function doAction() { $action = getaction(); //если есть экшин- выполняем if (file_exists(__corePath . "actions/{$action}.php")) { include __corePath . "actions/{$action}.php"; $action = new action($this->db); $action->execute(); } }
/** * inserts a new idea in the database * * @param string $title title of the idea * @param string $message message of the idea * @param string $anonymization tells if idea is to be anonymized * @param integer $category id of the category for the idea * @param string $login login of the poster * @param integer $valid says if the idea needs to be moderated (default 0 = needs moderation) * @return array */ function post($title, $message, $anonymization, $category, $login, $valid = 0) { $action = new action(); $action->result = False; $check_1 = isset($title) && !empty($title); $check_2 = isset($message) && !empty($message); $check_3 = !isset($anonymization) || $anonymization == "on"; $check_4 = isset($category) && is_numeric($category) && $category > 0; // V�rification des arguments if ($check_1) { $title_prec = $title; } else { $action->add_warning(_('Titre incorrect')); } if ($check_2) { $text_prec = $message; } else { $action->add_warning(_('Message incorrect')); } if ($check_3) { if (isset($anonymization)) { $anon_prec = "on"; } } else { $action->add_warning(_('Incorrect anonymization value')); } if ($check_4) { $cate_prec = $category; } else { $action->add_warning(_('Catégorie incorrecte')); } if ($check_1 && $check_2 && $check_3 && $check_4) { $title_prec_sec = mysql_real_escape_string($title_prec); $text_prec_sec = mysql_real_escape_string($text_prec); $cate_prec_sec = mysql_real_escape_string($cate_prec); $rand_prop = mt_rand(0, 65535); $hash_prop = sha1($login . $rand_prop); if ($anon_prec == "on") { $name_print = ""; } else { $name_print = mysql_real_escape_string(construct_name_from_session()); } if (@mysql_query("INSERT INTO `thread` (`thread_id`,`rand_prop`,`hash_prop`,`title`,`text`,`date`,`category`,`is_valid`,`possibly_name`) VALUES (NULL, '{$rand_prop}', '{$hash_prop}','{$title_prec_sec}','{$text_prec_sec}',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'{$cate_prec_sec}',{$valid},'{$name_print}')")) { $action->add_success(_('Ta proposition a bien été ajoutée et est en attente de modération')); $action->result = True; } else { $action->add_warning(_('Ta proposition n\'a pas pu être ajoutée suite à une erreur de transfert.')); } } return $action; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(0); require APP_PATH . 'model/functions.php'; }
function perform(&$request, &$response) { parent :: perform($request, $response); $full_page_cache_manager = new full_page_cache_manager(); $partial_page_cache_manager = new partial_page_cache_manager(); $image_cache_manager = new image_cache_manager(); $full_page_cache_size = $this->_format_size($full_page_cache_manager->get_cache_size()); $this->view->set('full_page_cache_size', $full_page_cache_size); $partial_page_cache_size = $this->_format_size($partial_page_cache_manager->get_cache_size()); $this->view->set('partial_page_cache_size', $partial_page_cache_size); $image_cache_size = $this->_format_size($image_cache_manager->get_cache_size()); $this->view->set('image_cache_size', $image_cache_size); $template_cache_size = $this->_format_size($this->_get_template_cache_size()); $this->view->set('template_cache_size', $template_cache_size); $general_cache_size = $this->_format_size($this->_get_general_cache_size()); $this->view->set('general_cache_size', $general_cache_size); $ini_cache_size = $this->_format_size($this->_get_ini_cache_size()); $this->view->set('ini_cache_size', $ini_cache_size); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->init(); $this->view_header(); $this->view_footer(); }
