public static function saveVersion($entry, $fields, $is_update)
     // list existing versions of this entry
     $existing_versions = General::listStructure(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id') . '/', '/.xml$/');
     // create folder
     if (!file_exists(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id'))) {
         General::realiseDirectory(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id'));
     // max version number
     $new_version_number = count($existing_versions['filelist']);
     if ($is_update) {
     if ($new_version_number == 0) {
     // run custom DS to get the built XML of this entry
     $ds = new EntryVersionsXMLDataSource(self::Context(), null, false);
     $ds->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = array_keys($fields);
     $ds->dsParamFILTERS['id'] = $entry->get('id');
     $ds->dsSource = (string) $entry->get('section_id');
     $param_pool = array();
     $entry_xml = $ds->grab($param_pool);
     // get text value of the entry
     $proc = new XsltProcess();
     $data = $proc->process($entry_xml->generate(), file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/entry_versions/lib/entry-version.xsl'), array('version' => $new_version_number, 'created-by' => self::Context()->Author ? self::Context()->Author->getFullName() : '', 'created-date' => date('Y-m-d', time()), 'created-time' => date('H:i', time())));
     $write = General::writeFile(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id') . '/' . $new_version_number . '.xml', $data);
     General::writeFile(MANIFEST . '/versions/' . $entry->get('id') . '/' . $new_version_number . '.dat', self::serializeEntry($entry));
     return $new_version_number;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * The generate function calls on the `XsltProcess` to transform the
  * XML with the given XSLT passing any parameters or functions
  * If no errors occur, the parent generate function is called to add
  * the page headers and a string containing the transformed result
  * is result.
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     $result = $this->Proc->process($this->_xml, $this->_xsl, $this->_param, $this->_registered_php_functions);
     if ($this->Proc->isErrors()) {
         return false;
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * The generate function calls on the `XsltProcess` to transform the
  * XML with the given XSLT passing any parameters or functions
  * If no errors occur, the parent generate function is called to add
  * the page headers and a string containing the transformed result
  * is result.
  * @param null $page
  * @return string
 public function generate($page = null)
     $result = $this->Proc->process($this->_xml, $this->_xsl, $this->_param, $this->_registered_php_functions);
     if ($this->Proc->isErrors()) {
         return false;
     return $result;
  * Fetch generated recipient data.
  * Returns parsed recipient data. This means the xslt provided by the user
  * will be ran on the raw data, returning a name and email direcly useable
  * by the email API.
  * This is the preferred way of getting recipient data.
  * @todo bugtesting and error handling
  * @return array
 public function getSlice()
     $entries = $this->grab();
     $return['total-entries'] = (string) $entries['total-entries'];
     $return['total-pages'] = (string) $entries['total-pages'];
     $return['remaining-pages'] = (string) $entries['remaining-pages'];
     $return['remaining-entries'] = (string) $entries['remaining-entries'];
     $return['entries-per-page'] = (string) $entries['limit'];
     $return['start'] = (string) $entries['start'];
     $return['current-page'] = (string) $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE;
     $field_ids = array();
     $xsltproc = new XsltProcess();
     foreach ($this->nameFields as $nameField) {
         $field_ids[] = FieldManager::fetchFieldIDFromElementName($nameField, $this->getSource());
     $email_field_id = FieldManager::fetchFieldIDFromElementName($this->emailField, $this->getSource());
     require TOOLKIT . '/util.validators.php';
     foreach ((array) $entries['records'] as $entry) {
         $entry_data = $entry->getData();
         $element = new XMLElement('entry');
         $name = '';
         $email = '';
         foreach ($entry_data as $field_id => $data) {
             if (in_array($field_id, $field_ids)) {
                 $field = FieldManager::fetch($field_id);
                 $field->appendFormattedElement($element, $data);
             if ($field_id == $email_field_id) {
                 $email = $data['value'];
         $name = trim($xsltproc->process($element->generate(), $this->nameXslt));
         if (!empty($email)) {
             $return['records'][] = array('id' => $entry->get('id'), 'email' => $email, 'name' => $name, 'valid' => General::validateString($email, $validators['email']) ? true : false);
     if ($this->newsletter_id !== NULL) {
         $newsletter = EmailNewsletterManager::create($this->newsletter_id);
         if (is_a($newsletter, 'EmailNewsletter')) {
             foreach ($return['records'] as $recipient) {
                 $newsletter->_markRecipient($recipient['email'], 'idle');
     return $return;
 public function execute(array &$param_pool = null)
     $result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);
     $this->dsParamURL = $this->parseParamURL($this->dsParamURL);
     if (isset($this->dsParamXPATH)) {
         $this->dsParamXPATH = $this->__processParametersInString($this->dsParamXPATH, $this->_env);
     $stylesheet = new XMLElement('xsl:stylesheet');
     $stylesheet->setAttributeArray(array('version' => '1.0', 'xmlns:xsl' => ''));
     $output = new XMLElement('xsl:output');
     $output->setAttributeArray(array('method' => 'xml', 'version' => '1.0', 'encoding' => 'utf-8', 'indent' => 'yes', 'omit-xml-declaration' => 'yes'));
     $template = new XMLElement('xsl:template');
     $template->setAttribute('match', '/');
     $instruction = new XMLElement('xsl:copy-of');
     // Namespaces
     if (isset($this->dsParamFILTERS) && is_array($this->dsParamFILTERS)) {
         foreach ($this->dsParamFILTERS as $name => $uri) {
             $instruction->setAttribute('xmlns' . ($name ? ":{$name}" : null), $uri);
     // XPath
     $instruction->setAttribute('select', $this->dsParamXPATH);
     $xsl = $stylesheet->generate(true);
     $cache_id = md5($this->dsParamURL . serialize($this->dsParamFILTERS) . $this->dsParamXPATH);
     $cache = new Cacheable(Symphony::Database());
     $cachedData = $cache->read($cache_id);
     $writeToCache = false;
     $valid = true;
     $creation = DateTimeObj::get('c');
     $timeout = isset($this->dsParamTIMEOUT) ? (int) max(1, $this->dsParamTIMEOUT) : 6;
     // Execute if the cache doesn't exist, or if it is old.
