isValid() public method

Returns true if and only if the $value is a valid hostname with respect to the current allow option
public isValid ( string $value ) : boolean
$value string
return boolean
     * Defined by Zend_Validate_Interface
     * Returns true if and only if the $value is a valid url that starts with http(s)://
     * and the hostname is a valid TLD
     * @param  string $value
     * @throws Zend_Validate_Exception if a fatal error occurs for validation process
     * @return boolean
    public function isValid($value)
        if (!is_string($value)) {
             return false;
        //get a Zend_Uri_Http object for our URL, this will only accept http(s) schemes
        try {
            $uriHttp = Zend_Uri_Http::fromString($value);
        } catch (Zend_Uri_Exception $e) {
            return false;
        //if we have a valid URI then we check the hostname for valid TLDs, and not local urls
        $hostnameValidator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS); //do not allow local hostnames, this is the default

        if (!$hostnameValidator->isValid($uriHttp->getHost())) {
            return false;
        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function validateInstance($instance)
    if ($instance == 'www' || $instance == 'www.' || $instance == 'dev') {
        $ret = false;
        echo json_encode(array('exists' => $ret));
    // Check that the selected instance name is a valid standard host name
    $validate = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL);
    if (!$validate->isValid($instance)) {
        $ret = false;
        echo json_encode(array('exists' => $ret));
    $cupid = new Cupid();
    $exists = $cupid->instanceExists($instance);
    if (!$exists) {
        $ret = true;
        echo json_encode(array('exists' => $ret));
    } else {
        $ret = false;
        echo json_encode(array('exists' => $ret));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Defined by Zend_Validate_Interface
  * Returns true if and only if $value is a valid email address
  * according to RFC2822
  * @link RFC2822
  * @link US-ASCII characters
  * @param string $value
  * @return boolean
 public function isValid($value)
     $this->_messages = array();
     // Split email address up
     if (!preg_match('/^(.+)@([^@]+)$/', $value, $matches)) {
         $this->_messages[] = "'{$value}' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname";
         return false;
     $localPart = $matches[1];
     $hostname = $matches[2];
      * @todo 0.9 ZF-42 implement basic MX check on hostname via dns_get_record()
     // Match hostname part
     $hostnameResult = $this->_hostnameValidator->isValid($hostname);
     if (!$hostnameResult) {
         $this->_messages[] = "'{$hostname}' is not a valid hostname for email address '{$value}'";
         // Get messages from hostnameValidator
         foreach ($this->_hostnameValidator->getMessages() as $message) {
             $this->_messages[] = $message;
     // First try to match the local part on the common dot-atom format
     $localResult = false;
     // Dot-atom characters are: 1*atext *("." 1*atext)
     // atext: ALPHA / DIGIT / and "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "*",
     //        "-", "/", "=", "?", "^", "_", "`", "{", "|", "}", "~"
     $atext = 'a-zA-Z0-9\\x21\\x23\\x24\\x25\\x26\\x27\\x2a\\x2b\\x2d\\x2f';
     $atext .= '\\x3d\\x3f\\x5e\\x5f\\x60\\x7b\\x7c\\x7d';
     if (preg_match('/^[' . $atext . ']+(\\x2e+[' . $atext . ']+)*$/', $localPart)) {
         $localResult = true;
     } else {
         $this->_messages[] = "'{$localPart}' not matched against dot-atom format";
     // If not matched, try quoted string format
     if (!$localResult) {
         // Quoted-string characters are: DQUOTE *([FWS] qtext/quoted-pair) [FWS] DQUOTE
         // qtext: Non white space controls, and the rest of the US-ASCII characters not
         //   including "\" or the quote character
         $noWsCtl = '\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f';
         $qtext = $noWsCtl . '\\x21\\x23-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7e';
         $ws = '\\x20\\x09';
         if (preg_match('/^\\x22([' . $ws . $qtext . '])*[$ws]?\\x22$/', $localPart)) {
             $localResult = true;
         } else {
             $this->_messages[] = "'{$localPart}' not matched against quoted-string format";
     if (!$localResult) {
         $this->_messages[] = "'{$localPart}' is not a valid local part for email address '{$value}'";
     // If both parts valid, return true
     if ($localResult && $hostnameResult) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function validate(array $attributes)
     if (empty($attributes[$this->_attributeName])) {
         return true;
     $attributeValues = $attributes[$this->_attributeName];
     switch ($this->_options) {
         case 'URN':
             $urnValidator = new EngineBlock_Validator_Urn();
             foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) {
                 if (!$urnValidator->validate($attributeValue)) {
                     $this->_messages[] = array(self::ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_VALIDATOR_URN, $this->_attributeName, $this->_options, $attributeValue);