function perform() { $chat_room_data =& fetch_mapped_by_url(); session::destroy('last_message_ids'); setcookie('chat_room_id', $chat_room_data['object_id'], time() + 365 * 24 * 3600); chat_user::enter_chat_room($chat_room_data['object_id']); return parent::perform(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); require APP_PATH . 'model/functions.php'; if (!$this->model('login')->checklogin()) { header('Location: ' . url('admin/login')); exit; } $args = $_GET; $url = $args['c'] . '/' . $args['a']; unset($args['set_lang']); unset($args['c']); unset($args['a']); $query = http_build_query($args); $this->view['current_url_lang'] = url($url . '?' . ($query ? $query . '&' : '') . 'set_lang='); $m_id = $_SESSION['m_id']; $rs = $this->db->table('admin')->where("id={$m_id}")->get(); $this->view['username'] = $rs['name']; $languages =& $this->model('common')->languages(); if ($_GET['set_lang']) { $lang = trim($_GET['set_lang']); cookie('admin_lang', $lang); } elseif (!cookie('admin_lang')) { //main language $lang = $this->model('common')->main_lang(); cookie('admin_lang', $lang); } else { $lang = cookie('admin_lang'); $check = 0; foreach ($languages as $v) { if ($lang == $v['code']) { $check = 1; break; } } if ($check == 0) { $lang = $this->model('common')->main_lang(); cookie('admin_lang', $lang); } } $GLOBALS['config']['LAN_NAME'] = $lang; $this->view['lang'] = $lang; $this->view['select_lang'] = $languages; //default_cur $this->view['main_cur'] = $this->model('common')->main_cur(); $this->view['current_symbol'] =& $this->model('common')->current_symbol(); //weight_unit $this->view['weight_unit'] = $this->model('common')->weight_unit(); //error_report if (MODULE != 'report') { $n = $this->db->table('error_report')->where('status=0')->count(); if ($n > 0) { $this->view['error_num'] = $n; $this->view['error_msg'] = $this->db->table('error_report')->order('time desc')->getval('message'); } } }
function perform(&$request, &$response) { $chat_room_data =& fetch_requested_object(); session::destroy('last_message_ids'); setcookie('chat_room_id', $chat_room_data['object_id'], time() + 365 * 24 * 3600); if ($chat_user_data = chat_user::get_chat_user_data()) { if ($chat_user_data['chat_room_id'] != $chat_room_data['object_id']) { chat_system::leave_chat_room($chat_user_data['id'], $chat_user_data['nickname'], $chat_user_data['chat_room_id']); chat_system::enter_chat_room($chat_user_data['id'], $chat_user_data['nickname'], $chat_room_data['object_id']); } $this->view->set('nickname', $chat_user_data['nickname']); } parent::perform(&$request, &$response); }
function perform(&$request, &$response) { parent::perform($request, $response); $full_page_cache_manager = new full_page_cache_manager(); $partial_page_cache_manager = new partial_page_cache_manager(); $image_cache_manager = new image_cache_manager(); $full_page_cache_size = number_format($full_page_cache_manager->get_cache_size() / 1024) . " KB"; $this->view->set('full_page_cache_size', $full_page_cache_size); $partial_page_cache_size = number_format($partial_page_cache_manager->get_cache_size() / 1024) . " KB"; $this->view->set('partial_page_cache_size', $partial_page_cache_size); $image_cache_size = number_format($image_cache_manager->get_cache_size() / 1024) . " KB"; $this->view->set('image_cache_size', $image_cache_size); $template_cache_size = number_format($this->_get_template_cache_size() / 1024) . " KB"; $this->view->set('template_cache_size', $template_cache_size); $ini_cache_size = number_format($this->_get_ini_cache_size() / 1024) . " KB"; $this->view->set('ini_cache_size', $ini_cache_size); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); T('user/steadmin'); //全局获取登录用户数据 steadmin::getLoginUser(); // T('user/permission'); // permission::checkPermission(steadmin$adminInfo['groupid']); if (!isAjax()) { $this->getSysMenu(); //获取系统菜单 $this->getAdminMenuSetting(); //获取帐号个性化菜单设置 } //全局获取当前页面URL $this->assign(array('adminInfo' => steadmin::$adminInfo, 'userGroup' => C('steward/admin', 'group'))); //清除main_path对后台的影响 G('main_path', null); }
exit; } define('HIDE_TOOL_TITLE', 1); $guest_allowed = true; require_once 'include/baseTheme.php'; require_once 'include/CAS/CAS.php'; require_once 'modules/auth/'; require_once 'include/lib/'; require_once 'include/phpass/PasswordHash.php'; // unset system that records visitor only once by course for statistics require_once 'include/action.php'; if (isset($dbname)) { $action = new action(); $action->record('MODULE_ID_UNITS', 'exit'); } unset($dbname); // if we try to login... then authenticate user. $warning = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['shib_uname'])) { // authenticate via shibboleth shib_cas_login('shibboleth'); } elseif (isset($_SESSION['cas_uname']) && !isset($_GET['logout'])) { // authenticate via cas shib_cas_login('cas'); } elseif (isset($_GET['provider'])) { //hybridauth authentication (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Live, LinkedIn) hybridauth_login();
