Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function saveRel(Mage_Admin_Model_Permissions_Rules $rule)
     try {
         $roleId = $rule->getRoleId();
         $this->_write->delete($this->_ruleTable, "role_id = {$roleId}");
         $masterResources = Mage::getModel('admin/permissions_roles')->getResourcesList2D();
         $masterAdmin = false;
         if ($postedResources = $rule->getResources()) {
             foreach ($masterResources as $index => $resName) {
                 if (!$masterAdmin) {
                     $permission = in_array($resName, $postedResources) ? 'allow' : 'deny';
                     $this->_write->insert($this->_ruleTable, array('role_type' => 'G', 'resource_id' => trim($resName, '/'), 'privileges' => '', 'assert_id' => 0, 'role_id' => $roleId, 'permission' => $permission));
                 if ($resName == 'all' && $permission == 'allow') {
                     $masterAdmin = true;
     } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ActiveSync/ActiveSync_TestCase::setUp()
 protected function setUp()
     $this->_db = getTestDatabase();
     $this->_deviceBackend = new Syncope_Backend_Device($this->_db);
     $this->_folderBackend = new Syncope_Backend_Folder($this->_db);
     $newDevice = Syncope_Backend_DeviceTests::getTestDevice();
     $this->_device = $this->_deviceBackend->create($newDevice);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Parses csv file
  * @param string $file
  * @return Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Abstract
 public function parseCsv($file)
     $info = pathinfo($file);
     $io = new Varien_Io_File();
     $io->open(array('path' => $info['dirname']));
     $io->streamOpen($info['basename'], 'r');
     $headers = $io->streamReadCsv();
     if ($headers === false) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('pyro_licenses')->__('You must specify valid headers in the first row'));
     if (false === ($columns = $this->_prepareColumns($headers))) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('pyro_licenses')->__("Invalid header: 'License' is missed"));
     try {
         $rowNumber = 1;
         $importData = array();
         while (false !== ($csvLine = $io->streamReadCsv())) {
             // check for empty lines
             $emptyLine = array_unique($csvLine);
             if (count($emptyLine) == 1 && $emptyLine[0] == "") {
             $row = $this->_getImportRow($csvLine, $columns, $rowNumber);
             if ($row !== false) {
                 $importData[] = $row;
             if (count($importData) == 5000) {
                 $importData = array();
     } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($this->_importErrors) {
         $error = sprintf('ImportSubscribers: "%1$s"', implode('", "', $this->_importErrors));
         Mage::log($error, 3, '', true);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ActiveSync/ActiveSync_TestCase::setUp()
 protected function setUp()
     $this->_db = getTestDatabase();
     $this->_contentBackend = new Syncope_Backend_Content($this->_db);
     $this->_deviceBackend = new Syncope_Backend_Device($this->_db);
     $this->_folderBackend = new Syncope_Backend_Folder($this->_db);
     $this->_syncStateBackend = new Syncope_Backend_SyncState($this->_db);
     $this->_device = $this->_deviceBackend->create(Syncope_Backend_DeviceTests::getTestDevice());
     $this->_folder = $this->_folderBackend->create(Syncope_Backend_FolderTests::getTestFolder($this->_device));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function delete(Mage_Admin_Model_Permissions_Roles $role)
     try {
         $this->_write->delete($this->_roleTable, "role_id={$role->getId()}");
         $this->_write->delete($this->_roleTable, "parent_id={$role->getId()}");
         $this->_write->delete($this->_ruleTable, "role_id={$role->getId()}");
     } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function aggregate($object)
     if (!$object->getEntityPkValue() && $object->getId()) {
     $ratingModel = Mage::getModel('rating/rating');
     $ratingSummaries = $ratingModel->getEntitySummary($object->getEntityPkValue(), false);
     $nonDelete = array();
     foreach ($ratingSummaries as $ratingSummaryObject) {
         if ($ratingSummaryObject->getCount()) {
             $ratingSummary = round($ratingSummaryObject->getSum() / $ratingSummaryObject->getCount());
         } else {
             $ratingSummary = $ratingSummaryObject->getSum();
         $reviewsCount = $this->getTotalReviews($object->getEntityPkValue(), true, $ratingSummaryObject->getStoreId());
         $select = $this->_read->select();