                     return false;
         case 'HostName':
             $hostnameValidator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
             foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) {
                 if (!$hostnameValidator->isValid($attributeValue)) {
                     $this->_messages[] = array(self::ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_VALIDATOR_HOSTNAME, $this->_attributeName, $this->_options, $attributeValue);
                     return false;
         case 'URL':
             foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) {
                 if (!Zend_Uri::check($attributeValue)) {
                     $this->_messages[] = array(self::ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_VALIDATOR_URL, $this->_attributeName, $this->_options, $attributeValue);
                     return false;
         case 'URI':
             $uriValidator = new EngineBlock_Validator_Uri();
             foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) {
                 if (!$uriValidator->validate($attributeValue)) {
                     $this->_messages[] = array(self::ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_VALIDATOR_URI, $this->_attributeName, $this->_options, $attributeValue);
                     return false;
         case 'EmailAddress':
             $emailValidator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
             foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) {
                 if (!$emailValidator->isValid($attributeValue)) {
                     $this->_messages[] = array(self::ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_VALIDATOR_EMAIL, $this->_attributeName, $this->_options, $attributeValue);
                     return false;
             throw new EngineBlock_Exception("Unknown validate option '{$this->_options}' for attribute validation");
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Set the Hostname / IP to connect to.
  * @param	string			$host	Hostname / IP of the Database.
  * @return	Couchdb_Config	$this	This main class for method chaining.
  * @throws	Couchdb_Exception_Parameter
 public function setHost($host)
     $ip = new Zend_Validate_Ip();
     $name = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
     if ($ip->isValid($host) xor $name->isValid($host)) {
         throw new Couchdb_Exception_Parameter("Wrong Parameters, host must either be a valid hostname or an IP");
     $this->_host = $host;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Ensures that the validator follows expected behavior
  * @return void
 public function testBasic()
     $valuesExpected = array(array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_IP, true, array('', '', '')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_IP, false, array('', '')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, true, array('', '')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, false, array('localhost', 'localhost.localdomain', '')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_LOCAL, true, array('localhost', 'localhost.localdomain', '')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL, true, array('localhost', '', '')));
     foreach ($valuesExpected as $element) {
         $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname($element[0]);
         foreach ($element[2] as $input) {
             $this->assertEquals($element[1], $validator->isValid($input));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected function _factory($type, $userId, $userIp, $cache = true, $preview = null, $portals = null, $channels = null, $seriesId = null, $offset = 0, $limit = null, Zend_Date $start = null, Zend_Date $finish = null, $showId = null, $exclude = null, $searchTerm = null, $searchFilter = null, $transcript = null)
     $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, true, false);
     $userIp = $validator->isValid($userIp) ? $userIp : null;
     $start = $start ? strval($start) : null;
     $finish = $finish ? strval($finish) : null;
     $stmt = Zend_Registry::get('dbh')->proc('page_content_load');
     $stmt->bindParam(':preview', $preview, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':portals', $portals, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':channels', $channels, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':series', $seriesId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':exclude', $exclude, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':show', $showId, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':start', $start, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':finish', $finish, PDO::PARAM_STR);		
     $stmt->bindParam(':search', $searchTerm, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':filter', $searchFilter, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':user', $user->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':ip', $userIp, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $stmt->bindParam(':offset', $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $stmt->bindParam(':type', $type, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $results = array();
     try {
         $pageContent = array();