     if (!is_array($cachedData) || empty($cachedData) || time() - $cachedData['creation'] > $this->dsParamCACHE * 60) {
         if (Mutex::acquire($cache_id, $timeout, TMP)) {
             $ch = new Gateway();
             $ch->setopt('TIMEOUT', $timeout);
             $ch->setopt('HTTPHEADER', array('Accept: text/xml, */*'));
             $data = $ch->exec();
             $info = $ch->getInfoLast();
             Mutex::release($cache_id, TMP);
             $data = trim($data);
             $writeToCache = true;
             // Handle any response that is not a 200, or the content type does not include XML, plain or text
             if ((int) $info['http_code'] !== 200 || !preg_match('/(xml|plain|text)/i', $info['content_type'])) {
                 $writeToCache = false;
                 $result->setAttribute('valid', 'false');
                 // 28 is CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED
                 if ($info['curl_error'] == 28) {
                     $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', sprintf('Request timed out. %d second limit reached.', $timeout)));
                 } else {
                     $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', sprintf('Status code %d was returned. Content-type: %s', $info['http_code'], $info['content_type'])));
                 return $result;
                 // Handle where there is `$data`
             } elseif (strlen($data) > 0) {
                 // If the XML doesn't validate..
                 if (!General::validateXML($data, $errors, false, new XsltProcess())) {
                     $writeToCache = false;
                 // If the `$data` is invalid, return a result explaining why
                 if ($writeToCache === false) {
                     $element = new XMLElement('errors');
                     $result->setAttribute('valid', 'false');
                     $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Data returned is invalid.')));
                     foreach ($errors as $e) {
                         if (strlen(trim($e['message'])) == 0) {
                         $element->appendChild(new XMLElement('item', General::sanitize($e['message'])));
                     return $result;
                 // If `$data` is empty, set the `force_empty_result` to true.
             } elseif (strlen($data) == 0) {
                 $this->_force_empty_result = true;
             // Failed to acquire a lock
         } else {
             $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('The %s class failed to acquire a lock, check that %s exists and is writable.', array('<code>Mutex</code>', '<code>' . TMP . '</code>'))));
         // The cache is good, use it!
     } else {
         $data = trim($cachedData['data']);
         $creation = DateTimeObj::get('c', $cachedData['creation']);
     // If `$writeToCache` is set to false, invalidate the old cache if it existed.
     if (is_array($cachedData) && !empty($cachedData) && $writeToCache === false) {
         $data = trim($cachedData['data']);
         $valid = false;
         $creation = DateTimeObj::get('c', $cachedData['creation']);
         if (empty($data)) {
             $this->_force_empty_result = true;
     // If `force_empty_result` is false and `$result` is an instance of
     // XMLElement, build the `$result`.