* ======================================================================== */ $require_current_course = TRUE; $require_login = TRUE; $require_help = TRUE; $helpTopic = 'bbb'; require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php'; require_once 'include/'; // For creating bbb urls & params require_once 'bbb-api.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; require_once 'include/lib/modalboxhelper.class.php'; ModalBoxHelper::loadModalBox(); /* * ** The following is added for statistics purposes ** */ require_once 'include/action.php'; $action = new action(); $action->record(MODULE_ID_BBB); /* * *********************************** */ $toolName = $langBBB; // guest user not allowed if (check_guest()) { $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$langNoGuest}</div>"; draw($tool_content, 2); } load_js('tools.js'); load_js('tagsinput'); load_js('bootstrap-datetimepicker'); load_js('validation.js'); $head_content .= "\r\n<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n\$(function() {\r\n\$('#start_session').datetimepicker({\r\n format: 'dd-mm-yyyy hh:ii', pickerPosition: 'bottom-left', \r\n language: '" . $language . "',\r\n autoclose: true\r\n });\r\n});\r\n</script>"; load_js('select2'); $head_content .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n \$(document).ready(function () {\r\n \$('#select-groups').select2(); \r\n \$('#selectAll').click(function(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n var stringVal = [];\r\n \$('#select-groups').find('option').each(function(){\r\n stringVal.push(\$(this).val());\r\n });\r\n \$('#select-groups').val(stringVal).trigger('change');\r\n });\r\n \$('#removeAll').click(function(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n var stringVal = [];\r\n \$('#select-groups').val(stringVal).trigger('change');\r\n }); \r\n });\r\n\r\n </script>\r\n";
function get_footer() { ?> <!-- jQuery & Required Scripts --> <script src="//"></script> <?php if (!IS_SINGLE && PAGINATION_ON_OFF !== "off") { ?> <!-- Post Pagination --> <script> var infinite = true; var next_page = 2; var loading = false; var no_more_posts = false; $(function() { function load_next_page() { $.ajax({ url: "index.php?page=" + next_page, beforeSend: function () { $('body').append('<article class="loading-frame"><div class="row"><div class="one-quarter meta"></div><div class="three-quarters"><img src="./templates/<?php echo ACTIVE_TEMPLATE; ?> /loading.gif" alt="Loading"></div></div></article>'); $("body").animate({ scrollTop: $("body").scrollTop() + 250 }, 1000); }, success: function (res) { next_page++; var result = $.parseHTML(res); var articles = $(result).filter(function() { return $(this).is('article'); }); if (articles.length < 2) { //There's always one default article, so we should check if < 2 $('.loading-frame').html('You\'ve reached the end of this list.'); no_more_posts = true; } else { $('.loading-frame').remove(); $('body').append(articles); } loading = false; }, error: function() { $('.loading-frame').html('An error occurred while loading posts.'); //keep loading equal to false to avoid multiple loads. An error will require a manual refresh } }); } $(window).scroll(function() { var when_to_load = $(window).scrollTop() * 0.32; if (infinite && (loading != true && !no_more_posts) && $(window).scrollTop() + when_to_load > ($(document).height()- $(window).height() ) ) { // Sometimes the scroll function may be called several times until the loading is set to true. // So we need to set it as soon as possible loading = true; setTimeout(load_next_page,500); } }); }); </script> <?php } ?> <!-- Dropplets Tools --> <?php include './dropplets/tools.php'; ?> <!-- User Footer Injection --> <?php echo FOOTER_INJECT; ?> <!-- Plugin Footer Injection --> <?php action::run('dp_footer'); }
function form_action($name = '') { $this->validator =& new validator(); parent::action($name); }