         $rowCount = 0;
         do {
             $results[] = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ);
         } while ($stmt->nextRowset());
     } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $e) {
         if ('HYC00' == $stmt->errorCode()) {
             $results[] = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ);
     foreach ($results as $rowset) {
         foreach ($rowset as $row) {
             if (isset($row->found_rows)) {
                 $rowCount = $row->found_rows;
             } else {
                 $pageContent[] = Showcase_Content::factory($row, $cache);
     $binds = array($user->id, $userIp, $offset, $limit, $type, $portals, $channels, $seriesId, $exclude, $showId, $start, $finish, $searchTerm, $searchFilter, $preview);
     //echo "CALL page_content_load(".implode($binds,',').")";
     return array('contents' => $showId ? $pageContent[0] : $pageContent, 'rows' => !$rowCount ? count($pageContent) : $rowCount);
 public function save()
     $value = $this->getValue();
     if (strlen($value) == 0) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper("mailup")->__("Please fill the admin console URL"));
     $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
     if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper("mailup")->__("Admin console URL is not in the right format"));
     return parent::save();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Returns true if and only if $value meets the validation requirements
  * If $value fails validation, then this method returns false, and
  * getMessages() will return an array of messages that explain why the
  * validation failed.
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @return boolean
  * @throws \Zend_Valid_Exception If validation of $value is impossible
 public function isValid($value, $context = array())
     if ($value) {
         try {
             $uri = \Zend_Uri::factory($value);
             // Check the host against the allowed values; delegated to \Zend_Filter.
             $validate = new \Zend_Validate_Hostname(\Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS | \Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_IP | \Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_LOCAL);
             if (!$validate->isValid($uri->getHost())) {
                 foreach ($validate->getMessages() as $key => $msg) {
                 return false;
             if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
                 $ch = curl_init($value);
                 if (false === $ch) {
                     return false;
                 // Authentication
                 // if ($usr) {
                 // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
                 // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $usr.':'.$pwd);
                 // }
                 // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILETIME, true);
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
                  * @todo Unknown CA's should probably be imported...
                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
                 $valid = curl_exec($ch);
                 if (!$valid) {
                 // $return = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_FILETIME);
                 // \MUtil_Echo::r('Date at server: '.date('r', $return));
                 return $valid;
             } else {
                 return true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->setMessage($e->getMessage(), self::ERROR_URL_NOT_VALID);
             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @see ZF-2861
 public function testIpValidatorMessagesShouldBeTranslated()
     require_once 'Zend/Validate/Ip.php';
     $ipValidator = new Zend_Validate_Ip();
     require_once 'Zend/Translate.php';
     $translations = array('notIpAddress' => 'this is the IP error message');
     $translator = new Zend_Translate('array', $translations);
     $messages = $ipValidator->getMessages();
     $found = false;
     foreach ($messages as $code => $message) {
         if (array_key_exists($code, $translations)) {
             $found = true;
     $this->assertEquals($translations[$code], $message);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Valid?
  * @param $value
  * @return boolean
 public function isValid($value)
     $valueString = (string) $value;
     $uri = Zend_Uri::factory($value);
     $uriSchema = $uri->getScheme();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     $validatorHostname = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(array('allow' => Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, 'idn' => true, 'tld' => false));
     $protocol = !empty($uriSchema) ? $uriSchema . '://' : '';
     $urlHostname = str_replace($protocol, "", $value);
     if (!$validatorHostname->isValid($urlHostname)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Returns true if the value is a valid url that starts with http(s)://
  * and the hostname is a valid TLD.
  * @param  string $value
  * @return boolean
 public function isValid($value)
     // Invalid if not string.
     if (!is_string($value)) {
         return false;
     try {
         // Try to parse a URL.
