public function defaultAction()
     $model_manager = __ModelManager::instance();
     //Create a __CriteriaParameters instance to capture criteria parameters from the user request:
     $criteria_parameters = new __CriteriaParameters();
     $criteria_parameters->addValidSubmitCode(__CodeGenerator::getSubmitCode('resources', 'search_resources'));
     //Add the correspondent metadata:
     $criteria_parameters->addParameterMetadata('key', array('alias' => 'resource_key'));
     //We will request 20 + 1 in order to know if there are more than 20 rows or not:
     //Now get the requested resources list:
     $resources = $model_manager->getResources($criteria_parameters);
     //Finally will add all model information to the __ModelAndView instance to be returned
     $model_and_view = new __ModelAndView('resources');
     $model_and_view->resources = $resources;
     return $model_and_view;