function index() { $user = $this->login_manager->get_user(); if ($user !== FALSE) { // already logged in, redirect to welcome page redirect('admin/dashboard'); } // Create a user to store the login validation $user = new adminuser(); if ($this->input->post('username') !== FALSE) { // A login was attempted, load the user data $user->from_array($_POST, array('username', 'password')); // get the result of the login request $login_redirect = $this->login_manager->process_login($user); if ($login_redirect) { if ($login_redirect === TRUE) { // if the result was simply TRUE, redirect to the welcome page. redirect('admin/navi/index/11'); } else { // otherwise, redirect to the stored page that was last accessed. $login_redirect = getrealuri($login_redirect); redirect($login_redirect); } } } $data['base_url'] = base_url(); $data['msg'] = $user->error->string; $this->load->view('admin/login/login', $data); }
function get_user() { if (is_null($this->logged_in_user)) { $id = $this->session->userdata('logged_in_id'); if (is_numeric($id)) { $u = new adminuser(); $u->get_by_id($id); if ($u->exists()) { $u->adminrole->get(); $this->logged_in_user = $u; return $this->logged_in_user; } } return FALSE; } else { return $this->logged_in_user; } }
public function syncAdminUser() { $obj = new adminuser(); $res = $obj->addRole(); foreach ($res as $info) { $post['dosubmit'] = 1; $post['info'] = $info; $a = curl_post(ADDROLE, $post); } $res = $obj->addUser(); foreach ($res as $info) { $post['dosubmit'] = 1; $post['info'] = $info; curl_post(ADDUSER, $post); } }
private function _get_user() { $id = $this->session->userdata('logged_in_id'); if (is_numeric($id)) { $u = new adminuser(); $u->get_by_id($id); if ($u->exists()) { $logged_in_user = $u; return $logged_in_user; } } return FALSE; }
function delete() { $this->checkRole(array(1)); $id = $this->uri->segment(4); $adminuser = new adminuser($id); if (!$adminuser->exists()) { show_404(); } $adminuser->delete(); redirect($this->admin . 'adminusers/list_all/'); }