         $uriHttp = Zend_Uri_Http::fromString($value);
     } catch (Zend_Uri_Exception $e) {
         // Invalid if not URL.
         return false;
     $hostnameValidator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_LOCAL);
     // Allow local URLs.
     if (!$hostnameValidator->isValid($uriHttp->getHost())) {
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * @ZF-12314
 public function testDKSpecialChars()
Ejemplo n.º 14
function createNewPassword(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$userObj, $newPasswordSendMethod)
    $op = new stdClass();
    $op->user_feedback = '';
    $op->new_password = '';
    // Try to validate mail configuration
    // From Zend Documentation
    // You may find you also want to match IP addresses, Local hostnames, or a combination of all allowed types.
    // This can be done by passing a parameter to Zend_Validate_Hostname when you instantiate it.
    // The paramter should be an integer which determines what types of hostnames are allowed.
    // You are encouraged to use the Zend_Validate_Hostname constants to do this.
    // The Zend_Validate_Hostname constants are: ALLOW_DNS to allow only DNS hostnames, ALLOW_IP to allow IP addresses,
    // ALLOW_LOCAL to allow local network names, and ALLOW_ALL to allow all three types.
    $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL);
    $smtp_host = config_get('smtp_host');
    $password_on_screen = $newPasswordSendMethod == 'display_on_screen';
    if ($validator->isValid($smtp_host) || $password_on_screen) {
        $dummy = resetPassword($dbHandler, $argsObj->user_id, $newPasswordSendMethod);
        $op->user_feedback = $dummy['msg'];
        $op->status = $dummy['status'];
        $op->new_password = $dummy['password'];
        if ($op->status >= tl::OK) {
            logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_pwd_reset_requested", $userObj->login), "PWD_RESET", $argsObj->user_id, "users");
            $op->user_feedback = lang_get('password_reseted');
            if ($password_on_screen) {
                $op->user_feedback = lang_get('password_set') . $dummy['password'];
        } else {
            $op->user_feedback = sprintf(lang_get('password_cannot_be_reseted_reason'), $op->user_feedback);
    } else {
        $op->status = tl::ERROR;
        $op->user_feedback = lang_get('password_cannot_be_reseted_invalid_smtp_hostname');
    return $op;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 protected function _assignGroups($credentials)
     $options = array(0 => $this->language->get('text_select_a_group'));
     if ($credentials) {
         $validate = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
         if (!$validate->isValid($credentials['hostname'])) {
             $this->error['warning'] = $this->language->get('error_please_provide_a_valid_hostname');
             return $options;
         $client = $this->_getClient($credentials['hostname'], $credentials['key']);
         $params['enable'] = true;
         $result = $this->_execute($client, 'getGroups', $params);
         if ($result && $result['status']) {
             foreach ($result['data'] as $item) {
                 $options[$item['id']] = $item['name'];
         } else {
             $this->error['warning'] = $this->language->get('error_invalid_api_key');
             return $options;
     return $options;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Test for IDN serbia .rs
  * @group GH-115
 public function testIDNRS()
     $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL);
Ejemplo n.º 17
     * Defined by Zend_Validate_Interface
     * Returns true if and only if $value is a valid email address
     * according to RFC2822
     * @link RFC2822
     * @link US-ASCII characters
     * @param  string $value
     * @return boolean
    public function isValid($value)
        $valueString = (string) $value;


        // Split email address up
        if (!preg_match('/^(.+)@([^@]+)$/', $valueString, $matches)) {
            return false;

        $this->_localPart = $matches[1];
        $this->_hostname  = $matches[2];

        // Match hostname part
        $hostnameResult = $this->hostnameValidator->isValid($this->_hostname);
        if (!$hostnameResult) {

            // Get messages and errors from hostnameValidator
            foreach ($this->hostnameValidator->getMessages() as $message) {
                $this->_messages[] = $message;
            foreach ($this->hostnameValidator->getErrors() as $error) {
                $this->_errors[] = $error;

        // MX check on hostname via dns_get_record()
        if ($this->_validateMx) {
            if ($this->validateMxSupported()) {
                $result = dns_get_mx($this->_hostname, $mxHosts);
                if (count($mxHosts) < 1) {
                    $hostnameResult = false;
            } else {
                 * MX checks are not supported by this system
                 * @see Zend_Validate_Exception
                require_once 'Zend/Validate/Exception.php';
                throw new Zend_Validate_Exception('Internal error: MX checking not available on this system');

        // First try to match the local part on the common dot-atom format
        $localResult = false;

        // Dot-atom characters are: 1*atext *("." 1*atext)
        // atext: ALPHA / DIGIT / and "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "*",
        //        "-", "/", "=", "?", "^", "_", "`", "{", "|", "}", "~"
        $atext = 'a-zA-Z0-9\x21\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x2a\x2b\x2d\x2f\x3d\x3f\x5e\x5f\x60\x7b\x7c\x7d';
        if (preg_match('/^[' . $atext . ']+(\x2e+[' . $atext . ']+)*$/', $this->_localPart)) {
            $localResult = true;
        } else {
            // Try quoted string format

            // Quoted-string characters are: DQUOTE *([FWS] qtext/quoted-pair) [FWS] DQUOTE
            // qtext: Non white space controls, and the rest of the US-ASCII characters not
            //   including "\" or the quote character
