public static function getIP($just_remote = true) { if (Console::isConsole()) { return ''; } // O único realmente seguro de se confiar é o REMOTE_ADDR $validator = new \Zend\Validator\Ip(); $remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (!$validator->isValid($remote)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Endereço de IP '{$remote}' inválido"); } if ($just_remote) { return $remote; } $ips = [$remote]; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; if ($validator->isValid($ip)) { $ips[2] = $ip; } } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; if ($validator->isValid($ip)) { $ips[1] = $ip; } } return $ips; }
/** * sets new ip address * * @param string $ip * @throws Zend_Service_DeveloperGarden_Exception * @return Zend_Service_DeveloperGarden_IpLocation_IpAddress */ public function setIp($ip) { $validator = new Zend\Validator\Ip(); if (!$validator->isValid($ip)) { $message = $validator->getMessages(); throw new Zend_Service_DeveloperGarden_Exception($message['notIpAddress']); } $this->_address = $ip; return $this; }
/** * Validate address and mask * * @param string $address * @param string $mask * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if $address or $mask are invalid */ protected function _validate($address, $mask) { $validator = new \Zend\Validator\Ip(array('allowipv6' => false)); if (!$validator->isValid($address)) { $messages = $validator->getMessages(); throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Not an IPv4 address: "%s" (%s)', $address, array_shift($messages))); } // Check $mask for valid syntax and consecutive leading 1 bits. // The explicit 0 check is required on 32 bit systems. $bits = ip2long($mask); if ($bits === false or !($bits === 0 or ctype_digit((string) log(($bits ^ 4294967295.0) + 1, 2)))) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Not an IPv4 mask: "%s"', $address)); } }
public function check_field_values($ins_fields, $categorized_fields = '', $trackerId = '', $itemId = '') { global $prefs; $mandatory_fields = array(); $erroneous_values = array(); if (isset($ins_fields) && isset($ins_fields['data'])) { foreach ($ins_fields['data'] as $f) { if ($f['type'] == 'f' && $f['isMandatory'] != 'y' && empty($f['value'])) { $ins_id = 'ins_' . $f['fieldId']; if (!empty($_REQUEST[$ins_id . 'Month']) || !empty($_REQUEST[$ins_id . 'Day']) || !empty($_REQUEST[$ins_id . 'Year']) || !empty($_REQUEST[$ins_id . 'Hour']) || !empty($_REQUEST[$ins_id . 'Minute'])) { $erroneous_values[] = $f; } } if ($f['type'] != 'q' and isset($f['isMandatory']) && $f['isMandatory'] == 'y') { if (($f['type'] == 'e' || in_array($f['fieldId'], $categorized_fields)) && empty($f['value'])) { // category: value is now categ id's $mandatory_fields[] = $f; } elseif (in_array($f['type'], array('a', 't')) && $this->is_multilingual($f['fieldId']) == 'y') { if (!isset($multi_languages)) { $multi_languages = $prefs['available_languages']; } //Check recipient if (isset($f['lingualvalue'])) { foreach ($f['lingualvalue'] as $val) { foreach ($multi_languages as $num => $tmplang) { //Check if trad is empty if (!isset($val['lang']) || !isset($val['value']) || $val['lang'] == $tmplang && strlen($val['value']) == 0) { $mandatory_fields[] = $f; } } } } else { $mandatory_fields[] = $f; } } elseif (in_array($f['type'], array('u', 'g')) && $f['options_array'][0] == 1) { } elseif ($f['type'] == 'c' && (empty($f['value']) || $f['value'] == 'n')) { $mandatory_fields[] = $f; } elseif ($f['type'] == 'A' && !empty($itemId) && empty($f['value'])) { $val = $this->get_item_value($trackerId, $itemId, $f['fieldId']); if (empty($val)) { $mandatory_fields[] = $f; } } elseif (!isset($f['value']) || !is_array($f['value']) && strlen($f['value']) == 0 || is_array($f['value']) && empty($f['value'])) { $mandatory_fields[] = $f; } } if (!empty($f['value'])) { switch ($f['type']) { // IP address (only for IPv4) case 'I': $validator = new Zend\Validator\Ip(); if (!