//pcntl_fork(); //$pid = 0; echo "Initializing YNDb\n"; $MOO = new YNDb('data'); echo "Create table test\n"; try { $MOO->create('test', array('id' => 'INT', 'bad_rand' => 'INT', 'name' => 'TINYTEXT'), array('AUTO_INCREMENT' => 'id', 'INDEX' => array('bad_rand'))); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } usleep(1000); // sleep just a moment to ensure that table is created echo "Inserting " . INSERT_VALUES . " values\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < INSERT_VALUES; $i++) { if ($i % 50 == 0) { echo 'Inserted ' . $MOO->insert_id() . "\n"; } $br = mt_rand(0, INSERT_VALUES / AVG_BAD_RAND); //echo 'inserting br = '.$br."\n"; $MOO->insert('test', array('name' => 'entry #' . $i, 'bad_rand' => $br)); // } echo "Last insert ID: " . $MOO->insert_id() . "\n"; /*if($pid == 0) { return 0; }else { pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status); echo "Child status: $status\n";
echo $i . ' '; flush(); } } //$db->unlock_table(TABLE); $end = microtime(true); $tm = $end - $start; echo '<br>' . floor($i / $tm) . ' ins/sec (inserted eight ' . $i8 . ' times, inserted twenty five ' . $ia25 . ' times).<br> Primary index took ' . round($primary_time / $tm * 100) . '%<br> Lock table took ' . round($lock_time / $tm * 100) . '%<br> Unique took ' . round($unique_time / $tm * 100) . '%<br> Index took ' . round($index_time / $tm * 100) . '%<br> <b>B-Tree:</b><br> Read block took ' . round($read_block_time / $tm * 100) . '%<br> Write block took ' . round($write_block_time / $tm * 100) . '%<br> Last ins_id: ' . $db->insert_id() . '<br> '; flush(); //*/ /* echo 'inserting to MySQL<br>'; mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', ''); mysql_select_db('guestbook_db'); $start = microtime(true); echo '<!-- '.str_repeat('-', 1024).' -->';