            $noWsCtl    = '\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f';
            $qtext      = $noWsCtl . '\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e';
            $ws         = '\x20\x09';
            if (preg_match('/^\x22([' . $ws . $qtext . '])*[$ws]?\x22$/', $this->_localPart)) {
                $localResult = true;
            } else {

        // If both parts valid, return true
        if ($localResult && $hostnameResult) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Ensure the dash character tests work as expected
 public function testDashes()
     $valuesExpected = array(array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, true, array('', '')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, false, array('', '', '')));
     foreach ($valuesExpected as $element) {
         $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname($element[0]);
         foreach ($element[2] as $input) {
             $this->assertEquals($element[1], $validator->isValid($input), implode("\n", $validator->getMessages()));
Ejemplo n.º 19
     * Ensure the TLD check works as expected
    public function testTLD()
        $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();

        // Check TLD matching
        $valuesExpected = array(
            array(true, array('', '', '', '')),
            array(false, array('domain.xx', 'domain.zz', 'domain.madeup'))
        foreach ($valuesExpected as $element) {
            foreach ($element[1] as $input) {
                $this->assertEquals($element[0], $validator->isValid($input), implode("\n", $validator->getMessages()));

        // Check no TLD matching
        $valuesExpected = array(
            array(true, array('domain.xx', 'domain.zz', 'domain.madeup'))
        foreach ($valuesExpected as $element) {
            foreach ($element[1] as $input) {
                $this->assertEquals($element[0], $validator->isValid($input), implode("\n", $validator->getMessages()));

        // Check setting no TLD matching via constructor
        $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, true, false);
        $valuesExpected = array(
            array(true, array('domain.xx', 'domain.zz', 'domain.madeup'))
        foreach ($valuesExpected as $element) {
            foreach ($element[1] as $input) {
                $this->assertEquals($element[0], $validator->isValid($input), implode("\n", $validator->getMessages()));
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Ensure the IDN check works as expected
 public function testIDN()
     $valuesExpected = array(array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::CHECK_TLD, false, array('bü', 'hã', 'hå')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::CHECK_IDN, true, array('bü', 'hã', 'hå')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::CHECK_IDN, false, array('hã', 'bü', 'hã')));
     foreach ($valuesExpected as $element) {
         $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, $element[0]);
         foreach ($element[2] as $input) {
             $this->assertEquals($element[1], $validator->isValid($input), implode("\n", $validator->getMessages()));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Validate value by attribute input validation rule
  * @param string $value
  * @return string
 protected function _validateInputRule($value)
     // skip validate empty value
     if (empty($value)) {
         return true;
     $label = Mage::helper('customer')->__($this->getAttribute()->getStoreLabel());
     $validateRules = $this->getAttribute()->getValidateRules();
     if (!empty($validateRules['input_validation'])) {
         switch ($validateRules['input_validation']) {
             case 'alphanumeric':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Alnum(true);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alnum::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" has not only alphabetic and digit characters.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alnum::NOT_ALNUM);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is an empty string.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alnum::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'numeric':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Digits();
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Digits::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" contains not only digit characters.', $label), Zend_Validate_Digits::NOT_DIGITS);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is an empty string.', $label), Zend_Validate_Digits::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'alpha':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Alpha(true);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alpha::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" has not only alphabetic characters.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alpha::NOT_ALPHA);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is an empty string.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alpha::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'email':
                 $this->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded")
                 $this->__("Invalid type given. String expected")
                 $this->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position")
                 $this->__("'%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname")
                 $this->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'")
                 $this->__("'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name")
                 $this->__("'%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname")
                 $this->__("'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed")
                 $this->__("'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed")
                 $this->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part")
                 $this->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list")