     if (!$this->_force_empty_result && is_object($result)) {
         $proc = new XsltProcess();
         $ret = $proc->process($data, $xsl);
         if ($proc->isErrors()) {
             $result->setAttribute('valid', 'false');
             $error = new XMLElement('error', __('Transformed XML is invalid.'));
             $element = new XMLElement('errors');
             foreach ($proc->getError() as $e) {
                 if (strlen(trim($e['message'])) == 0) {
                 $element->appendChild(new XMLElement('item', General::sanitize($e['message'])));
         } elseif (strlen(trim($ret)) == 0) {
             $this->_force_empty_result = true;
         } else {
             if ($writeToCache) {
                 $cache->write($cache_id, $data, $this->dsParamCACHE);
             $result->setValue(PHP_EOL . str_repeat("\t", 2) . preg_replace('/([\\r\\n]+)/', "\$1\t", $ret));
             $result->setAttribute('status', $valid === true ? 'fresh' : 'stale');
             $result->setAttribute('creation', $creation);
     return $result;
 public function execute(array &$param_pool = null)
     $result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);
     // When DS is called out of the Frontend context, this will enable
     // {$root} and {$workspace} parameters to be evaluated
     if (empty($this->_env)) {
         $this->_env['env']['pool'] = array('root' => URL, 'workspace' => WORKSPACE);
     try {
         require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.gateway.php';
         require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php';
         require_once CORE . '/class.cacheable.php';
         $this->dsParamURL = $this->parseParamURL($this->dsParamURL);
         if (isset($this->dsParamXPATH)) {
             $this->dsParamXPATH = $this->__processParametersInString(stripslashes($this->dsParamXPATH), $this->_env);
         // Builds a Default Stylesheet to transform the resulting XML with
         $stylesheet = new XMLElement('xsl:stylesheet');
         $stylesheet->setAttributeArray(array('version' => '1.0', 'xmlns:xsl' => ''));
         $output = new XMLElement('xsl:output');
         $output->setAttributeArray(array('method' => 'xml', 'version' => '1.0', 'encoding' => 'utf-8', 'indent' => 'yes', 'omit-xml-declaration' => 'yes'));
         $template = new XMLElement('xsl:template');
         $template->setAttribute('match', '/');
         $instruction = new XMLElement('xsl:copy-of');
         // Namespaces
         if (isset($this->dsParamNAMESPACES) && is_array($this->dsParamNAMESPACES)) {
             foreach ($this->dsParamNAMESPACES as $name => $uri) {
                 $instruction->setAttribute('xmlns' . ($name ? ":{$name}" : null), $uri);
         // XPath
         $instruction->setAttribute('select', $this->dsParamXPATH);
         $xsl = $stylesheet->generate(true);
         // Check for an existing Cache for this Datasource
         $cache_id = self::buildCacheID($this);
         $cache = Symphony::ExtensionManager()->getCacheProvider('remotedatasource');
         $cachedData = $cache->check($cache_id);
         $writeToCache = null;
         $isCacheValid = true;
         $creation = DateTimeObj::get('c');
         // Execute if the cache doesn't exist, or if it is old.
         if (!is_array($cachedData) || empty($cachedData) || time() - $cachedData['creation'] > $this->dsParamCACHE * 60) {
             if (Mutex::acquire($cache_id, $this->dsParamTIMEOUT, TMP)) {
                 $ch = new Gateway();
                 $ch->setopt('TIMEOUT', $this->dsParamTIMEOUT);
                 // Set the approtiate Accept: headers depending on the format of the URL.
                 if ($this->dsParamFORMAT == 'xml') {
                     $ch->setopt('HTTPHEADER', array('Accept: text/xml, */*'));
                 } elseif ($this->dsParamFORMAT == 'json') {
                     $ch->setopt('HTTPHEADER', array('Accept: application/json, */*'));
                 } elseif ($this->dsParamFORMAT == 'csv') {
                     $ch->setopt('HTTPHEADER', array('Accept: text/csv, */*'));
                 $data = $ch->exec();
                 $info = $ch->getInfoLast();
                 Mutex::release($cache_id, TMP);
                 $data = trim($data);
                 $writeToCache = true;
                 // Handle any response that is not a 200, or the content type does not include XML, JSON, plain or text
                 if ((int) $info['http_code'] != 200 || !preg_match('/(xml|json|csv|plain|text)/i', $info['content_type'])) {
                     $writeToCache = false;
                     $result->setAttribute('valid', 'false');
                     // 28 is CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED
                     if ($info['curl_error'] == 28) {
                         $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', sprintf('Request timed out. %d second limit reached.', $timeout)));
                     } else {
                         $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', sprintf('Status code %d was returned. Content-type: %s', $info['http_code'], $info['content_type'])));
                     return $result;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($data) > 0) {
                         // Handle where there is `$data`
                         // If it's JSON, convert it to XML
                         if ($this->dsParamFORMAT == 'json') {
                             try {
                                 require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.json.php';
                                 $data = JSON::convertToXML($data);
                             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                                 $writeToCache = false;
                                 $errors = array(array('message' => $ex->getMessage()));
                         } elseif ($this->dsParamFORMAT == 'csv') {
                             try {
                                 require_once EXTENSIONS . '/remote_datasource/lib/class.csv.php';
                                 $data = CSV::convertToXML($data);
                             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                                 $writeToCache = false;
                                 $errors = array(array('message' => $ex->getMessage()));
                         } elseif ($this->dsParamFORMAT == 'txt') {
                             $txtElement = new XMLElement('entry');
                             $data = $txtElement->generate();
                             $txtElement = null;
                         } else {
                             if (!General::validateXML($data, $errors, false, new XsltProcess())) {
                                 // If the XML doesn't validate..
                                 $writeToCache = false;
                         // If the `$data` is invalid, return a result explaining why
                         if ($writeToCache === false) {
                             $error = new XMLElement('errors');
                             $error->setAttribute('valid', 'false');
                             $error->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Data returned is invalid.')));
                             foreach ($errors as $e) {
                                 if (strlen(trim($e['message'])) == 0) {
                                 $error->appendChild(new XMLElement('item', General::sanitize($e['message'])));
                             return $result;
                     } elseif (strlen($data) == 0) {
                         // If `$data` is empty, set the `force_empty_result` to true.
                         $this->_force_empty_result = true;
             } else {
                 // Failed to acquire a lock
                 $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('The %s class failed to acquire a lock.', array('<code>Mutex</code>'))));
         } else {
             // The cache is good, use it!
