        $failed = true;
        $public_db_failed = true;
    } else {
        $test_output .= "{$green}<br/>";
    # Check admin connection last, so that we stay admin...
    $test_output = "Probando conexion a base de datos (admin)... ";
    $db = almdata::connect($admin_dsn);
    if (almdata::basicError($db, $admin_dsn) || !$alm_connect[$admin_dsn]) {
        $error_msg = almdata::basicError($db, $admin_dsn);
        $test_output .= "{$red} <i>{$error_msg}</i><br/>";
        $failed = true;
        $admin_db_failed = true;
    } else {
        $test_output .= "{$green}<br/>";
    $test_output .= "Probando configuracion de PHP... ";
    if (get_cfg_var('short_open_tag') != 1) {
        $test_output .= "{$red} <i>short_open_tag = " . get_cfg_var('short_open_tag') . "</i><br/>";
        $failed = true;
    } else {
        $test_output .= "{$green}<br/>";
    $test_output .= "Probando permisos de directorios... ";
    if (checkPerms($smarty->compile_dir) !== true) {
        $test_output .= "{$red} <i> {$smarty->compile_dir} = " . checkPerms($smarty->compile_dir) . "</i><br/>";
    if (checkPerms($smarty->cache_dir) !== true) {
        $test_output .= "{$red} <i> {$smarty->cache_dir} = " . checkPerms($smarty->cache_dir) . "</i><br/>";
    $logs_dir = ROOTDIR . '/logs';
    if (checkPerms($logs_dir) !== true) {
        $test_output .= "{$red} <i> {$logs_dir} = " . checkPerms($logs_dir) . "</i><br/>";
    $files_dir = ROOTDIR . '/files';
    if (checkPerms($files_dir) !== true) {
        $test_output .= "{$red} <i> {$files_dir} = " . checkPerms($files_dir) . "</i><br/>";
    if (checkPerms($smarty->compile_dir) === true && checkPerms($smarty->cache_dir) === true) {
        $test_output .= "{$green}<br/>";
    } else {
        $failed = true;
    $test_output .= "Dónde está almidón? ";
    if (defined('ALMIDONDIR')) {
        $test_output .= '<font color="green">' . ALMIDONDIR . '</font><br/>';
    } else {
        $failed = true;
        $test_output .= $red;
    $test_output .= "BD Almidonizada? ";
    list($type, $tmp) = preg_split('/:\\/\\//', $admin_dsn);
    if ($type == 'pgsql') {
        $sqlcmd = "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE  pg_class.relkind = 'r' AND pg_class.relname LIKE 'alm_%'";
    } elseif ($type == 'mysql') {
        $sqlcmd = "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'alm_%';";
    $data = new Data();
    $var = @$data->getList($sqlcmd);
    if (count($var) >= 5) {
        $test_output .= '<font color="green">' . print_r($var, 1) . '</font>';
    } else {
        #$failed = true;
        $test_output .= $red;
    if ($failed) {
        $action = 'failed';
        $test_output .= '<br/><br/><font color="red">Por favor corregir antes de continuar con la instalaci&oacute;n</font>';