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_FORMAT);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid hostname.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_HOSTNAME);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid hostname.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_MX_RECORD);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid hostname.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_MX_RECORD);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::DOT_ATOM);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::QUOTED_STRING);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_LOCAL_PART);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" exceeds the allowed length.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::LENGTH_EXCEEDED);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::UNKNOWN_TLD);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_DASH);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::UNDECIPHERABLE_TLD);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_LOCAL_NAME);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::LOCAL_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded"), Zend_Validate_Hostname::CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return array_unique($validator->getMessages());
             case 'url':
                 $parsedUrl = parse_url($value);
                 if ($parsedUrl === false || empty($parsedUrl['scheme']) || empty($parsedUrl['host'])) {
                     return array(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid URL.', $label));
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
                 if (!$validator->isValid($parsedUrl['host'])) {
                     return array(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid URL.', $label));
             case 'date':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Date(Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Date::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid date.', $label), Zend_Validate_Date::INVALID_DATE);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" does not fit the entered date format.', $label), Zend_Validate_Date::FALSEFORMAT);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return array_unique($validator->getMessages());
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Returns true if and only if the host string passes validation. If no host is passed,
  * then the host contained in the instance variable is used.
  * @param  string $host The HTTP host
  * @return boolean
  * @uses   Zend_Filter
 public function validateHost($host = null)
     if ($host === null) {
         $host = $this->_host;
     // If the host is empty, then it is considered invalid
     if (strlen($host) === 0) {
         return false;
     // Check the host against the allowed values; delegated to Zend_Filter.
     $validate = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL);
     return $validate->isValid($host);
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Редактирование параметров конкретного сайта 
 public function editAction()
     // вывод заголовков
     $this->view->title = "Изменить параметры сайта.";
     $this->view->headTitle($this->view->title, 'PREPEND');
     // модели
     $site = new Application_Model_Sites();
     $group = new Application_Model_SiteGroups();
     // форма
     $form = new Application_Form_EditSite();
     // костыль с валидатором
     $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
     // данные
     $post = $this->_request->getPost();
     $site_id = $this->_getParam('id');
     $site_params = $site->getSite($site_id);
     // заполняем форму
     if (isset($post) && !empty($post['url'])) {
         $url = parse_url($post['url'], PHP_URL_HOST);
         if ($form->isValid($post) && $validator->isValid($url)) {
             $url = $post['url'] . '/';
             if ($post['newgroup']) {
                 $id_group = $group->addGroup($post['newgroup']);
                 $site->editSite($site_id, $post['name'], $url, $id_group);
             } else {
                 $site->editSite($site_id, $post['name'], $url, $post['group']);
         } else {
             // вывод в шаблон
             $this->view->message = 'Некорректная ссылка на сайт.';
     // вывод в шаблон
     $this->view->form = $form;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Validate value by attribute input validation rule
  * @param string $value
  * @return string
 protected function _validateInputRule($value)
     // skip validate empty value
     if (empty($value)) {
         return true;
     $label = $this->getAttribute()->getStoreLabel();
     $validateRules = $this->getAttribute()->getValidateRules();
     if (!empty($validateRules['input_validation'])) {
         switch ($validateRules['input_validation']) {
             case 'alphanumeric':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Alnum(true);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alnum::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" has not only alphabetic and digit characters.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alnum::NOT_ALNUM);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is an empty string.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alnum::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'numeric':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Digits();
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Digits::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" contains not only digit characters.', $label), Zend_Validate_Digits::NOT_DIGITS);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is an empty string.', $label), Zend_Validate_Digits::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'alpha':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Alpha(true);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alpha::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" has not only alphabetic characters.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alpha::NOT_ALPHA);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is an empty string.', $label), Zend_Validate_Alpha::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'email':