             $data = trim($cachedData['data']);
             $creation = DateTimeObj::get('c', $cachedData['creation']);
         // Visit the data
         // If `$writeToCache` is set to false, invalidate the old cache if it existed.
         if (is_array($cachedData) && !empty($cachedData) && $writeToCache === false) {
             $data = trim($cachedData['data']);
             $isCacheValid = false;
             $creation = DateTimeObj::get('c', $cachedData['creation']);
             if (empty($data)) {
                 $this->_force_empty_result = true;
         // If `force_empty_result` is false and `$result` is an instance of
         // XMLElement, build the `$result`.
         if (!$this->_force_empty_result && is_object($result)) {
             $proc = new XsltProcess();
             $ret = $proc->process($data, $xsl);
             if ($proc->isErrors()) {
                 $result->setAttribute('valid', 'false');
                 $error = new XMLElement('error', __('Transformed XML is invalid.'));
                 $errors = new XMLElement('errors');
                 foreach ($proc->getError() as $e) {
                     if (strlen(trim($e['message'])) == 0) {
                     $errors->appendChild(new XMLElement('item', General::sanitize($e['message'])));
                 $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('raw-data', General::wrapInCDATA($data)));
             } elseif (strlen(trim($ret)) == 0) {
                 $this->_force_empty_result = true;
             } else {
                 if ($this->dsParamCACHE > 0 && $writeToCache) {
                     $cache->write($cache_id, $data, $this->dsParamCACHE);
                 $result->setValue(PHP_EOL . str_repeat("\t", 2) . preg_replace('/([\\r\\n]+)/', "\$1\t", $ret));
                 $result->setAttribute('status', $isCacheValid === true ? 'fresh' : 'stale');
                 $result->setAttribute('cache-id', $cache_id);
                 $result->setAttribute('creation', $creation);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', $e->getMessage()));
     if ($this->_force_empty_result) {
         $result = $this->emptyXMLSet();
     $result->setAttribute('url', General::sanitize($this->dsParamURL));
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
            if (empty($xml)) {
                $this->_force_empty_result = true;
        } else {
            $this->_force_empty_result = true;
} else {
    $xml = trim($cachedData['data']);
    $creation = DateTimeObj::get('c', $cachedData['creation']);
// If `force_empty_result` is false and `$result` is not an instance of
// XMLElement, build the `$result`.
if (!$this->_force_empty_result && is_object($result)) {
    $proc = new XsltProcess();
    $ret = $proc->process($xml, $xsl);
    if ($proc->isErrors()) {
        $result->setAttribute('valid', 'false');
        $error = new XMLElement('error', __('XML returned is invalid.'));
        $element = new XMLElement('errors');
        foreach ($proc->getError() as $e) {
            if (strlen(trim($e['message'])) == 0) {
            $element->appendChild(new XMLElement('item', General::sanitize($e['message'])));
    } else {
        if (strlen(trim($ret)) == 0) {
            $this->_force_empty_result = true;
  * Parse the indexable content for an entry
  * @param int $entry
  * @param int $section
 public function indexEntry($entry, $section, $check_filters = TRUE)
     if (is_object($entry)) {
         $entry = $entry->get('id');
     if (is_object($section)) {
         $section = $section->get('id');
     // get a list of sections that have indexing enabled
     $indexed_sections = self::getIndexes();
     // go no further if this section isn't being indexed
     if (!isset($indexed_sections[$section])) {
     // delete existing index for this entry
     // get the current section index config
     $section_index = $indexed_sections[$section];
     // only pass entries through filters if we need to. If entry is being sent
     // from the Re-Index AJAX it has already gone through filtering, so no need here
     if ($check_filters === TRUE) {
         if (self::$_where == NULL || self::$_joins == NULL) {
             // modified from class.datasource.php
             // create filters and build SQL required for each
             if (is_array($section_index['filters']) && !empty($section_index['filters'])) {
                 foreach ($section_index['filters'] as $field_id => $filter) {
                     if (is_array($filter) && empty($filter) || trim($filter) == '') {
                     if (!is_array($filter)) {
                         $filter_type = DataSource::__determineFilterType($filter);
                         $value = preg_split('/' . ($filter_type == DS_FILTER_AND ? '\\+' : ',') . '\\s*/', $filter, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                         $value = array_map('trim', $value);
                     } else {
                         $value = $filter;
                     $field = self::$_entry_manager->fieldManager->fetch($field_id);
                     $field->buildDSRetrivalSQL($value, $joins, $where, $filter_type == DS_FILTER_AND ? TRUE : FALSE);
             self::$_where = $where;
             self::$_joins = $joins;
         // run entry though filters
         $entry_prefilter = self::$_entry_manager->fetch($entry, $section, 1, 0, self::$_where, self::$_joins, FALSE, FALSE);
         // if no entry found, it didn't pass the pre-filtering
         if (empty($entry_prefilter)) {
         // if entry passes filtering, pass entry_id as a DS filter to the EntryXMLDataSource DS
         $entry = reset($entry_prefilter);
         $entry = $entry['id'];
     if (!is_array($entry)) {
         $entry = array($entry);
     // create a DS and filter on System ID of the current entry to build the entry's XML
     #$ds = new EntryXMLDataSource(Administration::instance(), NULL, FALSE);
     self::$_entry_xml_datasource->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = $indexed_sections[$section]['fields'];
     self::$_entry_xml_datasource->dsParamFILTERS['id'] = implode(',', $entry);
     self::$_entry_xml_datasource->dsSource = (string) $section;
     $param_pool = array();
     $entry_xml = self::$_entry_xml_datasource->grab($param_pool);
     require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php';
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($entry_xml->generate());
     require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.extensionmanager.php';
     require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.fieldmanager.php';
     $fieldManager = new FieldManager($this);
     $extensionManager = new ExtensionManager($this);
     $status = $extensionManager->fetchStatus('multilanguage');
     $multilingualFields = array();
     $languages = array();
     if ($status == EXTENSION_ENABLED) {
         // Check if this section has multilingual fields:
         $results = Symphony::Database()->fetch('SELECT `element_name` FROM `tbl_fields` WHERE `parent_section` = ' . $section . ' AND `multilanguage` = 1;');
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $multilingualFields[] = $result['element_name'];
         $languages = explode(',', file_get_contents(MANIFEST . '/multilanguage-languages'));
     foreach ($xml->xpath("//entry") as $entry_xml) {
         // get text value of the entry (default behaviour)
         $proc = new XsltProcess();
         $data = $proc->process($entry_xml->asXML(), file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/search_index/lib/parse-entry.xsl'));
         $dataLanguages = array();
         foreach ($languages as $language) {
             foreach ($entry_xml->children() as $child) {
                 $name = $child->getName();
                 if (in_array($name, $multilingualFields)) {
                     // Bingo!
