Ejemplo n.º 1

// put this line if you use the userErrorHandler in all controllers in this file
_::define_controller('ajax_example', function () {
    // you need load userErrorHandler component, the framework don't load by default this component, you load it if you use.
    // you can put declaration line in index.php if you use the component in all controllers, or out of define_controller if you use in all controllers of this file.
    // first make a erros using a key word
    _e::set('KEY_WORD', 'this is a example');
    // now when you need error, use get function:
    try {
        // This is an error
        if (true) {
            throw new Exception(_e::get('KEY_WORD'));
        // use _e::get('KEY_WORD'); to get json of error
    } catch (Exception $error) {
        // now, show the standarized error json.
    // the json error, have this structure
    	code: 000,
    	key: "KEY_WORD",
    	message: "message of error"
    code is number automatically generated.