$validator->isValid($f['value'])) { $erroneous_values[] = $f; } break; // numeric // numeric case 'n': if (!is_numeric($f['value'])) { $f['error'] = tra('Field is not numeric'); $erroneous_values[] = $f; } break; // email // email case 'm': if (!validate_email($f['value'], $prefs['validateEmail'])) { $erroneous_values[] = $f; } break; // password // password case 'p': if ($f['options_array'][0] == 'password') { $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); if (($e = $userlib->check_password_policy($f['value'])) != '') { $erroneous_values[] = $f; } } elseif ($f['options_array'][0] == 'email') { if (!validate_email($f['value'])) { $erroneous_values[] = $f; } } break; case 'a': if (isset($f['options_array'][5]) && $f['options_array'][5] > 0) { if (count(preg_split('/\\s+/', trim($f['value']))) > $f['options_array'][5]) { $erroneous_values[] = $f; } } if (isset($f['options_array'][6]) && $f['options_array'][6] == 'y') { if (in_array($f['value'], $this->list_tracker_field_values($trackerId, $f['fieldId'], 'opc', 'y', '', $itemId))) { $erroneous_values[] = $f; } } break; } $handler = $this->get_field_handler($f, $this->get_item_info($itemId)); if (method_exists($handler, 'isValid')) { $validationResponse = $handler->isValid($ins_fields['data']); if ($validationResponse !== true) { if (!empty($f['validationMessage'])) { $f['errorMsg'] = $f['validationMessage']; } elseif (!empty($validationResponse)) { $f['errorMsg'] = $validationResponse; } else { $f['errorMsg'] = tr('Unknown error'); } $erroneous_values[] = $f; } } } } } $res = array(); $res['err_mandatory'] = $mandatory_fields; $res['err_value'] = $erroneous_values; return $res; }
public function bannedAction() { $view = new ViewModel(); //Tiêu đề $title = 'Bạn bị cấm truy cập'; $this->headTitle($title)->setSeparator(" - ")->append("Website bất động sản"); $noticeBan = ''; //Trường hợp thành viên đăng nhập(cấm nick) if (!empty($this->identity()->id)) { $userTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Admin\\Model\\UserTable'); $itemBan = $userTable->getItem(array('id' => $this->identity()->id), array('task' => 'get-item-with-id')); if (!empty($itemBan)) { $noticeBan = $itemBan['nguyennhan']; } } else { //Trường hợp cấm IP $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $validator = new \Zend\Validator\Ip(); if ($validator->isValid($ip)) { $userTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Admin\\Model\\UserTable'); $itemBan = $userTable->getItem(array('ip' => $ip), array('task' => 'get-item-with-ip')); if (!empty($itemBan)) { $noticeBan = $itemBan['nguyennhan']; } } } $view->setVariables(array('title' => $title, 'arrParam' => $this->_arrParam, 'currentController' => $this->_currentController, 'notice' => $noticeBan)); return $view; }
public function onInit(MvcEvent $e) { //GET MODULE - CONTROLLER - ACTION $this->_arrParam = $this->params()->fromRoute(); $routeMatch = $e->getRouteMatch(); $controllerArray = explode('\\', $routeMatch->getParam('controller')); $this->_params['module'] = strtolower($controllerArray[0]); $this->_params['controller'] = strtolower($controllerArray[2]); $this->_params['action'] = $routeMatch->getParam('action'); $viewModel = $e->getApplication()->getMvcEvent()->getViewModel(); $viewModel->module = $this->_params['module']; $viewModel->controller = $this->_params['controller']; $viewModel->action = $this->_params['action']; //SET LAYOUT //$config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config'); //$this->layout($config['module_layouts'][$controllerArray[0]]); //CHECK