                     // Get the correct value for this item:
                     $field_id = $fieldManager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName($name);
                     $entry_id = $entry_xml->attributes()->id;
                     $values = Symphony::Database()->fetch('SELECT * FROM `tbl_multilanguage_values` WHERE `id_entry` = ' . $entry_id . ' AND `id_field` = ' . $field_id . ' AND `language` = \'' . $language . '\';');
                     if (count($values) >= 1) {
                         // Value found:
                         foreach ($values as $value) {
                             switch ($value['field_name']) {
                                 case 'value':
                                     $entry_xml->{$name} = $value['value'];
             // Store it:
             $proc = new XsltProcess();
             $dataLanguages[$language] = $proc->process($entry_xml->asXML(), file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/search_index/lib/parse-entry.xsl'));
         self::saveEntryIndex((int) $entry_xml->attributes()->id, $section, $data, $dataLanguages);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function render_panel($context)
     $config = $context['config'];
     switch ($context['type']) {
         case 'datasource_to_table':
             $ds = DatasourceManager::create($config['datasource'], NULL, false);
             if (!$ds) {
                 $context['panel']->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', __('The Data Source with the name <code>%s</code> could not be found.', array($config['datasource']))));
             $param_pool = array();
             $xml = $ds->grab($param_pool);
             if (!$xml) {
             $xml = $xml->generate();
             require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php';
             $proc = new XsltProcess();
             $data = $proc->process($xml, file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/dashboard/lib/datasource-to-table.xsl'));
             $context['panel']->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', $data));
         case 'rss_reader':
             require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.gateway.php';
             require_once CORE . '/class.cacheable.php';
             $cache_id = md5('rss_reader_cache' . $config['url']);
             $cache = new Cacheable(Administration::instance()->Database());
             $data = $cache->check($cache_id);
             if (!$data) {
                 $ch = new Gateway();
                 $ch->setopt('URL', $config['url']);
                 $ch->setopt('TIMEOUT', 6);
                 $new_data = $ch->exec();
                 $writeToCache = true;
                 if ((int) $config['cache'] > 0) {
                     $cache->write($cache_id, $new_data, $config['cache']);
                 $xml = $new_data;
                 if (empty($xml) && $data) {
                     $xml = $data['data'];
             } else {
                 $xml = $data['data'];
             if (!$xml) {
                 $xml = '<error>' . __('Error: could not retrieve panel XML feed.') . '</error>';
             require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php';
             $proc = new XsltProcess();
             $data = $proc->process($xml, file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/dashboard/lib/rss-reader.xsl'), array('show' => $config['show']));
             $context['panel']->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', $data));
         case 'html_block':
             require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.gateway.php';
             require_once CORE . '/class.cacheable.php';
             $cache_id = md5('html_block_' . $config['url']);
             $cache = new Cacheable(Administration::instance()->Database());
             $data = $cache->check($cache_id);
             if (!$data) {
                 $ch = new Gateway();
                 $ch->setopt('URL', $config['url']);
                 $ch->setopt('TIMEOUT', 6);
                 $new_data = $ch->exec();
                 $writeToCache = true;
                 if ((int) $config['cache'] > 0) {
                     $cache->write($cache_id, $new_data, $config['cache']);
                 $html = $new_data;
                 if (empty($html) && $data) {
                     $html = $data['data'];
             } else {
                 $html = $data['data'];
             if (!$html) {
                 $html = '<p class="invalid">' . __('Error: could not retrieve panel HTML.') . '</p>';
             $context['panel']->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', $html));
         case 'symphony_overview':
             $container = new XMLElement('div');
             $dl = new XMLElement('dl');
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', __('Website Name')));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', Symphony::Configuration()->get('sitename', 'general')));
             $current_version = Symphony::Configuration()->get('version', 'symphony');
             require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.gateway.php';
             $ch = new Gateway();
             $ch->setopt('URL', '');
             $ch->setopt('TIMEOUT', $timeout);
             $repo_tags = $ch->exec();
             // tags request found
             if (is_array($repo_tags)) {
                 $repo_tags = json_decode($repo_tags);
                 $tags = array();
                 foreach ($repo_tags as $tag) {
                     // remove tags that contain strings
                     if (preg_match('/[a-zA]/i', $tag->name)) {
                     $tags[] = $tag->name;
                 $latest_version = reset($tags);
             } else {
                 $latest_version = $current_version;
             $needs_update = version_compare($latest_version, $current_version, '>');
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', __('Version')));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', $current_version . ($needs_update ? ' (<a href="' . $latest_version . '/">' . __('Latest is %s', array($latest_version)) . "</a>)" : '')));
             $container->appendChild(new XMLElement('h4', __('Configuration')));
             $entries = 0;
             foreach (SectionManager::fetch() as $section) {
                 $entries += EntryManager::fetchCount($section->get('id'));
             $dl = new XMLElement('dl');