<?php include "../config/config.php"; include "../common/mysql.class.php"; include "action.php"; $db = new action($mydbhost, $mydbuser, $mydbpw, $mydbname, ALL_PS, $mydbcharset); session_start(); $uid = $_SESSION['admin_uid']; $shell = $_SESSION['admin_shell']; $db->getUserShellCheck($uid, $shell); $db->getUserOntime(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Admin Panel</title> <link href="css/manager.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <div class="title">System Information</div> <div align="center" class="main_body"> <div class="sysinfo"> <p>SERVER NAME:<?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?> </p> <ul> <li>HTTP HOST:<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?>
<?php if (!defined('KIRBY')) { die('Direct access is not allowed'); } if ($panel->action != 'edit-file') { return; } $action = action::editFile(); $file = data::fileByFilename(); $form = new fileform($settings, $file); if (!$file) { go(showurl('files')); } ?> <div class="overlay edit-file"> <form method="post"> <?php growl($action); ?> <fieldset> <h3><?php echo l::get('files.edit.title'); ?> </h3> <div class="field"> <label><?php
<?php if (!defined('KIRBY')) { die('Direct access is not allowed'); } snippet('header'); if (!$page->isHomePage() && !$page->isErrorPage()) { $action = action::updateURL(); ?> <div class="options form"> <form action="<?php echo thisURL(); ?> " method="post"> <fieldset> <div class="field url"> <label><?php echo l::get('options.url'); ?> </label> <span class="url input"><em><?php echo dirname(ourl($page->url())); ?> /</em><strong><input type="url" name="uid" value="<?php echo $page->uid(); ?> " /></strong></span> </div> </fieldset>
*/ $require_current_course = TRUE; $require_help = TRUE; $helpTopic = 'Agenda'; $guest_allowed = true; require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php'; require_once 'include/action.php'; require_once 'include/log.php'; require_once 'include/lib/modalboxhelper.class.php'; require_once 'include/lib/multimediahelper.class.php'; require_once 'modules/search/agendaindexer.class.php'; require_once 'modules/agenda/'; ModalBoxHelper::loadModalBox(); $action = new action(); $action->record(MODULE_ID_AGENDA); // define different views of agenda define('EVENT_LIST_VIEW', 1); define('EVENT_CALENDAR_VIEW', 0); $dateNow = date("j-n-Y / H:i", time()); $toolName = $langAgenda; if (isset($_GET['v'])) { $v = intval($_GET['v']); // get agenda view if ($v == 1) { $view = EVENT_LIST_VIEW; // list view } else { $view = EVENT_CALENDAR_VIEW; // calendar view
function display($searchResult) { if ($searchResult) { echo "<div id='result' class='search'>"; echo "<b>Suchergebnis - </b>"; echo " <i class='normal'>" . count($searchResult) . " Treffer</i>"; echo form::link("delete", "x", "index.php?action=hidesearch", "close-search"); action::listit("search", $searchResult); foreach ($searchResult as $entry) { $nameArray = thesaurus::get_descriptor($entry[ID]); export::descriptor($nameArray[ID], session::get("search"), "SHOW"); echo "<hr>"; } // set parent if (session::get(show) != 0) { $parent = session::get(show); } else { $parent = system::getval("val_orderdefault"); } // sugest new entry if orderdefault is set or OB is displayed if ($parent) { form::insert_entry(array('parent' => $parent, 'action' => 'add', ""), array(), session::get(search)); } else { echo "<p>Kein Oberbegriff für neuen Begriff gesetzt.</p>"; } echo "</div>"; } else { echo "<div id='result' class='search'>"; echo "<span class='red'>Kein Eintrag gefunden</span>"; echo form::link("delete", "x", "index.php?action=hidesearch", "close-search"); // set parent if (session::get(show) != 0) { $parent = session::get(show); } else { $parent = system::getval("val_orderdefault"); } // sugest new entry if orderdefault is set or OB is displayed if ($parent) { form::insert_entry(array('parent' => $parent, 'action' => 'add', ""), array(), session::get(search)); } else { echo "<p>Kein Oberbegriff für neuen Begriff gesetzt.</p>"; } echo "</div>"; } }
function form_action() { $this->validator =& new validator(); parent::action(); }
function recover_version_action() { parent::action(); }