         $select->from($this->_aggregateTable)->where("{$this->_aggregateTable}.entity_pk_value = ?", $object->getEntityPkValue())->where("{$this->_aggregateTable}.entity_type = ?", $object->getEntityId())->where("{$this->_aggregateTable}.store_id = ?", $ratingSummaryObject->getStoreId());
         $oldData = $this->_read->fetchRow($select);
         $data = new Varien_Object();
         $data->setReviewsCount($reviewsCount)->setEntityPkValue($object->getEntityPkValue())->setEntityType($object->getEntityId())->setRatingSummary($ratingSummary > 0 ? $ratingSummary : 0)->setStoreId($ratingSummaryObject->getStoreId());
         try {
             if ($oldData['primary_id'] > 0) {
                 $condition = $this->_write->quoteInto("{$this->_aggregateTable}.primary_id = ?", $oldData['primary_id']);
                 $this->_write->update($this->_aggregateTable, $data->getData(), $condition);
             } else {
                 $this->_write->insert($this->_aggregateTable, $data->getData());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Move tree node
  * @param Varien_Data_Tree_Node $node
  * @param Varien_Data_Tree_Node $parentNode
  * @param Varien_Data_Tree_Node $prevNode
 public function move($category, $newParent, $prevNode = null)
     $position = 1;
     $oldPath = $category->getData($this->_pathField);
     $newPath = $newParent->getData($this->_pathField);
     $newPath = $newPath . '/' . $category->getId();
     $oldPathLength = strlen($oldPath);
     $data = array($this->_pathField => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT('{$newPath}', RIGHT({$this->_pathField}, LENGTH({$this->_pathField}) - {$oldPathLength}))"));
     $condition = $this->_conn->quoteInto("{$this->_pathField} REGEXP ?", "^{$oldPath}(/|\$)");
     try {
         if ($prevNode && $prevNode->getId()) {
             $reorderData = array($this->_orderField => new Zend_Db_Expr("{$this->_orderField} + 1"));
             $reorderCondition = "{$this->_orderField} > {$prevNode->getData($this->_orderField)}";
             $this->_conn->update($this->_table, $reorderData, $reorderCondition);
             $position = $prevNode->getData($this->_orderField) + 1;
         $this->_conn->update($this->_table, $data, $condition);
         $this->_conn->update($this->_table, array($this->_orderField => $position), $this->_conn->quoteInto("{$this->_idField} = ?", $category->getId()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("Can't move tree node due to error: " . $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Move tree node
  * @todo Use adapter for generate conditions
  * @param Varien_Data_Tree_Node $node
  * @param Varien_Data_Tree_Node $newParent
  * @param Varien_Data_Tree_Node $prevNode
 public function move($node, $newParent, $prevNode = null)
     $position = 1;
     $oldPath = $node->getData($this->_pathField);
     $newPath = $newParent->getData($this->_pathField);
     $newPath = $newPath . '/' . $node->getId();
     $oldPathLength = strlen($oldPath);
     $newLevel = $newParent->getLevel() + 1;
     $levelDisposition = $newLevel - $node->getLevel();
     $data = array($this->_levelField => new Zend_Db_Expr("{$this->_levelField} + '{$levelDisposition}'"), $this->_pathField => new Zend_Db_Expr("CONCAT('{$newPath}', RIGHT({$this->_pathField}, LENGTH({$this->_pathField}) - {$oldPathLength}))"));
     $condition = $this->_conn->quoteInto("{$this->_pathField} REGEXP ?", "^{$oldPath}(/|\$)");
     $reorderData = array($this->_orderField => new Zend_Db_Expr("{$this->_orderField} + 1"));
     try {
         if ($prevNode && $prevNode->getId()) {
             $reorderCondition = "{$this->_orderField} > {$prevNode->getData($this->_orderField)}";
             $position = $prevNode->getData($this->_orderField) + 1;
         } else {
             $reorderCondition = $this->_conn->quoteInto("{$this->_pathField} REGEXP ?", "^{$newParent->getData($this->_pathField)}/[0-9]+\$");
             $select = $this->_conn->select()->from($this->_table, new Zend_Db_Expr("MIN({$this->_orderField})"))->where($reorderCondition);
             $position = (int) $this->_conn->fetchOne($select);
         $this->_conn->update($this->_table, $reorderData, $reorderCondition);
         $this->_conn->update($this->_table, $data, $condition);
         $this->_conn->update($this->_table, array($this->_orderField => $position, $this->_levelField => $newLevel), $this->_conn->quoteInto("{$this->_idField} = ?", $node->getId()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("Can't move tree node due to error: " . $e->getMessage());
  * Creates all tokens that should exist, but do not exist
  * NOTE: When overruling this function you should not create tokens because they
  * were deleted by the user
  * @param \Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack $respTrack The respondent track to check
  * @param int $userId Id of the user who takes the action (for logging)