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', __('Sections')));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', (string) count(SectionManager::fetch())));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', __('Entries')));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', (string) $entries));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', __('Data Sources')));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', (string) count(DatasourceManager::listAll())));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', __('Events')));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', (string) count(EventManager::listAll())));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', __('Pages')));
             $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', (string) count(PageManager::fetch())));
             $container->appendChild(new XMLElement('h4', __('Statistics')));
         case 'markdown_text':
             $formatter = TextformatterManager::create($config['formatter']);
             $html = $formatter->run($config['text']);
             $context['panel']->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', $html));
Ejemplo n.º 10
	* Parse the indexable content for an entry
	* @param int $entry
	* @param int $section
	public function indexEntry($entry, $section) {
		if (is_object($entry)) $entry = $entry->get('id');
		if (is_object($section)) $section = $section->get('id');
		// get a list of sections that have indexing enabled
		$indexed_sections = self::getIndexes();
		// go no further if this section isn't being indexed
		if (!isset($indexed_sections[$section])) return;

		// delete existing index for this entry
		// get the current section index config
		$section_index = $indexed_sections[$section];
		// modified from class.datasource.php
		// create filters and build SQL required for each
		if(is_array($section_index['filters']) && !empty($section_index['filters'])) {				
			foreach($section_index['filters'] as $field_id => $filter){

				if((is_array($filter) && empty($filter)) || trim($filter) == '') continue;

					$filter_type = DataSource::__determineFilterType($filter);
					$value = preg_split('/'.($filter_type == DS_FILTER_AND ? '\+' : ',').'\s*/', $filter, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);			
					$value = array_map('trim', $value);
				} else {
					$value = $filter;

				$field = self::$_entry_manager->fieldManager->fetch($field_id);
				$field->buildDSRetrivalSQL($value, $joins, $where, ($filter_type == DS_FILTER_AND ? TRUE : FALSE));

		// run entry though filters
		$entry_prefilter = self::$_entry_manager->fetch($entry, $section, 1, 0, $where, $joins, FALSE, FALSE);
		// if no entry found, it didn't pass the pre-filtering
		if (empty($entry_prefilter)) return;
		// if entry passes filtering, pass entry_id as a DS filter to the EntryXMLDataSource DS
		$entry = reset($entry_prefilter);
		$entry = $entry['id'];
		// create a DS and filter on System ID of the current entry to build the entry's XML			
		$ds = new EntryXMLDataSource(Administration::instance(), NULL, FALSE);
		$ds->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = $indexed_sections[$section]['fields'];
		$ds->dsParamFILTERS['id'] = $entry;
		$ds->dsSource = (string)$section;
		// check if there are multilingual field in the indexes
		$section_multlingual = false;		
		foreach($indexed_sections[$section]['fields'] as $element_name) {
			$field_id = self::$_entry_manager->fieldManager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName($element_name);
			$type = self::$_entry_manager->fieldManager->fetchFieldTypeFromID($field_id);
			if ($type == 'multilingual') {
				$section_multlingual = true;

		if ($section_multlingual) {

			$supported_language_codes = explode(',', General::Sanitize(Symphony::Configuration()->get('languages', 'language_redirect')));
			$supported_language_codes = array_map('trim', $supported_language_codes);
			$supported_language_codes = array_filter($supported_language_codes);
			foreach ($supported_language_codes as $language) {				
				$param_pool = array();
				$ds->dsParamLANGUAGE = $language;
				$entry_xml = $ds->grab($param_pool);
				require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php');
				// get text value of the entry
				$proc = new XsltProcess();
				$data = $proc->process($entry_xml->generate(), file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/search_index/lib/parse-entry.xsl'));
				$data = trim($data);
				self::saveEntryIndex($entry, $section, $data, $language);

		} else {

			$param_pool = array();
			$entry_xml = $ds->grab($param_pool);
			require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php');
			// get text value of the entry
			$proc = new XsltProcess();
			$data = $proc->process($entry_xml->generate(), file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/search_index/lib/parse-entry.xsl'));
			$data = trim($data);
			self::saveEntryIndex($entry, $section, $data);
Ejemplo n.º 11
     * Builds the content view
    public function view()
        // _context[0] => entry values
        // _context[1] => fieldId
        if (!is_array($this->_context) || empty($this->_context)) {
            $this->_Result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Parameters not found')));
        } else {
            if (count($this->_context) < self::NUMBER_OF_URL_PARAMETERS) {
                $this->_Result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Not enough parameters')));
            } else {
                if (count($this->_context) > self::NUMBER_OF_URL_PARAMETERS) {
                    $this->_Result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Too many parameters')));
        $entriesId = explode(',', MySQL::cleanValue($this->_context[0]));
        $entriesId = array_map(array('General', 'intval'), $entriesId);
        if (!is_array($entriesId) || empty($entriesId)) {
            $this->_Result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('No entry no found')));
        $parentFieldId = General::intval($this->_context[1]);
        if ($parentFieldId < 1) {
            $this->_Result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Parent field id not valid')));
        $parentField = $this->fieldManager->fetch($parentFieldId);
        if (!$parentField || empty($parentField)) {
            $this->_Result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Parent field not found')));
        if ($parentField->get('type') != 'entry_relationship') {
            $this->_Result->appendChild(new XMLElement('error', __('Parent field is `%s`, not `entry_relationship`', array($parentField->get('type')))));
        $includedElements = $this->parseIncludedElements($parentField);
        $xmlParams = self::getXmlParams();
        // Get entries one by one since they may belong to
        // different sections, which prevents us from
        // passing an array of entryId.