PERMISSION $loggedStatus = $this->identity() ? true : false; if ($this->_params['module'] == 'admin' || $this->_params['module'] == 'user') { if ($loggedStatus == false && $this->_params['module'] == 'user') { $this->goLogin(); } if ($loggedStatus == false && $this->_params['module'] == 'admin') { $this->goLoginAdmin(); } $info = new \ZendVN\System\Info(); $groupAcp = $info->getGroupInfo('group_acp'); if ($loggedStatus == true && $groupAcp == 0) { $this->goNoAccess(); } $permission = $info->getPermission(); if ($permission['privileges'] != 'full') { $aclObj = new \ZendVN\System\Acl($permission['role'], $permission['privileges']); if ($aclObj->isAllowed($this->_params) == false) { $this->goNoAccess(); } } } else { if ($this->_params['module'] == 'user') { if ($this->_params['controller'] == 'account' && $loggedStatus == false) { $this->goLogin(); } } } //KIỂM TRA TIN BẤT ĐỘNG SẢN ĐĂNG if ($this->_params['controller'] == 'realestate' && $this->_params['action'] == 'detail') { $RealEstateTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Home\\Model\\RealEstateTable'); $item = $this->getTable()->getItem($this->_arrParam); $hansudung = explode("/", $item['date_end']); //tính số ngày còn lại của tin đăng $month = !empty($hansudung[1]) ? $hansudung[1] : ''; $day = !empty($hansudung[0]) ? $hansudung[0] : ''; $year = !empty($hansudung[2]) ? $hansudung[2] : ''; $remain = ceil((mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) - time()) / 86400); //Nếu tin chưa kích hoạt, thời hạn đăng đã hết thì không thể xem được tin đó if (empty($item['type_news']) || $item['status'] != 5 || $remain <= 0) { //$this->goNoView(); } } //Kiểm tra bảo trì website if ($this->_params['module'] == 'home' || $this->_params['module'] == 'user') { $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Admin\\Model\\ConfigTable'); $itemConfig = $config->getItem(array('id' => 1), array('task' => 'get-item')); $arrConfig = \Zend\Json\Json::decode($itemConfig->maintenance); if ($arrConfig->status == 1) { $this->goMaintenance(); } } //Cấm truy cập website(ban nick\ip) if ($this->_params['module'] == 'home' || $this->_params['module'] == 'user') { $flagBan = false; //Trường hợp thành viên đăng nhập(cấm nick) if (!empty($this->identity()->id)) { $userTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Admin\\Model\\UserTable'); $itemBan = $userTable->getItem(array('id' => $this->identity()->id), array('task' => 'get-item-with-id')); if (!empty($itemBan)) { $flagBan = true; } } else { //Trường hợp cấm IP $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $validator = new \Zend\Validator\Ip(); if ($validator->isValid($ip)) { $userTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Admin\\Model\\UserTable'); $itemBan = $userTable->getItem(array('ip' => $ip), array('task' => 'get-item-with-ip')); if (!empty($itemBan)) { $flagBan = true; } } } if ($flagBan == true) { $this->goBanned(); } } //Kiểm tra trang doanh nghiệp có tồn tại không if ($this->_params['module'] == 'home' && $this->_params['controller'] == 'business') { if ($this->_params['action'] == 'detail' || $this->_params['action'] == 'landsale' || $this->_params['action'] == 'landforrent' || $this->_params['action'] == 'investors' || $this->_params['action'] == 'construction' || $this->_params['action'] == 'management' || $this->_params['action'] == 'design' || $this->_params['action'] == 'distributors' || $this->_params['action'] == 'contact' || $this->_params['action'] == 'department') { $businessTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Home\\Model\\BusinessTable'); $item = $businessTable->getItem($this->_arrParam); if (empty($item)) { $this->goNotFoundPageBusiness(); } } } $this->init(); }