  * @return int The number of tokens created by this code
 protected function addNewTokens(\Gems_Tracker_RespondentTrack $respTrack, $userId)
     $orgId = $respTrack->getOrganizationId();
     $respId = $respTrack->getRespondentId();
     $respTrackId = $respTrack->getRespondentTrackId();
     // $this->t
     $sql = "SELECT gro_id_round, gro_id_survey, gro_id_order, gro_icon_file, gro_round_description\n            FROM gems__rounds\n            WHERE gro_id_track = ? AND\n                gro_active = 1 AND\n                gro_id_round NOT IN (SELECT gto_id_round FROM gems__tokens WHERE gto_id_respondent_track = ?) AND\n                (gro_organizations IS NULL OR gro_organizations LIKE CONCAT('%|',?,'|%'))\n            ORDER BY gro_id_order";
     $newRounds = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, array($this->_trackId, $respTrackId, $orgId));
     foreach ($newRounds as $round) {
         $values = array();
         // From the respondent track
         $values['gto_id_respondent_track'] = $respTrackId;
         $values['gto_id_respondent'] = $respId;
         $values['gto_id_organization'] = $orgId;
         $values['gto_id_track'] = $this->_trackId;
         // From the rounds
         $values['gto_id_round'] = $round['gro_id_round'];
         $values['gto_id_survey'] = $round['gro_id_survey'];
         $values['gto_round_order'] = $round['gro_id_order'];
         $values['gto_icon_file'] = $round['gro_icon_file'];
         $values['gto_round_description'] = $round['gro_round_description'];
         // All other values are not changed by this query and get the default DB value on insertion
         $this->tracker->createToken($values, $userId);
     return count($newRounds);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @param string|int $eId
  * @param string|int $pId
  * @param string|int $aId
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedLocalVariable)
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExitExpression)
 public function moveNodes($eId, $pId, $aId = 0)
     $eInfo = $this->getNodeInfo($eId);
     if ($pId != 0) {
         $pInfo = $this->getNodeInfo($pId);
     if ($aId != 0) {
         $aInfo = $this->getNodeInfo($aId);
     $level = $eInfo[$this->_level];
     $leftKey = $eInfo[$this->_left];
     $rightKey = $eInfo[$this->_right];
     if ($pId == 0) {
         $levelUp = 0;
     } else {
         $levelUp = $pInfo[$this->_level];
     $rightKeyNear = 0;
     $leftKeyNear = 0;
     if ($pId == 0) {
         //move to root
         $rightKeyNear = $this->_db->fetchOne('SELECT MAX(' . $this->_right . ') FROM ' . $this->_table);
     } elseif ($aId != 0 && $pId == $eInfo[$this->_pid]) {
         // if we have after ID
         $rightKeyNear = $aInfo[$this->_right];
         $leftKeyNear = $aInfo[$this->_left];
     } elseif ($aId == 0 && $pId == $eInfo[$this->_pid]) {
         // if we do not have after ID
         $rightKeyNear = $pInfo[$this->_left];
     } elseif ($pId != $eInfo[$this->_pid]) {
         $rightKeyNear = $pInfo[$this->_right] - 1;
     $skewLevel = $pInfo[$this->_level] - $eInfo[$this->_level] + 1;
     $skewTree = $eInfo[$this->_right] - $eInfo[$this->_left] + 1;
     echo "alert('" . $rightKeyNear . "');";
     if ($rightKeyNear > $rightKey) {
         // up
         echo "alert('move up');";
         $skewEdit = $rightKeyNear - $leftKey + 1;
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->_table . ' SET ' . $this->_right . ' = IF(' . $this->_left . ' >= ' . $eInfo[$this->_left] . ', ' . $this->_right . ' + ' . $skewEdit . ', IF(' . $this->_right . ' < ' . $eInfo[$this->_left] . ', ' . $this->_right . ' + ' . $skewTree . ', ' . $this->_right . ')), ' . $this->_level . ' = IF(' . $this->_left . ' >= ' . $eInfo[$this->_left] . ', ' . $this->_level . ' + ' . $skewLevel . ', ' . $this->_level . '), ' . $this->_left . ' = IF(' . $this->_left . ' >= ' . $eInfo[$this->_left] . ', ' . $this->_left . ' + ' . $skewEdit . ', IF(' . $this->_left . ' > ' . $rightKeyNear . ', ' . $this->_left . ' + ' . $skewTree . ', ' . $this->_left . '))' . ' WHERE ' . $this->_right . ' > ' . $rightKeyNear . ' AND ' . $this->_left . ' < ' . $eInfo[$this->_right];
     } elseif ($rightKeyNear < $rightKey) {
         // down
         echo "alert('move down');";
         $skewEdit = $rightKeyNear - $leftKey + 1 - $skewTree;
         $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->_table . ' SET ' . $this->_left . ' = IF(' . $this->_right . ' <= ' . $rightKey . ', ' . $this->_left . ' + ' . $skewEdit . ', IF(' . $this->_left . ' > ' . $rightKey . ', ' . $this->_left . ' - ' . $skewTree . ', ' . $this->_left . ')), ' . $this->_level . ' = IF(' . $this->_right . ' <= ' . $rightKey . ', ' . $this->_level . ' + ' . $skewLevel . ', ' . $this->_level . '), ' . $this->_right . ' = IF(' . $this->_right . ' <= ' . $rightKey . ', ' . $this->_right . ' + ' . $skewEdit . ', IF(' . $this->_right . ' <= ' . $rightKeyNear . ', ' . $this->_right . ' - ' . $skewTree . ', ' . $this->_right . '))' . ' WHERE ' . $this->_right . ' > ' . $leftKey . ' AND ' . $this->_left . ' <= ' . $rightKeyNear;