        foreach ($entriesId as $key => $entryId) {
            $entry = $this->entryManager->fetch($entryId);
            if (empty($entry)) {
                $li = new XMLElement('li', null, array('data-entry-id' => $entryId));
                $header = new XMLElement('header', null, array('class' => 'frame-header'));
                $title = new XMLElement('h4');
                $title->appendChild(new XMLElement('strong', __('Entry %s not found', array($entryId))));
                $options = new XMLElement('div', null, array('class' => 'destructor'));
                if ($parentField->is('allow_link')) {
                    $options->appendChild(new XMLElement('a', __('Un-link'), array('class' => 'unlink', 'data-unlink' => $entryId)));
            } else {
                $entry = $entry[0];
                $entryData = $entry->getData();
                $entrySection = $this->sectionManager->fetch($entry->get('section_id'));
                $entryVisibleFields = $entrySection->fetchVisibleColumns();
                $entryFields = $entrySection->fetchFields();
                $entrySectionHandle = $this->getSectionName($entry, 'handle');
                $li = new XMLElement('li', null, array('data-entry-id' => $entryId, 'data-section' => $entrySectionHandle, 'data-section-id' => $entrySection->get('id')));
                $header = new XMLElement('header', null, array('class' => 'frame-header'));
                $title = new XMLElement('h4');
                $title->appendChild(new XMLElement('strong', $this->getEntryTitle($entry, $entryVisibleFields, $entryFields)));
                $title->appendChild(new XMLElement('span', $this->getSectionName($entry)));
                $options = new XMLElement('div', null, array('class' => 'destructor'));
                if ($parentField->is('allow_edit')) {
                    $title->setAttribute('data-edit', $entryId);
                    $options->appendChild(new XMLElement('a', __('Edit'), array('class' => 'edit', 'data-edit' => $entryId)));
                if ($parentField->is('allow_delete')) {
                    $options->appendChild(new XMLElement('a', __('Delete'), array('class' => 'delete', 'data-delete' => $entryId)));
                if ($parentField->is('allow_link')) {
                    $options->appendChild(new XMLElement('a', __('Replace'), array('class' => 'unlink', 'data-replace' => $entryId)));
                if ($parentField->is('allow_delete') || $parentField->is('allow_link')) {
                    $options->appendChild(new XMLElement('a', __('Un-link'), array('class' => 'unlink', 'data-unlink' => $entryId)));
                $xslFilePath = WORKSPACE . '/er-templates/' . $entrySectionHandle . '.xsl';
                if (!empty($entryData) && !!@file_exists($xslFilePath)) {
                    $xmlData = new XMLElement('data');
                    $xml = new XMLElement('entry');
                    $xml->setAttribute('id', $entryId);
                    foreach ($entryData as $fieldId => $data) {
                        $filteredData = array_filter($data, function ($value) {
                            return $value != null;
                        if (empty($filteredData)) {
                        $field = $entryFields[$fieldId];
                        $fieldName = $field->get('element_name');
                        $fieldIncludedElement = $includedElements[$entrySectionHandle];
                        if (FieldEntry_relationship::isFieldIncluded($fieldName, $fieldIncludedElement)) {
                            $fieldIncludableElements = $field->fetchIncludableElements();
                            if ($field instanceof FieldEntry_relationship) {
                                $fieldIncludableElements = null;
                            if (!empty($fieldIncludableElements) && count($fieldIncludableElements) > 1) {
                                foreach ($fieldIncludableElements as $fieldIncludableElement) {
                                    $submode = preg_replace('/^' . $fieldName . '\\s*\\:\\s*/i', '', $fieldIncludableElement, 1);
                                    $field->appendFormattedElement($xml, $data, false, $submode, $entryId);
                            } else {
                                $field->appendFormattedElement($xml, $data, false, null, $entryId);
                    $indent = false;
                    $mode = $parentField->get('mode');
                    if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
                        $mode = 'debug';
                    if ($mode == 'debug') {
                        $indent = true;
                    $xmlMode = empty($mode) ? '' : 'mode="' . $mode . '"';
                    $xmlString = $xmlData->generate($indent, 0);
                    $xsl = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
						<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
							<xsl:import href="' . str_replace('\\', '/', $xslFilePath) . '"/>
							<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" encoding="UTF-8" indent="no" />
							<xsl:template match="/">
								<xsl:apply-templates select="/data" ' . $xmlMode . ' />
							<xsl:template match="/data" ' . $xmlMode . '>