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_FORMAT);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid hostname.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_HOSTNAME);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid hostname.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_MX_RECORD);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid hostname.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_MX_RECORD);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::DOT_ATOM);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::QUOTED_STRING);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid email address.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_LOCAL_PART);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" exceeds the allowed length.', $label), Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::LENGTH_EXCEEDED);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return array_unique($validator->getMessages());
             case 'url':
                 $parsedUrl = parse_url($value);
                 if ($parsedUrl === false || empty($parsedUrl['scheme']) || empty($parsedUrl['host'])) {
                     return array(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid URL.', $label));
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
                 if (!$validator->isValid($parsedUrl['host'])) {
                     return array(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid URL.', $label));
             case 'date':
                 $format = Mage::app()->getLocale()->getDateFormat(Varien_Date::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT);
                 $validator = new Zend_Validate_Date($format);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" invalid type entered.', $label), Zend_Validate_Date::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" is not a valid date.', $label), Zend_Validate_Date::INVALID_DATE);
                 $validator->setMessage(Mage::helper('customer')->__('"%s" does not fit the entered date format.', $label), Zend_Validate_Date::FALSEFORMAT);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * @group GH-451
 public function testVermögensberaterIdns()
     $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname();
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Returns TRUE if value is a valid hostname, FALSE otherwise.
  * Depending upon the value of $allow, Internet domain names, IP
  * addresses, and/or local network names are considered valid.
  * The default is HOST_ALLOW_ALL, which considers all of the
  * above to be valid.
  * @deprecated since 0.8.0
  * @param      mixed   $value
  * @param      integer $allow bitfield for HOST_ALLOW_DNS, HOST_ALLOW_IP, HOST_ALLOW_LOCAL
  * @return     boolean
 public static function isHostname($value, $allow = self::HOST_ALLOW_ALL)
     require_once 'Zend/Validate/Hostname.php';
     $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname($allow);
     return $validator->isValid($value);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Validate value by attribute input validation rule
  * @param string $value
  * @return array|true
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
 protected function _validateInputRule($value)
     // skip validate empty value
     if (empty($value)) {
         return true;
     $label = $this->getAttribute()->getStoreLabel();
     $validateRules = $this->getAttribute()->getValidationRules();
     $inputValidation = ArrayObjectSearch::getArrayElementByName($validateRules, 'input_validation');
     if (!is_null($inputValidation)) {
         switch ($inputValidation) {
             case 'alphanumeric':
                 $validator = new \Zend_Validate_Alnum(true);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" invalid type entered.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Alnum::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" contains non-alphabetic or non-numeric characters.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Alnum::NOT_ALNUM);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is an empty string.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Alnum::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'numeric':
                 $validator = new \Zend_Validate_Digits();
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" invalid type entered.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Digits::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" contains non-numeric characters.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Digits::NOT_DIGITS);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is an empty string.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Digits::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'alpha':
                 $validator = new \Zend_Validate_Alpha(true);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" invalid type entered.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Alpha::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" contains non-alphabetic characters.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Alpha::NOT_ALPHA);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is an empty string.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Alpha::STRING_EMPTY);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return $validator->getMessages();
             case 'email':
                 __("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded")
                 __("Invalid type given. String expected")
                 __("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position")
                 __("'%value%' does not match the expected structure for a DNS hostname")