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
         echo "<br>\r\n";
         echo $sql;
         echo "<br>\r\n";
     echo "alert('node added')";
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected function store()
     $fileTable = IcingaConfigFile::$table;
     $fileKey = IcingaConfigFile::$keyName;
     try {
         $existingQuery = $this->db->select()->from($fileTable, 'checksum')->where('checksum IN (?)', array_map(array($this, 'dbBin'), $this->getFilesChecksums()));
         $existing = $this->db->fetchCol($existingQuery);
         foreach ($existing as $key => $val) {
             if (is_resource($val)) {
                 $existing[$key] = stream_get_contents($val);
         $missing = array_diff($this->getFilesChecksums(), $existing);
         /** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */
         foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) {
             $checksum = $file->getChecksum();
             if (!in_array($checksum, $missing)) {
             $this->db->insert($fileTable, array($fileKey => $this->dbBin($checksum), 'content' => $file->getContent()));
         $this->db->insert(self::$table, array('duration' => $this->generationTime, 'last_activity_checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getLastActivityChecksum()), 'checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getChecksum())));
         /** @var IcingaConfigFile $file */
         foreach ($this->files as $name => $file) {
             $this->db->insert('director_generated_config_file', array('config_checksum' => $this->dbBin($this->getChecksum()), 'file_checksum' => $this->dbBin($file->getChecksum()), 'file_path' => $name));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Start a transaction and track how many
  * are in progress
 public function beginTransaction()
     if ($this->transactionDepth <= 0) {
         $this->transactionDepth = 0;
     $this->log->debug("BEGIN: Transaction depth of {$this->transactionDepth}");
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Checks if another transaction is running or not
  * @param  Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $dba
  * @return boolean True if another transaction is in progress, false otherwise
 public static function isTransactionRunning(Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $dba)
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Start a transaction (either using QFrame transactions or straight db transactions)
  * @param  Migration migration we are currently running
  * @return mixed
 private final function startTransaction(Migration $migration)
     if (class_exists('QFrame_Db_SerializableTransaction')) {
         $result = QFrame_Db_SerializableTransaction::startSerializableTransaction();
     } else {
         $result = $this->dbAdapter->beginTransaction();
     if (!$result) {
         throw new Exception('Could not begin a transaction for migration ' . get_class($migration));
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Updates data when subscriber received
  * @param \Magento\Newsletter\Model\Subscriber $subscriber
  * @param \Magento\Newsletter\Model\Queue $queue
  * @return $this
  * @throws \Magento\Framework\Model\Exception
 public function received(\Magento\Newsletter\Model\Subscriber $subscriber, \Magento\Newsletter\Model\Queue $queue)
     try {
         $data['letter_sent_at'] = $this->_date->gmtDate();
         $this->_write->update($this->_subscriberLinkTable, $data, array('subscriber_id = ?' => $subscriber->getId(), 'queue_id = ?' => $queue->getId()));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Magento\Framework\Model\Exception(__('We cannot mark as received subscriber.'));
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Updates data when subscriber received
  * @param Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber $subscriber
  * @param Mage_Newsletter_Model_Queue $queue
  * @return Mage_Newsletter_Model_Resource_Subscriber
 public function received(Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber $subscriber, Mage_Newsletter_Model_Queue $queue)
     try {
         $data['letter_sent_at'] = Mage::getSingleton('Mage_Core_Model_Date')->gmtDate();
         $this->_write->update($this->_subscriberLinkTable, $data, array('subscriber_id = ?' => $subscriber->getId(), 'queue_id = ?' => $queue->getId()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('Mage_Newsletter_Helper_Data')->__('Cannot mark as received subscriber.'));