								<xsl:apply-templates select="entry" ' . $xmlMode . ' />
							<xsl:template match="/data" mode="debug">
								<xsl:copy-of select="/" />
                    $xslt = new XsltProcess();
                    $result = $xslt->process($xmlString, $xsl, $this->params);
                    if ($mode == 'debug') {
                        $result = '<pre><code>' . str_replace('<', '&lt;', str_replace('>', '&gt;', $xmlString)) . '</code></pre>';
                    if ($xslt->isErrors()) {
                        $error = $xslt->getError();
                        $result = $error[1]['message'];
                    if (!!$xslt && strlen($result) > 0) {
                        $content = new XMLElement('div', $result, array('class' => 'content'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Parse the indexable content for an entry
  * @param int $entry
  * @param int $section
 public function indexEntry($entry, $section, $check_filters = TRUE)
     if (is_object($entry)) {
         $entry = $entry->get('id');
     if (is_object($section)) {
         $section = $section->get('id');
     // get a list of sections that have indexing enabled
     $indexed_sections = self::getIndexes();
     // go no further if this section isn't being indexed
     if (!isset($indexed_sections[$section])) {
     // get the current section index config
     $section_index = $indexed_sections[$section];
     // only pass entries through filters if we need to. If entry is being sent
     // from the Re-Index AJAX it has already gone through filtering, so no need here
     if ($check_filters === TRUE) {
         if (self::$_where == NULL || self::$_joins == NULL) {
             // modified from the core's class.datasource.php
             // create filters and build SQL required for each
             if (is_array($section_index['filters']) && !empty($section_index['filters'])) {
                 foreach ($section_index['filters'] as $field_id => $filter) {
                     if (is_array($filter) && empty($filter) || trim($filter) == '') {
                     if (!is_array($filter)) {
                         $filter_type = DataSource::__determineFilterType($filter);
                         $value = preg_split('/' . ($filter_type == DS_FILTER_AND ? '\\+' : '(?<!\\\\),') . '\\s*/', $filter, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                         $value = array_map('trim', $value);
                         $value = array_map(array('Datasource', 'removeEscapedCommas'), $value);
                     } else {
                         $value = $filter;
                     if (!isset($fieldPool[$field_id]) || !is_object($fieldPool[$field_id])) {
                         $fieldPool[$field_id] =& FieldManager::fetch($field_id);
                     if ($field_id != 'id' && !$fieldPool[$field_id] instanceof Field) {
                         throw new Exception(__('Error creating field object with id %1$d, for filtering in data source "%2$s". Check this field exists.', array($field_id, $this->dsParamROOTELEMENT)));
                     if ($field_id == 'id') {
                         $where = " AND `e`.id IN ('" . @implode("', '", $value) . "') ";
                     } else {
                         if (!$fieldPool[$field_id]->buildDSRetrievalSQL($value, $joins, $where, $filter_type == DS_FILTER_AND ? true : false)) {
                             $this->_force_empty_result = true;
                         if (!$group) {
                             $group = $fieldPool[$field_id]->requiresSQLGrouping();
             self::$_where = $where;
             self::$_joins = $joins;
         // run entry though filters
         $entry_prefilter = EntryManager::fetch($entry, $section, 1, 0, self::$_where, self::$_joins, FALSE, FALSE);
         // if no entry found, it didn't pass the pre-filtering
         if (empty($entry_prefilter)) {
         // if entry passes filtering, pass entry_id as a DS filter to the EntryXMLDataSource DS
         $entry = reset($entry_prefilter);
         $entry = $entry['id'];
     if (!is_array($entry)) {
         $entry = array($entry);
     // create a DS and filter on System ID of the current entry to build the entry's XML
     self::$_entry_xml_datasource->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = $indexed_sections[$section]['fields'];
     self::$_entry_xml_datasource->dsParamFILTERS['id'] = implode(',', $entry);
     self::$_entry_xml_datasource->dsSource = (string) $section;
     $param_pool = array();
     $entry_xml = self::$_entry_xml_datasource->grab($param_pool);
     require_once TOOLKIT . '/class.xsltprocess.php';
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($entry_xml->generate());
     foreach ($xml->xpath("//entry") as $entry_xml) {
         $entry_id = (int) $entry_xml->attributes()->id;
         // delete existing index for this entry
         // get text value of the entry
         $proc = new XsltProcess();
         $data = $proc->process($entry_xml->asXML(), file_get_contents(EXTENSIONS . '/search_index/lib/parse-entry.xsl'));
         $data = trim($data);
         self::saveEntryIndex($entry_id, $section, $data);