                 __("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match against hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'")
                 __("'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name")
                 __("'%value%' does not appear to be a valid URI hostname")
                 __("'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed")
                 __("'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed")
                 __("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part")
                 __("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list")
                 $validator = new \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" invalid type entered.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid email address.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_FORMAT);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid hostname.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_HOSTNAME);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid hostname.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_MX_RECORD);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid hostname.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_MX_RECORD);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid email address.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::DOT_ATOM);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid email address.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::QUOTED_STRING);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid email address.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::INVALID_LOCAL_PART);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" uses too many characters.', $label), \Zend_Validate_EmailAddress::LENGTH_EXCEEDED);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' looks like an IP address, which is not an acceptable format."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but we cannot match the TLD against known list."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::UNKNOWN_TLD);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but contains a dash in an invalid position."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_DASH);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but we cannot match it against the hostname schema for TLD '%tld%'."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' looks like a DNS hostname but cannot extract TLD part."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::UNDECIPHERABLE_TLD);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' does not look like a valid local network name."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::INVALID_LOCAL_NAME);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' looks like a local network name, which is not an acceptable format."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::LOCAL_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED);
                 $validator->setMessage(__("'%value%' appears to be a DNS hostname, but the given punycode notation cannot be decoded."), \Zend_Validate_Hostname::CANNOT_DECODE_PUNYCODE);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return array_unique($validator->getMessages());
             case 'url':
                 $parsedUrl = parse_url($value);
                 if ($parsedUrl === false || empty($parsedUrl['scheme']) || empty($parsedUrl['host'])) {
                     return [__('"%1" is not a valid URL.', $label)];
                 $validator = new \Zend_Validate_Hostname();
                 if (!$validator->isValid($parsedUrl['host'])) {
                     return [__('"%1" is not a valid URL.', $label)];
             case 'date':
                 $validator = new \Zend_Validate_Date(\Magento\Framework\Stdlib\DateTime::DATE_INTERNAL_FORMAT);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" invalid type entered.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Date::INVALID);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" is not a valid date.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Date::INVALID_DATE);
                 $validator->setMessage(__('"%1" does not fit the entered date format.', $label), \Zend_Validate_Date::FALSEFORMAT);
                 if (!$validator->isValid($value)) {
                     return array_unique($validator->getMessages());
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 * @license     New BSD License
 * @version    $Id$
 * Standalone Validate_Hostname test script
 * Please note this file should be encoded as UTF-8 in order to run correctly
 * @see Zend_Validate_Hostname
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../../../library/');
require_once 'Zend/Validate/Hostname.php';
// Set up expected values
$valuesExpected = array(array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::CHECK_TLD, false, array('bü', 'hã', 'hå')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::CHECK_IDN, true, array('bü', 'hã', 'hå')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::CHECK_IDN, true, array('bÜ', 'hÃ', 'hÅ')), array(Zend_Validate_Hostname::CHECK_IDN, false, array('hã', 'bü', 'hã')));
// Run test
$ok = true;
foreach ($valuesExpected as $element) {
    $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_DNS, $element[0]);
    foreach ($element[2] as $input) {
        print "{$input} - ";
        if ($validator->isValid($input) === $element[1]) {
            print 'Pass';
        } else {
            print 'Fail ' . implode("\n", $validator->getMessages());
            $ok = false;
        print "\n";
    print "\n";
print $ok ? "All tests passed OK :-)\n" : "Some tests failed!\n";
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * @group ZF-11334
  * @see
 public function testSupportsIpv6AddressesWhichContainHexDigitF()
     $validator = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL);
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * @ZF-8312
 public function testInvalidDoubledIdn()
     $this->assertFalse($this->_validator->isValid(' /'));