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function received(Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber $subscriber, Mage_Newsletter_Model_Queue $queue)
     try {
         $data['letter_sent_at'] = now();
         $this->_write->update($this->_subscriberLinkTable, $data, array($this->_write->quoteInto('subscriber_id=?', $subscriber->getId()), $this->_write->quoteInto('queue_id=?', $queue->getId())));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('newsletter')->__('Cannot mark as received subscriber'));
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * @param Node $node
  * @return $this
  * @throws \Exception
 public function removeNode($node)
     // For reorder old node branch
     $dataReorderOld = [$this->_orderField => new \Zend_Db_Expr($this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($this->_orderField) . '-1')];
     $conditionReorderOld = $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($this->_parentField) . '=' . $node->getData($this->_parentField) . ' AND ' . $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($this->_orderField) . '>' . $node->getData($this->_orderField);
     try {
         $condition = $this->_conn->quoteInto("{$this->_idField}=?", $node->getId());
         $this->_conn->delete($this->_table, $condition);
         // Update old node branch
         $this->_conn->update($this->_table, $dataReorderOld, $conditionReorderOld);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception('Can\'t remove tree node');
     return $this;
  * Check this respondent track for changes to the tokens
  * @param int $userId Id of the user who takes the action (for logging)
  * @param \Gems_Tracker_Token $fromToken Optional token to start from
  * @param \Gems_Tracker_Token $skipToken Optional token to skip in the recalculation when $fromToken is used
  * @return int The number of tokens changed by this code
 public function checkTrackTokens($userId, \Gems_Tracker_Token $fromToken = null, \Gems_Tracker_Token $skipToken = null)
     // Execute any defined functions
     $count = $this->handleTrackCalculation($userId);
     // Update token completion count.
     $engine = $this->getTrackEngine();
     // Check for validFrom and validUntil dates that have changed.
     if ($fromToken) {
         $count += $engine->checkTokensFrom($this, $fromToken, $userId, $skipToken);
     } elseif ($this->_checkStart) {
         $count += $engine->checkTokensFrom($this, $this->_checkStart, $userId);
     } else {
         $count += $engine->checkTokensFromStart($this, $userId);
     return $count;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ActiveSync/ActiveSync_TestCase::setUp()
 protected function setUp()
     $this->_db = getTestDatabase();
     $this->_deviceBackend = new Syncope_Backend_Device($this->_db);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Drop database tables.
 * @param Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $db
 * @param string $dbType
 * @throws Zend_Exception
function dropTables($db, $dbType)
    try {
        $tables = $db->listTables();
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            if ($dbType === 'mysql') {
                $db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $table . '` CASCADE;');
            } elseif ($dbType === 'pgsql') {
                $db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "' . $table . '" CASCADE;');
            } elseif ($dbType === 'sqlite' && $table != 'sqlite_sequence') {
                $db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "' . $table . '";');
            } else {
    } catch (Zend_Exception $exception) {
        throw $exception;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Begin a transaction.
  * @return Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
 public function beginTransaction()
     return $this->_adapter->beginTransaction();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function beginTransaction()
Ejemplo n.º 24
 protected function install(Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $db)
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $path = $config->system->path;
     $schema = file_get_contents($path->base . "/modules/default/installer/schema.sql");
     $system_data = file_get_contents($path->base . "/modules/default/installer/system_data.sql");
     $cnl_data = file_get_contents($path->base . "/modules/default/installer/cnl_data.sql");
     try {
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function beginTransaction()
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function startTransaction()
     return $this->_connection->beginTransaction();