define('HIDE_TOOL_TITLE', 1); $require_current_course = true; $guest_allowed = true; $require_help = TRUE; $helpTopic = 'AddCourseUnitscontent'; require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php'; require_once 'include/lib/'; require_once 'include/action.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; require_once 'modules/document/doc_init.php'; require_once 'modules/tags/moduleElement.class.php'; require_once 'include/lib/modalboxhelper.class.php'; require_once 'include/lib/multimediahelper.class.php'; $action = new action(); $action->record(MODULE_ID_UNITS); if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); } if (isset($_GET['cnt'])) { $cnt = intval($_REQUEST['cnt']); } $pageName = ''; $lang_editor = $language; load_js('tools.js'); ModalBoxHelper::loadModalBox(true); if (isset($_REQUEST['edit_submitW'])) { //update title and comments for week
} function display() { if ($this->jump == true) { $say = '<p> <strong>The ball was delivered ' . $this->arm . ' handed by ' . $this->name . ' with great skill!</strong> </p>'; } else { if ($this->jump == false) { $say = '<p> <strong>The ball was delivered ' . $this->arm . ' handed by ' . $this->name . ' with little skill!</strong> </p>'; } } return $say . ' <p> Skill One ' . $this->speed . ' / ' . $this->skill1 . ' </p> <p> Skill Two ' . $this->jump . ' / ' . $this->skill2 . ' </p>'; } } ############################# ############################# ##USAGE Example ############################# ############################# $bowler = new action(); $bowler->set('Steven Finn', 'r', rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100)); echo $bowler->display();
// locate course id $course_id = null; $res1 = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT FROM course WHERE course.code = ?s", q($_GET['course'])); if ($res1) { $course_id = intval($res1->id); } if ($course_id == null) { header("Location: ${urlServer}"); exit(); } if ($uid) { require_once 'include/action.php'; $action = new action(); $action->record(MODULE_ID_VIDEO); } // ---------------------- // download video // ---------------------- $res2 = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM video WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $_GET['id']); if (!$res2) { header("Location: ${urlServer}"); exit(); } $valid = ($uid || course_status($course_id) == COURSE_OPEN) ? true : token_validate($row2['path'], $_GET['token'], 30);
function logout_action($name = '') { parent::action($name); }
function display_template_source_action($name='') { parent :: action($name); }
<?php if (!defined('KIRBY')) { die('Direct access is not allowed'); } ?> <?php snippet('header'); ?> <?php if (!$panel->nocontent) { action::updateContent(); ?> <div class="form"> <form action="<?php echo showurl('content'); ?> " method="post"> <?php echo $panel->form->load(); ?> <fieldset class="bottom"> <div class="buttons"> <input type="submit" name="update-content" value="<?php
require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php'; require_once 'include/lib/modalboxhelper.class.php'; require_once 'include/lib/multimediahelper.class.php'; require_once 'include/log.php'; ModalBoxHelper::loadModalBox(); $edit_url = $base_url = 'index.php?course=' . $course_code; $cat_url = 'categories.php?course=' . $course_code; /* * *** The following is added for statistics purposes ** */ require_once 'include/action.php'; $action = new action(); $action->record(MODULE_ID_GLOSSARY); if ($is_editor) { load_js('tools.js'); $max_glossary_terms = get_config('max_glossary_terms'); } $toolName = $langGlossary; $categories = array(); Database::get()->queryFunc("SELECT id, name, description, `order` FROM glossary_category WHERE course_id = ?d ORDER BY name", function ($cat) use (&$categories) { $categories[intval($cat->id)] = $cat->name; }, $course_id);
function get_includes($location) { extract($GLOBALS); // Default includes for the footer. if ($location == 'footer') { ?> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $(document).on('click', '#pagination a',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var page_url=$(this).prop('href'); $('#gallery').append('<div id="loading" class="animated flash"></div>'); $('#gallery').load(page_url + ' #gallery'); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#gallery").offset().top }, 400); }); }); </script> <?php } // For addons. action::run($location); }
function tree_change_order_action($name = '') { parent::action($name); }